12-20-2006, 06:19 PM
Has everyone seen this movie already? "The Game" (By now, you should have)

It's a great movie. :) talk about it here.....not. lol (that would have been a great "doesn't belong here you noob" thread)

Anyway. I've seen the movie a few times over the years. I personally really liked it. Especially the first time when you're totally surprised near the end and stuff. My jaw just dropped. I was thinking about it today and remembered one of my favorite scences and I'd like to remind you folks of it. (dun worry, i'll get to the point of this thread soon enough)

The most interesting point in the movie for me is the conversation between those peeps at that fancy bar/restaurant. Micheal Douglas overhears them talking about the game and asks them about it. and then that one guy says something about wishing he could go back and experience it for the first time again.

Once you see the whole movie through, you might think back on that like i did. And realize, "shit, that guy was right, no matter how much more complicated or awesome they might make another game for you, it'll NEVER be like the first time"

Which brings me to my point.

Which games have you played that you wish you could experience again for the first time? That no matter how many times you play it, it's just not the same. You still love it and all. But that first time just had it's own set of momories that help to make up the awesome first time experience.

It could be as simple as a mario game and how you wish you had as much fan now as you did back then, trying to make Mario jump farther by jerking the controller up in the air and to the right. (lol i think everyone did that. it's so funny thinking on it)

Hopefully everyone has something to share. My most recent example isn't a game at all but the movie Nacho Libre. So i can't talk about that. But in games, prolly one good example was half life for me. i've played half life through a bunch of times but i'll never forget the first time. when everything actually SCARED me. but now..now i know where everything happens and it just doens't have that survival feel to it anymore. so sad. :(

Welp, your guys turn. I hope this is an ok topic. I thought it was interesting personally. have fun peeps.

J. Peterman
12-20-2006, 08:47 PM
I hate the Padres.