01-03-2007, 06:13 AM
All right... I know I'm not the ONLY one that's been through enough of both to find these interesting similarities between Stargate and FFVII. In fact... the more you compare, the more they seem to fit.

1. Crystals: Materia, and the power crystals or Naquadria from SG1

2. 'Gods': Ever notice in both series the villains demand they be referred to as gods? And speaking of which...

3. Parasites: Hmm... Jenova is a parasite from Outer Space that need hosts to survive and manipulate. So are G'Ould. Maybe a little Mako made Her/It a little more powerful.

4. Ancients: ...Those guys seem to be everywhere. And on that note...

5. Ascension: Dies and becomes a being of energy in pretty sparkly glows that reaches across to try to guide the living comrades to survival and victory. Same thing in SG1, too!

6. Gate: On one side, the Stargate that leads all kinds of places, created by Ancients. On the other a prophecy that 'Ancients will open a gate to the Promised Land'.

7. Meteor: We all know THIS story. And...wait, didn't the G'Ould 'summon' one at Earth, too?

I can keep this going for a while longer, but I'd like to see if anyone ELSE found similarities, also!

01-03-2007, 10:57 AM
8. Mediocre originals followed by shitty spin-offs.

01-03-2007, 11:08 AM
Both Final Fantasy VII and Star Gate are full of science fiction and fantasy plot devices that have existed for decades. Hell, Midgar is basically the titled utopia from the 1927 German silent film 'Metropolis'. It's little wonder that the two share many similarities.

01-03-2007, 11:18 AM
9) Glowing eyes: G'Ould eyes glow to show they are a host. FFVII eyes glow when they're exposed to Mako

Gentleman Ghost
01-03-2007, 11:46 AM
10) Military: SOLDIER from FFVII and the Military guys from SG1

01-03-2007, 09:19 PM

Took me fucking ages to find it, but I thought this old peice of sig art might be fitting. The original actually had two cruisers come through a gate just above the turret but the file was too big so I never used it.

01-04-2007, 01:48 AM
Jarosik, that is just awesome with a capital AWE. *snags to sneak on computer at work*

01-04-2007, 05:54 AM
What if our world is the same as the FFVII world? Think about it.

They both have:

What if...

01-04-2007, 03:06 PM
Oh Joey you make me laugh so.

Sephirothchan, you may do with the image what you please just don't say you made it or else I might have to burn your house and your family. Have a nice day :)

01-04-2007, 08:07 PM
Nah, i`m sure i could think up of plenty of Tv shows and games that use similar themes and plot devices. I mean, a being taking a host has been around in sci-fi for quite a long time not to mention how that fits in with our own world.

Valerie Valens
01-04-2007, 09:24 PM
FF7 is full of cliches, so it's only natural to find simillarities between it and other series.

Hex Omega
01-05-2007, 01:41 AM
what a stupid thread.

seriously wtf.

jewess crabcake
01-05-2007, 01:50 AM
11) Intrigued by the hype, but had to be force fed to finish it.

01-07-2007, 10:14 PM
I think comparing the two things.. is lame. Give me a break. There aren't too many stories in the Sci-Fi or Fantasy worlds that haven't been touched up one once before.

01-07-2007, 10:36 PM
What if our world is the same as the FFVII world? Think about it.

They both have:

What if...

if you recall Seraph Sephiroth's Super Nova attack destroies many planet in the Sol solar system, and makes the sun char broil the Earth.

01-07-2007, 11:01 PM

01-07-2007, 11:06 PM
He was being a smartass and I was being one back.

01-07-2007, 11:57 PM
He was being a smartass and I was being one back.

Joey can afford to be a smartass without being branded a noob at the same time. You however can't.

01-08-2007, 12:07 AM
You know what!!! Fuck you asshole, I've had enough of your comments

01-08-2007, 12:46 AM
Albel, you n00b, go down some Draino and save us from your stupidity.

01-08-2007, 02:26 AM
You know what!!! Fuck you asshole, I've had enough of your comments

Oooh 40 posts. In 2 weeks. Wow, that's like.... 20 a week... 2.85 a day :rolleyes: Really got a lot there haven't you?

01-08-2007, 02:39 AM
Better than your 1.57 posts...

01-08-2007, 02:41 AM
Better than your 1.57 posts...

I wasn't active for a good year of being here, so really I've only been here for about a year, so that's:

1223 posts (including this one)
that's about 23 a week
so about 3.35 a day,

so yeah more than you

jewess crabcake
01-08-2007, 02:42 AM
:notgood: This is wasted bandwith.

01-08-2007, 02:43 AM
:notgood: This is wasted bandwith.

Well I've taken it to PM but he seems insistent on replying here as well. Is that how you spell insistent or is it insistant :confused: I actually don't know lol

01-08-2007, 03:01 AM
He's PMing me as well...I'm just waiting for him to say something so stupid that I'd have to share it with everyone here so we all can ridicule him.

01-08-2007, 03:06 AM
Edit: oops...double posted for some reason >_<

01-08-2007, 11:10 AM
You know what!!! Fuck you asshole, I've had enough of your comments

Someone is getting emotional. Oooops.

01-08-2007, 09:24 PM
I'm done being a jerk.

I don't care any more, call me a noob. I make fun of the freshman for being freshman all the time. So I deserve it.

And I apologize to the people who lost the 2-3 min of there lives reading the last dozen or so posts.

Gentleman Ghost
01-08-2007, 11:35 PM
You know what!!! Fuck you asshole, I've had enough of your comments

01-09-2007, 01:39 AM
You know what!!! Fuck you asshole, I've had enough of your comments


01-09-2007, 01:13 PM

02-05-2007, 06:58 PM
There is Cid's airship in FF7 And there is the ship Prometheus in Stargate!

jewess crabcake
02-05-2007, 07:29 PM