01-03-2007, 10:15 AM
Dumbest hair ever: Who can go past Seymour? He'd lose none of his impressive charisma and charm with a black crewcut, but, you have to remember the Japanese blokes have a serious craving for wild hair, seeing as their genes prevent them from having anything but black hair. They fail to see just how awesome black is. Anyway, I digress.

Clothes: Best, IMHO, is Squall's. He looks right set up for any environment he comes across. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Rinoa. A blue rag. Seriously.

Worst motive: Yuna. Why decide to go and get Sin? Just because daddy did? To make Spira happy? They're all a bunch of ungrateful bastards - let Spira burn. Oh, and grow a backbone.

I haven't done a best for motive or hair. I can't decide. Feel free to abuse me about being too hard on characters, I'm just trying to be funny and failing miserably. Shoot me later.

01-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Can you get shot now to save us from any progress of this shitheaded thread?

01-04-2007, 01:12 AM

Well, I tried.

Addendum: Which is better than criticising every damn thing anyone has to say, and being cheap and foul to someone that is at least "trying" to make a conversational thread. I am actually "interested" in what other people have to say, even though you might not be. If you're going to be negative then you have no place here.

01-04-2007, 05:53 AM
best hair: cloud it is spkiy an awesome!!1 ^_____^
worst hair: Seifer I hate that jerk!!!! >:

Best Clothes: Tifa cuz her boobs r so big in dem lol :D D:D
Worst Clothes: Cait SIth I mean wtf he is so stupd

Best Motive: SEPHiroTH he has a BIG SWORD
Worst Motive: kefka he is a big stupid smelly butt and i h8d him!!1

01-04-2007, 02:03 PM
Best: Seymour *waits to get shot down by Malphergor's awesome satirical talents... lol*
Worst: Cloud. Teh chocobo look is so out.

Best: Vivi. Not his ordinary clothes though. Teh clothes he wears in a secret scene only accessible after you get 50 Mastered Ultima Materia and go back to teh Iifa Tree. You should try it, it takes ages but it's totally worth it ;-) .
Worst: Vivi. Trust me, after seeing that uber-pwnage scene his old clothes will make you feel sick.

Best: Relm. She trumps Sephy coz she has a pen and every1 knows teh pen is mightier than teh sword.
Worst: Shuyin. Most people don't take breaking up as hard as he did.

01-04-2007, 05:44 PM
The pen is mightier than the sword,

from a distance of about 300 metres.