01-02-2007, 10:14 PM
Okay, I did a search on this and found nothing useful (and up-to-date). But anyways, I heard the PC version has problems with FFVII from members on a different forum, but none of the reviews mentions glitches. Are there glitches on the PC version of FFVII? If so, how do you handle them without downloads?

Edit: I have Windows XP. I also have a Mac OS X laptop if that is useful, but this is the PC version so I doubt any Mac would be useful.

Desert Wolf
01-02-2007, 10:21 PM
I haven't got the PC version but apparently there are a lot of glitches in it. You need to download stuff to fix them id say.

01-02-2007, 10:42 PM
I have got the PC version but apparently there are a lot of glitches in it. You need to download stuff to fix them id say.

May you give me an example of one of those glitches?

Swedish Fish
01-03-2007, 12:02 AM
May you give me an example of one of those glitches?


01-03-2007, 12:23 AM

Is that the PC version?

01-03-2007, 01:10 AM
I run the PC version on my machine without any significant problems and I'm on Windows XP. I think you do generally need to have a patch or two, but that's about it. I generally find the PC version to be a superb playing experience compared to Playstation --- the graphics are better and you download and edit savefiles and such.

01-03-2007, 10:59 AM
Not to mention the boundless options you have with texture and skin editing.

01-03-2007, 04:37 PM
I have played the PC version before, and I agree that it was pretty bugged. Dispite having the latest video and audio drivers, it was still very sluggish on my then-almighty Pentium 166MMX with 32MB RAM (that was back in late '96/early '97). Yes, I had a 3D accelerator card - a S3 3D ViRGE, but it refused to activate OpenGL mode for that card. I also had a SoundBlaster AWE64, so I got to enjoy the BGM in it's awesome PSX-quality glory - when it doesn't crash. Unfortunately, it seems that the game crashes the most with AWE64 mode enabled, and least with no BGM enabled.

It didn't occur to me that I need to download patches for the game at that time (could never figured out where to download the patches). I just got fed up, and gave the game away to my cousin.

Usually, the crashes range from random quitting back to desktop, to General Protection Faults, to BSODs (sometimes attributed to out of memory errors).

01-03-2007, 04:54 PM
Oh my goodness, hi RAMChYLD!

It sounds to me like that had some pretty complicated hardware / software for the time. I actually think maybe the less complex your system is when it comes to graphics and such, the better it plays because there's less chance of conflicts. But yeah, patches help.

01-03-2007, 05:42 PM
Yeah, I agree that the hardware was pretty upper-notch for a PC at the time (although I admit that the video card wasn't. It was an entry level 3D card. The better ones back then were made by a now defunct company called 3DFX and costs a bomb). It was pretty awesome that the game was able to take full advantage of the audio hardware, but not when it didn't want to take advantage of the 3D hardware and keeps crashing. When it crashed just as a boss was about to fall after a tedious battle, I decided that enough was enough and gave the discs away (and years later, bought the PSX edition of the game, and actually made it to disc 3 before I got stupid, used a Gameshark code, and wiped out my saves. Ah well. It never pays to cheat).

Desert Wolf
01-03-2007, 07:02 PM
Thats the thing I dont like about computer games. The newer ones need much better computers to play them. At least on a console you can play everything no probs.

01-04-2007, 08:16 AM
Thats the thing I dont like about computer games. The newer ones need much better computers to play them. At least on a console you can play everything no probs.

Except for Oblivion and other games available for both PC and console...I still get load times that are less than 5 seconds long, whereas my friend's XBox360 seems to come to a standstill.

01-04-2007, 07:58 PM
Diablo and Diablo II are both good games and work well for older machines.

No Crown King
01-05-2007, 03:14 PM
It doesn't play slow or lag anything for me, the only problem has always been the same one... On XP when you get to the Gold Saucer on the Chocobo tracks, the game shuts itself off. All you need for this is a simple patch and the rest of the game plays out normally.

I generally find the PC version to be a superb playing experience compared to Playstation --- the graphics are better and you download and edit savefiles and such.

I agree. Not only are the graphics better and you have the benefits of trainers and Saved Game/Character Editors (wich are freaking awesome, BTW), but some of the bosses are harder(well, more HP really...), and to me that's a plus.

01-05-2007, 04:22 PM
Hmm. I never noticed the higher HP. What I did notice was the altered script. Cid and Barrett quite as foul-mouthed and there are a few other translation differences as well.

On the Playstation version, Cid is all "OH SHITTTT!" On the PC version, I think they just have him do "OH SH-----" and some of his stuff they delete entirely.

01-05-2007, 04:56 PM
I didn't notice much visual difference in both editions (didn't make it through the second half of the first disc of the PC version due to all those crashes), plus the entry level 3D card totally ran in low res mode (320x240 iirc) which resulted in graphics that looks no different than the PSOne version if I still recall the graphics correctly now), although I did thought something was different with the dialog when I played halfway through the PSOne edition. And oh, framerate on the PC version was crap (I should've gotten a better 3D card, but it never occured to me that the 3D card I was using then was entry-level. I actually thought all 3D cards are equal back then).

01-09-2007, 07:46 PM
i have the PC version and sometimes it justs f**s up and closes down but its quite fun u can customize ur charecters stats on my version even give them weapons and limits my cloud had his ultima weapon when u fight those 2 soldiers at the start of the game, really good if u only wanna find out wat the story is not so fun if u want a challenge

01-09-2007, 10:25 PM
The game isn't even a challenge when you play it normally, so don't play it if it's a challenge you're looking for.

01-11-2007, 04:56 PM
well that depends on the skill of the person plyin

01-11-2007, 05:10 PM
No skill needed to play the game, just common sense.

01-11-2007, 08:58 PM
just curious wat would u rate Final fantasy 7 out of 10?

01-11-2007, 09:00 PM
Asking somebody to rate a game on a simple system out of ten isn't fair.

01-11-2007, 09:12 PM
y isnt it fair? its a simple question

01-11-2007, 09:14 PM

A.) It's off-topic for one thing.
B.) Asking somebody to rate it 1 to 10 basically tells you nothing. Okay, so how about this. I pull a number of my ass --- 7.5. What does it even mean? Now ask us to rate specific features, i.e. graphics, storyline, replayability, fun factor, character effectiveness, etc. and try again.

01-11-2007, 09:18 PM
fair enough i was just curious

01-11-2007, 09:39 PM
Agent basically took care of it while I was off taking a dump, which "The Master" already did to this thread.

01-11-2007, 10:02 PM
y get rude though agent told me my mistake and i said fair enough y u have t be so dam nasty is beyond me

01-11-2007, 10:04 PM
Explain to me how I was rude to you and why the grammar in your posts is so horrible.

01-11-2007, 10:15 PM
just forget it i dont think we should hang onto this any more i didnt join this forum to have arguments with anyone i know that most of you are better gamers than me but there really is no need for an argument so lets put this whole thing behind us.
i will remeber not to ask people questions in a thread that have nothing to do with the actual topic since people obviously dont want you to do that(p.s grammer is horrible because i am using slang must remember not to use it again!)

01-11-2007, 10:16 PM
Good idea, since slang is the best way to be misunderstood.

01-11-2007, 10:30 PM
yeah your right thank you for the warning so i do not make the same mistake again

01-11-2007, 10:31 PM
Another thing we would like for you to do is start using some formatting and punctuation. I.E. capital-letter at the start of the sentence, period or other appropriate mark at the end.

01-11-2007, 10:40 PM
Sure no problem.

01-12-2007, 06:27 AM
Okay, fortunatly I may be able to get enough money to purshase a PS1 Final Fantasy VII off the internet. MAY. Now if that oppurtunity arises, should I just get the PC version (and save a LOT of money) or get the Final Fantasy VII version?

BTW, I am playing the Final Fantasies in order (for bragging rights and the fact I started Dawn of Souls last Semptember made it possible) so:
1.) I WILL be getting this game
2.) I will be getting this after I beat both Final Fantasy V and VI advance (neither of which I started but I will start V tomorrow since I just beat IV like an hour ago), thus I will be able to get the PS1 version depending on stock.

Next is my second question: If I choose to get FFVII for PS1, is it okay if I get the Europeon verison?

(I really wish I saved up $20 for that FFVII PS1 like three years ago. I really wish I did).

01-12-2007, 07:21 AM
Just rip an ISO from a friend, it's faster.
And if you really want one to have, just get any version and mod chip your PSX (I did it to make it region free and play all the DDR games)...it's not like Valkyrie Profile (i.e. Impossible to get for a reasonable price under 100 USD)

01-16-2007, 06:25 AM
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of disc 3 for pc or the iso file? I got a copy of the game but when I played it and got to disc 3, I realized that disc 3 was actually disc 2 labeled as disc 3. Kinda sucks. I'm not happy. Not happy at all. Any help would be awesome.

01-16-2007, 09:28 AM
Buy the game, you cheap fuck. I'm all for downloading games for trial purposes but if you like one, you should buy it.

01-16-2007, 10:04 AM
Whatever, just a damn question, don't get all anal about it, fuck.

01-29-2007, 03:13 AM
back on topic, anything you could need or need to know about the technical side of the PC version of FF7 can be found here (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=6238.0).

Also included in that thread I'm linking to are Mods for FFVII that update the graphics (ALOT!) improve the resolution (1280x1024 ftw), and do many other kick ass things to the game. There's even a mod that switches Cloud with Sephiroth, including editing all the text and storyline of the game to match Sephiroth as the main charactor and Cloud as the Bad Guy, so that people don't call you Cloud throughout the game. It even changes Young Cloud in the Kalm Flashback into Young Sephiroth. Anyway that forum is way cool for modding FFVII, and solving any problems with the PC version you may come across, including swapping all the music from the midi's to mp3's from the official 4-CD FF7 Soundtrack if you can figure out how. The game feels a lot less old when modded well.

- trix

01-29-2007, 03:29 AM
Hmm. I never thought of playing a modded version of FFVII, other than FF7Che, which allows you to edit stats and stuff. Might be fun to try sometime.

I haven't looked at that thread, but is it all entirely stable? Does it work well under Windows XP?

01-29-2007, 04:07 AM
not entirely stable, but if you follow the directions provided and aren't a complete dumbass they should work great. The only ones I've noticed problems with are those that aren't complete. Like the Sephiroth one, there's many problems with that one but it isn't finished. The one that replaces all the low-res blocky "lego looking" field models (with no hands) with much better high res ones is a GREAT mod that I haven't noticed a single problem with. As far as the rest, there may be a bug here or there but I've noticed nothing so any existing bugs must be trivial indeed. Also, the mod that removes the 9999 hp and damage limit is fucking GREAT!

02-21-2007, 06:25 PM
okay, two things...
1) if you buy the european version i'm pretty sure that a difference is that they made it possible to revive aeris. I could be wrong though. and if this is true, i don't know how.
2) i have the pc version as well. I have xp and until i recently downloaded a patch for it, it was fucking up all over the place. this is the link for the patch if you are still having problems with it.

02-21-2007, 06:40 PM
There is no Aeris/th revival, period, unless you mod it. Square-Enix would not make an official version of the game where you could revive her, period. It doesn't make sense.

02-21-2007, 06:46 PM
Hmm, you have a point. BTW, i am just saying what i have seen on other sites. So that was just a thought. Note the "I THINK"

02-21-2007, 07:31 PM
Fair enough, but even saying "I think" can be enough to get the crazy Aeris/th revival people going.

02-21-2007, 08:01 PM
Its just like General Leo in FF6. Rumors flow everywhere

02-21-2007, 08:35 PM
Stupid Rumours.....

02-22-2007, 04:55 AM
oooo ok i get it. Its not the european version. Square was under major time restraints creating this game then. Therefore, they did not release the full version. Its the japenese version you can revive her in.

02-22-2007, 05:08 AM
Oh, good grief, Charlie Brown. It's no version that you can revive her in. That "unfinished game" thing is part of the same old stupid shit that people advance when they want people to believe that it's possible somehow to revive Aeris/th. From Ben Lansing's "I Have a Confession to Make:"

"Well, the FMVs were all completed on time, but a lot of coding was not. They then delayed the games release by a month (Dec -> Jan). However, it seemed that even by late December, the coding STILL wasn't finished, so Square told production to wrap it up quickly. In order to get the game out on time, SqJP sacrificed what could have been a miraculously better game than FF7... The main coding that was not finished dealt with manipulating the transparent polygon of Aeris' spirit in the church.

Er ... manipulating a transparent polygon isn't that hard at all ... no more so than a regular one ... Look at cloud's Ultima Weapon ... geez ... probably several other transparent things too in the game ... and besides ... the blip of Aeris in the church is NOT transparent to start with. This is yet another blatant lie that nobody ever bothered to recognize...

Since they were forced to wrap production up to meet the many-delayed deadline, they had to stop with the Aeris process unfinished. So, to keep things from ever happening, they simply removed the one item that allowed any hint of the process to take place... The Key to Midgar, from the first CD. This completely stopped the ability to ressurect Aeris. HOWEVER. they left out the removal of one thing, and that was the split-second of seeing the ghost of Aeris once you return to the church. Unfortunately, this, along with the insanely big size of the ending MOV, are the only hints to Aeris' existence that we have. Other than the original FF7 scriptline, from which all the above information came.

Wow ... interesting ... the only reason Aeris appears in the church is Cloud's memory ... any moron should be able to figure that out."

02-22-2007, 07:50 PM
dear god, you have no idea what your talking about, do ya?
It IS possible to revive aeris in the japanese version. The Japanese version is the only one that has the key to midgar in the first disc. And if you don't believe me, thats your problem not mine cuz i know im right.

02-22-2007, 08:04 PM
LOL, hey Cloud, stop your little lying. There's NO WAY you can revive Aeris in ANY VERSIONS. You should make some japanese friends and ask them.

Going through this again, years after the game was released... sigh*, it really gets old.

So, Cloudstrife235, buy yourself a japanese copy of the game and try to revive her. Then come back to us and apologize for being such a liar.

02-22-2007, 08:05 PM
dear god, you have no idea what your talking about, do ya?
It IS possible to revive aeris in the japanese version. The Japanese version is the only one that has the key to midgar in the first disc. And if you don't believe me, thats your problem not mine cuz i know im right.

Okay genius, where's the proof?
All you've been stating is what you can read in any typical FF7 Fanboy website.

Put up some virgin screenshots and we'll consider your statement to be true.

02-22-2007, 08:29 PM
you wanna know where the proof is?? download a japanese to english language card and go on the japanese squaresoft website. There's your proof.

Desert Wolf
02-22-2007, 08:40 PM
You made the statement so its up to you to back it up. YOU download the language card and take a screen shot of the text.

02-22-2007, 08:58 PM
Cloudstrife: that's the thing. I have some japanese friends who are fans of the series, and all of them told me there's NO WAY to revive Aeris.

So are you going to continue making a fool of yourself, or will you admit you're lying?

02-22-2007, 09:46 PM
ffs im not lying you idiots. they may tell you that there is no way but how the hell would they know. maybe they just didnt try the right way. and maybe i dont feel like taking a screen shot. you wanna know if im lying or not so you do it.

02-22-2007, 09:49 PM
The burden of proof is on you, fancunt. If you can't prove it, everyone will automatically believe you're full of shit, and rightly so.

02-22-2007, 09:58 PM
Oh come on. What kind of sorry excuse is that? You tell us there's a way to revive Aeris in the European version. Then you come back on your statement and pretend you made a mistake and that you meant the Japanese version.

Now I tell you my Japanese friends say it is NOT true, and you answer with this:

"they may tell you that there is no way but how the hell would they know. maybe they just didnt try the right way".

First: I think they're in a better place than you to know if it is true.

Second: You realize that if you were telling the truth, this would be all over the net and you'd see people complaining that it was left out of the US and International versions.

Third: Just admit that you're a lousy liar.

02-22-2007, 10:00 PM
im not going to admit anything accept that you are all retarted fucking doushe rags and need to admit that YOU are wrong and that what im saying is the truth. dont believe i dont care cuz im sticking with what the site tells me. So fuck off cuz im done with this thread

02-22-2007, 10:03 PM
hey, just post a link, because right now, you're just making a fool out of yourself.

02-22-2007, 10:03 PM
im not going to admit anything accept that you are all retarted fucking doushe rags and need to admit that YOU are wrong and that what im saying is the truth. dont believe i dont care cuz im sticking with what the site tells me. So fuck off cuz im done with this thread

Quoted to drive home the point that FFVII's fanbase is primarily sub-human.

02-22-2007, 10:05 PM
I don't think he's a part of a majority... at least not a majority in here.

02-22-2007, 10:12 PM
Well, we do usually make it a point to drive his kind away as quickly as possible. And I've seen a lot of them. Honestly, the only other game I've seen with such morons among its fanbase is Halo.

02-22-2007, 10:26 PM
I wouldn't know, I tried the first Halo, but didn't think there was anything special about it. So I never got into it. But it's true there's a lot of stupid fans such as him. Oh well, let's hope he'll get over his delusions soon enough and admit he's just being a complete moron lying like this.

02-22-2007, 10:29 PM
Wow some people don't know when to quit, Major LOLZ at this thread.

02-22-2007, 11:40 PM
Cloudstrife --- the sad thing about Ben Lansing was that people actually believed his lies. The sad thing about you is that not only does nobody believe your shit, you don't even have a hope of even coming close to coming up with anything nearly as halfway believable or ultimately amusing as Ben Lansing wrote.

Lansing's Confession - Full Version (http://www.ff7citadel.com/efiction/viewstory.php?sid=2)

Oh, and...

"Aerith knew about here... and what she had to do. Aerith has left us great
hope. But, it cost her her life... her future... I'm sorry... Aerith. I should
have figured this out sooner."

Aeris/th is dead. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. The only way it could ever be possible to revive her by any "official" means is in the mind of some psychopathic, delusional fanboy. Furthermore, Aeris/th resurrection simply does not make sense within the context of the story. Aeris/th is waiting in the Promised Land and that's the only place she's waiting.

That's all, but I had to get that off my chest. I definitely won't be back here.

02-22-2007, 11:41 PM
Aeris can't be revived, Square have said she can't be revived, there is no data on any version of the game for her revival as part of the storyline. Get it son?

Anyway, just beat the game on the PC (beat it years ago on the PSx), and yeah there are a few glitches although keep in mind I downloaded the game from a torrent, and they tend to glitch more then bought games for some reason.

Try and go into a new area thats not on the world map and when theres a black screen, if you press menu, you will be in the same area you were in, beyond the boundaries.

The game can and will crash randomly for absolutely no reason given, so save often.

Some sprites have their mouth permantely open, like Sephiroth, this isnt so much a glitch as dodgy sprites and lazy transferring to the PC I'd say.

When fighting the last Jenova and Bizarro Sephy, there ar two versions of their sprites (or whatever you call battle animations) and they actually overlap each other. When Biz. Sephy was dying one sprite went down and the other stood there completely still. This is obviously a glitch.

Some sounds dont come through properly.

I'm on a laptop, on XP, using an AMD processor and an ATI video card, decent laptop at that.

Still a top game on the PC though, but prefere playing it on the PSx.

02-23-2007, 03:46 AM
I just love how this guy is basically trying to tell US to back HIS statements.

Desert Wolf
02-23-2007, 02:41 PM
This is major lol. (http://members.tripod.com/~europa3/aerith.html)

Need:Bahamut Zero, Cid in your party and another person who was in your party at the time of Aeris's death. Go to the traveller in Kalm. He'll ask you to find the Earth Harp, Desert Rose, and a Guidebook for him. Get the items listed in order [as just mentioned],and give them to the man in the same order. To get the Earth Harp, defeat Emerald Weapon. To get the Desert Rose, defeat Ruby Weapon. To get the Guidebook, go to the underwater tunnel in Junon, and run around until you see a skeleton ghostship, and morph it [with your Morph materia. But you don't have to morph it all the way...attack a few times.. (i suggest u sense it so you don't kill the thing. The MOST easiest item to get, but you gotta get it last. Now, go back to Kalm and give the items to the man in the right order (Earth Harp, Desert Rose, Guidebook). He'd be really thankful, and gives you a Gold Chocobo. Along with that, he'll give you Materias, ALL Mastered, and the Underwater Materia. Equip the Underwater Materia on Cloud, and get to the City of the Ancients with the Gold Chocobo. "Visit" Aeris' burial, and into the shell house. "Mr. Fish" will be there, and you will be able to talk to it. It'll then let you pass, cuz you have the Underwater Materia. Next, go around the altar where Aeris died, and Cloud would break down.. Cid will come out and comfort him, while the other will be questioning about the White Materia. Mr Cid will next see something shining in the water, dives for it, and comes up with an "Aeris Revival Materia". But that's not all... Equip it with Bahamut Zero, then it'll take you to Aeris... and that's all i know...


02-23-2007, 08:09 PM
You guys think that's screwed up? I bet you've never seen the rumor about the "Cheese Weapon."

Desert Wolf
02-23-2007, 08:15 PM

02-23-2007, 08:21 PM
The Chocobo Weapon? LOL. Okay, that's a new one on me.

Desert Wolf
02-23-2007, 08:25 PM
That pic is pure class. You can fight him if you run around the world on a gold chocobo, at midnight, while naked and singing the french national anthem backwards.

02-23-2007, 08:36 PM
I wear glasses. Do I need to take them off in order to be considered completely naked? I'm just asking because without having them on, I'd have to really, really close to the TV in order to see what I'm doing. And my doctor it would be a really bad strain on my eyes to be that close to the TV.

02-23-2007, 08:54 PM
Now here is something to toss into the Aerith debate. She was orignally set to die in the Crater where Sephy is not the first disc. Sorry its been awhile since I played so I don't rememeber all the Names so please bare with me.
Now if you are like me and have a cheat device you can use it to bring Aerith back when you do the Snow board scene and if she is apart of your Party she does have lines like My butt hurts or something along that line. Also if you take a look at the Impalment scene where Sephiroth is coming down the Background is VERY different then the City of ancients and more like the Craters area. Plus if you notice Seph does not have his gloves on until he is pulling out his blade. This is because of the fact he was shirtless in the orignal design and instead of remaking the scene they just tweaked it a little to match.
As for reviving Aerith without a cheat device not happening even if you scarifice your first Born to a Dark god.

Chocobo weapon I will never see since I can't sing in french can speak it but singing it gives me headaches.

02-23-2007, 09:00 PM
Reva speaks the truth --- with Gameshark it is possible to do how he says with the snowboard scene.

02-23-2007, 09:11 PM
The only problem is that that is it on the Dialouge for her so no speeches or anything like that from her AT ALL after the Crater.

Also keep in mind this all games that Kill off or make unavabile Characters all discs keep the Basic models and Movements stored on them FOR EVERYONE it just is easier for programmers to Pact the data then copy it all on to every disc since then they don't have to constanly rewrite the Model data each and every single time. So games like Legend of Dragoon or FFIV you can if you find the Codes have Dark Knight Cecil face off Zermorus though why would you want to do that I have no idea, or bring Lavitz back into play. The only thing to rememeber is this the codes only let the MODEL come into play for all intents and plot wise the Character is still Dead as a Door Nail.

Model cheating is one of the Biggest reason's why I own Cheat devices.

02-23-2007, 11:27 PM
Japanese version:
Just load disc 2 before even playing. Then it should tell you to put in disc 1. Then you just play as usual. Cloud will push away Aeris and he'll get stabbed in the arm instead [thanx to Wintson for tellin me this :) ]. BUT I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THIS WILL NOT ALWAYS WORK 100% OF THE TIME!!!!


Desert Wolf
02-24-2007, 12:10 AM
I wear glasses. Do I need to take them off in order to be considered completely naked? I'm just asking because without having them on, I'd have to really, really close to the TV in order to see what I'm doing. And my doctor it would be a really bad strain on my eyes to be that close to the TV.

It is ok to wear glasses as long as you offer a pumpkin to the gods exactly 47 mins earlier in a ritual burning.

02-24-2007, 01:11 AM
It's always a laugh to see what these people can come up with. Seriously, Cheese weapon?!

Desert Wolf
02-24-2007, 01:13 AM
Its not just FF7 that gets this either all the FF's get it. It just happens the FF7 ones are a bit more hilarious.

02-24-2007, 01:14 AM
:) I shit you not, Enya. And now, the full process for fighting the ultimate, greatest weapon of all time Cheese WEAPON:

"Get the wierd chocobo(check chocobo rumor section) Now ride the chocobo out of midgar and ride it to rocket town. (Note that you cannot go on mountains because the Weird Chocobo is afraid of heights.) Run around the rocket ten times and you can enter it. Now you will be prompted: "Where to?" You can answer one: "Disneyland" "West Side" "Party" Choosing Disneyland will take you to Gold Saucer, where all the costumes will be Disney-oriented. West Side takes you to a hidden area in midgar where Barret _really_ grew up. Party will take you to Costa Del Sol, where Cid is having a kegger in the house with everyone else (including the Turks.) BUT YOU WANT TO CHOOSE THE HIDDEN FOURTH OPTION. This will bring up another question: "Are you sure?" Answer "Yes" and you will fly to the moon. When you land you have ten seconds to run into the cheese weapon, who is skipping by just as you land. If you touch him you can fight him. If not, game over. Stats of the Cheese Weapon: ----- HP: 2,000,000,000 MP: 20,000 Attacks: Sharp Cheddar (a physical attack, causes around +8000 damage) Cheese Sneeze (Causes +5000 damage to all plus poison and confu) Cheese Freeze (Ice based, causes +7000 damage to one) Cheese Breeze (Wind based, causes +5000 damage to all) Cheese Degrees (Fire, causes +8000 damage to one) Vitamin Cheese (Heals the Cheese Weapon for 9999 HP) Death by Cheese (Causes 9999 damage to all, used when HP is down to 1,000,000. Can only be blocked by casting shield or barrier beforehand) EXP: 1,000,000 AP: 1,000,000 (like you'd need all that, anyway) Gil: 1,000,000 Win: Cheese Ring Steal: Cheese armlet (If you can equip it during battle, which you really can't, it will absorb all damage taken from the cheese weapon as HP) Morph: Cheese Source (raises stats of all characters to 255) Notes: ----- The Cheese Weapon will summon four Cheeseasaurus Rexes (yes, the ones from the Kraft Cheese and Macaroni commercial.) They can attack you for about 3000 HP each, and can steal items from you (they usually wind up stealing everything you have, but you can steal them back. you win them back at the end of the battle, anyway.) The easiest way to beat the Cheese Weapon (I tested this and it ALWAYS works) is to summon Odin, which will turn him into cheese slices, then summon Titan to turn him into a cheese sandwich. Then summon Typoon to turn the sandwich over. Then summon the Knights of Round to put toppings on the sandwich. They will put on: Ham, Turkey, Salami, Bologna, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Pickles, Olives, Lettuce, Tomato, Peppers, and Onions. Then the big guy at then end (i think it's king arthur) will cut the sandwich in half."

(P.S.: That rumor comes from a list of rumors I have lying around my hard drive, covering both FFVI and FFVII. Believe it or not, there's stuff even crazier than that in there.)

Desert Wolf
02-24-2007, 01:38 AM
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Cheeseasaurus Rexes!!! LMFAO! Ok ok that is a true classic. I wonder if I or anyone here can better that? We should have a contest.

02-24-2007, 05:17 AM
Just to be clear, so nobody's confused --- I didn't write that myself. But Desert Wolf's idea has merit --- I've always thought that a "create-a-crazy-rumor" thread might be kinda fun. The only worry being that it might create more fuel for the nuts.

02-24-2007, 12:57 PM
I collect some rumours too for comical value but haven't seen this one before. That has to be one of the best I've read though. :D

Desert Wolf
02-24-2007, 01:01 PM
Just to be clear, so nobody's confused --- I didn't write that myself. But Desert Wolf's idea has merit --- I've always thought that a "create-a-crazy-rumor" thread might be kinda fun. The only worry being that it might create more fuel for the nuts.

Screw the nuts it would be one lol of a thread.

02-24-2007, 10:26 PM
this thread deserves to be in the archives I can't stop loling.

03-17-2007, 02:56 PM

how did you come up with an idea to edit screenshots like that one? i've never tried before.

also about the argument you guys were having about the whole Aeris Ressurection thing. i'd like to point out that rumors are just what they are. rumors. and if they think they can make a few or even a lot of the come true, even in video games like Final Fantasy VII, Cloudstrife01235 this might include you too, it'd may as well be good luck to the.

in most cases in life rumors don't ususally come true. and starting arguements like you guys just did right there over thie Aeris Ressurection one isn't going to make that certain rumor come true, ya feelin me!?

Cloudstrife01235 you're right about the character being able to come back from the dead in the Japanese version of the game. i've been a player of Final Fantasy VII for a long time now but the whole ressurection rumor didn't concern me until i found out on a site around the time i was in primary school found out a little essay written by Ben Lansing as Agent0042's just pointed out. now i don't think i've read that essay of the ff7citadel site i think it was a Angelfire member page or something (i kinda fergot actually) that had information about it. and Agent0042 i do belive you are correct on the rumor as well. one of the images i remember seeing on the FFInsider forums a long time ago when i was a wanted member of them and it show a memory card save screen with a slot containing 3 Aeris main menu portraits.

now i don't know if those portraits were hacked in by someone who was using a sort of cheat device for the PSOne version of the game or if it was actually done in the game or something like that (although i do think whoever would have done something like that might become a genius at game hacking). there was also an entire section devoted to the whole Aeris Ressurection on this Tripod member page that's been should still exist today.
(http://ff7rumors.tripod.com if anyone would like to try getting the link up for it.)
it had the classic rumor of reviving Aeris plus alot more (i used to visit that webpage when i was in primary school too). also the looksmart search engine i used at school tooo, which used to be looksmart, had all these shrines devoted to the rumor but i didn't think any of them were actually true back then. but from what i saw in the searches that i made then, a few dozen or so of them think Aeris could be revived in the Japanese version. and i do belive them like i did back then. and yes Agent0042 Ben Lansing did mention it in his essay back then too.

here's one of the rumors posted on the Tripod member page, this one's the classic process of reviving Aeris:

First off, you must be nice to Aeris throughout the game whenever you have a choice. When you come to the old man in the pipe in Midgar, you supposedly can let Aeris care for him to make him feel better. You later see a sad scene of the man dying. After Aeris' death, go back to midgar and by this time you should have found a YELLOW underwater materia orb, not the blue one. You talk to the man outside the pipe, anonymously called the "General", and he says how sad he is that that "nice girl" died. He says he may be able to help you, and sends you to Wall Market to pick up a Revival potion. You take it to Aeris' grave to bring her back. This rumor was later denied by the creator himself, a supposed Square employee.

THIS IS THE EXACT THINGS THIS SO CALLED SQUARESOFT EMPLOYEE SAID!!!!!!Oh no. They did it. I wouldn't have known, because I had access to the full set of FF7 info... but they did. I guess this means that I should have actually played through things to see if anything had changed, instead of getting tired of the game after translation purposes. I think everyone is gonna kill me for my insolence, because I really should have played through the game more fully before I said anything to make sure it was still possible. Throughout the past few weeks, I, myself, have been wondering why people were having such a hard time reviving Aeris, because according to everything I saw through the scenario translation process, it could be done fairly easily. Here's the Aeris revival process, in full. First off, throughout the game, you must make the logical choice of things to say to Aeris to indicate that you like her. You must never hurt her in any way by choice. What happens in scenarios, however, cannot be avoided (Aeris' beating by Cloud, for instance). Also, with the sick man. There is no medicine, but you could have Aeris tend to him and make him feel better, by learning about her heritage and returning to Midgar in the first CD. By doing this, the "GENERAL" as people call him, would trust you, and request you go buy his dying friend something from the store. A simple quest. After doing so, the GENERAL would tell you thanks, and that if there was anything else you need ever, to ask him for help. You then see a scene with his friend dying. A sad scene. :( Now, continue through the game as normal, and after Aeris dies, go on to the second CD. Once here, return to Midgar with the key from CD1, and the GENERAL will ask you where the nice girl (Aeris) is. You explain that she has died, by Sephiros, and that there is no hope in reviving her. There would be a chance, but only if you could go deep under the waters of the floating castle (where Aeris died). The GENERAL would tell you that he thinks he may be able to help, and to come back later. After this meeting, you were to go on to Aeris' church, where there would be a long scene with her spirit. If you had been nice to her, she would express a desire to return to help you. After doing this, return to the GENERAL, who would provide you with a Yellow materia that allowed the entire group to travel through water. With this, you could return to the floating palace, go up to Mr. Fish, and once you touched him, you would be transported under water, to a cavern, where, at the end, lay Aeris' orb/life essence. With this orb, Bugen Hagen could complete the ress process, and you could move on to a happier life with a neater ending. Well, the FMVs were all completed on time, but a lot of coding was not. They then delayed the games release by a month (Dec -> Jan). However, it seemed that even by late December, the coding STILL wasn't finished, so Square told production to wrap it up quickly. In order to get the game out on time, SqJP sacrificed what could have been a miraculously better game than FF7... The main coding that was not finished dealt with manipulating the transparent polygon of Aeris' spirit in the church. Since they were forced to wrap production up to meet the many-delayed deadline, they had to stop with the Aeris process unfinished. So, to keep things from ever happening, they simply removed the one item that allowed any hint of the process to take place... The Key to Midgar, from the first CD. This completely stopped the ability to ressurect Aeris. HOWEVER, they left out the removal of one thing, and that was the split- second of seeing the ghost of Aeris once you return to the church. Unforunately, this, along with the insanely big size of the ending MOV, are the only hints to Aeris' existence that we have. Other than the original FF7 scriptline, from which all the above information came. I ran across this info while talking to John H. (another temp like me) trying to get some US script from him for our channel's page. Also, Seph wanted it. I asked him if it would be alright for me to release the script info in an altered form, and to release info on gameplay, such as Aeris' death/ress. Then he told me the deadline story, and I almost had a heartattack. He said that the process can still be done to its completion, sans a couple of scenes, with the Game Shark, but until someone develops a MOV player that handles multiple sector files, the true ending will not be seen. Oh, and about the ending... There were supposed to be scenes with the hidden characters, but things got cut short, so they weren't added, and the end of the ending was terrible, without even the typical "THE END" in the stars.

AND HERE IS HIS CONFESSION!!!!!!!!! I Have a Confession to Make by "Ben Lansing" "I am writing this to quench all rumors about Aeris and the completeness of Final Fantasy 7. Final Fantasy 7 was completed to the best of Square's ability and funding." Hmm ... you leave the internet community for a few months, and people are STILL dragging your old shit around. Okay folks, this is getting a bit absurd. Can't you all take a joke? Look. I have a confession to make, and if you stick with me and read this WHOLE post, you'll learn a lot more about this whole AERIS thing. A lot of you know me as Ben Lansing. Way back in March-April of 97, when FF7 had first came out, I bought it (an imported version), and loved the hell out of it. While rummaging around online one day, I stumbled across some madman raving about the scene with Bugen Hagen near the end of disc 2. The game being in Japanese and this guy being full-blooded American, this scene came across to him as something else: a failed ressurection attempt. He started posting to the FF7 Message Board about all of this, saying that perhaps Aeris could be revived ... and people started jumping in on it. All sorts of stories began flourshing about ways to bring her back, and I did a lot of research on this before I ever posted my first message on that board. I decided to see just how silly people could be. I had actually understood everything that had gone on during the game, so I knew lots of ways to trick people into believeing things. I already had a silly audience who believed nearly anything, so I took a great step when I came out with my Aeris Ressurection process, under the name of Ben Lansing, an alleged translator for Square. Without even reading this process, people should have known I was lying to start with. I claimed to be a temporary translator for Square. Well, anyone with any common sense knows that Ted Woolsey and the Square team did NOT translte FF7 ... SONY did it, all in Japan, and all within the parent company - NOBODY WAS HIRED FROM THE OUTSIDE! But ... being the gullible fish that I thought everyone was, they swallowed it whole without a second thought, and I became a near-idol on that message board. I decided to see just how far I could carry all of this. Several people on the message board started rebuking what I said, claiming me to be a liar and even catching me in a few little fibs. However, I also had a strong support, backed by a few guys you may remember as Fish, Mooncalf, Smear, Casper71, Zakna, and so on. We strongly opposed anyone who claimed we were liars. They do not know to this day that it was all a hoax. Some of them even made up little lies themselves in defense of me. I thought that was a bit overboard, but people will be people. We went off and founded a channel on DALNet: #Aeris. You people may remember it, and some of you may even visit from time to time. We had contacts with Crow (Miranda's Cafe) who helped us advertise and such. Well, as more people came to know about us, more people started doubting me. I went as far as to give over ownership of the channel to Fish and Zakna, while having my name removed from the #aeris home page. Things were looking bad, so I made one final post to the message board and vanished from the net. Here it is, with comments I have to make about why I said certain things: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh no. They did it. I wouldn't have known, because I had access to the full set of FF7 info... but they did. I guess this means that I should have actually played through things to see if anything had changed, instead of getting tired of the game after translation purposes. I think everyone is gonna kill me for my insolence, because I really should have played through the game more fully before I said anything to make sure it was still possible. Okay ... this paragraph was just a little introduction saying that the ressurection process was originally in the game, and while translating things, I saw it and so confirmed it without playing the game. Sounded credible, didn't it? Obviously it did ... read on ... Throughout the past few weeks, I, myself, have been wondering why people were having such a hard time reviving Aeris, because according to everything I saw through the scenario translation process, it could be done fairly easily. Here's the Aeris revival process, in full. More babbling ... then I go on to describe the Aeris revival process IN FULL ... heehee First off, throughout the game, you must make the logical choice of things to say to Aeris to indicate that you like her. You must never hurt her in any way by choice. What happens in scenarios, however, cannot be avoided (Aeris' beating by Cloud, for instance). I added this cause it sounded believeable too, as there were several key decision points in conversation that seemed to have no effect on the story, when in fact they really do: their real purpose is to dictate who is going to date Cloud in the Gold Saucer ... read on... Also, with the sick man. There is no medicine, but you could have Aeris tend to him and make him feel better, by learning about her heritage and returning to Midgar in the first CD. By doing this, the "GENERAL" as people call him, would trust you, and request you go buy his dying friend something from the store. A simple quest. After doing so,the GENERAL would tell you thanks, and that if there was anything else you need ever, to ask him for help. You then see a scene with his friend dying. A sad scene. :( There's a problem here ... you don't find out about Aeris's heritage till Disc 2. Another dead giveaway that this was a hoax had people been listening carefully ... Coupled with the fact that there IS no Midgar Key in disc 1 ... geez ... Oh yeah ... why did you guys call this man the GENERAL? I never figured that out ... but I just took the name and ran with it ... hell, it worked, didn't it? :) Now, continue through the game as normal, and after Aeris dies, go on to the second CD. Once here, return to Midgar with the key from CD1, and the GENERAL will ask you where the nice girl (Aeris) is. You explain that she has died, by Sephiros, and that there is no hope in reviving her. There would be a chance, but only if you could go deep under the waters of the floating castle (where Aeris died). The GENERAL would tell you that he thinks he may be able to help, and to come back later. After this meeting, you were to go on to Aeris' church, where there would be a long scene with her spirit. If you had been nice to her, she would express a desire to return to help you. After doing this, return to the GENERAL, who would provide you with a Yellow materia that allowed the entire group to travel through water. With this, you could return to the floating palace, go up to Mr. Fish, and once you touched him, you would be transported under water, to a cavern, where, at the end, lay Aeris' orb/life essence. With this orb, Bugen Hagen could complete the ress process, and you could move on to a happier life with a neater ending. Gee ... people still believed me after hearing THIS? BUGEN HAGEN WAS NOT TRYING TO RESSURECT AERIS!!! GEEZ!!! Also, a YELLOW orb gives commands ... I'll admit that there was an Underwater orb in the Japanese version, but it was removed from the executable code and cannot be gotten. It was later added in the US version. Geez ... what gullible people ... But wait ... there's more ... Well, the FMVs were all completed on time, but a lot of coding was not. They then delayed the games release by a month (Dec -> Jan). However, it seemed that even by late December, the coding STILL wasn't finished, so Square told production to wrap it up quickly. In order to get the game out on time, SqJP sacrificed what could have been a miraculously better game than FF7... The main coding that was not finished dealt with manipulating the transparent polygon of Aeris' spirit in the church. Er ... manipulating a transparent polygon isn't that hard at all ... no more so than a regular one ... Look at cloud's Ultima Weapon ... geez ... probably several other transparent things too in the game ... and besides ... the blip of Aeris in the church is NOT\ transparent to start with. This is yet another blatant lie that nobody ever bothered to reckognize... Since they were forced to wrap production up to meet the many-delayed deadline, they had to stop with the Aeris process unfinished. So, to keep things from ever happening, they simply removed the one item that allowed any hint of the process to take place... The Key to Midgar, from the first CD. This completely stopped the ability to ressurect Aeris. HOWEVER, they left out the removal of one thing, and that was the split- second of seeing the ghost of Aeris once you return to the church. Unforunately, this, along with the insanely big size of the ending MOV, are the only hints to Aeris' existence that we have. Other than the original FF7 scriptline, from which all the above information came. Wow ... interesting ... the only reason Aeris appears in the church is Cloud's memory ... any moron should be able to figure that out. I ran across this info while talking to John H. (another temp like me) trying to get some US script from him for our channel's page. Also, Seph wanted it. I asked him if it would be alright for me to release the script info in an altered form, and to release info on gameplay, such as Aeris' death/ress. Then he told me the deadline story, and I almost had a heartattack. He said that the process can still be done to its completion, sans a couple of scenes, with the Game Shark, but until someone develops a MOV player that handles multiple sector files, the true ending will not be seen. Heh ... multiple sector MOV files. Right. And pink monkeys fly out of my butt. Get real, people. You all need to take intelligence tests or something. Oh ... and that John H. guy was fake ... yet someone claimed to KNOW HIM!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay ... That was my "closure" note to the world, shortly before I vanished from the net. Too many people doubted me and I didn't want to be caught, so I just vanished from the net for a while, letting things cool down. Here recently, with the advent of the US release, I was in full swing back on the net, roaming around, when I ran across people STILL DRAGGING MY OLD, ROTTEN SHIT AROUND! It was hilarious. After 6 months, there were STILL people believing that shit and starting fights over it!!! I had had my name in several top magazines (Gamepro, EGM, PSX, and a few others) with interviews with Square employees. The magazine would ask them about Aeris and some guy named Lansing, and each square employee denied all of it. And people still believed ME! I am writing this to quench all rumors about Aeris and the completeness of Final Fantasy 7. As Hironobu Sakaguchi said in an interview with one of the above-mentioned magazines : "Final Fantasy 7 was completed to the best of our ability and funding." If any of you question who I am, why not drop by #squareff7 on DALNet one day and let me know you don't believe that I am Ben LAnsing. I will do whatever it takes to prove it ... Zakna is still around sometimes in #aeris also ... and he knows my nick - Dariakus. Yes, I'm Dariakus. One of the leading ops on the #squareff7 channel on DALNet and also the head coordinator and HTMLer of the upcoming Web Guide for FF7. Oh well. If you guys still want to sling my shit around, that's cool and all, but you will be doing it KNOWING that you are an idiot, cause the SOURCE OF THAT RUMOR (myself) HAS JUST TOLD YOU ALL THAT IT WAS FAKE. IT WAS A LIE. GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES!!! Sincerely, Ben Lansing / Dariakus

so i belive the users in this thread that were arguing about Aeris' Ressurection need to lay low about it. and as for Cloudstrife01235 yelling in one of the posts that he doesn't want to be told he's lying, i can understand that. not all people like to be told they're lying nowadays.

03-17-2007, 03:33 PM

That made me roll on the ground loughing :-P

03-17-2007, 04:35 PM
sorry for double post but i just wanna follow up on the rumor that i mentioned in my last post, both Agent0042 and Ben Lansing made perfectly clear that Squaresoft (now called Square-Enix) really did have a rush of time when it came to the completion of Final Fantasy VII PC that they had to leave the game incomplete. as far as i maybe concered there are a number of reasons for this and i'm gonna name a few here:

1. it could be that they were behind schedual and leave out the ressurection
2. it could be that the whole thing didn't acutally make sense

now i didn't get a chance to read his confession but i would presume that Ben Lansing can actually do it in the Japanese version like Cloudstrife01235 mentioned. however, the situation came clear that Ben Lansing trick people back then into beliving it can be done and i can clearly come to understand that.

i think today there was a PSOne version of the game called Final Fantasy 7 International that includes a process of Aeris' Ressurecction i belive.
(http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-5s-77-1-49-en-15-Final%2BFantasy%2BVII-70-1crl-43-99.html) here's the example.

03-17-2007, 06:14 PM
When storyboard designers kill off a character, they don't let players "resurrect" them by normal means (i.e. without gameshark). So why would FF7's situation be any different?

03-17-2007, 08:29 PM
When are the moronic fanboys gonna realise that you can't revive Aerith wothout a gameshark, I can't see why we have to go through this with nearly every damn FFVII thread. :rolleyes:

03-18-2007, 03:36 AM
When are the moronic fanboys gonna realise that you can't revive Aerith wothout a gameshark, I can't see why we have to go through this with nearly every damn FFVII thread. :rolleyes:

ereagh just to let you know that was just my statement of it. i'm not saying everyone's a fanboy who needs to get this ressurection thingy outta their heads.and besides my words are my words. noone has to abide by those. just like Ben Lansing's words. his words are just his words and noone needs to belive or understand them. i sure don't.

03-18-2007, 03:39 AM
I just think about General Leo, and this thread becomes totally hillarious.

I guess history DOES repeat itself.

buster blade
03-18-2007, 03:46 AM
i gess so

03-18-2007, 03:52 AM
just like Ben Lansing's words. his words are just his words and noone needs to belive or understand them. i sure don't.
That's interesting because I understood them perfectly. He outlined a detailed resurrection process with one minor flaw --- it was fake. He later posted a detailed confession, explaining why it was fake and mocking those who kept slinging that shit around and in fact, still are.

And for the record, there is no Aeris/th resurrection without Gameshark (and that isn't even real resurrection), International version aside. It isn't in any version of the game.

03-18-2007, 06:03 AM
That's interesting because I understood them perfectly. He outlined a detailed resurrection process with one minor flaw --- it was fake. He later posted a detailed confession, explaining why it was fake and mocking those who kept slinging that shit around and in fact, still are.

that's an interesting point. however it was then made clear that, and i presume i made this point before, that Ben was actually coming terms on "tricking" people into thinking it can actually be done. so the point i'ma try to make here is that it never was true but he actually brainwashed (at least that's the term alotta people would use) people into thinking IT IS.

EDIT: another point that i'd like to make on the whole ressurection rumor however, in terms of Ben Lansing actually was able to translate from Japanese he however, and this is something that i actually think not know, wasn't able to test the rumor himself i don't belive. and that it could be either he actually thought of it himself or someone actuallly mentioned about it to him.

03-18-2007, 07:21 AM
Oh, but lets not forget, if you be REALLY mean to Tifa, and be REALLY nice to Aeris, when Sephiroth decends to plung his blade into Aeris, Tifa will spring to life push, Aeris out of the way and sacrafice herself instead. Apparently because she feels so hated by Cloud, she decides this is the best course of action.... :laugh:

03-18-2007, 08:54 AM
What are you talking about Mickrulz? if you be REALLY mean to Tifa, and be REALLY nice to Aeris, when Sephiroth decends to plung his blade into Aeris, Cloud will push Aeris away shouting "Noooooo" and Sephiroth will just cut off her hand. Then Barret wil offer her his gun-hand!
Of course you need to defeat the Cheese Weapon first for that to happen! xD

03-18-2007, 11:44 AM
However! If you beat the almighty Earth Weapon, which is cunningly disguised as a mountain (which your supposed to walk into) then at Aeris's death scene, Cloud will infact push Aeris away at the last moment, taking the blow, killing him off. The story will then center around Barret, Tifa and Aeris playing as merchants, trying to sell goods in the friendly town of Coral.

03-18-2007, 01:57 PM

Suck my balls.

J. Peterman
03-18-2007, 02:34 PM
one time i went crazy and went over to ffonline and started posting up fake rumors about tuna swords and all that

it was really cool

03-19-2007, 06:50 AM
Oh, but lets not forget, if you be REALLY mean to Tifa, and be REALLY nice to Aeris, when Sephiroth decends to plung his blade into Aeris, Tifa will spring to life push, Aeris out of the way and sacrafice herself instead. Apparently because she feels so hated by Cloud, she decides this is the best course of action.... :laugh:

What are you talking about Mickrulz? if you be REALLY mean to Tifa, and be REALLY nice to Aeris, when Sephiroth decends to plung his blade into Aeris, Cloud will push Aeris away shouting "Noooooo" and Sephiroth will just cut off her hand. Then Barret wil offer her his gun-hand!
Of course you need to defeat the Cheese Weapon first for that to happen! xD

However! If you beat the almighty Earth Weapon, which is cunningly disguised as a mountain (which your supposed to walk into) then at Aeris's death scene, Cloud will infact push Aeris away at the last moment, taking the blow, killing him off. The story will then center around Barret, Tifa and Aeris playing as merchants, trying to sell goods in the friendly town of Coral.

now is that all made-up or you guys think it can come true?
cause i don't see how this can lead to a change in the story.

also if Agent0042's online, and i don't mean to say this to tease you or bully you or anything
but maybe you should look into the details abit further cause there was this one rumor that someone actually got it to work. i don't know if this was spread before but i'm just curious that it might actually...........................

EDIT: there was an Angelfire member page around before (i don't actually remember the web address for the link) and it shows that someone belived that someone a procedure that involves leveling a MASTERed Revive Materia to Level 4 to get Ressurect and then returning to the Forgotten City. it just happens to know that i belived him too but to tell you the truth i kinda didn't know about it back then until i recently saw it (which was about the first time i joined the #ffshrine IRC channel.)

now Agent0042, if you can, entice cloudstrife01235 to at least just read this (but not reply to it), or even see if you know his e-mail address and let me have it in a private message so i can e-mail him about it. cause according to the arguemnt you've been having a few pages back on this thread, yes cloudstrife01235 Aeris can be revived in the Japanese version of the game BUT, BUT, there is a BUT, none of the American, European, or Australasian gamers of Final Fantasy VII clearly understood that and i do mean clearly, only Japanese gamers. so i reckon i'd have to say (and this isn't to bully or tease you like a 5 year old kid) that that's the proof.

Now here is something to toss into the Aerith debate. She was orignally set to die in the Crater where Sephy is not the first disc. Sorry its been awhile since I played so I don't rememeber all the Names so please bare with me.
Now if you are like me and have a cheat device you can use it to bring Aerith back when you do the Snow board scene and if she is apart of your Party she does have lines like My butt hurts or something along that line. Also if you take a look at the Impalment scene where Sephiroth is coming down the Background is VERY different then the City of ancients and more like the Craters area. Plus if you notice Seph does not have his gloves on until he is pulling out his blade. This is because of the fact he was shirtless in the orignal design and instead of remaking the scene they just tweaked it a little to match.
As for reviving Aerith without a cheat device not happening even if you scarifice your first Born to a Dark god.

Chocobo weapon I will never see since I can't sing in french can speak it but singing it gives me headaches.

Revaninja Squaresoft (as the company was called than) finished Disc 1 off with Aeris faling to Sephiroth's blade and that all Cloud could do is watch by. and that, i'm thinking, could be why they left out ANY procedure whatsoever just so they could create the game on schedual (if that's the correct spelling. i shit at it by the way).

also Revaninja yes Aeris do have lines when you hack her back into your party in Disc 2 but that ONLY cause some glitches in later parts of the game. for example during the Waterfall scene in the Forgotten City if you put her in your party when you go to start it, we see the same FMV as the end of Disc one where Aeris falls to Sephiroth's blade and Cloud watching, on the waterfall. but what Cloud didn't realize at the end of it however that Aeris is standing right to his right hand side. and then the game just freezes, forcing you to reset, therefore proving my above point that Squaresoft left out ANY procedure whatsoever to revive her by any means just to get the creation job complete (at least somehow it did).

Aeris can't be revived, Square have said she can't be revived, there is no data on any version of the game for her revival as part of the storyline. Get it, son?

Jimsour yes i get it plus it also includes to the statement above if you've got time to read it.

that's all the information i have, however, if anyone has anymore they can privately message me or they can reply here.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 06:52 AM
same here

03-19-2007, 06:56 AM
It is all bullshit Photoshop they are just messing around. Anything like have Aeris or have sephiroth needs a Cheat device to work there is no other way.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 07:31 AM
by what means

03-19-2007, 07:53 AM
TheLugia: that's completely untrue. Squaresoft left every major data on every discs and that's why you get the Aeris model in every discs. Not because they planned to make a resurrection thing or any other crap like that.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:01 AM
they should not revive aris because its gonna ruined the shock that people had when she died

03-19-2007, 08:02 AM
TheLugia: that's completely untrue. Squaresoft left every major data on every discs and that's why you get the Aeris model in every discs. Not because they planned to make a resurrection thing or any other crap like that.

true, Hyna, but it still doesn't make sense why Squaresoft left every procedure whatsoever to to revive her.

they should not revive aris because its gonna ruined the shock that people had when she died

that's because, buster blade, like i stated in one of my above posts, that Ben Lansing was brainwashing people into thinking it's true when it's actualy NOT.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:04 AM
its because Somme people thought it was a bad idea too kill her

03-19-2007, 08:04 AM
there are NO procedures to revive here left anywhere. There's NEVER BEEN any procedure to revive her TO START WITH.

03-19-2007, 08:08 AM
exactly Hynad.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:08 AM
i have it but its a glitch

03-19-2007, 08:11 AM
that glitch can only be achieved with the use of a GameShark. That's not exactly what I call a procedure left by Squaresoft!

It only use the fact that Square left all the character models and abilities on each discs. There's nothing obscure about it.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:18 AM
no no i found it when i was 10 u go at the bottom of the sea and go in the submarine on disk 3 but make sure one of your player is dead battle 35 monsters
and your dead guy is aris don't worry your dead guy is in your PHS

03-19-2007, 08:18 AM
get a life

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:21 AM
hey what

03-19-2007, 08:21 AM
I bet you didn't know you can also fight Bugenhagen. On your first visit in disk 1, touch the switch leading to the area holding the Huge Materia, and Bugenhagen will say 'Only I can use it'. Continue to use it, and after 20 minutes he will grow angry and fight you.:laugh:

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:22 AM

03-19-2007, 11:41 AM
Mickrulz, you're forgetting the most important part! You must buy 55 Bolt materia and fight battles so that there are exactly 55 AP on each one before you can fight Bugenhagen. And you must have Cloud equipped with his Buster Sword with two of those Bolt Materia, otherwise Bugenhagen will just say 'I guess I can forgive you this time' whenever you touch the switch.

03-19-2007, 12:24 PM
Also Bugenhagens stats.

Level: ???
HP: 999999999
All stats: 355


Ho ho ho!: He yells he's favourite phrase out as loud as he can. What you do not know however, as he is infact, it is a secret evil enchantment more powerful then meteor. It will first deafen the party, but he has also released microscopic mites that has invested his body (it is speculated Bagenhagen is infact dead, but the mites controlling his body). These mites will then go through the parties ears, and attacking the brain, leaving them with every status effect possible, despite all the ribbons you have equipped. This has been known to subdue Holy. The mites are highly contagious, and will spread to each person on the planet, effectivly killing the planet. (Buganhagen was secretly laughing at Sephiroth's poor attempts to kill the planet. What took him weeks can take Bugenhagen only days). if he uses this, game over.

Knowledge of creation: He will verbally attack you with mindless babble about knowledge of how the planet was created. While you characters sit in total awe, he will then shoot himself out of a cannon, head first. With all that knowledge in his large head, he will inflict critical damage to a character. This will most certainly cause instant death. If he uses this 3 times, game over.

ROFL: Although it appears he is rolling around laughing, to the keen eye it is obvious he is transforming into his true form. A giant R, followed by and O, F, and finally an L. This has the power to decimate anything with one attack. if he turns into this, consider it immediate game over.

Holy: Yes, Bughenhagen can control Holy. Not like the way Aeris did, he controls it in a manner that is very destructive. This will engulf the party. What will follow is a game over screen, as well as the revival of Aeris.

LIMIT BREAK: One with the Planet: Bugenhagen's ultimate attack. he will actually become one with the planet (Yes, he can do it instantly, he doesn't have to create a wound like that fool Sephy tried to do). He will then proceed to take the power of every life form on the planet (excluding the party). His stats will all now be infinity. For the next 20 minutes, he will just laugh at you as you attempt to hurt him. At which point he will simply snort, destroying your party and your ps1 consol.

All I can say is: Good luck all you hardcore FFVII fans :).

03-19-2007, 02:01 PM
Oh man, he was one hard motherfucker. It's worth it, though, for the amazing technicolor dreamchocobo you get when you beat him.

03-19-2007, 02:14 PM
Not to mention the fact can either spare Bugenhagen, and he will join your party, or you cna destroy him. Then you will inherit Bugenhagens power, revive Sephiroth (With the Dreamchocobos brand new ability) and he will then join your party after seeing the amazing new powers you possess.

Edit: This just in, you can get aquatic mammal Mr. Dolphin at Junon to join your party. Once you are at disc 3, use your submarine to fight Emerald Weapon. Upon its defeat, swim around the ocean over the crater where Emerald would hover and if you have fought enough battles over the course of the game, your submarine will get caught in an underwater current. Mr. Dolphin will come to save you and if you give him 99 elixers like he asks, he will join your party.

03-19-2007, 02:18 PM
My favourite bit of the Dreamchocobo, though, is it's power to fuse items... like you can fuse the Buster Sword and Death Penalty, which makes Squall, Seifer, and Kadaj appear and join your party. :D

Edit: I never knew about Mr. Dolphin! I just tried it, and it really works!

03-19-2007, 02:22 PM
Ahh yes, I remember fusing an Elixer, 3 Ethers and the Earth Harp and Kool-Aid appeard in my party, continually shouting "oooh yeah!"

Yeah, that could have been a glitch though. But it happened, I swear!

03-19-2007, 02:26 PM
Yeah, that was a glitch. He's only meant to shout it when he uses his limit break, Quench Thrist.

03-19-2007, 02:38 PM
Haha, damn, I knew it was too good to be true. (We've certainly deveated from the at hand).

03-19-2007, 05:41 PM
I remeber having to fight the bullshit weapon, whose primary attack was to tell the party that reviving Aerith is possible, thus causing the game to crash.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 07:28 PM
yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight i be leave you

03-19-2007, 07:34 PM
God your grammar is horrific.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 07:35 PM
fuk you bitch

03-19-2007, 07:42 PM
Oh well, that really told me off, Learn some fucking english.

buster blade
03-19-2007, 08:33 PM
Cartman: im gonna kick u in the nuts

03-19-2007, 10:01 PM
God your grammer is horrific.

Its spelt 'grammar' hypocrite.

03-19-2007, 10:07 PM
Yeah it's called a typo, do you know what that is?

03-20-2007, 12:14 AM
Man, this thread has digressed into a battle between two people who both have horrible grammar. buster blade just plain fails at communicating, and Killa 7 isn't much better.

*edit* Added screenshot to prevent further post-editing by these two.

03-20-2007, 01:25 AM
You're not really helping here, z.zetsumei. You're actually asking for it.

03-20-2007, 05:55 AM
Asking for what? More idiotic posts?

03-20-2007, 06:01 AM
nope, for a flame war.

03-20-2007, 06:08 AM
They really can't flame though, since true flaming requires one to have at least the I.Q. of a rock.

03-20-2007, 06:24 AM
you are currently starting to sound like a rock now. lol :P

03-20-2007, 06:34 AM
It takes one to know one.

03-20-2007, 07:02 AM
oh yeah? where did you get that from?

really, that last reply of yours was taken out of an elementary schoolyard.

03-20-2007, 08:32 AM
I wouldn't mind a flame war. Call me a horrible person, but folks like buster blade and the master really need to get a good flaming so that maybe, just maybe, they may grow a shred of intelligence and/or leave.

03-20-2007, 08:52 AM
oh yeah? where did you get that from?

really, that last reply of yours was taken out of an elementary schoolyard.

Your lack of Shift key usage shows me that you have much to learn.
And as for your blurb about "elementary schoolyard comebacks", check this (http://www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/Columns/Peer-rev.html) out, it's from North Carolina State University. Peer evaluations are generally a good benchmark to work from when you're trying to improve yourself, so take the hint and stop trying to use the "I'm superior than you" attitude.

03-20-2007, 09:01 AM
LOL, the "I'm superior than you" attitude?

*** runs outside his home***

***comes back a couple minutes later from the supermarket***

Here z.zetsumei, take this mirror. It will tell you how you were the very first in here to attack the other's intelligence. Hence, proving you're the one pretending to be superior than the others.

Introspection is in order for you little one.

That last reply from you was totally hilarious, I thought you should know.

But are we going to dance like this forever?

03-20-2007, 09:27 AM
There is really no need to continue this. Pointless flamming achieves nothing, as neither one will admit defeat, and no matter how good you think you are, replying to such insults makes you no more superior then the person who just insulted you. If you must continue this, it makes alot more sense to take it to PMing, rather then spam it here. (Yes, I am aware I was spamming earlier as well, but it's entierly different to spamming over a pointless issue.).

03-20-2007, 09:32 AM
hey, don't ruin the game!!

03-20-2007, 09:34 AM
That must be some kind of magic mirror, Hynad... all mine does is show my reflection. It doesn't even speak, let alone tell me that z.zetsumei started insulting people's intelligence, which he didn't, ftr, it was me and mickrulz... and another thing...
That last reply from you was totally hilarious, I thought you should know.

03-20-2007, 09:38 AM
Someone is bound to intervene in this 'game' sooner or later >.>

And my mirror doesn't show my reflection. It shatters before I even get near it.

03-20-2007, 09:42 AM
oh you took it literally... That's kinda showing how poor your brain is when it comes to subtleties.

And just so you know, here's the insult I was referring to (man, do I have to do everything here?) :P

They really can't flame though, since true flaming requires one to have at least the I.Q. of a rock.

03-20-2007, 10:28 AM
I admit subtleties aren't my best aspect, however there was nothing subtle about the issue.

03-20-2007, 11:15 AM
Sorry Mickrulz, that last post was in reply to Nuclear Warheads, not to you. ^^

03-20-2007, 01:10 PM
Ah, thats okay ^^

buster blade
03-20-2007, 07:37 PM
yo what the hell are saying about me and killa 7

03-20-2007, 08:26 PM
yo what the hell are saying about me and killa 7

Remove the "yo", capitalize the "w" in "what", put "you" after "are", and put a question mark at the end.

That's kinda showing how poor your brain is when it comes to subtleties.

That's what I meant by the "I'm superior than you" attitude. You replied to my initial post in a manner that only a mod should.
Just for the record, I never insulted someone's intelligence, I merely stated fact based on the structure and content of the statements made by buster blade and killa 7. If you take a peek at what was posted, you'd see that the thread had indeed digressed into a battle between these two morons and that what I posted was merely an observation and not an insult.

buster blade
03-20-2007, 08:33 PM
still i kinda rude it a friendly fude

03-20-2007, 08:45 PM
z.zetsumei: it's funny you'd react like this especially since 3 post before that, I replied to someone to not "ruin the game".

Now if you take everything so seriously, that's not my problem.

I'm not the one saying people have lower than a rock's IQ. You are.

So get a grip man. I'm playing a game, it is called fishing. And it seems like I've caught something big! :-P

03-20-2007, 08:57 PM
Whether you're fishing or not, you can't deny that buster blade and killa 7 just fail at creating worthwhile posts.
FYI, you caught jack shit buddy. That's how a good majority of my posts are constructed, so stop putting yourself on a pedestal.

buster blade
03-20-2007, 09:00 PM

03-20-2007, 09:01 PM
still i kinda rude it a friendly fude

I'll take back what I said, if you can explain what the hell this post is supposed to mean.

03-20-2007, 09:03 PM
FYI, you caught jack shit buddy. That's how a good majority of my posts are constructed, so stop putting yourself on a pedestal.

Who's putting himself on a pedestal? I don't do that. If you think I'm acting as such, maybe it's just you who feel lower than me. Because I swear I'm not pretending to be better than anyone else here. I just keep my cool, while obviously, you take the opposite approach. You're giving me the power to put you in a mood you clearly aren't comfortable with.

And I agree with you, Killa 7 and Buster Sword are not making any sense.

03-20-2007, 09:19 PM
Who said I was losing my cool? Like I said before, my posts are representative of my general demeanor.
But at least now we have some form of common ground.

buster blade
03-20-2007, 09:35 PM
can we get back to the thread this is getting boring

03-20-2007, 09:40 PM
can we get back to the thread this is getting boring

Sure thing.
Final Fantasy 7 for the PC is all-around crap since it's pretty much a poor port of a poor game.

03-20-2007, 09:51 PM
However! If you beat the almighty Earth Weapon, which is cunningly disguised as a mountain (which your supposed to walk into) then at Aeris's death scene, Cloud will infact push Aeris away at the last moment, taking the blow, killing him off. The story will then center around Barret, Tifa and Aeris playing as merchants, trying to sell goods in the friendly town of Coral.

Yes, but dont forget that if you manage to defeat both Cheese and Earth weapons, you will receive the special item "Sephiroth's Ultimate and Powerfull Katana!!!".
When the FMV plays and Sephiroth is about to kill Aeris, a messege appears saying WHERE THE HELL IS MY SWORD!!!. Sephiroth punches Aeris instead (beaware that this works only if you be really nice to Aeris and really mean to Tifa!). After this you enter a battle with Sephiroth, but he is so weak because he doesnt have his ULTIMATE AND POWERFULL KATANA. He will ask for his ULTIMATE AND POWERFULL KATANA 3 TIMES during battle. 1 when he is below 2000 health points, another one when he is under 1000 and another one when he is below 50. DO NOT GIVE HIM HIS KATANA AT THE FIRST TWO TIMES, OR HE WILL ATTACK YOU WITH HIS MOST POWERFULL ATACK, THE KATANA DANCE-INSTAND DEATH. Give him his katana the 3rd time. He will say "Thanks, you are the good guys" and join the party.

03-21-2007, 06:06 AM
Yes, but dont forget that if you manage to defeat both Cheese and Earth weapons, you will receive the special item "Sephiroth's Ultimate and Powerfull Katana!!!".
When the FMV plays and Sephiroth is about to kill Aeris, a messege appears saying WHERE THE HELL IS MY SWORD!!!. Sephiroth punches Aeris instead (beaware that this works only if you be really nice to Aeris and really mean to Tifa!). After this you enter a battle with Sephiroth, but he is so weak because he doesnt have his ULTIMATE AND POWERFULL KATANA. He will ask for his ULTIMATE AND POWERFULL KATANA 3 TIMES during battle. 1 when he is below 2000 health points, another one when he is under 1000 and another one when he is below 50. DO NOT GIVE HIM HIS KATANA AT THE FIRST TWO TIMES, OR HE WILL ATTACK YOU WITH HIS MOST POWERFULL ATACK, THE KATANA DANCE-INSTAND DEATH. Give him his katana the 3rd time. He will say "Thanks, you are the good guys" and join the party.

At which point Marlene will be the new antagonist, as she was really working for Janova all along, being infused with Janova Cells at birth. She will then summon 4 of her minions (Mr T, R2-D2, Donald Trump and the Red Power Ranger). You will have to defeat the minions in various places of the world, before finally confronting Marlene in the Battle Square at the Golden Saucer.

03-21-2007, 06:52 PM
Of course in the final battle you fight Marlene instead of Sephiroth. When you enter the battle, Barret appears saying "Leave my baby alone sucker!", and enters a battle with you. At that point Sephiroth throws his katana and cuts off Barret's gun arm which cause Barret to explode, and instead of Aeris' hand grabing Cloud you see Barret's gun arm. While Cloud trys to catch it he whispers "Dont die on my fat guy", the arm starts shooting and Cloud dies.

03-21-2007, 09:23 PM
Don't forget to press F3 to enter the secret side-fight between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. Not sure what the equivalent control combination is on the Playstation version --- I'm still working it out.

03-21-2007, 09:34 PM
Don't forget to press F3 to enter the secret side-fight between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. Not sure what the equivalent control combination is on the Playstation version --- I'm still working it out.

That only works if you have a Japanese game and a Japanese PSX! You have to press all the buttons and shit bricks for it to work though.

03-22-2007, 05:34 AM
Okay I didn't think I was going to post any more rumors, but I couldn't resist this one:

Tomb Raider starlet Lara Croft is obtainable in Final Fantasy VII. It is believed that if you breed two gold chocobos and improve them to S Class, then beat Joe twelve times and he will be replaced by a new rider. Beat the rider three times, and you will receive the item with no name. With Tifa in your party, leave the Gold Saucer and Tifa will talk about the mysterious item. Show her the item, and the screen will go blank. When vision returns, Tifa will transform into Lara Croft. Also her new gun can kill any monster first shot.

I must say I wholeheartedly believe ths rumor.

03-22-2007, 09:26 AM
oh you took it literally... That's kinda showing how poor your brain is when it comes to subtleties.

And just so you know, here's the insult I was referring to (man, do I have to do everything here?) :P

Try this on for size:

I bet you didn't know you can also fight Bugenhagen. On your first visit in disk 1, touch the switch leading to the area holding the Huge Materia, and Bugenhagen will say 'Only I can use it'. Continue to use it, and after 20 minutes he will grow angry and fight you.:laugh:

This quote came before zetsumei's, and it should be obvious why this post insults buster blade's intelligence for you, the master of subtleties. Also, it's called sarcasm, specifically intended to note the ridiculousness of your mirror rant.

As for rumours, I have heard that you can turn your characters except for Lara into Power Rangers! You must have completed the Lara Croft trick, which can actually be done. Then fight the Red Power Ranger by going back to the Gelnika plane, and Morph him into a Ranger Source. It transforms all your other characters into Power Rangers! Their colours are as follows:
Cloud - purple
Barrett - black
Aeris - pink
Cid - blue
Red XIII - Red
Cait Sith - White
Yuffie - Green
Vincent - Brown
Sephiroth - Silver

Tifa doesn't transform, however her breasts grow twice as large...

03-22-2007, 09:37 PM
Yeah, I've seen the Tifa / Lara Croft trick before. Tomb Raider was quite popular around the time FFVII came out. Sweetly enough, the trick does indeed still work. (Try it out if you don't believe me.)

03-22-2007, 09:47 PM
Of course. Everything myself, ROKI and Nuclear Warheads have posted in this thread are 100% teasted and true. If you don't believe me, go try it out for yourselves.

04-19-2007, 02:02 AM
i couldnt even open it up!!!!! it said eroor something...

04-19-2007, 04:01 AM
Well, that's not really much we can do to help you without more details on the type of error you're getting and the computer you're using.