12-16-2006, 01:54 AM
I know you've all seen this trailer:

But I really want to know what the music is from or at least what artist / composer put to together

12-16-2006, 08:50 AM
You can listen to the music in a MGS site.French site,but good!But it's impossible to download it.

Try to listen it,if you can't,reply to this thread ;-)

12-16-2006, 02:28 PM
I've managed to obtain the music to that link. Here: :)

12-16-2006, 05:02 PM

12-18-2006, 09:32 PM
wow thanks you guys are so kool for finding this stuff ...but that wasn't the song I was looking for ... oh well I'll take it anyway ... thanks again

12-23-2006, 10:37 AM
By my guess, it was probably Harry Gregson Williams that composed it since he does do most of the MGS music and what not.

01-27-2007, 09:26 PM
Isn't this music?I've found this.It was ripped from the first trailer of the TGS 2005 >> << =) =)

02-09-2007, 05:38 AM
How about you retards just wait until the OST comes out? All the music for the MGS3 trailers was on the MGS3 OST, so all the MGS4 trailers' music will probably be on the MGS4 OST.

By the way, why the fuck wasn't this in the Request section?

02-09-2007, 12:38 PM
How about you retards just wait until the OST comes out? All the music for the MGS3 trailers was on the MGS3 OST, so all the MGS4 trailers' music will probably be on the MGS4 OST.

By the way, why the fuck wasn't this in the Request section?

Yes,the trailers' music will be on the soundtrack cd of metal gear solid 4,to me,like you mean.
Also,I don't know why the thread isn't moved on the requests forum.

02-09-2007, 04:49 PM
Well escuse the fuck otta me... you little shit eatin geek bastards act like I caused you some inconvenince .... I just asked a fcukin question .. if you don't know or if you not interested then simply don't reply.. but i guess when you're a lifeless bastard sittin' in your parents basement I guess you gotta get your kicks somewhere... any... thanks to everyone who tried to help me out... and a big "eat shit and die" goes to the lifeless bastards who had something slick to say..

05-06-2007, 04:42 PM

04-17-2008, 01:44 AM
Well escuse the fuck otta me... you little shit eatin geek bastards act like I caused you some inconvenince .... I just asked a fcukin question .. if you don't know or if you not interested then simply don't reply.. but i guess when you're a lifeless bastard sittin' in your parents basement I guess you gotta get your kicks somewhere... any... thanks to everyone who tried to help me out... and a big "eat shit and die" goes to the lifeless bastards who had something slick to say..

Troll from a diffrent forum here, Sounds like you'd like a ban.

05-14-2008, 05:44 AM
Are you kidding me, both links are down. Does anyone else have anything?