12-15-2006, 11:14 PM
Since the only thread ever made for this game is two years old I figured Id make another one.

I was wondering who of you out there have played this game and enjoy it?
I know the game is seriously lacking, and online play is nothing but hacks, but its a good game to just pick up and go kind of thing.

I actually really enjoy the game, despite its flaws. Ive been playing it since it first came out, and Ive got a barbarian at 80, a dark elf at 50 something(Ive actually picked up on this character the last few days again) and a wood elf at 36.

So feel free to post anything you think about the game, whether you like it or hate it. I imagine theres lots of haters out there.

12-15-2006, 11:59 PM
I gotta admit, for a PS2 hack-and-slash game, it was surprisingly well done. Hell of a lot of fun to pick up and play. So, your admiration for the game isn't just a solo-venture.

12-16-2006, 03:26 AM
I think I meant to put this in the RPG section.

Yeah its a great game for its fun factor, I just wish theyd do something about the online bull shit.