12-29-2006, 10:51 PM
I've just started playing DoC (which i stink at, thanks to this gun crap) and i was wondering what the G Reports say?

02-14-2007, 03:26 PM
hey guys i've played the game, i've searched hundreds of sites , read thousand of theories and everything, but I can't find anywhere what exactly the g reports say. I haven't found them in the game. I know the summary but I want the reports themselves. Does anybody have them? PLEASE HELP!!!

White Fox
02-21-2007, 01:41 AM
I have them somewhere on my computer but I do have the Omega Reports...I found them by accident looking for the G reports on my comp....I feel like a goober...

04-29-2007, 09:56 PM
Please, if you want to actually enjoy this game, find them yourselves. As a last resort, go out and purchase the strategy guide, which tells you how to find them.

02-18-2008, 07:39 AM
Report 1: Taboo

The Shinra Company is feared across the globe for its ruthless army, SOLDERS.

However, there are two members of this legion of whom few have the courage to speak.

While one is well known: infamous “S” –- A Symbol of Strength and Destruction –- The other remains shrouded in an eldritch veil of shadows. All records of this man’s existence have been deleted; only remnant of his legacy being the lone letter “G”

Report 2: A Single Record

We can only begin to enigmatic warrior might be…

There are rumors that he was a biochemically constructed prototype for the soldier who would become “S”. However, the are no documents to support these claims, in fact, the is so little information on “G” that his existence may be northing but a fabrication.

The only thing that may give insight into this mystery is a lone personal record which indicates that several years ago, a soldier 1st class was assigned a top-secret mission to pursue a target referred only as “G”, unfortunately , any further data on this mission has been lost or destroyed…

Report 3: Below Midgar

“G” Slumbers below Midgar…
Silently abiding his awakening…

Or so tell the stories of the vagrants who dwell in the slums of the mephitic metropolis. However? Could there exist some truth behind these rumors?

Being one of the few who was involved in their construction I know all too well of the vast caverns that sprawl deep beneath our city streets.

This will more then likely be my final entry. The last fragment of data I have uncovered reads as follows:

Soldiers branded with epithets of color…
These are the hellspawn of “G”.