12-29-2006, 08:52 PM
So, years ago I was told that at the end of FFVII, Cloud and Tifa were supposed to get married. Yes yes, I know Cloud liked Aeris. But, then why give the player a choice of who to like throughout the game?
i'm not sure I believe it... but we'll see
What do you think?

12-29-2006, 09:23 PM
They didn't get married because they weren't marred in Advent Children. Plus, Cloud liked Aeris all the way through FFVII, but Tifa liked Cloud. Cloud still liked Aeris when she was "gone", but I reckon at the end of AC Cloud moves on because he see's Aeris and Zack kind of together (because they used to go out before FFVII started) and Aeris says everything is alright. I reckon after Advent Children Cloud gets into Tifa.

But who knows, its up to the player/viewer.

12-29-2006, 10:21 PM
It's called a Love Triangle.

As far as FF7 goes, it was prolonged for a lengthy amount of time, holding off any final decisions of love between Cloud with Aerith or Tifa that may displease fans or end anything dynamic.

So ultimately, it doesn't matter who went on a date with Cloud because he never chooses. Just another poop quality about FF7, maybe it'd be a little different if he directly shows decision making dialogue or action toward the woman of choice. Not all this high school crush shenanigans.

J. Peterman
12-29-2006, 10:42 PM

12-29-2006, 10:51 PM
Frasier Crane, you're hot.

Valerie Valens
12-29-2006, 11:17 PM

12-30-2006, 12:08 AM

Where do you people get this stuff? :laugh:

Gentleman Ghost
12-30-2006, 12:38 AM
Yes, Love Triangle, You're absoloutely right.

12-30-2006, 08:41 PM
Hahaah! nice webcomic. that makes me roffle all over the place.

ah, twilight too, your always a bag o' fun!

I dunno, i don't really count FFVII AC as a continued storyline... i just can't accept a fan creation as real... but that is an interesting thought.

K, next theory:
Zack. Is that really him sitting in the pipe when your still in Midgar. You have to bring him medicine. I have heard that person is Zack.
Also, is he later hidden in one of the reunion crowds hidden in black garb, but dies.

01-01-2007, 06:56 AM
Gina is a bag o' sex.

01-01-2007, 07:10 AM
Hahaah! nice webcomic. that makes me roffle all over the place.

ah, twilight too, your always a bag o' fun!

I dunno, i don't really count FFVII AC as a continued storyline... i just can't accept a fan creation as real... but that is an interesting thought.

K, next theory:
Zack. Is that really him sitting in the pipe when your still in Midgar. You have to bring him medicine. I have heard that person is Zack.
Also, is he later hidden in one of the reunion crowds hidden in black garb, but dies.

...Uh...FF7 AC was made from the same department, written by most of the same guys, and the designs were done by Nomura. I'm not sure if that's a 'fan creation', slick.

But if you can't accept fan creations, why do you even have this thread? Isn't it sort of pointless to beat the game ragged with fan creations that you can't accept anyway?

I guess I don't follow. Anyway, here's mine. Cloud decides moping around for a bit is more entertaining than anything else and enjoys long strolls in the park. By 'long strolls in the park', I mean ride around his motorbike on a wasteland. Because that's how he rolls, I guess. Anyway, his manic obbsession for Aeris causes him to mentally project her onto every woman he sees. Because of this, he bangs Tifa, and Yuffie. He is soon sent to prison on charges of bestiality, and the unlawful impregnation of a minor. He starts to hallucinate in prison and sees odd men with long white hair and overcompensation complexes that exceed his own. He gets out on good behavior despite heckling Old Moe (Who really does have white hair). Tifa gives him pity sex, then not-so pity sex. Yuffie stays away from him. That's why she's not in the movie as much. She's mentally traumatized. Cloud, you old dog, you.

Also whoever told you that they got married? Punch him in the balls. He's probably done a bunch of other things too. And lied about them. Like the hobo that raped your dog?


01-01-2007, 07:29 AM
Gina is a bag o' sex.

01-10-2007, 06:59 AM
First...Troubadour thinks way too far outside the box.
Second...I always got the feeling that Cloud was not so much 'crazy in love' with Aerith as much as he was feeling that he caused her death. I think he simply feels that he is responsible for her death because Sephiroth pwned her right in front of him and he couldnt stop it. All through out the game he does generally show more connection with Tifa. Especially in the 'dive into Cloud's brain' segment. He's always had a thing for Tifa. By 'letting' Aerith die he then feels he is useless and that he can't protect Tifa or anyone. Which he states in AC. So no,they aren't married...but who knows what happens after AC. All I know is that Nanaki is still alive 498 years later because he kicks total ass.

01-10-2007, 07:04 AM
Let's put this to rest...

Cloud is Michael Jackson.
Note the pale skin, the rag-tag entourage, and of course the hoard of little kids.

01-10-2007, 12:32 PM
Gina is a bag o' sex.

01-11-2007, 02:19 PM


Let's put this to rest...

Cloud is Michael Jackson.
Note the pale skin, the rag-tag entourage, and of course the hoard of little kids.