03-14-2002, 10:27 PM
I apoligize if this thread has been done before, but I'm new here. :)

I've got a couple of moments that made me laugh, and then you can share your's.

1. As Cloud enters one of the rooms of the Honey Bee (Forget which one) a male hoard group comes in after Cloud, and eventually ends up sharing a bath together with them. My face was turning red with embarresment for poor Cloud.

2. Tifa in the same room as Don Corneo and the sight of him making humping motions towards tifa.

3. Cid quotes: "We got guests! GET SOME TEA! #%&@ !" and "Shu up, sit down and drink your God damn tea!" As well as "Your stupid! Your really %#&@! stupid!"

4. Barret quote: "I aint' sayin' nuthin about nuthin! So jus shut ya face!" lol God, he needs valium.

5. Heidegger quote: "Flush your personal problems out with the rest of your crap."

6. Prof. Hojo to Cloud: "Quit asking me why, YOU MORON!" I enjoy his bluntness most of all.

7. When Aeris died. JK :)

8. When you starred in the play with Aeris and it turns into a total wreck. (If you selected the correct options)

9. When you beat Palmer for the Tiny Bronco, he runs away to a street, sticks his tounge out to you and gets hit by a truck.

That's all I could think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more I'm missing.

03-14-2002, 10:47 PM
I thought when Cloud went into the room with Corneo, it was funny. The bath part with the men was halarious also. An when Tifa and Aries and Cloud were saying to Corneo'' I'll cut it off,'' I'll rip it off'' that was funny.

03-14-2002, 11:09 PM
This game definately has a ton of inside jokes. My fave one is when Palmer comes into Cid's house and says along the lines of: 'Ohh, tea! I want lots of sugar and creme, and lots of lard too!' Hehe.

03-15-2002, 01:19 PM
"I'll cut it off", " I'll rip it off"----> What is "it" ? Just curious!!!

03-15-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Serge
"I'll cut it off", " I'll rip it off"----> What is "it" ? Just curious!!!

they mean his balls (excuse my language) thats as plane as i can get it.


03-15-2002, 04:25 PM
I found the funniest part in the game was when you leave midgar (this wasnt intended to be funny though)

Barret says "hey, we better split up into 2 groups, it will be way to dangerous to walk across the fields in 1 big group"

This is just a lame excuse that square put in so that you cant fight with more than 3 characters, it would actually be safer in a large group. i cant remember exactly what barret says but its really funny

03-23-2002, 07:55 AM
LOL , one of the funniest parts i think was on the train in midgar and barret punched the wall next to the shinra conductor dude who was sitting down LOL he was shaking and prolly shittin in his pants that was classic man!

Other funny parts hmm the whole Corneo thing was great.

I dunno there were plenty of funny scenes but none more funny then that train part in my opinion lol.

03-24-2002, 06:54 AM
I thought the cut off, bash of, rip off part was funny, plus how Elena always gave away secrets...

03-24-2002, 07:41 AM
7. When Aeris died.

Yeah, that was hell funny. SCHWING!!!!

Fatal Divide
03-24-2002, 08:47 PM
I thought the bit where Cid got annoyed at Cloud for saying "Let's mosey" at the end of the end of the game was really funny.

03-25-2002, 12:29 AM
when u talk to aeris after seeing the guy wiv Mako poisining in the pipe home in a midgar slum...she says sumthin, but it makes no sense

sumthin like "he am sick"

it happened in my copy, anyone else?

03-25-2002, 04:15 AM
1. The gaymen in the bathtub event in the Honey Bee building.
2. When you flirt with Don Cornio in the mansion or whatever.
3. When you go out on a date with Barret at the Gold Saucer.
4. When you kick Red XIII with the soccer ball at Costa De Sol.
5. Anytime Yuffie laughs/chuckles "Nyuk nyuk":lol

Thats all I can remember but if I do remember more I'll probably edit this post...

03-25-2002, 05:03 PM
it was funny when yuffie was puking her guts up on the highwind...

and umm... when you first go to costa del sol and hojo is on the beach, one of the girls says "I'll be your guinea-pig ANY day!", that was funny too.


03-25-2002, 05:10 PM
1 cloud in the honey bee with the guys in the tub

03-25-2002, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by The_Flaming_Aramant
when u talk to aeris after seeing the guy wiv Mako poisining in the pipe home in a midgar slum...she says sumthin, but it makes no sense

sumthin like "he am sick"

it happened in my copy, anyone else? <font color=red face="comic sans ms">The actual quote is "This guy are sick". ;) It's just a mistranslation in the game, there are quite a lot of those; for example the 'Last Elixir' in Gaea's Cliff, which is actually a Megalixir.

Anyway, back on topic, I found the whole honeybee inn part funny...
"poo, i uh, mean, sir.. hurry.."
and whatever you say, that lady mutters something bad about Cloud under her breath.. :p
And the fact that he has a bath with lots of guys... you can see how much he wanted to get out but he was forced to stay in there for 10 seconds...
And if you go into the end room and ask to put make-up on.. "oh... my........."

Well, there are quite a lot of funny parts in the game. I also like the part in Rocket Town where Shera doesn't make tea and Cid gets mad at her; then Palmer comes in and asks for tea with honey and lard. Also after the battle with him out the back, he runs out the way of the Tiny Bronco as it starts up, then gets run over by a truck that comes out of nowhere. ;)

Yeah... there are quite a few funny parts in the game... most of those I've already mentioned or other people have mentioned... ;)

03-26-2002, 10:43 PM
- When yuffie asks cloud to sign a piece of paper which says she can have all the materia
- When you first meet Rufus and everyone tells him who they are then rufus says what an interesting bunch
-When you call Aeris the local drunk

03-27-2002, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Fatal Divide
I thought the bit where Cid got annoyed at Cloud for saying "Let's mosey" at the end of the end of the game was really funny.
thats the title above my avatar

03-30-2002, 08:40 PM
when Aeris died. definatley(i hate her.)

03-30-2002, 10:57 PM
At the start with the fight with Plamer, where he taunts the group by turning his back to them, and beconing them to kick his ass.

Despite Red being one of my favourite characters, I do enjoy kicking the football/soccor ball into his face.

And of course, the classic: "Don't forget the sugar, and the honey, and the lard" - Palmer to Shera when she's making the tea.

Sure, a few of them has been said before, but they are the ones I like.

03-31-2002, 03:45 AM
early in the game when barret keeps calling cloud "spiky-ass"

03-31-2002, 06:06 AM
The whole slapping contest with Tifa and that other girl (I can't remember her name). That was hilarious! *SMACK* *SMACK*

03-31-2002, 02:29 PM
definatly the honey bee in were the gay men attack cloud! or i think there gay

"ThE OnE"a.k.a Vegeta
04-01-2002, 10:57 AM
I think when cloud has to get in a dress that is really funny :D :D

Cetra Angel
04-03-2002, 09:07 PM
ooh ooh! yuffie being sick on the highwind is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!

04-12-2002, 10:42 PM
Probably the part in the train at the beginning of the game wen Barret says "It's because of that *@#! 'pizza' that people underneath are sufferin'" and the part at the beginning when I changed Barret's name to "puff daddy"...heh heh...

04-13-2002, 04:55 AM
1) Cloud crossdressing
2) Catfight w/ Tifa and Scarlet
3) When you go into the HoneyBee Inn and peep in the holes, you can catch Pres. Shinra fooling around
4) Chasing Yuffie when she steals all of your Materia
5) When the Turk do in Corneo

etc, etc

04-13-2002, 07:28 PM
I think it's pretty unanimous. The whole Wall Market mission is defeinetly the funniest moment in any RPG, EVER. Sure, there are other hilarious scenes in the FF series, but this is still the best. There are a few other moments in FFVII which raise a smile though:

When the party ridicules Barret for wearing a sailor suit as a disguise while on the Cargo Ship. For instance, Aeris says he looks cute, then Cloud replies, "Ahh, you look like a bear in a marshmellow."

Kicking the soccer ball at Red XIII is always good for a laugh.

Having Cloud perve on the bikini girls down on Coasta Del Sol's beach. When you see Hojo down there with some scantily-clad young ladies, if you select 'that girl in the bikini', Cloud says "Hmm, quite a view."

Later having Cloud rub suntan lotion on one particular bikini girl at Coasta Del Sol ,"with pleasure."

When your trying to stop the coal train from crashing into North Corel, if Vincent's in your party, he says "hit the brakes Chief!" Plus Cid yells "Hold onto yer drawers and don't piss in 'em!"

If Cid is in your party during the rocket launch, speak with the 'joker' in Rocket Town and he'll tell some stupid jokes about Rufus, Rude and the Rocket Plan. Cid then gets angry and punches the Joker out cold for waisting his time!

Going up against Don Conero at Wutai, while he holds Elena and Yuffie hostage. the dialogue is hilarious.

There is so much comedy in FFVII, it's impossible to list it all, but these are a few of my personal favourites.

Quote: "Man, isn't there anything on his mind besides girls?" Blank, FFIX.

Quote: "Brahne isn't satisfied with just one continent! She said she won't be content until she has the whole world! It breaks my heart to see such greed! Her ugliness and stupidity are truely impressive! The war was MY fault? No! No! Your mother wanted it! All I did was give her a little push!" Kuja, FFIX.

Quote: "This light...maybe it's the Holy Judgement! This light appears when a holy ediolon calls for it's summoner! The summoner is being called! Alexander's judgement has come!" Eiko, FFIX.

Quote: "Poor Garland. bitten by his own dog." Kuja, FFIX.

04-14-2002, 07:10 PM
The funniest FF7 is very hard to pick; I agree. I like them all!

04-30-2002, 12:00 PM
At the end of the game on the highwind they all say the catchphrase -

Theres no getting offa this train we're on

but they all say it slightly wrong its funny.

Another is when you try to get yuffie when cloud is sick, yuffie usually talks to cloud and calls his a spikey headed yerk, she calls cid a different insult but i forgot what it was now

05-01-2002, 02:42 AM
id have to say messing around in midgar at levil 99 with my bustersword and then getting my ultima weapon stolen by a thief...OH! ff7 storyline!Ok, I like the love-hate relationship between Yuffie and her dad.(fun to watch them argue and call eachother names)

05-01-2002, 03:10 AM
My favorite is either on the top of the Shinra tower:
BARRET: I'm a member of AVALANCHE!
TIFA: Me too!
AERIS: I'm a flower girl from the slums!
RED XIII: I'm a research specimen!
RUFUS: ... What a crew.
or in the Midgar slums:
BARRET: It may just be a rope to you, but to us it's a golden wire of hope!
(CLOUD and TIFA stare at him for a few seconds)
CLOUD: OK, that's a bad analogy, but we're going anyway!

05-02-2002, 11:26 AM
The funniest part of FF7 is got to be when you play the game in the Gold saucer, the one with the mogs.... thats so funny the 2 mogs must of been realy busy, did you see how many kids they had!!