03-14-2002, 04:10 PM
What would happen

....Dachande(me), Tinchada(my best friend),nappa(another friend) and brolie(and yet another friend) crash on Gaia about 5 kilckes away from Alexandria and the new queen you all know who she is notices this and sends an expedition to the crash site

When the expedition team finally makes their way there they find 4 huge smoking craters and in each one is a sayain pod(unknown to the gaians)
Alexandrian soldier 1of10:Report
Alexandrian soldier 2: I don't know what to make of it ma,am
Alexandrian soldier 10:Somethings happening (Shaking)
Alexandrian Soldier 1: check it out whatever it is it isn't from around here
Dachande: (Crawls out of pod) Tianchada, Nappa, Brolie!!!!!
Tianchada: Aye sir scouters check pod systems damaged in the landing
Dachande: enough we won't need them this planet will make a nice home I might even leave some of the natives alone on this planet HUH up there look humans
Brolie: I'll take care of them
Nappa: no you don't it's my turn to frag a couple human scumbags
Dachande: enough I will take care of them myself Tianchada check the scouters to see if there are any strong life forms on this planet.
Tianchada: aye sir
Alexandrian Soldier 1: you there you are under arrest come along quietly and you will not be harmed
Dachande: heheheh you don't get it do you (Lightening quick dachande lunges at the Alexandrian officer sending her flying into a mountain)
Dachande: hmph that was no fun I guess I'll just have to entertain myself by killing the rest of you
Alexandrian Soldier 2:Retreat we must tell the queen
Dachande a golden aura appears around Dachande) now I will kill you and the rest of your pathetic race
a huge mushroom cloud can be seen by Queen garnet from the castles balcony
Garnet: thats around where those other explosions were
Beatrix:Shall I send out more troops ma,am
Garnet: no I don't want to risk the lives of more people no doubt the soldiers sent earlier are dead.

Dachande: hmph what weaklings I myself am a legendary supersayain and my power level exceeds 5 million
Nappa: *cough* cough* Dachande I thought you said no big fire works until we start bashing these humans up
Dachande: I did say no big fireworks I didn't make a big firework show so stop complaining
Tianchada: there are 4 major regions Lindblum,Alexandria,Brumecia and treno
Dachande: Lindblum sounds like a good start after we will head straight for brumecia then we will go for Treno and then Alexandria
Tianchada:But sir Alexandria is the closest
Dachande:Check your scouter there are 4 huge power levels there it's not that I'm afriad but I want to save the best for last heheheh
Nappa:I want to go see this Alexandria place on another human planet called earth which is very technologically advanced compared to this planet but no one comes close to use with technology but any ways they had a space station called Alexandria
Dachande: do as you wish but if you get in trouble call us on the scouter and report any good pickings for the final battle
Nappa:aye sir
Zidane: What was that big Explosion
Stiener: Don't know we must reconnoiter at once
Zidane: Hold it rusty whatever it is just leave it alone it could be something very bad remember Necron....O thats right you gave your power up to help me so you wouldn't remember
Eiko:I wanna go see we can take care of anything that tries to hurt us.
Garnet on the balcony
Garnet: What is that thing moving towards the city it looks like a person
Nappa: on final approach towards Alexandria
Dachande: you fool use the cloaking device I don't want the natives to know we are here yet
Nappa: too late there�s a girl on the balcony of a big castle starring at me
Dachande: WHAT!?!?!?!?!? TAKE HER OUT NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Nappa: I.....I can't
Dachande: What do you mean you can't
Nappa: someone like her doesn't desirve to die
Dachande: Nappa do you even know what your saying?!?!?!
Nappa:no I can't do it
Dachande: your a soldier and you obey orders
Nappa: no I just can't hurt her
Dachande: o ya and why is that Nappa?
Nappa: come see for yourself
Dachande: now you listen to me I will come there my self and kill all the girls if you don't carry out your orders
Brolie: sir more soldiers approaching looks like they are men this time
Tianchada: I'll take care of them
Dachande: Good I guess I have to go baby-sit Nappa
Brolie: huh?
Dachande: o ya he's falling for someone and that is not I repeat not why we are here.
Tianchada: o so he's slack in
Dachande: something like that
Garnet: Stiener get the Pluto knights to fire the cannons at that creature
Stiener: yes Ma'am
Cannons turn on Nappa and fire
big explosions,a big cloud of smoke, a shadowy figure
Nappa: (fly�s down to castle as Zidane comes up and Nappa lands really pissed off
Nappa: you little rats I will crush you in to little pieces I was even planning on letting you live well her live anyways(points towards Garnet)
Zidane: who are you
Nappa: me who am I ahahahahaha you think I'm going to tell you that we are sayins come to take over the planet and kill anyone who gets in our way?
Nappa: {...damnit shouldn't of said that...um}
Nappa: you there blondy you traitor
Zidane: me traitor?
Nappa: yes you Dachande will have your head he doesn't like traitors
Zidane: you got the wrong guy
Nappa: how could you disgrace the sayain race by joining these....humans
Eiko: what are sayains?
Zidane: good question hey buddy whats a sayain?
Nappa: don't tell me you don't know what a sayain is you are a sayain
Zidane: I'm not a sayain and I don't like to kill and take over people
Nappa: yes your a sayain you have a tail
Zidane: huh?
Nappa: you know if I kill you before Dachande gets here maybe I'll get promoted to Colonel
Stiener: Who's this Dachande your talking about?
Nappa: o so you want to know what�s going on here huh?
Nappa: Dachande is the strongest warrior in the universe a super sayain he can easily destroy this entire planet with his fingertips
Eiko: why should we believe you
Nappa: (yells into his scouter) Dachande I've run into problems
Zidane: we will take you out right now your going down
Nappa: heheheh am I gonna enjoy this
Fight scene Zidane begins getting hammered but then Zidane enters trance
Nappa: what is that I'v never seen anything like that heheh it doesn't matter though your still going to die
Zidane uses Grand lethal on Nappa
Nappa: ugh you fight well but not enough
Garnet summons Bahamut
Bahamut uses MAGA FLARE
Zidane: what is that
on the city limits at about the same altitude is another figure with a tail just like zidane only he has black hair

Dachande stretches his hand out towards Bahamut again a golden aura appers around Dachande then Dachande charges up and fires a blast at Bahamut
Bahamut is vaporized Dachande looks down at the party and grins
Dachande: (yells) So you just killed my Major and you must be the one that stopped Nappa from attacking(points towards garnet) well little girl that charm won't work on me
Garnet: me?
Dachande flys down to the belcony
Dachande: huh? you (points at Zidane) why arn't you in uniform
Zidane: huh?
Dachande: don't HUH me
Stiener: stay back
Stiener: Zidane who is this guy he looks a lot like you
Zidane: I'v never seen him in my life
Dachande: shutup all of you I should kill you for killing Nappa
Zidane: So your the one that guy was talking about earlier
Dachande: so Nappa leaked information to you well that doesn't matter your all gonna die sooner or later
Eiko: your just a bully leave us alone
Zidane: she�s right leave
Dachande: you must either be really brave or really stupid to say that to me
Zidane Rushes towards Dachande
Dachande raises his hand and a gust of wind is fired at Zidane
Zidane fly�s backwards right into Garnet
Dachande: hmph you aren�t even worth my time
Zidane and garnet get up
Garnet: Whatever it is you want take it and leave
Dachande: heh do you want to know what I want
Dachande: for starters I want this planet
Dachande: I also want to have a human massacre
Garnet: Eiko it's that light again
Eiko: it must be Alexander
Dachande: Alex who
huge wings appear right behind the castle
Dachande takes off into the air
Alexander Fires his holy judgment bolts at Dachande
Dachande stretches his arms out and deflects all the blue rays of energy
Dachande: is that all you got
Dachande Upgrades to SSJ1
Zidane: is that trance
Dachande: heh fool now I'll show you some of my real power
A high gale of wind all over the place mountains shatter in the background dark storm clouds lots of lightening Dachande is powering up for a blow to Alexander
Dachande is glowing a crimson gold
Dachande fires a bright blast of energy towards Alexander
A big explosion not big enough to kill anyone else just highly concentrated Alexander is vaporized just like Bahamut
Dachande downgrades to regular sayain
Dachande: heheheheheheh sure hope thats not all you've got little girl
Garnet: why are you doing this
Dachande: I already told you I am Apocalypse
Dachande: you humans are so pathetic I will let you live for now but you cannot escape your ultimate fate
Garnet: You say your name is Dachande
Dachande: you ask a lot of questions too many questions for your own good
Dachande: here let me spell it out for you
Dachande: Da-shun-day
Dachande: hopefully by the time I return you will be strong enough for a fight
Dachande: (yells into scouter) (Brolie you take Lindblum)
Tianchada you take brumecia and Treno I'll search the other continents for life
Zidane: you can't win against all of us
Dachande: your laughable
Dachande takes off and fly�s towards the horizon yelling behind him PREPAR YOUR SELVES
Garnet: Dachande Dachande hmmm thats a weird name maby we should ask Doctor Tot if he knows anything about the sayains or what that name means
Stiener: we should make haste he said something about taking treno and that is where Doctor Tot lives
Zidane: I'll see if the Tantalus boys to help
Garnet: I'll ask uncle cid for help
Eiko: maby Madeen can beat him
Stiener: I don't understand how he looks like you Zidane are you sure he's not related to you
Zidane: he said he was a say-in right?
Stiener: yes he did
Zidane: I'm not a sayain but both of them thought I was
Zidane: only the first one called Dachande a super-sayain
Eiko: that doesn't sound good
Garnet: I have a better idea lets send for Doctor Tot to come here with the gargant
Garnet: maby those sayains won't find him
Zidane: what about that big snake monster what if another one shows up and Doctor Tot gets into trouble
Amarant: I'll go get him
Amarant: no one in treno will mess with me
Zidane: where have you been
Amarant: I was down in the town square but when I saw all the explosions I came here and then I saw that guy fly away I thought he was you Zidane
Zidane: I�ve never seen him before or the bald one
_______________Night passed__________________________
Doctor Tot and Zidane and Garnet talking about the sayain warriors
Doctor Tot: the only thing about sayains that I know of is that they thrive on violence and war
Garnet: is that all you know about them
Doctor Tot: not entirely these super-sayains as you called them they are supposedly legendary
Stiener: I know we can beat him
Zidane: maybe we can beat him at his own game
Doctor Tot: not a chance Dachande sounds like a name given to an expert fighter
Eiko: he has friends maybe we can capture one and threaten to do something bad and get him to leave and never come back
Zidane: that could work but he looks like he can accept any sacrifice
the castle belcony Doors open and a soldier from lindblum stumbles in
Lindblum soldier: you must come to Lindblum quick we are being attacked by one very strong enemy
Zidane: the sayains
Garnet: we have to help them
Garnet,Zidane,Stiener,Amarant, Eiko, and the Lindblum soldier travel with the invincible to Lindblum
Brolie: heh is that all you got little human
Lindblum soldier: we will fight to the last
Brolie: heh you better fight to the last thats why I'm here
Brolie fires a Energy blast at lindblum grand castle
the top half almost caves in
Garnet, and Zidane look in horror to find that Regent Cid might be dead
Garnet: o no were too late
Stiener: were almost there
Brolie: what�s that blue aircraft
Brolie fires an energy blast at it and it's deflected
Brolie: unbelievable it survived my attack too bad there�s no full moon out right now because boy would there be a real party

3 nights away from this years full moon

Zidane: were here lets go show this guy what were made of
Brolie: so your the ones that killed Nappa I'm surprised Dachande let you live
Brolie: o I see he let you live because of you right(points towards garnet)
Garnet: huh
Brolie: ok maybe not well if you think of getting in my way I'll take you out right here right now
Zidane: your going down
Brolie: so thats how it is huh are you so eager to die I'm pulling supersayain soon and your gonna help me do it
Zidane: not a chance
Fight seen Zidane along with amarant charge at Brolie
Brolie disappers and reappers behind them
Brolie: don't tell me thats as fast as you can go
Zidane and Amarant keep Brolie busy and Stiener and Garnet sneak up on him, Stiener jumps on him and Garnet brings her Mythril rod smashing down on Brolie's head Garnets rod shatters over Brolies head
Brolie: heheh you shouldn't of done that little girl mean while Zidane brings out his angel bless and manages to get Brolie in the back
Brolie: ahhhh you cut me you little ****
Brolie pissed off
Brolie: alright thats it warm ups over
Brolie charges up, the ground is shaking, theres wind everywhere
Brolie: alright lets see how you handle this
Brolie stretches out his hands and forms a glowing ball of energy
Brolie: CATCH
Brolie hurles the energy ball towards Zidane
Zidane manages to get out of the way just in time the ball slams right into a resedential area exploding bright white then a dieing orange
Brolie: so....scared yet?
Garnet enters trance because of the loss of life and anger towards Brolie
Garnet summons ark
Ark does a great deal of damage to brolie and the surrounding area but Brolie is crippled
Brolie: why you (gasp) how can you do that?
Brolie: o well I'm not afraid to die just remember this Dachande will make quick work of you and this planet theres no stopping us
Brolie: but before I go I'm gonna try and take you all with me
Brolie selfdestructs Garnet, Zidane, Stiener, and Amarant manage to get onboad the Invincable the rest of Lindblum is demolished but Regent Cid is onboard the Invincable with his elite royal gaurd
Regent Cid: so many lives lost why would that guy do something like that and how did he get so much power
Zidane: there was someone like him that tryed to destroy Alexandria yesterday
Garnet: there were 2 of them one left and the other one was destroyed by Bahamut
Regent Cid: you scared one of them away
Garnet looks at Zidane then looks back at Regent Cid
Garnet: yes we scared him away
Regent Cid: o well I'll ask the king of Brumecia and what evers left of his army to aid us
Stiener, Zidane, and Garnet on the bridge
Stiener: why did we lie to him
Garnet: no point in worrying him
Zidane: shes right I hate to say it but I'm starting to wonder if we can beat this guy
Eiko: remember Kuja at first we couldn't beat him but we did after we trained
Stiener: I know we can beat him but it's hard to believe that he's really here for a new home otherwize he wouldn't hurt or kill anyone
Amarant: anyways how many are there
Garnet: theres 4
Amarant: and 2 of them are wasted
Zidane: and you wouldn't believe it but garnet is the one that took care of them both
Dachande: I wonder how this little punks are doing maby I should go see
Dachande starts speeding towards Alexandria
Tianchada: hey boss Brolie's dead
Dachande: WHAT?!?! hmmm looks like this planets millitary is better than we thought
Tianchada: that doesn't matter nothing can hurt us
Dachande: your right
Dachande: I have a better idea meet me at Treno lets have a little party
Tianchada: o I like that idea
Dachande meets up with Tianchada both head towards Treno
meanwhile on the Invincable
Garnet: ok lets go to Brumecia thery're still rebuilding so they would be caught offgaurd
Zidane: maby we should go to the BlackMageVillage and see if Mikoto knows anything about them I really don't believe what that guy said earlier about why he was here
Amarant: I don't think we should waste anytime you remember how fast they can move I couldn't even keep up with that last guy at Lindblum
Garland to Zidane
You don't know what your getting yourself into
Zidane: huh? who's there?Garland?
Garland: I modeled the gnomes after the sayains their power is greater than athousand armies put together
Zidane: is that why we have tails
Garland: yes that is he is Prince Vegita's brother but the king cast him out fearing that he would destroy his own race one day
when I decided to give you a soul and personality I saw him flying through space and I decided to model my perfect gnome after him and it suceeded you over powered your own brother, Necron and even defeated me
I can't even determine what could happen you could become just as powerful as he is but I warn you that power is dangerous if misused
Zidane: why are you telling me this?
Garland: you havn't even reached the full extent of your power
all you have to do is believe in yourself
Zidane: wait Garland GARLAND?
Zidane: he's gone
Stiener: look the Red Rose
Zidane: it looks like it's in real bad shape
Amarant: they're gonna crash if they don't land that thing
Garnet: we should land too so we can find out what happened
Zidane: I bet I know what happened the sayains attacked it
Both airships land
Beatrix: those wierd men they're at alexandria they blew up the market place so many people died
Eiko: they're killing innocent people?
Alexandriansoldier: one of them looks us straight in the eye and then he stuck his arm out and part of our airship blew up
Zidane: they know magic?
Doctor Tot: no thats probably just another form of their power
Stiener: ok everyone aboard the invincable we should go see if they are still there and how we can stop them?
Dachande: man it feels good I havn't killed that many people at once in a long time
Tianchada: human body count is 450 sir
Dachande: thats all?
Tianchad: also Brolie......well you see sir Brolie is dead
Dachande: wha? who?did this
Tianchada: the scouter just shows a big blue ship and then Brolie must of turned off his scouter
Dachande: I'm going to make a pit stop in Treno and raise a little hell
Dachande: you know what to do right?
Tianchada: mess up anyone who comes within 100 kilcks of the city right ok I got it
Dachande: good I'm gonna leave right now I'll be back tonight also guess what theres a full moon tonight but it's supposed to be cloudy with brake periods
Tianchada: o boy o boy
Dachande: heheh don't lose your tail over this it would be a shame to have a tailess buddy
Tianchada: don't worrie about me I can almost pin you to the ground remember
Dachande: almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades you remember that
Tianchada: you make up the wierdest examples
Dachande: yes but they are good examples
Tianchada: but we didn't bring any conventional weaponry with us no guns or rockets
Dachande: who needs bullets and bombs when you got the power of more than amillion regular sayains
Tianchada: yea good point and well made
Dachande takes off towards Treno and onrout goes past the invincable
a sonic boom kinda like the sound an f-15 makes when it flys over head with after burners on can be herd inside the invincables hull
Zidane: jesus what was that
Eiko: I've herd that sound when Bahamut passed over head he was going really fast
Beatrix: We have to get back to Alexandria fast
Garnet: I agree
10 minuts away from alexandria Garnet sees a black smoke coming up from the city (to the readers watch enemy at the gates and in the beginning you can see stalingrad in the background as the russians head across the river it's all ruined and smoking because of the german attacks thats kinda what garnet sees only it's alexandria city)
Tianchada: heheh
Tianchada throws energy bombs at alexandria castles sword which brakes crashes and falls on a bunch of resident houses
Zidane sees this and calls Eiko and Garnet over
Zidane: we have to hurry we have to push the engine to maximum power
Tianchada doesn't even notice the invincables approch towards him until it's within 50 meters of him
Tianchada: huh? what the hell is this hmmm target practise heheh
Zidane: whats he doing
Garnet: (yells)he's going to attack the ship
Zidane: they don't call this the invincable for nothing
Tianchada: good bye big blue ship
a huge explosion then a mini mushroom cloud
The invincable is only minorly effected
Tianchada: hmm that thing can take alot more than that other one that was flying away earlier
Tianchada: hey look somethings happening?!?!!? WHAT they can teleport I thought they didn't have that technology
Stiener: you there stop this instant
Tianchada: are you talking to me rustman
Zidane: I just don't that as funny as I thought before
Tianchada: so Dachanda: wasn't kidding when he said there was a big blue ship that killed Brolie
Zidane: Brolie? whos Brolie(thinking to himself that must be that sayains name that was at Lindblum)
Tianchada:so you want to fight heheh I enjoy a good fight
Eiko: what do you kill people for no reason?
Tianchada: o didn't Dachande tell you? no? well he usually doesn't tell about things
Zidane: if we can beat those other 2 we can beat you
Tianchada: o you think so Brolie is a weakling compaired to me and Dachande me and Dachande are the 2 strongest sayains in the universe
Amarant: we can overcome any odds
Tianchada: o you can huh
Amarant runs towards Tianchada Tianchada pounches him right in the gut Amarant doubles over
Tianchada is grining
Tianchada: whats the matter get up hey you girl is this your excusse for a bodygaurd heh
Tianchada kicks Amarant in the gut just a light tap but it flips amarant on his side
Tianchada: alright this is getting stupid
Tianchada sticks out his hand and Stiener gets in the way
Stiener stabs Tianchada in the gut with his diamond sword
Tianchada: now what was the point of that
Tianchada grabs the sword by it's tip and yanks it out of Stieners hand and bends it over his knee
Tianchada: that was a joke right?
Tianchada: you think your weapons can hurt me
Garnet summons odin
Odin attacks Tianchada
Tianchada catches odins spear and throws it back and Odin vanishes
Tianchada: o come on thats not all you got I know it
Tianchada runs up to garnet and takes her multina racket
Tianchada: thankyou very much
Tianchada wangs it around and sends it spinning into the stratosphere
Tianchada: a girl like you shouldn't handle a weapon anyways
Zidane gets in the way and punches Tianchada in the face knocking him off his feet
Tianchada: whoa so you do have a little fight in you thats good
Tianchada punches Zidane back and Zidane flys about 15 feet then slides along the ground for 5 feet
Tianchada: it's gotta hurt when they hit the dirt
Garnet: please stop this this is pointless
Tianchada: o I'm sorry
Tianchada points his finger at Regent cid and uses Frezas finisher beam
Tianchada: o finger sliped you know that damn trigger finger of mine hehehehRegent cid gets up with a big gash in his gut
Garnet runs over to Regent Cid before he collapses
Tianchada: hmph stupid
Tianchada aims his finger at garnet and almost manages to get a shot off but Zidane stabs his angle bless right through Tianchada's armour
Tianchada: ugh now I see what happens when you make someone mad
Tianchada grabs the edge thats sticking out the other side of himself and yanks it out
Tianchada: now your going to see what happens when I get mad
Tianchada in a fit of rage flares into a bright white glowing colour
Tianchada: I'll send you to hell!!!!!!!!!!
Tianchada falls over from blood loss
Tianchada: what the?!?! you.....Dachande is.......never going to..........forgive you for this
Tianchada: (talks into his scouter)Dachande.........do you read come in....this is......Tianchada
Dachande: whats your report
Tianchada: report is........WIA sir
Dachande: WHAT?!?!?!? hold on I'm on my way right now
Tianchada: now you'll see what happens.... when you try to resist.....us
Zidane: your finished you can tell your boss to leave because he's next
Tianchada: heheheh.......I'm nowhere near.......as strong as.......Dachande
Tianchada: and theres a......full moon....tonight
Eiko: so?
Tianchada: you'll see
Tianchada slowly falls over and dies
Dachande is speeding towards alexandria city on his way he turns around and fires 5 energy blasts towards treno 5 massive mushroom clouds and Treno is completely and utterly destroyed
Dachande to himself: there better be a good reason for this
Zidane: that guy is heading this way right now
Regent Cid: *cough* *Gasp* Garnet I don't think I'm going to make it
Garnet: no you can't die
Regent Cid: theres no shame in dying just remember I'll always watch over you
Zidane: we'll take care of him we will show him that it's not right to kill innocent people
Regent Cid: you do that
Stiener: how dare they do this Dachande will regret ever coming here
Zidane: Garnet are you alright?
Garnet:(half crying half talking)I can't believe he's dead
Zidane: well get them back I promise
Amarant: ouch that hurt huh look weve got company
Dachande lands right beside Zidane(this kinda looks like the old undertaker and kain standing in the ring eying each other)
Dachande looks down at Tianchada's body
then looks back at Zidane
Dachande: YOU BASTERD!!! I'LL RIP YOUR HART OUT!!!!!!!!!
Dachande takes off his armour revealing his W*W uniform and his scouter(gotta keep as many of those as possible)
Dachande: your going to die slow
Zidane: don't count on it
Garnet: how could you do something like this
Stiener: not if I have anything to say about it
Dachande: heh night time o boy am I going to enjoy this when night comes
Zidane thinking to himself: why does he want night time to come?
Dachande: are you ready scream cause I'm going to stomp your guts out
Dachande disappers and reappers behind Amarant grabs him flys up and throws him to the ground
Dachande then lands and stomps on Amarants chest
Amarant screams in pain
Dachande: thats it scream show me how much it hurts
Dachande backs up and fires an energy blast at amarant
the smoke clears and amarant is gone
Eiko: you killed him why you
Eiko summons Madeen
but as soon as this happens Dachande gets behind Madeen and snaps his neck
Eiko: MADEEN!!!!
Dachande: ok warm ups over
Zidane: it doesn't matter what you do Garland said that I can overcome anything
Dachande: Shut the f**k up that old fool telling you lies eh?
Zidane: you know him
Dachande: of coarse I know him that idiot ran into me when I left home I almost got mad enough to blow up a planet
Garland: Zidane yes I know him I made you like him because I know you couldn't fail the perfect warrior you and him are virtually mirror images of each other(again like undertaker and kain) that is also why you were able to over come Kuja
Garland: one last bit of advice try to destract him from looking at the full moon
Zidane: huh? full moon? Why?
Zidane: Garland?GARLAND??!
Dachande: he's gone I shut him up for good heheh so he told you about the full moon gig eh?
Zidane: what how do you know that
Dachande: o didn't you know we think alike or did that old basterd not tell you that
Dachande: I guess this kind of makes us brothers just like you and that Faggot Kuja only I'm original heheheh
Dachande: he was way too soft to pull this off other wize he would of finished you off when he had the chance
Dachande: o look at that sunset
Stiener: how can you be so evil
Dachande: you know what it's not that hard try being cast out just by being born blessed with great power then you'd see how easy it is no feelings no remorse no pity you know it feels good not having guilt around
Dachande: o you wanna see a neat trick
Dachande starts to glow red
Dachande: heheheheheh now I'll show you what pain is you killed my best friend now you'll go say sorry to him when you die
Dachande: or maby he will just tortcher you for eternity
Dachande: and you know what else I'm gonna kill that girl over there in the orange for killing two of my friends in fact I'll kill everyone on this planet just for fun
Zidane: don't touch Garnet
Dachande: o so thats her name huh I don't care about your friends names you and the rest of this planet are history
Zidane charges at Zidane with his angle bless it shatters into a 3000 piece set
Dachande: my turn
Dachande punches Zidane and he flys right into a brick wall the wall smashes but Zidane is only scratched
Dachande: o look at this the blondy has some toughness in him
Stiener, and Zidane are on each side of Dachande
Stiener and Zidane try to coordinate their attacks and lung at Dachande Dachande easily evades and Zidane and Stiener crash into eachother
Dachande: you two crack me up
Dachande: what are you looking at goes and lifts garnet off the ground(like the predator does to arnold in the movie)
Zidane: don't you touch her
Dachande drops Garnet and she falls on her back
Dachande: boy you must really care about her heh I wonder what would happen if I were to o say (motions and slides his thumb across his neck)
Stiener: how dare you touch her
Dachande walks over to stiener and kicks him in the side and puts a nasty dent in his armour
Dachande kicks him in the same spot this time the armour is all reddish from stieners blood
Dachande: and then you know what I think I'll rip this planet apart I'm starting to dislike it here
Dachande: huh?
Garnet attacks Dachande and almost knocks him over
Dachande: hmph guess what now your fair game
Dachande: fires a blast at Garnet but one of eikos moogle friends gets in the way
the wind from the explosion sends garnet sliding across the ground into zidane then they both fly into the invincable
Dachande: What where did that come from?
Dachande: well talk about a soft landing
Zidane to garnet: no problem anything for you
Dachande: shutup I'm tired of you and your stupid sayings
Zidane and Stiener get up Garnet stays down because Zidane motions for her to stay down
Zidane: if I must sacrifice myself to keep you safe I will
Dachande: o how touching your very good at boring me to tears
Stiener jumps on Dachande taking him down then Zidane runs up and kicks him in the face
Dachande: oufe get off of me tinman
Dachande elbows Stiener in the gut putting another nasty dent in his armour
Dachande gets up
Dachande: so thats what your plan is huh try doing that when I do this
Dachande upgrades to SSJ1
meanwhile Garnet thinks up a stratagy to summon Bahamut,ark,and odin at the same time while eiko summons madeen and fenrir and pheniox for support
Dachande: whats the matter blondy o didn't expect this?
Dachande: this is what we sayains call supersayain hood hahaha
Zidane thinking to himself: o great now we gotta deal with this
Dachande: you know it's hard to believe how much trouble you have caused me and your human friends
Dachande: look I've even resorted to going supersayain
Garnet thinking to herself: o no we'll never beat him know
Eiko: don't give up hope we can still beat him theres no way he can beat up all these eidolons at the same time
Garnet: maby your right
The whole planet is shaking because of Dachande raising his power level to 2 million
Dachande: I know you knew about us long before we even came to this city maby you should of just budded out you know I was planning on letting some of you live
Dachande: your right I came here looking for someone to take my anger out on
Zidane: why us
Dachande: because you and your friends resemble people that I just can't stand and earth we already destroyed earth my soft weak brother vegeta joined the humans along with another named kakarott so we couldn't exactly go and blow up something that doesn't exist anymore
Dachande: thats right the most highly evolved form of humans have already been extinct for some time now
Dachande: you know what I can see you can become more than this why don't you join me I mean come on we are all most exactly alike if it wasn't for kuja you would of already done what I'm doing right now
Zidane: I'm nothing like you
Dachande: well of coarse you are you would of loved to fight believe me when Garland decided to make his perfect war machine after me I said well go for it I'll be back to take him with me after your done with whatever it is you need him for
Dachande: thats the deal we made other wise you wouldn't exist right now
Zidane: I don't believe you
Dachande: fine then don't believe me it doesn't make any difference to me
Zidane pulls out a dagger and stabs Dachande in the foot
Dachande just pulls it out and throws it at stiener
Dachande: thats good I enjoy pain
Dachande upgrades to SSJ2
Zidane covers his eyes from the bright golden white light
Dachande: o would you like to here todays weather forcast
Dachande: a low of 3000 degrees and a high of 10000 degrees
Zidane: what are you talking about now?
Dachande: lets just say theres gonna be a real big nasty explosion and a neat looking mushroom cloud
Garnet and Eiko start to summon all the eidolons Bahamut, Ark, Odin, Madeen, Fenrir, and maby pheniox
Dachande thinks to himself what are those 2 up to
Dachande walks over to where garnet and eiko are
Pheniox uses rebirth flame on Dachande and all the good guyz

Dachande: is it hunting season already
Dachande flys up to pheniox grabs him by the tail feathers and spins him around until he throws him into the water right beside Alexandrian harbour
But Zidane, Stiener, Eiko, and Garnet are all healed like they havn't even been touched
Dachande: thats a real neat trick you can do but I'm going to show you an even better trick right now
Dachaqnde flys up into the air and gets ready for a real big blow to the whole city
but before he can Bahamut, Ark,Madeen, and fenrir all attack him at the same time
a huge explosion and a lot of smoke
Garnet: WE DID IT!!!!!!!
Eiko: good job guys
Zidane: I guess he didn't know what was coming to him
the smoke clears
Dachande: heheheheh you know what that was a little harsh but now I'll show you my true power
Zidane: o man not even a scratch
Dachande upgrades to SSJ3 with a power level of 5 million
Dachande: alright enough screwing around I'll kill you all one by one
Dachande goes down and grabs zidane off the ground by the collar and flys into the air
Dachande lets go of zidane but zidane can't move he's floating right beside Dachande
Dachande: guess what I was hoping to make new friends today heheh but now I've changed my mind you should of joined me when you had the chance
Dachande just punching the crap outta poor old zidane until Bahamut sweeps down and grabs Dachande in one of his talons
Dachande: agh you stupid dragon get off of me
Dachande pulls a cheap shot and blows bahamuts head off
Dachande gets free of Bahamuts dead weight before Bahamut falls on the ground and dissappers
Dachande: so theres no killing those they just come back huh?
Dachande: that doesn't matter maby I should kill the source right now
Dachande flys down to Garnet and Eiko
grabs them both off the ground and flys up
Dachande: you two have really cause me alot of trouble
Zidane goes into trance along with stiener and Eiko and Garnet
Dachande: heh what the hell is this
Garnet and Eiko get free with Zidanes help from his grand lethal attack
Dachande: is that all there is to you huh?
Zidane to himself: alright now I'm going to finish this guy off
Garnet and Eiko both attack head on twice as strong before
Zidane attacks Dachande head on and Stiener does his minus strike attack
Dachande is on the ground but he gets up
Dachande looks up
Dachande: o look the full moon
Dachande smiles at the good guys
Dahcnade:now you will get to see my true form and power Dachande grows into a huge ape monster that all sayains do when they look at the full moon
Zidane: so this is what Garland was warning about
Dachande: heheheheheheh now I'll step on you little rats
Dachande opens his mouth and blows up the rest of Alexandrian castle
Dachande: this is what happens when you really piss someone off!!!
Dachande grabs Zidane and picks him up
Dachande squeezes Zidane and drains his power
Garnet: (yells up at Dachande) stop your going to kill him
Dachande: isn't that the whole bloody point? stupid girl
Dachande: guess what I think I'll smash you into the ground maby that that girl will catch you heheh
Zidane: you could at least say her name
Dachande: o I'm sorry maby Garnet would catch you if I were to say drop you heheheh
Dachande: after this I'm going straight to your friends places and I'm going to kill them all one at a time
Dachande: slowly
Dachande drops Zidane and he falls right through a couple of wooden boards and is hurt real bad from the fall
Garnet casts curaga on Zidane
Dachande: what? so your a white mage huh
Dachande: do you know how much I hate it when these stupid nosy white mages get in the way
Dachande goes after garnet
but the full moon dissappers behind a cloud
Dachande starts to become his former self upgraded to SSJ3
Dachande: that doesn't matter hmph I'll still kill you anyways
Zidane jumps on Dachandes back
Dachande: get off of me you stupid monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dachande trys to grab him but Zidane is just out of reach
Zidane noy even knowing it grabs Dachande's tail
Dachande: ahhhhhh let go agh
Zidane: whats wrong o so this is your weakness huh
Dachande: o man when I get up I'm going to burn you alive
Dachande to himself: just suck it up this doesn't normally effect you
Dachande slowly gets up and elbows Zidane right in the shin
Dachande: biggest mistake you ever made
Dachande: I guess the saying is true natural blonds are dumb heheheheh
Dachande: so what should I do should I start with tin man? the girls? or should I just take you out right now
Zidane jumps up and uses grand lethal on Dachande Dachande flys into a wooden house
Dachande gets up stagers and then
Dachande: It's going to take a lot more than that
Dachande dissappers and reappers in the air and begins charging up
before Dachande can destroy the planet Ark smashes into him sending him spiraling towards garnet
Dachande lands and theres a big cloud of smoke
Garnete: that was close
Zidane: I hope thats the end of him
Dachande gets up
Dachande: o look at this a little wishfull thinking going on
then a building falls right onto Dachande
Eiko: theres no way he can be alive now
5 minuts pass no movement
Zidane: we showed him
Garnet: thats for Regent Cid and all the people you've hurt
Zidane and Garnet almost share their first kiss when....
light from under the debris then an explosion and all the debris get blown away
Dachande: grrrrrrr
Dachande's eyes are glowing white (you can tell he's pissed about somethin)
Dachande: stupid building
Dachande: almost knocked me out there
Dachande: you know what I just couldn't resist I had to brake this up heheheheh
Dachande: that is the White wolf motto you know heheheheh
Dachande: but now theres something I like to call doomsday
Dachande: everyone dies thats it this is now thats it you see if it wern't for sayains there wouldn't be any thinning out of speices
Dachande: you humans are dangerous especially the ones on earth were then look what happend to them
Zidane to himself: damnit this guy just won't die
Dachande points his finger at stiener and uses the good ol finisher beam but beatrix out of nowhere pushes him out of the way and takes the fall instead
Stiener: BEATRIX!!!!!!!!
Dachande: if your stupid enough to jump in the way of that you desirve to be dead
Stiener: basterd
Dachande: heh like I said stupid people don't desirve to live
Dachande points his finger at stiener and uses another finisher beam this time stiener gets it
Dachande: look at this the dumbass squad is dead
Dachande: now I'm going to finish you 2 off
Dachande: besides I havn't gotten to kill a couple in a long time heheheheh
Baku: not if I can help it!!!!!!!!!
Zidane: boss whered you come from?
Baku: the theater district is gone so we came here to ask you if you knew what happend
Blank: just sit tight we'll take care of him
Zidane: watch out he's fast
Baku: I can see that
Dachande: I hate reunions
Dachande fires a blast at baku and blank
Baku gets singed and blank gets an arm severd
Dachande: o look
Dachande goes and picks up blanks arm
Dachande: look at what I can do
Dachande hold Blanks arm up and it bursts into flame
Dachande: boy you sure no how to hold in pain don't ya
Dachande: you'd think getting your arm cut off would hurt
Baku: no one hurts my boys and gets away with it
Baku runs up and punches Dachande in the face over and over again
Dachande doesn't even flinch
Dachande: hmph
Dachande punches Baku in the gut and Baku backs off then falls over
Dachande looks down at Baku
Dachande: so your one of this guyz friends huh
Dachande: hey maby I should start killing your friends right now blondy
Zidane gets up walks over to Dachande and trys to grabe his tail again
Dachande: huh?
Dachande jumps out of the way
Dachande: that trick only works once don't expect me to be fooled by the same thing twice
Garnet grabs his tail
Garnet: but you havn't been fooled by this yet
Dachande: errrrrr you you don't even got a good grip do ya
Dachande: I'll take that back thankyou
Dachande yanks his tail out of garnets hands
Dachande: heheheheheh
Dachande pushes Garnet to the ground
Dachande: you shouldn't of done that
Dachande: your really making me mad little girl
Zidane: you leave her alone
Dachande: you gonna tell me what to do
Dachande: come on I'm all fired up I'm not going anywhere until I get to kill something powerful
Dachande: or if you won't fight me I'll just do this
Dachande goes over to garnet picks her up and starts to take off
Zidane: I said leave her alone
Dachande: not until you fight me if you don't then I'll just take her to the space pod until you decide to fight
Dachande: come on your mad arn't ya why don't you let it all go
Dachande: I know how much you want me gone
Dachande: and guess what I've just decided if you fight me I'll leave your friends alone
Zidane: alright then
Dachande: good I'm glad you understand
Dachande starts to come down and unexpectedly lighty puts garnet down
Dachande: since I promised I wouldn't hurt your friends I didn't drop her but you I'v got other plannes
Dachande: and then I'll leave I promise
Zidane thinks to himself: well it looks like this is the end
Zidane thinks to himself: at least Garnet will be safe
Dachande to himself: heh that stupid idiot thinks I'll keep my promise heheh
Zidane: ok I'm ready
Garnet uses the rest of her strength to heal Zidane
Dachande to himself: it will be good to get that white mage out of the way
Dachande: tell you what I'll let you hit me as hard is you can and I won't hit back I promise
Zidane: I don't trust you
Dachande: you don't have to
Zidane: alright try this
Zidane takes out twin daggers and throws them at Dachande
Dachande catches them
Dachande: here you can have these back
Dachande throws the daggers at Zidane he gets out of the way
Dachande: you want to see something else blondy?
Dachande upgrades to SSJ4
Dachande: now this is my maximum power
Dachande: hey blondy pay attention when I'm talking to you
Dachande aims his hands into the night sky and fires a bright white energy b eam into space
a huge explosion kinda like a supernova in space vaporizes both the moons that were behind the clouds and there are no more clouds and all the ground around the place is scorched by the heat but Dachande protects himself and the good guys
Zidane: why did you help us
Dachande: because that really isn't fair is it
Dachande: and don't worrie no one was killed by that I made sure of it
Zidane: no if you didn't care about us you wouldn't of protected us
Dachande: O SHUTUP I could of let you burn but I want to smack you around instead
Zidane: go ahead and try it
Dachande: alright then
Dachande runs up to zidane hits him in the gut sends him into the air
Dachande flys up behind him and kicks him in the spine
sending zidane flying forwards then he stops for no reason
Zidane bleeding from the mouth looks at Dachande
Dachande has his arm stretched out then he spins his arm around and Zidane starts to spin
Dachande: heh don't you love telekenisis eh blondy
Dachande lets his grip go and Zidane falls to the ground
Zidane gets up all dissy and stumbles a bit then he goes into trance
Dachande: you wanna see a real dagger I stole it froma vietnamese on earth
Dachande pulls out a machedy
Dachande: o I'm not going to use it I'm going to get rid of this rushy piece of s**t
Dachande throws the machedy at Zidane
Trance Zidane catches the Machedy
Trance Zidane: you've just delt your last blow
Dachande: huh?
Trance Zidane lunges at Dachande and hits Dachande in the face Dachande is sent flying into the air
Trance Zidane uses Trance Kujas old move Ultima on Dachande
theres a huge explosion and alot of smoke Zidane begins to float
and heads towards Garnet
Dachande: hold it right there I'm not done with you yet
Trance Zidane: WHAT how did you? that should of
Dachande: o you see I"ve got more durability then a F**kin planet
Dachande flys out of the smoke with his uniform damaged
Dachande: you know I'm impressed you managed to even make me bleed a little you know you and I would make an unstopable team
Dachande: I'd hate to see you die when you could become something more
Trance Zidane: I'd never join you
Dachande: alright fine you've chosen your camp
Garnet ragains her strength and eiko too the both get up and stand beside zidane one on each side about 10 feet away from Dachande
Dachande: so now you 2 want to fight this is more than I asked for but thats fine with me
Dachande: you really should of listend to Nappa before he died you know
Dachande: maby this wouldn't be happening
Garnet: It doesn't matter how strong you are
Garnet: we will fight to the end
Dachande: well you know the number one rule huh thats the first thing I ever learned and thats to never stop fighting
Dachande: but now I'm gonna kill you because you got in the way
Trance Zidane: you said you would let my friends live
Dachande: hmph I lied
Dachande: you can't trust everything you hear you know especially from us super sayains
Dachande: why are you shaking blondy your not scared are ya
Trance Zidane: what? I'm not scared I'm just hurt thats all
Dachande: ya right wheres the blood huh? wheres the bruises the scars?
Dachande: come on even she isn't shaking
Dachande: hmph shes got more guts than you blondy maby your not as strong as garland hoped
Dachande: you know what maby after this is over I'll take her instead after all she's probably stronger than you anyways white mages always have been strong willed(as seen from past FF's)
Trance Zidane: she ain't goin anywhere
Dachande: you know your right because I'll just save myself the trouble and blow the planet up
Trance Zidane: enough talk lets do this
Dachande: so you want some more huh
Trance Zidane, garnet and eiko combine powers and a bright ray of energy is shot at Dachande
Dachande: ahhh that hurt
Dachande falls down
Trance Zidane: yes we got him
Dachande gets up breathing hard
Dachande: grrrrrrrrrrrr you don't even stand a chance
Dachande to himself: comeon Dachande pull your self together your a super sayain strongest warrior in the universe
Dachande: so you think I'm beat do you heh
Dachande calls his pod over
Dachande crawls in to his spacepod
Dachande: heheh I'll retun someday you remember that and when I do I'll be even stronger my power increases with age you see being 16 years old and I can already destroy the universe just think what I could do when I'm 27 heheh
Eiko: o no he's getting away
Dachande takes off into orbit
Dachande to himself: I can't believe I was almost beaten by those half ass mountian boys........and girls
Dachande: heheheh I know
Dachande opens his pod just above the atmosphere
Dachande fires a blast at the planet destroying the mist continent and the planets core
eventually Dachande dies in his pod on the way to a planet called rynoth(a planet from aliens vs predator)
but Gaia is in bad shape eventually it blows up without a core all planets would blow up
so everyone dies no one wins just the way it should be
because we all know that Zidane wouldn't really stand a chance even against a SSJ1
but then I couldn't kill off just 2 of the main characters all three had to go Dachande, Zidane, and Garnet are the three main characters
so this is my first story and I really don't plan on making more unless asked to


03-14-2002, 04:55 PM
ok... could you... sum this story up a little........I really don't have time to read the whole thing... And try PARAGRAPH form... I'll join ya in this when I remember something about ff9.... hmmmm *thinks*

03-14-2002, 11:52 PM
so far 4 sayains land on planet Gaia Dachande(me)Tianchada(my best friend)Brolie(Another friend)Nappa(yet another friend)
deciding to destroy the inhabitance so they can live there all by themselves maby
Nappa decides to take a trip to Alexandria
ends up getting killed but gets the word out to Dachande
Dachande arives just after Nappa dies
destroys 2 of Garnets Eidilons and injures Zidane and Garnet
then takes off
then the good guyz Garnet,Stiener,Zidane,and amarant,Eiko
go to Lindblum with Doctor Tot
while Lindblum is under attack by Brolie then Garnet goes into trance and summons ark he cripples Brolie and Brolie self destructs destroying all of lindblum
the group runs into tianchada the second strongest of the sayains
and they some how manage to kill him but then Dachande arrives and gives them a hell of hard time but in the end everyone dies ahahahaha

03-16-2002, 04:57 AM
some character names borrowed/stolen from FF9 and DBZ
Tianchada and Dachande are my 2 made up characters
I play Dachande's part and my best friend plays Tianchada
and would you believe it I just made this up as I went along piece by piece
I was inspired by my L.A teacher and she said
short stories can be fun if they are something you enjoy writing about

03-18-2002, 11:56 PM
If I was actually there do you think I would treat garnet like dat no way but I would take her back to the pod and see if tianchada could be revived after all garnet is a white mage

zidane tribal
03-28-2002, 06:13 PM
dude this fic is awesome, a lot of time and work...love the fact that you mixed db with ff......good work my bro......:D :D :D

03-28-2002, 06:39 PM
actually I just thought it up as I went along and it took only 3 days I wanted to make dachande a good guy in the end but I wanted dachande to be the harshest most evil person you could ever meet so it all ends in a nice big BANG!!!!!!!!!
also I liked how I made it that Dachande always called Zidane Blondy because remeber what garland said I just couldn't resist I had to put in a few blond jokes no offence to any blonds that use this forum though o and thanks for the coments bro also I may make an R-rated directors cut unsutible for this forum I'll just e-mail it to you if I make one but you see thats what I like to hear Zidane likes the story and he says so if you don't like the story then go somewhere else at least my bros like it I don't care about anyone elses thoughts

04-11-2002, 12:49 AM
As Zidane wrapped it up, very good! *Claps* Love the mixing, not to mention the 2 made up characters...although, did Garnet HAVE to die? ^^ Come now bro', admit it, it must've been painful to do such a thing. But sure adds on to the drama. Only thing I could reccomend is a little better punctuation and grammar. I didn't see enough "!"'s when they were supposed to, but for coming as you go, this is excellent!

04-11-2002, 01:05 AM
I'm pretty sure for Dachande to do that was painful but really Garnet isn't gonna switch who shes hot for just because someone can do alot of damage I mean comeon I'm pretty sure if Dachande was there when the kidnapping (at the biginning of ff9)
it would be Dahcnade+Garnet instead but at this time Dachande was busy killing innocent people on earth
also I used some wing commander stuff too ei. Space station Alexandria
but you know if I could make a whole new story I would put Dachande in tantalus as a saiyan like goku (doesn't know that he is supposed to kill and love doing it)along with all the others Dachande would just be another member a suprisingly strong memeber that even the boss couldn't beat up when he was 12 years old

04-26-2002, 02:15 PM
also bros I need to say that when I was writing this I was thinking of having in the end Dachande actually turns good and joins the good guyz but nah he's supposed to be evil to the core like me

04-29-2002, 06:27 AM
Aha, of course. I'm an evil d00d too. i may help out the good guys a bit, or do something good, but eventually...it ends up for me. The way I want it. And it's usualy not the way people want it. Good, happy. No, I like it dreary, dark, scary....everyone to live in chaos. Be killed, or suffer under the tourment of chaos.

....Hey bro', maybe all 3 of us ARE alike. :D

05-02-2002, 10:58 PM
o well I havn't been this way my whole life most of it is because of the way I've been treated it's just like treating a dog like crap sooner or later he gets mean and starts to slowely turn evil like I have

05-24-2002, 01:37 AM
maby there will be a sequel maby noone died haha maby just maby