Anima Relic
03-14-2002, 06:12 PM
My love goes out to all the people who lost their families and friends in the terrorist actions that occurred on 3/11... I wrote this to commemorate it...

It was six months ago, let us remember
The trauma we saw, bodies dismembered
The cruelty caused by Taliban
And the occult leader known as Bin Laden
The towers stood high and free
But it all disappeared immediately
When the eagles nonchalantly flew by
And crashed right in, so we say goodbye
To what was once much pride and joy
A mark of excellence now destroyed
Look at all the families who died
And all the tears America cried
Pentagon, World Trade, Tora Bora
What's next? Blow up the Agora?
Look at all these lives they cost
Look at all these lives we lost
And now, America again at war
So can we help but wonder what for?

These horrible people interrupted our world
And made life harder for every boy and girl
Some are growing up without mom and dad
But they don't feel bad for the tragedy they had
So blame it on Isreal, squandering holy land
To defend religion, they forfeit man?
Is this really what God has devined?
So they can kill whenever they're inclined?
To "defend" what they call celestial soil
This is why religion makes my blood boil
So let's trace back all the way to the crusades
And all the deaths and tears cried and made
So they came up with all these lines and rules
Ordering human beings as if we were fools
But we were, so believed was every word said
And we swallow willfully what we are fed
And is syncs in our minds to almost hypnotize
But indeed, it is me, who must prophesize
That this world could be a much better place
If religion was never invented in the first place
No Crusades, no holy wars
No brigade, no ridiculous folklore
About Adam And Eve and the Garden of Eden
Noah's little arc, Cain making Adel Bleeding
I smiled and I cried, when the lights there shone bright
As we mourned and relinquished the sounds of our fright.

zidane tribal
03-14-2002, 06:17 PM
hmmmm there really isnt anything to feels good to know and see people pay respects to what we have, as in freedom, rights, and equality....other world powers are deranged and corrupted, but the us the US will always stay strong......

great poem.......

Dark Messenger
03-14-2002, 06:31 PM
It's a really good poem and it's good to see that at least some people have feelings and are respectful.

03-14-2002, 07:54 PM
Thats really good. Nice to see after what happened. I don't like to think about it but its something we will never forget.

03-15-2002, 06:13 AM
Wow Krelian... an excellent work.... very powerful... truly this is a day... just a time to remember what occured.

It reminds me personally to cherish each day and to appreciate the time that we have with loved ones that are still here...