the guy watching you
12-20-2006, 08:11 AM
so in your guys opinions, what do you think were the 5 best albums released in 2006.(you could go ahead and explain why you pick your 5, but you dont have to)

1.the mars volta-amputechture
2.lupe fiasco-food and liquor
3.tool-10000 days
5.yeah yeah yeahs-show your bones


The Ricky
12-20-2006, 08:32 AM
Sepultura - Dante XXI
Venom - Metal Black
Slayer - Christ Illusion

Basically, those were the only new albums I bought this year.

12-20-2006, 09:20 AM
Vader - Impressions In Blood
Cannibal Corpse - Kill
Suffocation - s/t
Rebel Meets Rebel - s/t
Motorhead - Kiss of Death (so underrated)

I also got LOG's Sacrament as well as Tool's 10,000 Days, both of which were released this year, but I thought neither of them were very good.

12-20-2006, 11:48 AM
Okay, you beat me to it. I have a tradition of making this topic!

So here are my top 5 albums of 2006.

1. Even in Blackouts: Fall of the House of Even

The only thing that came out this year that might find a place in my permanent all-time favorites is the third Even in Blackouts album. Just as there was a marked progression from the straight-up acoustic pop rock of their first full-length, Myths & Imaginary Magicians, to the more robust and intricate Zeitgeist�s Echo, Fall of the House of Even represents an enormous leap forward. But this really goes beyond what was accomplished by Zeitgeist, in my opinion. In a strange sense, the band actually seems more in touch now than it ever was with its roots in now-deceased pop-punk bands (it even goes back to the first album's habit of covering punk songs by, get this, covering Screeching Weasel's cover of I Can See Cleary), despite the fact that this is album is more complex and unpredictable than the band has ever been. In fact, this album is more complex and unpredictable than almost anything else I�ve heard short of noise bands. That�s the beauty of it: somehow, EiB have achieved a sound that immediately captures the immediacy, power, and urgency of punk while remaining as fluid and untamable as water. Especially impressive is that the album is so long, and the quality remains consistent throughout. One of the most impressive musical achievements I�ve ever discovered.

2. Pink Razors: Waiting to Wash Up

I actually found out about this album because the guy at the record store I go to knows my taste in music so well now. I�m really glad he recommended it to me, because it�s absolutely the most brilliant pop punk album that came out this year. The Pink Razors have put a fresh spin on a very repetitive genre. Unlike, say, Teenage Bottlerocket, who thrives by building on convention and doing it better than anybody else, the Razors have thrown convention into the wind; they write songs that are spastic and erratic, but at the same time structured and catchy. Couple that with brilliant lyrics (�I wish I had more middle fingers� is my favorite line), blistering speed, brain-shattering vocals reminiscent of classic F.Y.P., and guitars that cut like, dare I say it, razors, and you have one of the best pop-punk albums ever crafted.

3. Be Your Own Pet: self titled

After being introduced to a couple of their early EPs, I gradually fell more and more in love with this band�and then I heard their self-titled full-length, and our relationship was cemented. Somehow BYOP has taken the White Stripes & Yeah Yeah Yeahs� thing, whatever it is, and injected it with something it was sorely lacking: fun. Maybe it�s because they�re all so young, maybe it�s because they�re just freakin� nuts, but whatever the case, they have got a knack for writing trashy garage punk rock that�s completely danceable. The icing on the cake is the hilarious lack of regard for formality with which the songs are written: they are about such important things as the superiority of bicycles to cars (�have fun, but be safe with it/just kidding, bust it up!�), adventuring, or� being �an independent motherfucker.�
4. Boris: Pink

OH TEH NOES I AM AGREEIN' WITH PITCHFORK ABOUT A BAND LOL. I feel powerless to write about Boris, but basically, they are one of the best bands Japan has to offer. I'm not a huge metalhead; Boris is the only metal band that could possibly have gotten a place on my top 5 of a year list. It's because their style is so firmly grounded in the aesthetics of punk. It makes for a beautiful hybrid. This is total heaviness at its best; the guitars are huge, and they are thick, and deep. Just how I like them. And Pink actually adds a bit more melody to the mix than has been common in the past. Amazingly, I don't even mind, and sometimes even like it when Boris quits the heavy metal pounding for a while and moves on to a slow instrumental; they are good enough, and non metal wankey enough that they are worth listening to. Still would like this even more if it were just pure blitz, though.

5. Ergs: Jersey�s Best Prancers

If this was a full-length, it might have been able to compete with Fall of the House of Even. As it stands, we�ve got to wait until 2007 for a complete new Ergs album, but this is a fantastic way to pass the time inbetween. This disc contains six (well, technically seven) brilliant new songs and demonstrates the same talent for self-deprecation, infectious melodies, and above-and-beyond musicianship that made Dorkrockcorkrod such an instant classic. As they�ve been known to do, the Ergs have also thrown some twists into the mix, most notably the epic Man of Infirmity, by far the longest song on the EP (track 2 doesn�t count because it�s two separate songs.) This song mostly ignores the pop punk surrounding it and somehow manages to sound very genuine without drawing overt amounts of attention to itself. The whole thing is as cohesive and solid as any full-length, and the only possible complaint is that it leaves you wanting more.

Those are the only albums that get placement honors with me. Honorable mentions for this year that would have made the cut if not for the above works of brilliance:

�lan Vitale by Pretty Girls Make Graves
Hearts in Tune by the Tattle Tales
A History of Rats by This Is My Fist
Gravity Won�t Get You High by the Grates.

<a href=>Click here to get a mix of songs from the top 5.</a>

12-20-2006, 11:54 AM
I really really want the new EiB album but it's going to mean importing it and I don't want to do that ;(

Also: I will post one of these list gizmos in a bit.

12-20-2006, 11:55 AM
Get it at all costs, Mossy. It's like... Zeitgeist x100.

Hell, I will send it to you to listen to and decide if you want to buy it, if you want.

Or just to keep. Personally I have no qualms about downloading albums that haven't been released domestically. It's how I get most of the Japanese albums I have on my computer.

12-20-2006, 12:07 PM
Send it (whenever it suits)! I will definitely buy it if I like it because I like owning the actual CDs but I won't buy it this side of 2007 because Christmas is coming up and all that.

12-20-2006, 02:46 PM
I can't believe it's been a year since we were naming our top 2005 albums!

5. Bob Evans - Suburban Songbook
A suprise hit for me because I have never remotely liked anything by Jebediah. This is such an adorable collection of songs, especially the acoustic book-ends "Don't You Think It's Time" and "Darlin' Won't You Come?", especially the lyric in the latter; 'darlin' won't you come/and retire with me?'. Whenever I hear this album I it reminds me of my friend's party that was on that night so for me this is just an all-round reminder to be happy.

4. Sarah Blasko - What The Sea Wants, The Sea Will Have
This bitch is superb. Her song-writing is masterful and her voice makes me fuckin melt. This album is a lot more epic than her previous record, which I find to be both a pro and a con. I like the way her voice has improved over time and is able to keep up with the more grander arrangements, yet at the same time there is nothing as acoustically driven on here like "Perfect Now" or "At Your Best" from The Overture & the Underscore. However this doesn't stop songs like "Hammer", "Garden's End", "Always on This Line" and "Queen of Apology" from being some of the most fanfuckingtastic songs of the year, and opener "For You" reminds me of David Gray's A New Day At Midnight album which I think was a great touch for her. Just one other little gripe I have with this album is the title; when I first heard it I thought it was very earthy and cool, yet the more I hear people say it, the more stupid it sounds to me.

3. The Mars Volta - Amputechture
This should be number one because I fuckin love these guys but this year has been more about fun rock than dramatic rock for me so this takes a back seat to the next two A++ albums. That is not to say that this is not an A++ album. If I did not hold De-loused in the Comatorium in such high esteem, I would say that this is their best effort yet. The record is a story of contrasts; one minute it is wailing in its poor cheated heart, the other it is wanking so hard it's about to rip its dick off. And that could just be used to describe "Tertragrammation". The slower songs like "El Ciervo Vulnerado", "Vicarious Atonement" and "Asilos Magdalena" (a great new direction for them) are just as good as the thrashingly impressive "Meccamutechture" and, my personal favourite, "Viscera Eyes". My fondest moment of this is me and my friend jizzing over the place to the mind blowing bongo (I think they're called bongos) solo in "Day of the Baphomets" (another great song). Can't wait to see these fuckers in March.

2. The Grates - Gravity Won't Get You High
I can't believe I used to dislike this band! I think it's because last year when they were blowing up I really disliked their image of cute-pop-rockers and automatically dismissed them as bad Fiery Furnaces rip-offs. It was not until I heard songs like "Science is Golden" and "Inside Outside" on JJJ that I actually warmed towards them, and I actually loved them so much that I invested in the album. I can't believe I stayed away from them as long as I did because it's probably the best Australian album I've ever heard. My personal favourites are "Rock Boys", "Lies", "Nothing, Sir" and "I Am Siam". Their live shows are also the fuckin greatest things ever and Patience has so much energy (a sock puppet to do her singing!). The only thing cuter than Patience is probably Alana.

1. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones
Ooooooh yeah. I think that, in the future, whenever I think back to 2006 I will vivdly remember three things; year 12, getting drunk a lot, and this album. I don't know how to explain how much I have enjoyed this record. It's that record that simply makes life look better just by listening to it. The first time I heard it was the night before I left for a school trip to Kangaroo Island (I think I told you guys about it), I decided to get some new music to listen to on the way so I bought TMV's Scabdates and then I downloaded this because I didn't know if I wanted to buy it or not. I can remember sitting there listening through it and I must have replayed "Dudley" about six or seven times because I was so captivated by it. It's one of their softer, sweeter songs, halfway between "Maps" and "Y Control", and I'm not even sure if it's about a relationship or a break-up, but it's the best song I've heard this year. I would name-drop the other key tracks from the album but to be honest I can't think of any of them as being better than the other (apart from Dudley of course).

This year has probably been the best year of my life so far and looking back at the music releases of the last 12 months has helped remind me of that. I don't want it to end ;_;

Tidus 66
12-20-2006, 03:02 PM
5. The Flaming Lips- At War With The Mystics


At War With The Mystics is the follow-up to Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, and is a Flaming Lips meet Pink Floyd kind of album.
Many regard this record as inferior to TSB or Yoshimi, but i think this record makes the three in a row, going from catchy (yeah yeah yeah song), to mellow (Vein Of Stars) to psychadelic-ish (Free Radicals) and making one of the best albums of the year, and one of the most entertaining albums by the Flips, a great album to anyone trying to get into the band, and a good effort for the fans

4. The Steinways- Missed The Boat


I almost missed on this album this year, but i'm glad i didn't, The Steinways are one of the most poppy pop-punk bands out there is, and are one of the most important bands on Cold feet Records, 20 tracks (most of them in Bear vs Shark) now see a decent mix, but what really shines is the tongue-in-cheek humour, the sugar filled songs, the girly back-up vocals, the clever one liners, the vegetarian version of SW's Supermarket fantasy, the straight Pansy Division
Also, you know this is a great reord when a song goes: "Raymond, Everybody Loves Raymond, so why can't I?", overall one of the most solid pop-punk records to date, clever lyrics, funny humour, and an amazing sing-along album that mixes The Apers with the Ergs!

3. The Falcon- Unicornography


Two years after the God No Make No Trash or Up Your Ass With Broken Glass, The Falcon releases it's firts LP, the hyped, org.core record Unicornography, and this record deserves it's hype.
Brendan Kelly (Slapstick, Broadways, Lawrence Arms) brings his raspy vocals and tongue-in-cheek lyrics alongside some ska and a lot of melodic punk that really shines with Dan Andriano's (Alkaline Trio) bass lines, and the awesome drumming of Neil Hennessey (Lawrence Arms) to create what mostpeople consider to be Pop-Punk Ska without the horns but with ooh's and aah's instead.
Brendan Kelly may be a douche to some, a god to others, but he is certainly a talented, funny vocalist and songwritter, Little Triggers, Building The Even More Perfect Asshole Parade, The Unicorn Oddissey are some of the most fun songs of the album while Longshoreman's Lament brings the best of Dan Andriano's bass lines, all with the awesome drumming from Neil, this is a Slpastick meets early-Asian Man era Lawrence Arms and it sure is awesome.

2. The Lawrence Arms- Oh! Calcutta!


YES another org.core band! This one are the Chicago favorites Lawrence Arms, while every album by them followed the hris Songs, Brendan songs formula, Oh! Calcutta merges all the songs into double-vocals one, making a Poetic (chris) melodic punk anthems (Brendan), every song here are fast-paced and even the longest track (Recovering The Opossable Thumbs), seems like a Chris song totally re-made by Brenand, yes most of Chris fans may say that Lawrence Arms sounds more Brendan than chris, but Brendan makes the album have a more punk sound overall, which makes this album one of my Larry Arms favorite along side The Greatest Story Ever Told and Ghost Stories

1. The Lillingtons- The Too Late Show


No surprise there, i'm an avid Lillingtons fan, and the only band that comes close is Teenage Bottlerocket, and of course ramones. Kody Templeman brings TBR influences and goes thru every single aspect The Lillingtons have covered ebfore and makes 11 new tunes, Shit Out Of Luck tracks are there (Stay Tuned), Death By Television is there (Zombies, Mars Vs Hollywood, Target Earth), Green Bay Sessions ( All I Hear Is Static), Backchannel Broadcast (Do It U.S.S.R., Russian Attack, The Augur's Tale, Charlie Goes To Cambodia), TBR-ish songs ( Vaporize My Brain, Gunbullet), and makes one of the greatest Lillingtons records (some actually think t's better than DBT), Rawhouser's lyrics can match Kody's and you can feel Kody's talent, because every song written by him si regarded the best of the album by fans. All In All the best 24 minutes on record, by a non-touring band ever.

12-20-2006, 03:27 PM
Muse ~ Blackholes & Revelations
My Chemical Romance ~ The Black Parade
The Kooks ~ Inside In/Inside Out
Razorlight ~ Razorlight
Foo Fighters ~ Skin And Bones

Top Cat
12-20-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm not really into making these lists until the year's near enough over, so I'll save the reasons for then, but so far:

Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Ballad of the Broken Seas
Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit
Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out Of This Country
Brakes - The Beatific Visions
+/- - Let's Build a Fire

And the Broken Social Scene self-titled and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah albums would be there if they weren't already released in 2005 in the USA.

12-20-2006, 09:03 PM
5. brakes - beatific visions
So. It's another Brakes record. I guess I'd say they've devloped their sound quite a bit. it's less raw and more refined, quite a bit more eclectic. I can't really say I like it as much as Give Blood. I love Eamon and I love the band, it's a great record for sure, and a good sign of things to come, I think.

4. b&s - the life pursuit

Another Belle & Sebastian record. I was initially really disappointed with this, but it grew on me. I still can't say I like it quite as much as Dear Catastrophe Waitress, and it's nowhere near Tigermilk or If You're Feeling Sinister, but it has it's moments.

3. the pipettes - self titled

Really good, fun, stylish, 60's girl group-style pop. Win.

2. the fiery furnaces - bitter tea

Despite featuring some bizarre overuse of, uh, backwards talking, i love the thing to bits.

1. liars - drum's not dead

it's incredible.

also : professor murder rides the subway EP, and I want to put CSS in there too but they got edged out. pretty much.

12-20-2006, 11:39 PM
Not time for massive reviews.

Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit

This album is wonderful, I am actually in love with pretty much all the songs -- and although I don't want to admit it, I probably prefer it to 'Dear Catastrophe Waitress'.
The songs are much fuller I think, a pretty radical change I think and 'Song For Sunshine' is in my top songs of the year on account of the whole uplifting nature. I think this album is a lot more accessible as well (...not that that makes any album better, that is just a neutral point).

The Mars Volta - Amputechture

Oho, who'd have thought it would be 4th!?

To be honest I was indeed quite disappointed with this album, and really..the only reason it is here is because it is OK and it is The Mars Volta.
It has some great moments, but I think there is too much guitar in it, but since Omar and Cedric described it as "Getting rid of some lingering ideas", I will let them off.
Viscera Eyes and Vermicide are both insanely good songs at least, and the album is a pretty good listen, but it's all so loud.
Rapid Fire Tollbooth, btw, is a new song that they play Live - Cornesy, listen out for it, it's awesome.

The Rapture - Pieces of the People We Love

I still still still prefer the other album - 'Echoes'. I think this album is loads more accessible and this is a bad thing for the Rapture, but out with bad points.
There are some top, interesting and funky songs on this album - 'The Devil' and 'Get Myself Into It' are both brilliant. The songs flow pretty well, and the vocals are generally quite different from the last album, much less falsetto - which adds a new edge.
This is a lot more 'dancy' as an album, and if you like sort of the alternative/dance sort of scene you can't not like this album.

Dredg - Live at the Fillmore

Yeah, these guys are so insanely underground there isn't actually a picture of this on Google, haha.
These are probably the most underrated band I know, they really are. And they've slowly crawled up my lastfm lists!
Dredg are (if you didn't know) an alternative/experimental/progressive rock band from the USA. They're brought out three main albums, and this is the first live CD they've released.
What impresses me most is how well the songs are pulled off, they sound tight, yet in some ways very different, which I feel is a great thing. The album flows together as a full live set and covers a range of songs from all three studio albums, and many wonderful insane bridges that you wouldn't find on a studio recording!
If you like any form of Alternative Rock music, chances are you will like these guys.

My favourite of course:

Flaming Lips - At War With the Mystics

Couldn't be happier with this album, after Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi, this had a tough barrier to overcome, and they overcame it brilliantly. The whole album flows through like a joy, with some beautiful, some agressive and some plain fun songs.
My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion, Vein of Stars, The Wizard Turns On... and It Overtakes Me are what make this album particularly magical, but every single song is an absolute gem.

In conclusion, this hasn't been as good a year as 2005 really, but it's still had some pretty neat releases.

12-21-2006, 01:00 AM
2006 already? Time flies!

1. Black Holes and Revelations – Muse

<img src= height=”200” width=”200”>

There was a period of about 2 months following this albums release when I wasn’t sure if I would buy it. I liked Muse’s earlier albums - if not so much Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry and Absolution are both terrific - but I heard the Supermassive Black Hole single and it pretty much killed any notion I had of buying the album. A while later I was going somewhere in this guy’s car (lol, he sounds like a paedo) and he had the CD playing and it was one of the most captivating journeys I have ever been on. The album is truly spectacular. Their sound has evolved immensely and this is a much tighter album than Absolution with a similar theme running through the course of the album without ever getting repetitive. The album is really something very special and I wish I hadn’t been in retard mode when they released it so I could have bought a ticket to see them last month before the show sold out. Anyway, buy this album.

2. At War With the Mystics – The Flaming Lips

<img src= height=”200” width=”200”>

When I first heard this album I was really really impressed and thought it was about equal to the Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. But really, it isn’t. That doesn’t stop it from being an absolutely terrific outing however and there are two songs in particular that really stand out: My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion and Vein of Stars. Those two tracks are more intricate and pleasant than the rest of the album, I feel. Really, I like every song on the album and as a result it took me a long while firmly pin why I don’t enjoy this album as much as the previous two but now I think I have it; it is much more guitar orientated and as a result I think many of the songs lose their boundary pushing originality they might have had. The album is still terrific to be sure but not unique.

3. The Life Pursuit – Belle & Sebastian

<img src= height=”200” width=”200”>

Belle & Sebastian create lots of wonderful music and this is a really nice album. I don’t like it as much as some of their other albums, but it is still immensely enjoyable. At times listening to it I find myself drawing parallels with the Shins, which is not at all a bad thing. It’s hard to criticise the album and it’s hard to write a lot about it too, it is just another good album from Belle & Sebastian. Yeah!

4. Revelations – Audioslave

<img src= height=”200” width=”200”>

I know people criticise Audioslave a lot for being hyper-repetitive and I’m not going to refute that because it is true. However, their sound, and the sound of Rage Against the Machine also (don’t like Soundgarden whatsoever), is something that appeals to me hugely. As a result, the fact that they are so repetitive is of no matter to me, it is like being given a packet of delicious yet predictable sweets rather than a packet of sweets of varying quality. Man, that is a superb analogy. Besides, the guitar playing of Tom Morello is something that I eternally find intriguing, he pulls off some insanely complicated stuff making it sound simple totally effortlessly. Good going man, good going.

5. The Too Late Show – The Lillingtons

<img src= height=”200” width=”200”>

This album is pretty good, but not by any means mind blowing or eye popping or ear busting or something. There are some really good tracks like Do It USSR mixed in with average ones like Target Earth. It’s not particularly inspired and its inclusion in my top 5 of 2006 list is probably more of an indication that I haven’t found the last year to be particularly choice than this album being of very high quality. Nonetheless, I do like it and maybe I’m being a little harsh but anyways.

As I’ve said in my individual reviews, the past year hasn’t really been particularly good. This could, in part, be my own fault for being lazy and poor. I have heard none of the 5 albums on TK’s list which is a pity as I usually like bands he likes and the same can be said for quite a few other people and albums mentioned here. There is also the whole problem with not being able to afford all the albums I’d have liked to. Some albums I reckon might have made this list but haven’t actually heard: Tired of Hanging Around by the Zutons, Fall of the House of Even by EiB and maybe Amputechture by TMV. Anyway, I plan to buy these things eventually but I am no doubt destined to die missing some album I desire. Hooray!

Hex Omega
12-21-2006, 01:25 AM
i cant pick just 5 :(

12-21-2006, 10:01 PM
I haven't bought that many albums this year. The main reason being that I stick to a selected group of singers; I'd never buy an album from an artist I don't like or know, I'd much rather stick to my selective choices. I know that a lot of people buy albums outside of their usual choices to expand their horizons, but I'm just not that kind of person. :(!

That being said, I bought this stunning album:

Even though I own everything that has "Grace Jones" labelled on it, it's still one heck of an overview of her career; beautiful, stunning, artwork and the songs have never sounded better than they do on this record. Nicely done compilation, and kudos to Universal Music for getting it right.

12-21-2006, 11:03 PM
I haven't bought that many albums this year. The main reason being that I stick to a selected group of singers; I'd never buy an album from an artist I don't like or know, I'd much rather stick to my selective choices. I know that a lot of people buy albums outside of their usual choices to expand their horizons, but I'm just not that kind of person. :(!

You should be that kind of person.

Lil' Sain
12-22-2006, 08:47 AM
black magic-swollen members
this year sucked for music

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-22-2006, 09:38 AM
I can't gauge "best" by any means seeing as I hardly ever try new artists out but my favorites of the year are:

1: "Amputechture" by The Mars Volta
2: "Age of Winters" by The Sword
3: "Christ Illusion" by Slayer
4: "Free to Stay" by Smoosh (haha wtf?)
5: "Straight Outta Lynnwood" by Weird Al Yankovic

I didn't listen to too many full albums from this year but I was pleased with all of those a good bit. I agree that with Olde about Lamb of God's album this year, and I've yet to check out Tool's new one so I've no opinion of that one.

I see Muse's album and The Flaming Lips' on here a good bit so far and I'm interested in those but every time I went to download (yes I am a cheap music pirate) they wouldn't come up. Yes, I realize I obviously just didn't try hard enough and I'll get around to it at some point.

12-22-2006, 03:02 PM
I can upload any Flaming Lips album you want, Ktulu - just give me the word.

12-22-2006, 07:11 PM
I am an asshole and a stupid newbie and posted a thread about this in the general discussion forum. So here's my reply to this thread:

(In no order)

1.) TV On The Radio - Return To Cookie Mountain
2.) Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass
3.) The Knife - Silent Shout
4.) Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped
5.) Ellen Allien & Appart - Orchestra Of Bubbles

Such a good year, but last year's was better.

Tidus 66
12-22-2006, 11:53 PM
TheDude, i love your top 5 <3, you have a nice taste sir

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-23-2006, 11:41 AM
I can upload any Flaming Lips album you want, Ktulu - just give me the word.


I only have a few songs scattered here and there, no full albums

12-23-2006, 04:28 PM
TheDude, i love your top 5 <3, you have a nice taste sir

Thanks Tidus

12-24-2006, 12:42 PM

I only have a few songs scattered here and there, no full albums

Well, Ktulu. I'll upload you two to start with. But you have to decide which two. Although I reckon I would give you 'Oh My Gawd!!' and 'Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots' cause fairly opposite.

12-24-2006, 02:26 PM
Ktulu, I'd recommend starting with The Soft Bulletin, if only for the fact that I think it's their best one.

Tidus 66
12-24-2006, 02:30 PM
I'd recommend At War With The Mystics, the most accessible of the lot imo

fastidious percolator
12-24-2006, 08:35 PM
1. M.Ward - Post-War

2. Joan As Police Woman - Real Life

3. Bob Dylan - Modern Times

4. The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics

5. Sparklehorse - Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of The Mountain

4 other very memorable records of 2006 are:

6. Thom Yorke - The Eraser
7. Tunng - Comments Of The Inner Chorus
8. The Mars Volta - Amputechture

and also,
9. Tool - 10,000 days

12-24-2006, 09:04 PM
Maaaaaaan, Tool's new album was really really boring!

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-24-2006, 09:04 PM
Rapture do it, do it

Tidus 66
12-24-2006, 09:07 PM
Maaaaaaan, Tool's new album was really really boring!


Rapture do it, do it

Ktulu, i'm uploading At War With The Mystics just for you

fastidious percolator
12-24-2006, 11:43 PM
=/ Even though I much much prefer their old work, I still really enjoyed 10,000 Days :o

Same goes for Black Holes and Revelations: I'm not that much of a Muse fan, but of what I know by them, I prefer their first two records, although I did enjoy BHaR :O

Let's also say the records coming after 5. are not necessarily numbered like the way they are. ^_* Just those that came to mind first and all

12-25-2006, 02:06 AM
1. My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
2. Panic! at the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
3. All American Rejects - Move Along
4. Blue October - Foilied
5. Head Automatica - Prapoganda
[6. A.F.I. - Decemberunderground]

12-25-2006, 10:06 AM
Maaaaaaan, Tool is really really boring!

edited for truth.

Is the album called "10,000 days" because it feels that long to listen to a Tool song?

12-25-2006, 02:33 PM
1. My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
2. Panic! at the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
3. All American Rejects - Move Along
4. Blue October - Foilied
5. Head Automatica - Prapoganda
[6. A.F.I. - Decemberunderground]


12-25-2006, 07:05 PM
edited for truth.

I like some their older songs that I've heard, 10,000 Days is the only one of their albums I've heard in its entirety though.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-25-2006, 09:39 PM
1. Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
2. Novembre - Materia
3. My Dying Bride - A Line of Deathless Kings
4. Vader - Impressions In Blood
5. Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side

12-27-2006, 01:13 AM


12-27-2006, 10:00 PM
5. Belle and Sebastian: The Life Pursuit

This isn't the best thing Belle and Sebastian has ever done- it isn't even the second best thing they have ever done, but it's BELLE AND SEBASTIAN. Even when they are not at the top of their game, they are still worlds ahead of most of the other bands out there.

Sample Song: Act of the Apostle (part 1) (

4. Psapp: The Only Thing I Ever Wanted

Psapp is like The Postal Service crossed with Eisley- not a bad combination. All the songs on this cd are addictve in a fun synth-poppy sort of way. I am sort of surprised I am the first person to give this one a mention, but that is why I am including downloads with my favorites.

Sample song: Hi (

3. The Flaming Lips: At War With the Mystics

Out of all the albums on this list, this is the one I think is the most listenable. You can pick it up, pop it in, and like pretty much every song on the first go. Nothing about it really needs to grow on you. This is a pretty neat thing, but it probably kept this album from ranking higher- there's something about picking up on little magics the second and thirdtimes around that makes you fall in love with a cd in a way I haven't with this one. It's still wonderful, though.

The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (

2. Be Your Own Pet: self Titled and The Pipettes: We Are the Pipettes

I know a tie is cheating, but seriously. ; ; These two are easily the most fun albums of this year, and in totally different ways. Be Your Own Pet just puts so much energy and fun into their cd I can't imagine not getting caught up in it. The Pipettes...are like the Go! Team turned into a girlgroup in the 60's. It is music that neccesitates smiling (and probably shaking your booty).

Sample Songs: Wildcat! (Be Your Own Pet) (, Your Kisses Are Wasted on Me (The Pipettes) (

1. Tom Waits: Orphans, Brawlers, & Bastards

I probably won't be very articulate about this one, because I think Tom Waits is magical, and it's hard to find words that are worthy of magical things. 54 songs worth of Tom Wait's peculiar brand of charm is not enough. That is my only complaint.

Song samples: Road to Peace (,Little Drop of Poison (

honorable mentions go to:

Jenny Lewis and The Watson Twins: Rabbit Fur Coat, Isobel Campbell and Mark Langan: Ballad of the Broken Seas, and Isobel Campbell: Milk White Sheets, Regina Spektor: Begin to Hope

12-27-2006, 11:58 PM
5. Tool "10,000 Days"- Not a popular option, but oh well...
4. Cannibal Corpse "Kill"- One of their most "accessable" albums to date, and it just seriously rocks out.
3. Regina Spektor "Begin to Hope"- She has what it takes to be the TRUE modern successor to Kate Bush. To hell with Tori Amos!
2. Gnarls Barkley "St. Elsewhere"- "Crazy" may have been slightly overplayed, but I'll be damned if this album wasn't an inspired blast of soul, funk, and all sorts of good junk.
1. Flaming Lips "At War With The Mystics"- Simply put, one of the best Pop albums I've heard in some time. Never ceases to put a smile on my face, and it's insanely catchy.

12-28-2006, 06:00 PM
Muse ~ Blackholes & Revelations

I Agree with That! ^^


12-28-2006, 07:29 PM
Oh man. Ndi I'm so glad somebody agrees with me about the BYOP album. ^_^

12-28-2006, 07:55 PM
I think the songs you posted from the Even in Blackouts album are awesome too. I will try and get it when I can!

12-29-2006, 10:17 AM
This is kind of a work in progress as I enjoyed a ton of music, but the top will stay the same undoubtedly.

1. Muse - Blackholes and Revelations - Great band, and this is tied with OoT as my favourite Muse album. KoC is insane and Map of the Problematique is the best song Depeche Mode never wrote.
2. Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites - technically, this came out in '05, but us North Americans didn't get to enjoy the physical copy until this year. This album is like Genesis or a dreamy shoegazing version of Zeppelin with dreamy vocals about animals and other trivial objects which are vague, but one can listen and draw their own meanings from the experience.
3. Thom Yorke - The Eraser - Man, Yorke is a genious. He turned a bunch of rejected Radiohead tunes into indie/electronica that makes my head spin, but can be quite hypnotic at the same time.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-01-2007, 02:01 AM
Ok idioths I got Be Your Own Pet as well as the Muse and Flaming Lip albums. GOING TO LISTEN.

01-01-2007, 02:12 AM
You should like two of those three, dunno about BYOP.

01-01-2007, 02:40 AM
BYOP is the most FUN band ever.

They are just FUN.

Personally I love any band with a line in one of their songs that goes "OKAY SO YEAH WE'RE LIKE, ADVENTURERS"

Hex Omega
01-01-2007, 03:16 AM
we are adventuring, we are adventurers!

great song ^__^

Jemina has a totally :swoon: voice too

i still cant pick just 5 albums :(

01-01-2007, 04:07 AM
BYOP is the most FUN band ever.

They are just FUN.

Personally I love any band with a line in one of their songs that goes "OKAY SO YEAH WE'RE LIKE, ADVENTURERS"

The way she says that part is the cutest thing ever. <3

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-03-2007, 05:00 PM
OK I listened to At War With the Mystics. Pretty swell, pretty swell.

Sri Krishna
01-04-2007, 05:53 AM
Although no longer 2006 I got most of this back in November.

01. Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side
02. Leaves' Eyes - Legend Land
03. Blind Guardian - A Twist In The Myth
04. Cradle of Filth - Thornography
05. Manowar - The Sons of Odin

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-04-2007, 10:29 AM
Never thought I'd see the day when Manowar makes someone's best of the year list. But hey, to each his own.

Dinko Os
01-06-2007, 09:22 PM
Iron maiden-AMOLAD
Slayer-Christ Illusion
-Manowar-The day that earth shook
In flames-come clarity