01-03-2007, 01:25 AM
Hey all, due to my surfing the net on my lovely long winter break(Thank you PSU!), I've come to the conclusion that there is a serious shortage of Rufus ShinRa sites, and since im such a big fan of Rufus, ive decided that i am going to make one!
However, this is my first time ever making a site. There arent many Pictures of Rufus out there, and most of them are fanart. I can't draw to save my life,but if anyone wouldnt mind letting me put some of their images on my site,thatd be great, just PM them to me. Thanks! Also any helpful hints on running a site, would be great!

01-03-2007, 01:51 AM
I can't send you any pictures of Rufus Shinra, but I can give you some pointers on running your own site:

Take it easy. Don't decide "Hey, I want to make a site with everything!". That just makes it too easy for people to make fun of it. Start out small, then hope you get more hits, and THEN expand like crazy.

01-03-2007, 01:53 AM
animeblogger.net for the win. Don't know if they'll let you have a free blog, 'cause they only do anime, but it's worth a try. Unlimited space (undefinitely. They have a limit but won't tell anybody), 100% freedom, all the options of a paid website, full support, kind community, yaddidaddida.... as for the rufus images, ask some fan art authors. They'll probably let you. I know I would.

01-03-2007, 02:05 AM
Ok, thanks, yeah, i was thinking about starting small, with just you know a section on what we know about Rufus, a section on what i think about Rufus(since we know so little, and so much is left to the imagination) and an image gallery, if i like this web thing, ill get bigger, im not talented enough to do something over the top right now anyway haha.

Gentleman Ghost
01-03-2007, 04:00 AM
Hey hope this takes off like a rocket *ZOOOOM!!*

01-03-2007, 04:04 AM
You know snail slime powered motorbikes go so much faster than rockets. It's like "drip... drip... drip... zzzzz. KABBLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOM HOLY SHIT I JUST BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER!!!!"

01-03-2007, 06:13 PM
Haha thanks, snail slime, Ill remember that...Uhm, what do you guys think are the best website hosters to do one of these on? ive tried a few but i havent found that i liked them yet. Id prefer it if it were free. Thanks!

01-03-2007, 07:27 PM
if you're looking for cheap paid hosting, http://www.servage.net is fairly cheap and has decent features, though if you're adamant about having it free and don't want forced ads, http://dhost.info is good, but you'll be waiting a while for your account to be validated. However, your best bet is to go with a host which puts ads on your account as it's better overall due to quick set up times etc.

01-04-2007, 02:51 AM
blogger.com offers more freedom and customization, but wordpress.com is more popular, has more support and better features like blog stats. both are free.

01-04-2007, 04:50 AM
ok.i looked at those, but they seemed to be blog sites, im not really looking for a blog. Im thinking something like tripod, are they reliable,and a good host?

01-04-2007, 11:21 PM
I've never had any problems with Tripod. You do want to avoid freewebs though, as you only get like 15mb of web space.

01-05-2007, 12:58 AM
ok.i looked at those, but they seemed to be blog sites, im not really looking for a blog. Im thinking something like tripod, are they reliable,and a good host?

Yes but they don't like hotlinking, and while they're reliable they're not exactly the fastest loading pages on the block. Try looking through this list:


12-01-2007, 08:36 AM
You know snail slime powered motorbikes go so much faster than rockets. It's like "drip... drip... drip... zzzzz. KABBLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOM HOLY SHIT I JUST BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER!!!!" motion detector (http://www.heiman.com.cn/alarm.asp) stainless steel wire (http://www.cn-SteelPipe.net) smoke detector (http://www.heiman.com.cn/alarm.asp) gas detector (http://www.heiman.com.cn/alarm.asp)