hb smokey
12-19-2006, 01:06 AM

I've always believed that this was going to happen in time. I know it's not a confirmation, but it's essentially the same thing.

J. Peterman
12-19-2006, 01:29 AM

12-19-2006, 01:51 AM
Ha-ha-ha. It's kind of hard to stand when you shoot yourself in the foot, like Sony's done.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-19-2006, 02:23 AM
Right, because:

EGM's rumor mill produced the short article and it's worth noting that no sources were supplied, no quotes were given, and no reasoning was provided behind the alleged move. It's pure rumor, one that Konami executives have refused to comment on or entertain in public since the game's announcement on PlayStation 3. When contacted today, Konami officials said "These are just rumors."

It's all well and good to daydream, but back at TGS in September, Konami officials pretty much said that it would not be a multi-platform release (http://ps3.gamespy.com/playstation-3/metal-gear-solid-4/).

Also, no word of this nonsense on the official site (english language template linked here), where it would appear first (http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/english/index.php).

Stop being so hasty to look for new things to latch onto in your hatred of Sony. :rolleyes:

the guy watching you
12-19-2006, 08:25 AM
how come you pro-wii dudes always need to bash on sony every chance you get?I mean,does sony hurt your wii gaming experience?

12-19-2006, 09:07 AM
how come you pro-wii dudes always need to bash on sony every chance you get?I mean,does sony hurt your wii gaming experience?

I gave up asking that a long time ago. From what I understand, there parents didn't buy them a pony when they were 8 years old.

12-19-2006, 10:22 PM
You know Konami is a big company that influences many smaller gaming companines (made up but could be true), so if they move, many other PS3 exclusive titles could become multi platform too! In the worst case scenario, Final Fantasy would move, but unlikely as they already planned what they will release on each platform

hb smokey
12-20-2006, 10:25 AM
how come you pro-wii dudes always need to bash on sony every chance you get?I mean,does sony hurt your wii gaming experience?
It's incredibly easy to bash Sony with their gaming moves these days.

the guy watching you
12-20-2006, 10:45 AM
so you do it because its easy?

12-20-2006, 11:27 AM
Why don't you just create one thread for all this nonsense instead of cluttering up the forum with a bunch of threads that are the same thing?

12-20-2006, 11:35 AM
Two threads is hardly 'cluterring up the forum'.

hb smokey
12-20-2006, 11:42 AM
Why don't you just create one thread for all this nonsense instead of cluttering up the forum with a bunch of threads that are the same thing?
Oh shit, I wouldn't want to clutter up the general gaming forum. I'll heed your marvelous advice in the future so the shrine avoids a potential catastrophe.

12-20-2006, 11:43 AM
I am referring to the general gamut of "LOOK GUYS I FOUND ANOTHER NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT SNOY" threads that have become increasingly lame and predictable over the past several months. We could have one dedicated "this is where Smokey posts about how much PS3 sucks and MarvinStraight retorts that he can browse the internet on it and maybe look at it also" thread. I'd even sticky it.

And wait, are you suggesting that I am making an unnecessary and uncalled for complaint about something that doesn't actually matter? In the very same latest thread of your online campaign against an electronics company because you happen to like one of their competitors? Surely you must see the irony in that.

12-20-2006, 11:51 AM
And wait, are you suggesting that I am making an unnecessary and uncalled for complaint about something that doesn't actually matter? In the very same latest thread of your online campaign against an electronics company because you happen to like one of their competitors? Surely you must see the irony in that.

Actually, the complaint is that they stole my 45 bucks. The fact that Xbox Live is better is marginal compared to that, but that argument is more interesting than me whinging "I WANT MY MONEY BACK" for the entire thread.

Besides, I was pissed off, so I ranted on FFS, which is what I usually do. What's your excuse?

12-20-2006, 11:53 AM
I was talking to Smokey.

12-20-2006, 11:55 AM
Well, don't refer to him in the first and third person in the same post.

It's confusing.

hb smokey
12-20-2006, 12:00 PM
I am referring to the general gamut of "LOOK GUYS I FOUND ANOTHER NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT SNOY" threads that have become increasingly lame and predictable over the past several months. We could have one dedicated "this is where Smokey posts about how much PS3 sucks and MarvinStraight retorts that he can browse the internet on it and maybe look at it also" thread. I'd even sticky it.

And wait, are you suggesting that I am making an unnecessary and uncalled for complaint about something that doesn't actually matter? In the very same latest thread of your online campaign against an electronics company because you happen to like one of their competitors? Surely you must see the irony in that.
Let's take a look at the past few months, shall we?

I've made 13 threads, 6 of which are relating to Sony in some way. One was about the death of a kid who stole one, which isn't LOL I HATE SONY. Another was, since a lot of Europeans come here, giving them an article to when the PS3 comes out over there. 2 of the 4 are more recent, and are basically taking jabs at Sony. I don't care about looking at the other two.

4 threads I have made in the past 3 months have been a stab at Sony. 4. Fucking. Threads. In. 3. Months. If you define that as 'gamut' well then that's your defintion. Otherwise, I'm going to continue posting threads about Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. Some will be stabs, whilsts MOST of them won't be.

Valerie Valens
12-20-2006, 03:33 PM
Don't let it get to you, Smokey. ;) It's THAT time of the month for TK when he looooves to find things to nitpick at.

I mean, so it was a rumour, that's fine, it's a perfectly valid argument. So, there's ONE thread more than necessary about Sony's shortcomings, that's all fine if you think that and express that. What's not okay is when you blow it all to high hell out of fucking proportion and exaggerate everything like an anally retentive petulant bitch.

So a couple of people here decided to mock the poor decisions that Sony had made concerning their latest console. So what? Maybe Smokey and his Wii-waving troupe is a bit immature about it, but does it really justify you guys putting up the bitter Sony fankids act.

Grow up, seriously. It's just a console.

Hex Omega
12-20-2006, 03:51 PM
i agree with tk actually.

as much as i like Nintendo, i dont prowl the interweb, looking a reason to mock one of their competitors, its pretty sad.

hb smokey
12-20-2006, 05:04 PM
It's still a rumor right now, but in 2008, you're going to see Metal Gear Solid 4 available for the Xbox 360. Quote me on that. And for all the people who don't want to believe me, I'll say this for you so you can feel a little better. IF it happens, it will be the first major bullet that strikes the PS3.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-20-2006, 06:24 PM

12-20-2006, 08:36 PM
Well, don't refer to him in the first and third person in the same post.

It's confusing.

It was in quotes, describing the nature of the hypothetical thread. I thought it was clear. Sorry.

Don't let it get to you, Smokey. ;) It's THAT time of the month for TK when he looooves to find things to nitpick at.

I mean, so it was a rumour, that's fine, it's a perfectly valid argument. So, there's ONE thread more than necessary about Sony's shortcomings, that's all fine if you think that and express that. What's not okay is when you blow it all to high hell out of fucking proportion and exaggerate everything like an anally retentive petulant bitch.

So a couple of people here decided to mock the poor decisions that Sony had made concerning their latest console. So what? Maybe Smokey and his Wii-waving troupe is a bit immature about it, but does it really justify you guys putting up the bitter Sony fankids act.

Grow up, seriously. It's just a console.

Umm, it's a little absurd to suggest there is a "bitter Sony fankids act." Almost all the regulars here are more Wii fans than PS3 ones. I have even inserted my own PS3 jab in here, which, believe it or not, was an attempt to lighten the mood.

What exactly would "justify" my suggestion (which is what it was—notice I didn't hurl any insults) that Smokey make one thread? If he was a newbie? I don't really want to get onto this subject again but you attack people (as in actually say mean things to them, which I haven't done) without provocation all the time solely because you think they are doing/saying something dumb. You disagree with me, fine. Say so and say why. All I'm asking is you don't suggest I'm PMSing for this when you do a more extreme version of it yourself all the time. =/

Anyway, you admit what's going on here is "a little immature." My posts were simply pointing that out. I can't see how that amounts to PMSing.

J. Peterman
12-20-2006, 08:46 PM

12-20-2006, 09:13 PM
i talked to a ps3 once and it told me it was in the closet

seriously though sony sucks. at everything.

12-20-2006, 09:22 PM

Awwwww, lol.

12-21-2006, 04:21 AM
Time magazine, Monday, Oct. 30, 2000 FULL STORY (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,998343,00.html)

"Even before this Thursday's official launch, Sony has lost goodwill, not to mention sales, for PlayStation2 with its glitchy product rollout. The company's recent announcement that it was cutting the number of PS2s available on launch day by 50% was a cruel blow to parents who had promised Junior one of the first units. And it is a headache for the 20,000 retailers selling PS2s--many of which began taking orders six months ago. The stores are bracing for hordes of irate customers."There will be people lined up in front of the doors," sighs Dan DeMatteo, president of Babbage's Etc., the nation's largest specialty video-games retailer. Babbage's has prepaid orders from five times as many customers as it will have units for this week.

Sony won't explain what went wrong. Sony Computer Entertainment president Kazuo Hirai will say only that PlayStation2 is a "very complex machine that requires a lot of components." But the guessing in Japan is that the company botched the production of graphics chips.

No modem is included with PS2, which puts it behind Sega's Internet-ready Dreamcast. But PS2 does have one feature parents will appreciate: it is backward compatible, meaning it can play the original PlayStation's 800 existing games.

But many of the most eagerly anticipated titles, like Metal Gear Solid 2 and the Bouncer, won't be available until spring at the earliest.

The early word on the playing experience--outside of Sony's launch party--is not particularly enthusiastic. "There is nothing on the PS2 that I've seen that gave me that jaw-dropping feeling I got with the Sega Dreamcast last year," says Dan Clark, 29, CEO of a New Hampshire credit union and an active gamer. Madden NFL 2001 is good, he says, but no better than games currently available on Dreamcast.

Part of the reason for the underwhelming array of games, gamemakers say, is that PS2 is hard to program for. "The PS2 is definitely more powerful than Dreamcast," says John Carmack, the multimillionaire, ponytailed master gamer behind legendary shooters like Doom and Quake. "But it's less convenient to extract performance from it."
"The PlayStation2 doesn't live up to Sony's hype," says Carmack. "It's just a next-generation machine, and they were acting like they'd invented the steam engine."

But the biggest prize of all lies in turning gaming consoles into broad-ranging entertainment centers. Sony acknowledges this future by calling PS2 not a game console but a "computer entertainment system." And Sony, with its wealth of consumer-electronics devices and enormous movie and music businesses, may have the most to gain by branching out. Count on it to use PlayStation2 in the future as a platform for an array of synergistic nongaming applications, from editing digital movies made on Sony camcorders to downloading Sony-brand music and music videos.

"PlayStation2 seems to be no more than a DVD player that can play games," grumbles Mike Roberts, an 18-year-old gamer from Missouri who says he won't be buying a PS2. "It should be the other way around."

HERE IS AN ARTICLE FROM THE TIME WHO BASHES THE PS3 THE OTHER DAY AGAIN (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1570831,00.html)

The big story in computer games this year was HOW TO BLOW A HUGE LEAD, by Sony. Its PlayStation 2 was the champ in the last round of the console wars. This time Sony bet on a chip called the Cell and a disc format called Blu-ray. They're probably awesome, but how would anybody know? The PS3 is hideously expensive--it goes for up to $600--and Sony manufactured only a piddling few hundred thousand for the U.S., fewer for Japan. Plus it's hard to write games for; the launch titles were lame. You know you're in trouble when you get beat by something called a Wii.

12-21-2006, 04:49 AM
That's a funny way to put it. It should be more like "it's not surprising you would lose to an affordable system with tons of games and a completely unique way of playing them."

12-21-2006, 06:06 AM
I would honestly rather have MGS4 exclusively on the PS3.

J. Peterman
12-21-2006, 06:19 AM
man i do not like the unique way to play them to me that looks too weird and like man never will i do that man u guys wanna i am down with that but me i will just wait out the ps3 or 360 until they go down and get one of them

12-21-2006, 07:16 AM
I would honestly rather have MGS4 exclusively on the PS3.

All fanboyism aside, why?

Personally, i'd prefer to see MGS4 on both the 360 and the PS3. That way everybody is happy.

I think console exclusivity is pretty silly, to an extent; I understand its necessity, due to differences in hardware (the best games on a system are almost always system exclusives), but I think that it would be in Konami's best interest to have a 360 team working on porting the MGS4 engine. Any costs would be undoubtedly offset by sales.

12-21-2006, 08:51 AM
The world runs on money. Why do you think Square Enix is making game for all the major platforms (except for PC. Are they making another FFXI expansion? Ask someone else. i don't play). Konami would see a huge increase in revenue (<-- lol I don't even know what it means, but I do know it has something to do with money) if they went multi platform, not only gaining more profit, but making the metal gear solid more well known as well as increasing it's reputation, if the game lives up to all the hype first.

Still all this news about Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Blah this blah that, it's distracting the world's attention from more important subject. What ever happened to the Millenium Development Goals (google it), huh?

Valerie Valens
12-21-2006, 10:19 AM
It'd be awesome if Konami developped a Drum-Mania game for the Wii :D

12-21-2006, 02:27 PM
AI think console exclusivity is pretty silly, to an extent; I understand its necessity, due to differences in hardware (the best games on a system are almost always system exclusives), but I think that it would be in Konami's best interest to have a 360 team working on porting the MGS4 engine. Any costs would be undoubtedly offset by sales.

There's really no doubt that putting it on 360 would be a great move. When you think about it, Kojima already admitted that the game could be ported to 360 pretty easily, so taking the 360's larger installed base (which will still be larger than the PS3's by the time the game is released) into account, it makes excellent sense to not only release it on both consoles, but to do it simultaneously.

12-21-2006, 06:18 PM
If this is true...PS3's lost a console seller....

...Though the word "enjoyable" wasn't necessary in the topic title...XP

12-21-2006, 07:23 PM
the only way i, and a lot of other people, will be able to play mgs4 for a long time is if it is released on the 360. a simultaneous dual platform release would obviously be an extremely smart move on konami's part. the installed user base as is is, what, 16 times that of the ps3's?

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup: the current situation in the CONSOLE WARS is much more interesting than at the time of the ps2 release. sega made a lot of mistakes, their advertising sucked and their third part support was nothing to get excited about. sony were going into it with a huge amount of brand recognition. the chief advantage the dreamcast was supposed to have was both poorly implemented and rather undersold. it was just another similarly priced console which didn't look that desireable to the majority of the target audience at that ime. i dont think anyone seriously thought of the dreamcast as a real competitor. but it was a fantastic console, the games availaibe for it were imo a lot better than those available for the ps2 at the same time. it's a shame it was so, well, basically unheard of. =/

when xbox and gc came along, it was more or less to late! gc was considered somewhat niche and xbox was only taking its first steps into the market. compared with ps2's installed userbase and range of games at that time, neither had much of a chance.

it's way more interesting now because the 360 has the lead in terms of games and userbase, is cheaper and does exactly the same thing. the wii is coming at this from a completely different angle, its extremely innovative, cheaper, and trying to wrangle in an entirely new audience. ps3 is overly expensive, has a poor range of games, and isnt even released yet. the competition is actually *advertising*. i see 360 all over the place, it was never like that for the dreamcast. friends of mine who show little or no interest in games are really impressed with the wii. sony will have its work cut out trying to catch up (they probably will, i dont see it being a complete destruction fo sony), but there is absolutely no way they are going to utterly dominated the market as they have in the past. the competition got smart and innovative, sony got lazy and pissed their fans off. your fanboyism is most definitely blinding you. sorry.

12-21-2006, 07:53 PM
You know, PS3's ads, if anything, make me not want to buy one.

12-21-2006, 08:00 PM
we don't have any yet so no idea. ;(

12-21-2006, 10:51 PM
they did it with mgs 2 aswell
and not only did it barely sell, it was also inferior to the ps2 version

and even this and virtua fighter 3 wont stop Sony from ultimately selling like hell again

12-21-2006, 10:53 PM
And do you have any reasoning for that claim that hasn't already been rebutted or are you merely speaking from a perspective of ignorant fanboyism?

12-21-2006, 10:55 PM
the difference is the fact that there are an assload more 360 owners than there are ps3. and there were way more ps2's than xbox's at the time.

the past isn't an accurate predictor of the future when the circumstances are completely different ;D


12-21-2006, 11:33 PM
people over here dont care for the 360
i work at a crowd with over 100's people and there's barely 5 guys who really know it and only 2 aside from me that actually own it

ps2/3 on the other hand is all their talking about.. and suprisingly even the Wii
and this accounts for pretty much every general crowd that just games and doesnt follow the entire scene wich is by the by the biggest majority

and i dont care all that much for Sony and their ps3 either, the bashing however is getting @ pretty pathetic levels

12-21-2006, 11:49 PM
i like sony. i have a 360. (shruggs questioning himself [oh yea, halo])
but metal gear is a sony only title and should stay that way. sony, you doosh.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-22-2006, 12:51 AM
i agree with tk actually.

as much as i like Nintendo, i dont prowl the interweb, looking a reason to mock one of their competitors, its pretty sad.

I love Smokey but I agree, the "HAHA PS3 IS THE LOSE" attitude is getting old fast. It's definitely gotten to the point where perhaps it'd be best in one thread. TK wasn't really being that big of a bitch or anything, he had a good point. Also, MarvStraight's whole view on it is pretty solid I think, and I pretty much agree with it.

12-22-2006, 02:49 AM
Hmm to answer Raidenex's question: It is actually a personal matter as to why I would only want it on PS3. It's quite funny actually, I have a friend who lives and breathes XBOX360. And I know he would buy just to rub it in my face that he has it...

Other than that, I really don't mind it being on XBOX...

12-22-2006, 02:59 AM
i like sony. i have a 360. (shruggs questioning himself [oh yea, halo])
but metal gear is a sony only title and should stay that way. sony, you doosh.

Lol "oh yea, halo." God I love that game.

But yea I agree with you sony should stay with Sony.

12-22-2006, 03:00 AM
Hmm to answer Raidenex's question: It is actually a personal matter as to why I would only want it on PS3. It's quite funny actually, I have a friend who lives and breathes XBOX360. And I know he would buy just to rub it in my face that he has it...

Other than that, I really don't mind it being on XBOX...

You are a man with principal. I respect that.

12-22-2006, 06:00 AM
I don't think breathing Xbox360 is safe. If the Xbox360 is anything like the computer, it has over 2kg of lead, as well as other minerals such as gold and mercury, and everyone should know mercury takes a long time to leave the system, and acculumates too! So don't eat too much fish guys!

J. Peterman
12-22-2006, 06:03 AM
Don't worry. I don't care too much for fish.

12-22-2006, 11:35 AM
But they're so cute, at least they are in Picture Story Books.

12-22-2006, 11:38 AM
Oh Professor Nintendo Head, you know how you hate the Sony PS3 so much and everything? Or maybe not hate, but find it easy to bag it?


Do you think Konami will follow?

12-22-2006, 12:11 PM
nobody cares about Virtua Fighter
they all want Tekken

hb smokey
12-22-2006, 01:12 PM
im using my wii atm to post this w00t

And now I'm posting my normal way. I saw that article, and it doesn't hurt Konami's chances to follow.

12-22-2006, 05:36 PM
nobody cares about Virtua Fighter
they all want Tekken

Except the huge number of people who buy Virtua Fighter games? X_X

Besides, what "they all want" is usually just massmarketed shit. Like Tekken.

12-22-2006, 06:02 PM
people over here dont care for the 360
i work at a crowd with over 100's people and there's barely 5 guys who really know it and only 2 aside from me that actually own it

that is a terribly unique place.

12-22-2006, 10:33 PM
i'm just talking general family crowds here wich are pretty much the same all over the globe

and Virtua Fighter has a solid fanbase, especially in Japan but aside from that it really isnt selling all that much if you compare it to Namco's Tekken or Soul Caliber

12-23-2006, 12:41 AM
Django, you are really talking out of your ass.

It is a mistake to take your own personal experience and then assume that it is true; for instance, the reason you probably haven't heard of Virtua Fighter as much as Tekken or Soul Calibur is because since the last Virtua Fighter was released for a home console, there have been three Tekkens and two Soul Caliburs. Virtua Fighter IV being a PS2 exclusive was a big deal back in the day; and now Virtua Fighter 5 being multiplatform, it is also a big deal.

And as for 'general family crowds', no, no they are not. The general consensus among most people in Australia (and Europe) is that the Xbox 360 is the coveted Holy Grail of gaming, the Nintendo Wii is completely awesome, and that the PlayStation 3 is just too damn expensive.

12-23-2006, 01:31 AM
most people i know have heard of the 360 due to the constant advertising. o_O

12-23-2006, 01:32 AM


12-23-2006, 09:03 AM
Halo 3 and XBOX360 is gonna kick sony's ass!

12-23-2006, 11:43 AM
Halo 3 and XBOX360 is gonna kick PS3's ass!

fixed ^_^

Xbox360 really can't kick Sony's ass because Sony patented the LCD Bravia range, which, correct me if i'm wrong, are currently the best large LCD screens on the market. Xbox360 and Sony LCD Bravia TVs work together!

12-23-2006, 12:55 PM
Django, you are really talking out of your ass.
yeh like that time i said Gears of War was the most promising franchise on the 360 and you said it wasnt worth 2 shits.. till you actually played it yourself

good times

And as for 'general family crowds', no, no they are not. The general consensus among most people in Australia (and Europe) is that the Xbox 360 is the coveted Holy Grail of gaming, the Nintendo Wii is completely awesome, and that the PlayStation 3 is just too damn expensive.
the holy grail is still the ps2 and right next to it is the ds
360 is doing good but its still nowhere near Sony's recognition
out of the 8 or 9 videostores i know here only 1 of'm rents out 360 games
all others ps2
at the official cinema complexes there's about 12 demopods.. all ps2
you can even rent of a screen there for gaming(80�/30min) only ps2 tho

and again: Virtua Fighter isnt worth shit to Sony as its global crowd is too small and hardcore

12-23-2006, 03:27 PM
fixed ^_^

Xbox360 really can't kick Sony's ass because Sony patented the LCD Bravia range, which, correct me if i'm wrong, are currently the best large LCD screens on the market. Xbox360 and Sony LCD Bravia TVs work together!

Incorrect. There are many decent LCD competitors to Sony; this is just personal opinion, but if you ever walk into a display room at a place like JB Hi-Fi, Samsung's range of LCD HDTVs easily have better image quality than Sony's Bravias.

They're cheaper, too.

Also, Sony's biggest profit maker is Sony Computer Entertainment; I think it accounted for 60% of their profits, which is why the president of SCE Japan was promoted to CEO of Sony.

yeh like that time i said Gears of War was the most promising franchise on the 360 and you said it wasnt worth 2 shits.. till you actually played it yourself

good times

The argument was actually whether or not Gears of War a 'system-defining game'. I was proven wrong on that account, but in my argument, I never argued about the quality of the game itself until I had played it.

I still believe that Gears of War will be surpassed by some of the 360's bigger names next year; Mass Effect, BioShock, and of course, Halo 3.

the holy grail is still the ps2 and right next to it is the ds
360 is doing good but its still nowhere near Sony's recognition
out of the 8 or 9 videostores i know here only 1 of'm rents out 360 games
all others ps2
at the official cinema complexes there's about 12 demopods.. all ps2
you can even rent of a screen there for gaming(80�/30min) only ps2 tho

and again: Virtua Fighter isnt worth shit to Sony as its global crowd is too small and hardcore

There is a bit of a difference between the Xbox 360, a games console barely a year old, and the PlayStation 2, a 7 year old console with an established audience. You've probably never worked in a video store, but it is VERY expensive to buy a license to right a game; somewhere on the order of $300+ per game. Video stores will only stock games if they can guarantee a return on investment; that's why you won't see a lot of GameCube games for rent.

Also, by 'holy grail', I meant the console that is on everybody's wish list. Most people already have a PlayStation 2 or an Xbox (or both), and not everyone can afford a console easily. A lot of my friends with less income that I have are far more interested in getting a 360 or a Wii than a PS3, simply because the price (nearly $1000 in Australia) is just too high to consider for a games console.

I'm not going to bother digging up sales figures, but you are wrong about Virtua Fighter. It has a large following, and was instrumental in establishing the early lead of the PlayStation 2. It is a big deal that the new game will be available on both consoles (even though it has a head start on the PlayStation 3).

12-23-2006, 04:38 PM
Just to mention that Blue Dragon has kicked Zelda:TP out of the top 10. This means that Xbox 360 started to sell much better in the Japan.

12-23-2006, 05:02 PM
yeah, that's pretty interesting but looking at total units sold in another month or two might be a more pertinent metric. or it might not be.

12-23-2006, 06:55 PM
Django, where do you live? Wherever it is, I can tell you quite surely it is not representitive of the rest of the world.

hb smokey
12-23-2006, 09:02 PM
Just to mention that Blue Dragon has kicked Zelda:TP out of the top 10. This means that Xbox 360 started to sell much better in the Japan.
I wouldn't qualify that as 'much' better. Sure, it may have picked up some steam, and I haven't checked the figures in a couple of weeks. But as of November of this year, the Game Boy Micro sold more than the 360 in Japan. Heck, even the Gamecube almost outsold it.

12-23-2006, 09:10 PM
My PSP is filled with illegal ISOs and i`ve just got the new application so i can use the official PSone emulator free of charge.

That that`s a little kick to Sony too.

Sony sux d00d, burn da lot!

12-24-2006, 12:20 AM
I wouldn't qualify that as 'much' better. Sure, it may have picked up some steam, and I haven't checked the figures in a couple of weeks. But as of November of this year, the Game Boy Micro sold more than the 360 in Japan. Heck, even the Gamecube almost outsold it.

The 360 has picked up a lot of momentum since those sales figures were announced; Blue Dragon has been at #4 on the best-seller chart (in Japan, of course) for the past few weeks, and nearly every single copy sold has been sold with the system.

Twilight Princess is only at something like #14, but Zelda was never as popular in Japan for some reason. Wii Sports (which wasn't a pack in over there) is at #8 or something.

12-24-2006, 05:32 AM
I guess it wll be hard to imitate the XBOX's Live gameplay....That is one factor which makes it better than even a PS3...

12-24-2006, 05:56 PM
It seems that ps3 is having some problems. Of course we cannot know if ps3 will suceed until the next Christmas at least, but it seems that the Wii and xbox 360 are selling very fast. Not to mention games that have turned into other consoles except the playstation ones such as Resident Evil, Tomb Rider, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest even GTA. I really want to see how things will turn out :)

12-25-2006, 01:46 AM
The 360 is a superb machine. Lost Planet comes out middle of January. Mass Effect will be out next year, Too Human will, Halo 3 will, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon...the list goes on. Now...I do eventually plan on getting a Wii now.... when? Iono.. whenever I feel like spending the money. I want Zelda.. even though I really sucked at the controls when I played it at the local EB Games store. I am STILL hooked on Saint's Row, and Gears of War is reason enough to buy a 360. Second time through that game is even more satisfying than the first.

12-25-2006, 12:47 PM
Microsft has started work on the next XBOX! WOOHOO!

hb smokey
12-25-2006, 01:46 PM
Microsft has started work on the next XBOX! WOOHOO!

12-25-2006, 03:02 PM
I would also like an explanation just for the reason that I do not believe you.

Anyway, quick story that is pretty funny. The other day I went with my friend to Best Buy because he needed to buy his girlfriend something for Christmas. Of course, we stumble along all the video games because I was just trying to find a cheap game that looked interesting.
Well, we saw some displays for the Playstation 3 and decided to check it out. Best Buy had about 50 of the 60gb PS3s. I was actually shocked that they had them in stock and that the fact no one was buying them. Occasioanlly in line you would see maybe one person with one, but other than that no one wanted a PS3.

12-25-2006, 04:23 PM
Thats interesting. I wonder whha will happen on march

12-25-2006, 04:26 PM
Interesting fact about Microsoft's Xbox Division:

They are split effectively into two, with one team heading up development of hardware, and the other heading up software (Microsoft Game Studios).

There are a team of people at Microsoft whose job is only, quite literally, designing the next Xbox. During an interview at the Xbox 360 launch event, Jay Allard was asked what is coming next from Redmond's game offices: his words were "Well, the console design team is going to take a break for a month or so, and then they'll be back in the office doing what they do best."

In other words, the next Xbox has been in development since the Xbox 360 stopped development. This is old news.

hb smokey
12-25-2006, 07:15 PM
I would also like an explanation just for the reason that I do not believe you.

Anyway, quick story that is pretty funny. The other day I went with my friend to Best Buy because he needed to buy his girlfriend something for Christmas. Of course, we stumble along all the video games because I was just trying to find a cheap game that looked interesting.
Well, we saw some displays for the Playstation 3 and decided to check it out. Best Buy had about 50 of the 60gb PS3s. I was actually shocked that they had them in stock and that the fact no one was buying them. Occasioanlly in line you would see maybe one person with one, but other than that no one wanted a PS3.
Perhaps it was just the display boxes for the PS3's, because there's no way they wouldn't be sold out there.

12-25-2006, 11:03 PM
Oooh, are you agreeing everyone loves PS3 so much there's no way there could be a PS3 out there in retailers not sold already? Is this "change" your New Years Revolution?

Valerie Valens
12-26-2006, 03:35 AM
Perhaps it was just the display boxes for the PS3's, because there's no way they wouldn't be sold out there.

Agreed, there's a huge fuck off incentive to buy a PS3, but that incentive is not for gaming but to resell it on eBay for 2-3 times the price.

12-26-2006, 03:58 AM
Unless I read it wrong, he is saying the ps3 should be sold out? ... so you agree? i think?

Valerie Valens
12-26-2006, 04:52 AM
What? *whistles innocently*

12-26-2006, 05:00 AM
hahaha. even smokey isnt that big a sony hater to say the ps3 doesnt sell like... like... hot.. poop!

12-26-2006, 11:37 AM

hb smokey
12-26-2006, 12:14 PM
Oooh, are you agreeing everyone loves PS3 so much there's no way there could be a PS3 out there in retailers not sold already? Is this "change" your New Years Revolution?
Uh, I'm saying that there was a huge shortage of PS3 units for launch, and there are still a lot of people who want one. A lot. Some of them want to play the console for its games and other uses, while others just want to buy the damn thing and sell it for a big profit hopefully. It has nothing to do with how much people love the PS3.

12-26-2006, 03:22 PM
Personally I don't see the point of getting a PS3 at the moment. There is only one decent game out (rise of resistance or whatever it's called), and the prices are way to high. I was thinking, it will cost $1000 here in Australia for the 60GB version. $1000 can buy you around 600 King sized Mars Bar. Personallly I would have 600 king sized Mars bars instead of a PS3, because if i eat one a week, it will last me around 8 years ('cause I also share with my friends and family).

Let's just wait for the PS3 to become a slim version and go under $200, just like the ps2 :D

Valerie Valens
12-26-2006, 06:59 PM
You can sell it at eBay for about 3000-5000 bucks, that's 2000-4000 buck's worth of incentive, right there. :P Enough to buy a Wii and a shitload of peripherals/games.

J. Peterman
12-26-2006, 07:24 PM

12-26-2006, 07:25 PM
garamond i love your sig/avatar

hb smokey
12-26-2006, 09:39 PM
You can sell it at eBay for about 3000-5000 bucks, that's 2000-4000 buck's worth of incentive, right there. :P Enough to buy a Wii and a shitload of peripherals/games.
Actually, PS3's haven't been selling on a consistent basis above $1,000 for a couple of weeks now. Either people don't see enough of a reason to want one over ebay yet, or there's enough of a flow to people who do want a PS3 that they will wait a little bit of time and save hundreds of dollars.

Valerie Valens
12-26-2006, 10:14 PM


12-26-2006, 11:58 PM
I saw one on ebay goig for $699 Australian Dollars, no bids and only an hour left. Should I have bought it? Hell no, i'm not rich...

12-27-2006, 01:54 AM
People have been losing money on PS3's on eBay for well over a week. I've seen some 60GB go for $610 when they sell in stores for around $650 with tax. Stores are now expected to receive about 50+ next week.

12-27-2006, 03:55 AM
I saw one on ebay goig for $699 Australian Dollars, no bids and only an hour left. Should I have bought it? Hell no, i'm not rich...

If it was the 60 GB, they're coming out over here for $990.

I'm probably going to end up importing a PS3 if I ever get one. It will probably end up being a couple of hundred dollars cheaper, even with shipping and customs.

12-28-2006, 08:40 AM
Speaking of eBay, I love how they're whoring there baby (http://cgi.ebay.com/PS3-PLAYSTATION-3-60GB-GAME-CONSOLE-SYSTEM-W-RECIEPT-NR_W0QQitemZ190064861654QQihZ009QQcategoryZ62054QQ rdZ1QQcmdZViewItem).

12-28-2006, 08:10 PM
Haha. Nope, there were in fact PS3s in the boxes. My friend's mom offered to get him one, but that meant she would return the Wii she got him for Christmas, so he denied that offer.

J. Peterman
12-28-2006, 09:23 PM
garamond i love your sig/avatar




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