03-17-2002, 02:05 AM
what do you think of final fantasy being on tv like making episodes of ie:the ff8 characters going on vacation

03-17-2002, 03:17 AM
I think the chances are very slim, but it would be oh-so awesome if it was a TV show of some sort. If they actually aired episodes of what happened after the ending, then that would so relieve me.

03-17-2002, 04:25 AM
I highly doubt it will ever happen. Square said they wouldent make any more movies, so i think TV goes with that.

Moomba chick
03-17-2002, 04:46 AM
well... if they don't make a tv show of it, they should at least make some sort of follow-up game thing, with the charactor's kids or something, it would be great!

03-17-2002, 09:05 AM
There is sort of less an tv show of FF. Anime yes, but still...
Anyway, I would highly doubt such a move will make any profit at all (and believe me, that's the only thing they want to do)
The first problem would be how to make it original, second problem the money, 3rd problem the watchers... they must like it as well, and the reactions on the movie weren't that positive so... who knows how the ppl will react on the show..
Me thinks this will never happen :eye:

Black Mage#1
03-17-2002, 04:36 PM
Don't forget voices!! What if they made Cloud's voice dorky!?!? Or Squalls voice Russian!!??!! OR ZIDANES VOICE HISPANIC!!!!!!!??????!!! ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH it just wouldnt be right!!

03-17-2002, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Black Mage#1
Don't forget voices!! What if they made Cloud's voice dorky!?!? Or Squalls voice Russian!!??!! OR ZIDANES VOICE HISPANIC!!!!!!!??????!!! ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH it just wouldnt be right!! :eek: now that i think about it ...............WHAT IF THEY DID MAKE CLOUDS VOICE DORKY!

03-17-2002, 06:13 PM
its obvious now that the only thing final fantasy is good for is playing.i mean final fantasy games rock but if the anime and movie didn't do too well then i think the show would suck as well.

03-17-2002, 09:55 PM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">This belongs in General FF Discussion... moving it there.

03-17-2002, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Black Mage#1
Don't forget voices!! What if they made Cloud's voice dorky!?!? Or Squalls voice Russian!!??!! OR ZIDANES VOICE HISPANIC!!!!!!!??????!!! ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH it just wouldnt be right!!

THis guy's got it down. Besides, as many of you said, the movie and the anime didn't cut it..why would the show? It may be nice if they ha dan FF7 anime...but to get everything down perfectly...yeah, It's more like a vision rather reality.

.....But between you and me....


Divine Strike
03-17-2002, 11:29 PM
If they did I don't think that it would get very far.

03-18-2002, 01:18 AM
I don't think so. They did very bad with the movie, so I don't think there gonna try anything like that for a while.

Green Arrow
03-18-2002, 02:08 AM
I would think that after the movie bombing (even though I liked it) that they wouldn't plan on making a movie. A series would be somewhat far-fetched, maybe an anime style movie would be the way to go. I mean FF8 and all the others would make for a good movie, but not really a series.

03-18-2002, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover

THis guy's got it down. Besides, as many of you said, the movie and the anime didn't cut it..why would the show? It may be nice if they ha dan FF7 anime...but to get everything down perfectly...yeah, It's more like a vision rather reality.

.....But between you and me....

I say all of ff9 diserves it's own show
crossed with wing commander I mean no cause the kilrathi would reck it all anyways stupid cats

zidane tribal
03-18-2002, 07:36 PM
not in the u.s.....

03-18-2002, 11:28 PM
i could see it happening, but only as a last result. It will probably be the last type of thing Square would do, kind of like a going away gift for loyal fans. Plus it would never make it to the U.S.

03-18-2002, 11:52 PM
One of those good ideas that would never live up to what it 'could' be unfortunately.

03-19-2002, 03:15 PM
the shows not gonna be on any of the ff games already made
its gonna b bout a strange hurricane off the coast of japan
a guy (name not known yet) sees this and Cid (yes cids in this show :D ) plans to go into it because it shows properties of magic
square doesnt know if its gonna come to the us but if it does well in japan they might bring it on over

03-19-2002, 07:44 PM
I did'nt know that there was

ultima weapon
03-19-2002, 07:54 PM
well lets hope it does good becaue i've always wondered if square would do some kind of FF anime:D :D :D

03-23-2002, 02:39 PM
Hey smart on if they struck out on a movie so badly why on earth would the make a show people wouldn't watch?? Dude u r stupid I did another reply in Y do they keep calling it final Fantasy ? DURRH! becuase thats the series' name smart one. god u r stupid

ultima weapon
03-25-2002, 02:05 AM
:rolleyes: yeah i can see it now
cloud:{spekey voice}were playing dress up do you want to play
barret:{german voice}only if i get to dress like sissy shelly
tifa:{mans voice} god its hot in hear! hey WHERES DINNER! IM STARVING HERE!
cid:[womans voice] shhhhhh! a sufley is very delecate and get your dirty feet of the table............. and put some cloths on
Tifa{mans voice] HEY SHAT AP !!!!
If i saw a episode like that then i would have collapesed but i think there making a FF seires called FFunlimited there airing it in japan and if it goes well then it would be aired international{but it dosent any charaters from the game{saw that on a mile away} and suprise suprise it also stars CID.

03-26-2002, 01:22 AM
quote ultimaweapon:
"yeah i can see it now
cloud:{spekey voice}were playing dress up do you want to play
barret:{german voice}only if i get to dress like sissy shelly
tifa:{mans voice} god its hot in hear! hey WHERES DINNER! IM STARVING HERE!
cid:[womans voice] shhhhhh! a sufley is very delecate and get your dirty feet of the table............. and put some cloths on
Tifa{mans voice] HEY SHAT AP !!!!
If i saw a episode like that then i would have collapesed "

yea well thats not gonna happen. i already read something about the show
its gonna be in japan but it might over to here if it does good
and ultimaweapon is right
its not gonna involve any of the game characters
there are new characters
look at my previous post for info

03-30-2002, 05:40 PM
That would be awesome if there was a ff show but its not likely... It sounds cool but never gonna happen