12-28-2006, 02:21 PM
Why is it so that new games that come out in the US only cost US$50, but new games that come out in Australia are priced at AUS$100 ($99.95 to be exact)!

That is a huge rip off. US$50 is roughly equal to AUS $62.50 at the current rates. I know it used to be One American Dollar was equal to Two Australian Dollars, but that was years ago! Things change, so why shouldn't game prices!

Who agrees with me that Australian games are overpriced?

12-28-2006, 02:39 PM
You have to take into consideration things such as import taxes and shipping, as well as localization; PAL games are translated into at least 5 other languages. All of that translation incurs an additional cost.

However, there are ways around it; all handheld games and the majority of Xbox 360 games are region free, meaning that you can import them from sites such as to save cash. Also, most retailers are not charging full price for PS2 and Xbox games any more.

Ever since I discovered importing, I haven't bought a game from the stores since; not only is it cheaper, games are available in the US months before they hit Australian shelves.

Sri Krishna
12-28-2006, 02:49 PM
And I thought I was getting the screw job. That is indeed outrageous video games were not meant to be hoarded by the rich they were meant to be played. Its why I almost had a heart attack when I looked out of curiousity for how much the PSX Valkyrie Profile can go for considering I found it on sale for 20 bucks at Target.

12-28-2006, 02:51 PM
What about PC Games. PC Games languages are universal, yet they still charge double the price. Take Warhammer 40 000: Dark Crusade for example, in USA it's only US$30, yet in Aus, its AUS $59.94 (<-- why is there a four? Don't ask me, it says it on the box), well technically it's actually AUS$49.94 after the $10 off at EB Games.

I would import, but I don't have a credit card, or any money, okay so I do have money but I'm saving it for a WACOM... how much is a WACOM? I'm only 14...

And Sri Krishna, Target > Kmart. Myers > David Jones. The new japanese restraunt at the food court in Westfield Shoppingtown > all the other fast food outlets in the food court in Westfield Shoppingtown