12-29-2006, 05:00 PM
Who thinks The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is a bit overrated?

Have your say.

*I'll post my opinion later.*

12-29-2006, 05:05 PM
There are some people who are excessively vocal (and therefore annoying) about it, but it deserves its reputation.

Also, it is kind of ironic that you would post this at about the same time I got the notion to figure out what order the episodes actually go in.

12-29-2006, 05:23 PM
It's popular.
Kinda like the popularity like Inuyasha,Naruto,pokemon,Yu-gi-oh etc etc

Those animes have the reputation of being overrated.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya may get in the list.

Even though any anime can get popular, Every Anime has hatred around it by the Haters. every person can hate an anime or two (Like me!).

I think TMOFS Is a bit Overrated. I see it on other forums and such.
It's popular.
And some Overrated anime can get on my nerves.

I also see Death Note but I don't get bothered with that.

Just chucking my two cents.

PS : Whats so good about it? Is it one of those School animes? It dosen't interest me.

Pram the Oracle
12-30-2006, 04:01 AM
It's not exactly a school anime...... at least, not a normal one. Anyway, The series to me was meh, but what a catchy end theme!

Oh, and it might interest you to know that Haruhi Suzumiya is considered one of the most powerful fictional characters ever. No, not in a character strength-sense, in a literal sense.

12-30-2006, 12:08 PM
Its Overrated :)


12-30-2006, 04:20 PM
There are some people who are excessively vocal (and therefore annoying) about it, but it deserves its reputation.

Also, it is kind of ironic that you would post this at about the same time I got the notion to figure out what order the episodes actually go in.

I think the way that they did that is so neat! ^^ I guess it was the author of the original novel's idea- he thought they'd have more of the feeling of the books that way.

Anyways, everything that's really popular is overrated. There are some obnoxious Haruhists, but that doesn't spoil an excellent show for me.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-30-2006, 04:28 PM
I have never heard of this show and I already think it's overrated.

If you have to ask, it is.

12-30-2006, 07:43 PM
Seeing Haruhi pasted all over the internet, even on message boards that have nothing at all to do with anime or video games, frustrated me. Her face, with that stupid perpetual grin, annoyed me. It annoyed me so much that it reverse psychology'd me into downloading the entire series, just to see if she really was as annoying as I'd thought.

She sure was.

I still hate her, but Kyon and the rest of supporting crew carry her to awesomeness.

Overrated? It's popular and it's different, so of course it is.

Morning Blue
01-03-2007, 06:31 PM
Yeah, I hated Haruhi (and Mikuru as well) quite a bit. I liked the rest of the cast enough, but the show looks so boring, with forgettable music (even the rock songs in episode 12) and outright boring, uninspired art and character designs that it was hard for me to sit through. I also got tired of seeing Haruhi everywhere, especially pictures of that one scene where she licks Mikuru's face, which is now burned into my skull forever. Most overrated comedy since FLCL hands down.

01-03-2007, 07:02 PM

01-03-2007, 08:33 PM
Ndi and her love for cutesie cutesies...

Mikuru Beamuuu~

01-22-2007, 02:04 AM
Who thinks The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is a bit overrated?

Have your say.

*I'll post my opinion later.*
A bit overrated this is more overated than Inu-yasha and Naruto combined probably also much worse than those two.

01-22-2007, 02:27 AM
A bit overrated this is more overated than Inu-yasha and Naruto combined probably also much worse than those two.

Even if it IS more overrated than Inu-yasha and Naruto combined, there sure are enough cosplayers and fan-freaks from both series to make me want to bash their heads in for being so stupid.
Overhyped? Yes
Overrated? Yes
More overrated than Inu-yasha and Naruto combined? Hardly

01-22-2007, 02:32 AM
Even if it IS more overrated than Inu-yasha and Naruto combined, there sure are enough cosplayers and fan-freaks from both series to make me want to bash their heads in for being so stupid.
Overhyped? Yes
Overrated? Yes
More overrated than Inu-yasha and Naruto combined? Hardly

:-( Sorry forgot about the cosplayers you're right it's not quite as bad but still pretty bad. :-D

01-22-2007, 07:53 PM
Haruhi is probably more overrated then Inuyasha and Naruto.

I wouldn't complain about the cosplayers ^^;;;

The anime also annoys me.

01-22-2007, 07:55 PM
This thread is incredibly retarded. Either come up with something interesting to talk about or let it die.

01-30-2007, 09:55 PM
boring anime. nothing special for me =\
Only the cat Samisen i think is COOL!