01-07-2007, 02:06 AM
I watched the premier of Afro Samurai on Spike TV last Thursday. It stars Samuel L. Jackson. The premise is interesting enough. It part revenge, part wild west,(with plenty of swords, guns, a RPG, who knows what else) Its pretty violent, hence the late night never to be seen on Saturday morning cartoons or even Adult Swim schedule.(And that says ALOT!).

Has anyone else seen it? Any one else have thoughts on this one?

01-12-2007, 02:02 AM
I thought it was pretty good. #2 or whatever his name is, reminds me of Mugen from Samurai Champloo.

Atom Narmor
01-12-2007, 03:31 AM
I don't like It's gimicky feel. Realy man, It's stereo typical as all others dealing with a black character. I'm as disgusted as I am amused and I haven't even seen it yet.

01-12-2007, 04:40 AM
I thought it was cool. But yeah, it was violent.

I don't know if they showed episode 2, but....If so, I think I missed it.

I'm happy to know that it is an ANIME, and not something created from America.

AtomNamor, if you haven't seen it, don't be so foolish to judge first. *smacks.*
Go watch it, dummy!

01-12-2007, 04:41 AM
x_x evil double post. gomen ne.

Atom Narmor
01-12-2007, 08:04 AM
AtomNamor, if you haven't seen it, don't be so foolish to judge first. *smacks.*

Go watch it, dummy!

Blood gush and extremism's? I feel bad for ever being entertained by it Mrs. Chibi. I just spotted the #2 episode. Look at the title though, it's me. If it isn't to you then that's cool, I guess but why can't he just be a damn samurai? Make the title his name or somethin'. They always exploit and It's a smack in the face. I.e. He can't just be a lawyer, he's also a basketball coach with a son in trouble with the law. Whatever, lol. You know what I mean.

Popo hater
01-12-2007, 11:46 PM
I want to see blood splattered on an afro puff. I gots to see this, I saw the trailers but forgot about it cause it's cold up in this shit right now. I will stop looking up Ask a ninja videos to watch it now.

01-20-2007, 07:02 AM
I saw all three episodes they've showed, and I'm addicted to it. Maybe I'm easily amused by all the violence, but it's pretty cool to me. AND this doesn't seem like it'll be a series that drags on for 252 episodes, which is always a plus.

01-20-2007, 08:06 PM
I saw all three episodes they've showed, and I'm addicted to it. Maybe I'm easily amused by all the violence, but it's pretty cool to me. AND this doesn't seem like it'll be a series that drags on for 252 episodes, which is always a plus.

It's only five episodes ^^
I too am addicted to it.... any thoughts on NinjaNinja, Afro's sidekick. is it just me, or does he seem to be a figment of Afro's imagination? In the second episode when Afro is in Okiku's, she never once mentions NinjaNinja... and he's never around when there are other people present. He's a complete polar opposite of Afro. the only thing that may prove me wrong is that in this week's episode, when the Brotherhood were watching Afro through the binoculars, NinjaNinja was visible.
Any thoughts?

01-21-2007, 05:55 AM
It's only five episodes ^^
I too am addicted to it.... any thoughts on NinjaNinja, Afro's sidekick. is it just me, or does he seem to be a figment of Afro's imagination? In the second episode when Afro is in Okiku's, she never once mentions NinjaNinja... and he's never around when there are other people present. He's a complete polar opposite of Afro. the only thing that may prove me wrong is that in this week's episode, when the Brotherhood were watching Afro through the binoculars, NinjaNinja was visible.
Any thoughts?

Only five? That's both good and bad. I prefer a series to be around 10 episodes or so. Oh well.

As for NinjaNinja, dunno. There are things that made me wonder about him... Though, not being around when people are around could just be him being a ninja. As for Okiku, I was playing my PSP during that episode, so I couldn't tell if NinjaNinja was even in the building, or just hanging out outside.

There is one more thing that could mean he's just a figment of Afro's imagination. The fact that he survived that explosion on the bridge when the Afro-Droid blew up, and was basically unharmed... Hrrmm...

01-22-2007, 03:29 PM
The only times he showed himself at Okiku's house was when she left the room to left Afro sleep, and NinjaNinja suddenly appeared haning from a moving block of wood that was suspended from the attic.... looked like a pendulum for a clock (not sure though); he was only there for a couple of minutes before scrambling back up the wood and into the attic. The second time he showed himself there was after Afro saw Okiku bathing in the pond. Afro went back to the house and Ninja Ninja was going on and on about having sex with her. Afro threatened him and the Ninja Ninja said he was going to have her.... and shortly after, Afro sleeps with her.
And he does have a knack for not getting hurt (the bridge blowing up, he and Afro falling off a cliff at the end of episode 2....)

Atom Narmor
02-03-2007, 07:49 AM
As for NinjaNinja, dunno. There are things that made me wonder about him... Though, not being around when people are around could just be him being a ninja. As for Okiku, I was playing my PSP during that episode, so I couldn't tell if NinjaNinja was even in the building, or just hanging out outside.

There is one more thing that could mean he's just a figment of Afro's imagination. The fact that he survived that explosion on the bridge when the Afro-Droid blew up, and was basically unharmed... Hrrmm...

Ninja Ninja is a repressed part of Afro's persona. It is all the pent in humor and attitude, lack of discipline and absence of friendship in his life.

Fro obtained the #1 headband.

02-04-2007, 09:36 PM
[QUOTE=AtomNarmor;743351]Ninja Ninja is a repressed part of Afro's persona. It is all the pent in humor and attitude, lack of discipline and absence of friendship in his life.

Well, the last episode pretty much proved he was a figment of imagination when Justice actually said "I even chuckled as you lost your imaginary friend." (Or something to that effect)

My best expanation is: He exists, but he's not real. Like, he's physically there, but he's not actually a real person.

Also, I figured he wasn't real when during episode 4, he showed up right after the dojo got slaughtered and he got back the #2 headband.

02-05-2007, 06:24 PM

03-27-2007, 11:18 PM
Tomorrow on spike TV the movie which is basically all 5 episodes rolled in to one will air from 9:30 to 11:30.

Youkai KYS
03-29-2007, 03:05 AM
i only watched the first episode, and i was pretty overwhelmed with all the gory violence.
and the action reminded me very much of samurai champloo.
i'm not crazy about it, although the part with samuel l. jackson's voice is pretty cool.