12-16-2006, 01:44 AM
Paper Mario Soundtrack! on galbadia hotel some of the tracks don't have a link to download them like it says the file but doesn't have a link so could anyone get this album for me?

12-16-2006, 01:48 AM
Do you really NEED it? :-P I'll look for it... but I give NO guarantees

12-16-2006, 01:50 AM
yea i do i have been wanting it ever since i saw it a couple years ago after they discontinued and you can't find it on ebay either!

12-16-2006, 01:57 AM

In the first link you'll find several soundtracks... including Paper Mario's... problem is... they are in a .usf format, meaning you can't play them as if they were mp3's or wav's... the second link should help you with that.

12-16-2006, 02:02 AM
But i need them in mp3 that doesn't help at all!

12-16-2006, 02:06 AM
You have to start somewhere, dude...
But you can still have them in mp3 format if you did some work yourself...
If I am not mistaken... you can play them in Winamp and the program can convert it to .wav. You can then use another program to convert it to mp3. I'm sorry if I couldn't help you.

12-16-2006, 04:28 AM
How about you show some gratitude, the guy is trying to help you, and with record setting speed I might add. It's almost retardedly easy to convert those files. You may have to do some work (Ie, clicking some buttons) but if it's really that hard:

Load up the usf tunes, then right click on winamps main bit and go to options > preferences... then go to the plug-ins section and select output. Make a note of what plug-in is currently selected, then click on Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in then click configure at the bottom and select where you want the files saving to, and what format you want to save them as, leave the rest and click OK, then Close on the preferences window. Now when you click play, Winamp will zoom through all the queued up usf files and write them to your specified location as whatever sort of file you told it to. When it has finished, don't forget to go back to the preferences and change the output plug-in back to what it was before, and you are done.

Now say thank you to Escaler.

PS, it took me all of 7 seconds to find that on google.."usf convert mp3" whoosha, that's alot work boy.

PPS and I don't even know what a usf file is.

12-20-2006, 04:42 AM
they're all on gh anyway.