01-06-2007, 07:39 PM
Alright.. so..

I played it had a hard time with the controls, but... what I'm wondering is if this game is seriously something that has to be played. I've gotten a few nintendo systems already as it is JUST for Zelda. Is Twilight Princess worth buying a new system for?

01-06-2007, 07:51 PM
Just get the Gamecube version.

01-06-2007, 07:56 PM
I don't have a gamecube anymore either. If I'm gonna spend money on a system, I'd like an upgrade.. if you can understand.. meaning I don't just want to buy another gamecube if the game isn't worth it. I'm also hoping I can get my wife hooked on some of the games using the motion sensing attributes of the controller.

01-06-2007, 08:03 PM
No, I can't understand, sorry.

01-06-2007, 09:58 PM
well.. then hopefully someone with more intelligence posts here.

jewess crabcake
01-06-2007, 10:00 PM
Oooooooh... Oh no he di'nt!

01-06-2007, 10:05 PM
well.. i do tire of asking a legit question and someone coming back with a retarded answer that.. doesn't answer the question.

Get a Gamecube.... hmm.... I didn't ask about the gamecube.. I asked about the Wii.

jewess crabcake
01-06-2007, 10:25 PM
It's simple get a Wii, I mean you said you want to get your wife hooked on movement capturing games, do it for her, partially, plus games gameplay usually get easier if you have access to it every day. My guess you sampled it in a store or a friends house and was like, wow the controls are rigid. The controls get easier if you play a lot. Plus I suggest you don't get a system for one game only choose a system that appeals to your likings.

01-06-2007, 10:43 PM
Get a Gamecube.... hmm.... I didn't ask about the gamecube.. I asked about the Wii.
Well, first off, I didn't tell you to get a Gamecube, I told you to get Twilight Princess for that system. Assuming you'd most likely have a Gamecube because alot of people do these days and you mentioned you had other Nintendo systems without stating them. That was my only mistake, contributing from your lack of clarification, I fail to see how retarded it actually is.

well.. i do tire of asking a legit question and someone coming back with a retarded answer that.. doesn't answer the question.
I probably would've answered with some actual advice but the fact that you just had to throw in the smartass comment about understanding, that's all you're going to get from me. Treat me like a child and that's exactly what you'll recieve.

01-06-2007, 11:04 PM
If you don't smart ass remarks towards you, perhaps you shouldn't give retarded answers to people who ask questions.. I'm done with you. Seriously.. I'm just ignoring any further responses from you Twilight.. you've proven yourself to be a people hating retard with no patience towards anyone who asks a question they don't know anything about. Assumption only makes you look like a fool. Caio!

Smarties... That actually is an answer that I was looking more for than anything else. I'm afraid that my wife won't be able to get into it, and after sampling the in-store copy of Zelda, you're absolutely right.. the controls were rigid and I had to do more thinking as to what combination of movement did what. I was actually TIRED after playing it the 20 minutes I did. LOL.

But.. I'm wondering if the game itself is worth it. If it lives up to the standards that previous Zelda titles gave to its audiences. I have always loved Zelda. I saw a huge G4 review for it and was amazed to see what I did, but at the same time I saw other things that made me scratch my head and go.. hmmm....


01-06-2007, 11:04 PM
Is Twilight Princess worth getting a Wii for?
$300 for a game that's not even the best in the series isn't worth it.

However, if you're interested in other games coming out for the system as well as all its other features (and it sounds like you do have SOME interest in it), then it might be worth picking up.

The GCN version is absolute trash compared to the Wii version.

01-06-2007, 11:24 PM
If you don't smart ass remarks towards you, perhaps you shouldn't give retarded answers to people who ask questions.. I'm done with you.
I can quote myself and answer this nonsense, but I'll recap with some key phrases:

That was my only mistake, contributing from your lack of clarification, I fail to see how retarded it actually is.

Treat me like a child and that's exactly what you'll recieve.
Not to mention how my initial response isn't even bad, it's an honest response. This is pretty amusing though. But awesome nonetheless, gogo ignore function. Works like a charm. That is all, back to my Ghost in the Shell marathon.

01-07-2007, 01:19 AM
... the controls were rigid and I had to do more thinking as to what combination of movement did what. I was actually TIRED after playing it the 20 minutes I did. LOL.

Did you actually have to put that 'LOL' there? It singlehandedly destroyed your post. I mean, noone would laugh after that. They'd cry, maybe.

01-07-2007, 02:07 AM
the controls are fine once you get used to them, i never found myself tired with them, maybe its the novelty factor thats wearing you out. like pt/3m said, it isnt the best of the series. get it and the wii if you intend to get a wii anyways. otherwise don't.

01-07-2007, 02:17 AM
Can everyone put their egos away, please?

Personally, I think Twilight Princess is worth initially getting a Wii for. I've played every Zelda game (except Wind Waker), and none of them have hooked me the way Twilight Princess did; I played for about three hours every day until I finished it.

The controls really do have a learning curve, in the same way that using a keyboard and mouse combo for FPS' on the computer have a learning curve. Once you get the controls down (after the first dungeon), you won't have to think about them again; they really do feel fluid, and become second nature.

Also, the Wii is excellent socially, too; Wii Sports is probably one of the best pack-ins ever. My wife and I play Wii Tennis all the time, and my friends come around for Wii Golf tournaments. The training and fitness sections are a great way to get used to the motion controls. Also, for sheer minigame fun, Rayman Raving Rabbids is the best party game, ever.

That's three launch titles that will give you hours and hours of playtime; also, if you're a fan of old-school games, the Virtual Console gives you full version old games on the cheap. I've been playing Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario Bros. for the last couple of days, and playing them with the Classic Controller and the Wii-mote (on its side) respectively feels like playing them as they should be played.

Also, other games like Elebits (released in the US, but I haven't had a chance to play it 'cause i'm in Aus) and WarioWare Smooth Moves are either here or just down the road. Later this year Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Paper Mario, and Super Mario Galaxy are all coming out.

Add to the list any GameCube game that you never got a chance to play (i'm still looking for a version of Resident Evil 4 that DOESN'T cost $100, preowned), and the Wii, in my opinion, is definitely value for money.

01-07-2007, 07:27 AM
I did play wind waker.. i had bought a gamecube because of it years ago when it came out. After I finished it sold that badboy back quickly cause I didn't like any other game that came out for it.

Raidenex.. i appreciae your post. That really helps, because I also want to try to get my wife hooked on it. (mainly so she can stop bugging me when i'm playing City of Heroes) That alls ounds great. I can't believe that Resident Evil 4 would cost that much though. I'm not sure I'd want it on the wii anyway.... i like the control scheme for hte PS2 regarding that.

Thanks again for the post. It helped out alot.

01-07-2007, 09:20 AM
(i'm still looking for a version of Resident Evil 4 that DOESN'T cost $100, preowned)

I assume you're talking in AU$, but still that's a huge price o_o

I got a lot of RE4, WW, and Wario World on ebay for $30 US including shipping a couple months ago...

Also, Gilthanos, I'm not sure what you meant about the control scheme for RE4. To play GCN games on the Wii, you need GCN controllers and GCN memory cards.

iconoclastic pastry
01-07-2007, 10:54 AM
It controls better on the cube to me. =\

01-07-2007, 11:01 AM
It controls better on the cube to me. =\

I definitley prefer having control over my camera to having to use Z over and over again, but the ease of spin attacks with the Wii and aiming makes me prefer it sooo much more.

01-07-2007, 04:47 PM
yeah, the wii camera sucks, especially when youre trying to change angle and it keeps zooming in on some enemy =/

01-07-2007, 05:57 PM
ah I did not know you needed GC controllers and what not to play on the Wii. Interesting. :)

THe biggest problem I had with Zelda when I played it for that 20 minutes I did was the camera. Drove me crazy. Couldn't figure out if i could jump or not either. lol

01-07-2007, 08:28 PM
You don't need them unless you want to play GC games on the Wii through its backward compatibility thing.

01-07-2007, 09:59 PM
yeah.. got that. Well.. it would be a good excuse to get windwaker again. and even.. *GASP* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. BOOOOO!!!

01-07-2007, 10:18 PM
yeah, the wii camera sucks, especially when youre trying to change angle and it keeps zooming in on some enemy =/

The only times I died in the game were in the second dungeon, when camera issues made me keep jumping into the lava. :/

01-08-2007, 12:16 AM
Did you actually have to put that 'LOL' there? It singlehandedly destroyed your post. I mean, noone would laugh after that. They'd cry, maybe.

Just thought i'd mention that your high-horse attitude in General Gaming and General RPGs is totally ruining said forums for me. Internet A-Hole personality is old, and we have enough the way it is ;(

To keep this ... wiimotely on topic (lol see what i did there), I want a wii.

01-08-2007, 12:33 AM
THe biggest problem I had with Zelda when I played it for that 20 minutes I did was the camera. Drove me crazy. Couldn't figure out if i could jump or not either. lol

The camera control is very similar to Ocarina of Time; Z-Targeting. As soon as you get used to pulling the Z Trigger every couple of seconds, the camera issues really aren't that bad.

Also, you can't jump in the "PRESS A TO JUMP" sense, but Link will automatically hop over small gaps. And as *MINI-SPOILER FOR ANAL PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T LOOK AT THE MANUAL* Wolf Link, you can do context-sensitive leaps in certain places with the help of Midna. *END ANAL SPOILERS*

Still, while Z-Targeting works fine in this game, I can see camera control being an issue. If I was Ninty, I would have put a 'C-stick' on the Wiimote like the one on the GC controller.

iconoclastic pastry
01-08-2007, 12:54 AM
I definitley prefer having control over my camera to having to use Z over and over again, but the ease of spin attacks with the Wii and aiming makes me prefer it sooo much more.

I was talking about RE4 on the GC as opposed to RE4 on the PS2, not Zelda. =o

I haven't even gotten a chance to play Zelda yet because i'm holding out for a wii and there are no wiis to be found.

01-08-2007, 01:56 AM
I was talking about RE4 on the GC as opposed to RE4 on the PS2, not Zelda. =o

I haven't even gotten a chance to play Zelda yet because i'm holding out for a wii and there are no wiis to be found.

haha well you can see where I might be confused.
I haven't played RE4 on the PS2 but I find it controls well on the GCN, except for the lack of strafing which sucks.

hb smokey
01-08-2007, 03:07 AM
Nice Wii analogy Cassie.

Also just to give another answer to the thread starter's question, if you buy a gamecube, you can't play Wii games. If you buy a Wii, you can play hundreds of additional games plus Wii games. It's a no brainer.

01-09-2007, 10:15 PM
I too prefer to have control over the camera instead of the z targeting. I'm an explorer or worlds when I play and I like to look in the nooks and crannies... oh well.. I guess my poor Z finger will be sore. :P

01-09-2007, 10:58 PM
I want a wii.

01-10-2007, 01:56 AM
I too prefer to have control over the camera instead of the z targeting. I'm an explorer or worlds when I play and I like to look in the nooks and crannies... oh well.. I guess my poor Z finger will be sore. :P

It's not like you can't look around in first person via C... :O

01-10-2007, 04:49 PM
Oh really? see.. I didn't know that... well .. because I haven't played for a really long time so... this is news to me. Sweet.