01-02-2007, 04:25 PM
hi im new here and was wondering if anybody could supply me with breath of fire scande song outside zog's castle and final fantasy 3 (nes) last battle theme against the dark cloud in possible mp3 or wma file. and also if u cn help me get snes wwf raw luna vachon theme and street fighter 2 ww/ce/hf m.bison thailand theme from the arcade game in mp3 id really be thankful.

and more reps to the person(s) that find this for me

01-04-2007, 12:38 PM
so no one can help out with this at least if someone could give me snes wwf raw luna vachon street fighter 2 m.bison(u.s.) thailand stage and breath of fire zog castle theme in scande i would be very happy with that.

these are the main 3 songs i need to complete my collection.