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12-15-2006, 08:58 PM
Hi, i'm new to here.
I signed up cause I need to see if i'm the last sane person alive, or if i'm simply crazy.
I love FF, passionatly. FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game. (second comes Halo)
I loved FF3, 5, 6, and 8 too. 9 was good, not as much as usual, but still pretty good.
Then.... 10 came out. I dislike 10. alot. Why? Because the main character is a jock. A normal water polo player who hates daddy... Turned into a hero. Then to top it off you have Yuna, who could be emo, but just sulks and hides it all. And don't get me started on Chalies Angels... er, i mean FF10-2 This was a low point for them... Nobuo Uematsu even signed off. I loved his music.
Oh, but then 11 reared it ugly head. Bandwagon! FF has always been about a single person, not millions. I can't belive they'd do that...

And now... 12. once again, the main guy character looks like a metro sexual and he's not even the main person! (from the looks of the trailer). The girl is! way to break tradition guys... And wow, it's doesn't look very souped up graphaclly either... but mybe it's being worked on. Ug... they even pulled all the good names and familar things and twisted them into new, unreal things.
the only summon/esper i recognized was Ultima.... and it was even scary! it's a woman holding up her skirt... wow.. i'm terrified by the power here.

Can i get some yay's/nay's? Why?/why not?

Memento Mori
12-15-2006, 09:08 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Newbies must be in competition for the stupidest posts on the face of the earth....

12-15-2006, 09:08 PM
Hi there. You're a cunt and should go away.

12-15-2006, 09:15 PM
Hi, i'm new to here.
I signed up cause I need to see if i'm the last sane person alive, or if i'm simply crazy.
I love FF, passionatly. FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game. (second comes Halo)
Ok, I basically lost all hope for you after this quote but I have concluded from your entire post; You're a Sephiroth humping, Halo obsessed cunt (for lack of a better term) who likes to mastubate alone to FF7 instead of sharing the love with a millions of people and a headset. You're also a retard who believes women shouldn't be "main characters". Not to mention your horrid interpretation of FFX.

Cut me a fucking break.

Nay, but hello anyway.

Memento Mori
12-15-2006, 09:16 PM
Ok, I basically lost all hope for you after this quote but I have concluded from your entire post; You're a Sephiroth humping, Halo obsessed cunt (for lack of a better term) who likes to mastubate alone to FF7 instead of sharing the love with a millions of people and headset, and your a sexist who believes women shouldn't be "main characters". Cut me a fucking break.

Not to mention your horrid interpretation of FFX.

Nay, but hello anyway.

I don't think his post warranted this large of a reply Gina, hehehe, but funny nonetheless. Welcome back btw. :)

12-15-2006, 09:18 PM
Thanks. *curtsy*

The Ricky
12-15-2006, 09:27 PM
Ok, I basically lost all hope for you after this quote but I have concluded from your entire post; You're a Sephiroth humping, Halo obsessed cunt (for lack of a better term) who likes to mastubate alone to FF7 instead of sharing the love with a millions of people and a headset. You're also a retard who believes women shouldn't be "main characters". Not to mention your horrid interpretation of FFX.

Cut me a fucking break.

Nay, but hello anyway.

This post just screams "I'm an elitist who likes to pick someone apart for liking something I don't!"

12-15-2006, 09:29 PM
Yeah, totally.

12-15-2006, 10:20 PM
Wow... I guess logically, I would be branded as crazy.
But since after the words you all (not all of you) tend to use, it looks like your education level doesn't surpass that of a 4th grader.
Anyway, Sephiroth is a bad guy, I don't like bad guys. He looked cool and was an excellent badie, but I wouldn't have intercourse with him or a likeness.
Also, I thought someone would say I was sexist. Ha. You're an idiot. I'm not sexist and shouldn't even have to say that. I love the FF series, and typically the main character is a MALE. I like girls, alot. But, a girl doesn't naturally tote a sword around and slaughter monsters. It's physical chemistry folks. Show me otherwise.
And MMO's are great. I play WoW till it hurts. And I'd be much more happy to see the FF11 as a side FF and not a numbered part in the series. FF has always been about you, the single player, and a great story line. It has all been watered down

So I guess you're the people sqaure enix is targeting... sad... I'd hoped to find people who had more sense than a sack of feces.

12-15-2006, 10:24 PM
When you manage to come up with that amount of sense yourself, then you'll be qualified to look for it in others, thank you kindly.

12-15-2006, 10:49 PM
wow jolly.. an insult and thats all? no defense?
Let's see less insuting, and more disproving. Otherwise, you're saying I'm right, and you wouldn't want that now would you?

12-15-2006, 10:50 PM
But, a girl doesn't naturally tote a sword around and slaughter monsters.
That's the stereotypical shit girls don't need. kthx.

And MMO's are great. I play WoW till it hurts.
LOL, I can see BC now, Blood Elf named Sephiroth. More shit the Horde doesn't need, let alone want.

12-15-2006, 10:52 PM
wow jolly.. an insult and thats all? no defense?
Let's see less insuting, and more disproving. Otherwise, you're saying I'm right, and you wouldn't want that now would you?

You misunderstand. I don't need to prove anything because I have nothing to prove in the first place. I don't owe you anything of the sort, nor am I inclined to give a hopelessly idiotic fankid any reason to stay and argue when he would be better off beating a hasty retreat to a different site where the average age of the members is at least 5 years lower.

12-15-2006, 11:32 PM
Twilight: Lol! what stereotyping did i just do? must i explain... girls don't usually do things that require heavy lifting. i guess when i think of women and combat, projectile weapons come to mind. maybe more realistically a stereotypical woman would be sitting at home complaining about how all men ever do is fight. also, which part of "i don't (do NOT) worship sephiroth' do you not understand? i don't model character names after him and i don't much like people who think he's the greatest game char. of all time. use that stuffing between your ears...

jolly: then why did you decide to read my post and give your opinion? if you're going to just insult me, then maybe you could start a new thread it?
if i wasn't clear enoguh before, then: i ask you now explain why i am wrong in my beliefs

Swedish Fish
12-15-2006, 11:57 PM
i ask you now explain why i am wrong in my beliefs

VII is bad. No more explanation needed.

12-16-2006, 12:09 AM
Where do these fanfaggots come from? Especially ones who are too lazy to make contact with their 'Caps Lock' with their lazy finger.

12-16-2006, 12:24 AM
Joby's Myspace (
LOL, Blood Elf. (

Places like these.

12-16-2006, 01:07 AM
swedishfish: wow, i thought ff7 was a well liked version in the series... that is too bad you feel that way. it's rare to find someone who find more bad in it than good... shameful even.

squid: what are you talking about? do i sound like a fanboy for ff7? does my avatar say anything about cloud being 'omg hawt'? there no even an avatar there anyway. oh, and i'm trying to avert the shift key at all costs just to piss you off, how bout we look past the small grammer errors and get to the damn point of this post! which is: why am i wrong?

and twilight: lol! ytmnd never ceases to entertain... heh.
but once again, get it through your thick skull that i'm not a fanboy of ff7, i simply enjoy it for being a good game. which is what i hoped this frickin' website would support. sigh.... you're one of the women who believes women should be aloowed into the boscouts cause its "not fair". am i right?

12-16-2006, 01:11 AM
jeez, are you all class A retards? by the way, i may be new to this particular forum, but i am in no way new to forums in general.
all you can do is insult and avoid the topic.
show some backbone...

12-16-2006, 01:14 AM
squid: what are you talking about? do i sound like a fanboy for ff7? does my avatar say anything about cloud being 'omg hawt'? there no even an avatar there anyway. oh, and i'm trying to avert the shift key at all costs just to piss you off, how bout we look past the small grammer errors and get to the damn point of this post! which is: why am i wrong?

I'll tell what you've done wrong. You've introduced yourself in the 'General Final Fantasy' thread instead of 'General Discussion'. First mistake.

As for your "Avert the shift key" ploy, you fail tremendously as you do it anyway, so no escape for you, funny boy.

I love FF, passionatly. FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game.


Second mistake. You've double posted in a quick amount of time. Learn how to use the, you gene pool defect.

12-16-2006, 01:20 AM
i acctually did the double post on purpose. i don't much care to learn the layout of this site, as i doubt i will be writing here much longer (go ahead and congradulate yourself falsely, i'm leaving cause the majority of you are dumbasses)

i love ff7, but once again, i'm not a fanboy.

12-16-2006, 01:25 AM
Well frankly, I can't help being a cunt to those who are in desperate need of proper education, when it comes to stale writers doing this and that deliberately, thinking to themselves that they are smart doing it to get attention.

People like you gave me the "cunt" status and it's quite a blessing to be honest.

12-16-2006, 01:26 AM
Are you going to go up against everyone at these forums?

You havent seen the majority of the members here yet, and those you have seen aren't dumbasses for disagreeing with you bluntly.

Stop posting for now and read some of the topics, you might get a better feel for 'the way' around here.

One thing you need to learn early, ff7 is not as good as you think it is.
It is possible to enjoy playing the game and realise is isn't all that good (like me) or you can rant against any kind of negativity towards it (not that you have)

Final fantasy 12 is among the best looking playstation 2 games, trust me on that.

Final fantasy 10 is awesome too, the reasons for disliking it are poor,

ff11 is a good game in it's own right despite not being what you seem to think a final fantasy game should be.

But at least you didn't say you hated ff9, anyone that does that goes right into my bad books (unless they come up with a good reason, and ive not seen any yet :))

12-16-2006, 01:38 AM
Andy! thank you, your the first who has acctually talked sense.

I know I can't win, but I can try.

I relaly don't have the time at the moment to read around, I'd rather stay here for now and figure that out later.

sigh... ff7 is "my" favorite. i know it's old, and i know it has flaws. but i still enjoy the story. i haven't played it since i was 15. it is as great as "I" think it is. people see it differently though. that's fine, my friend thinks 8 is the all time greatest, that why "he" thinks it the best.

hm.. I won't take your word just yet, cause the trailer didn't have very appealing visuals or voice overs. but, like i said, maybe it's still under development.

10: blah, they didn't stay true to the FF ways. the whole system was new, and not as well thought out as it could have been. I dislike the sphere grid, a simple style would have made all the difference in liking it. And the story wasn't as well thought out as the other. it was a game that got cranked out too fast.

9: I liked some of 9, i disliked others. the main char was great, the airships and the story was half bad. i just have problems with the last boss and some plot details, which i can go over later. for now i have a resturant to be at.

12-16-2006, 02:13 AM
So... the gist of your post:

"I'm pissed because the main character is a girl"

Wow you lose. Please go back to 1930 when your sexist opinions were the norm instead of outside it.

12-16-2006, 02:46 AM
Joby's Myspace (
LOL, Blood Elf. (

Places like these.

LMAO @ The links.

12-16-2006, 02:46 AM
sigh... ff7 is "my" favorite. i know it's old, and i know it has flaws. but i still enjoy the story. i haven't played it since i was 15. it is as great as "I" think it is. people see it differently though. that's fine, my friend thinks 8 is the all time greatest, that why "he" thinks it the best.
If you're going to flaunt your opinion around like a jackass, take others into consideration before you make more of an ass out of yourself. Not only do you fail at realizing the sarcasm in the Sephiroth jokes, but you actually keep replying seriously.

I think you should find out what the fuck you're talking about before suggesting I have a thick skull, moron.

LMAO @ The links.
I try ^____^

12-16-2006, 03:26 AM
Hi there, Joby! Welcome to the forums, and PLEASE get banned ^^.

I don't care what you say, your reasons for hating X are completely feeble.

12-16-2006, 12:27 PM
I love FF, passionatly. FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game. (second comes Halo)

This doesn't look good

I loved FF3, 5, 6, and 8 too. 9 was good, not as much as usual, but still pretty good.
Then.... 10 came out. I dislike 10. alot. Why? Because the main character is a jock. A normal water polo player who hates daddy... Turned into a hero.

I didn't know it was considered normal for water polo players to hate their fathers. I think your problem here is that you couldn't relate to Tidus. You don't seem to have a problem with Cloud, who had no personality, and that's probably because Square purposefully left his character open ended so that players of the game could think that they relate to him. You have a problem with Tidus, however, not because has quite an excessive personality (or at least has a personality), but because he is a jock.

Maybe you are just mad at jocks?

Then to top it off you have Yuna, who could be emo, but just sulks and hides it all.

OK, you are complaining because a character forcefully hides all of their emotions away instead of dramatically expressing them? Just before you were bitching about Tidus' hatred for his father, and here you are bitching about Yuna not being the same way?

And don't get me started on Chalies Angels... er, i mean FF10-2 This was a low point for them... Nobuo Uematsu even signed off. I loved his music.

Charlies Angles, that is such a funny nickname for X-2, I can't believe you came up with that all by yourself! The game actually sold quite well and wasn't the critical failure you may think, so I wouldn't actually call it a low-point for Square.

Oh, but then 11 reared it ugly head. Bandwagon! FF has always been about a single person, not millions. I can't belive they'd do that...

"FF has always been about a single person"? Where the fuck do you come up with this shit? A large element of most FF games has always been dedicated to a character having to rely on his/her team mates to overcome their individual hurdles, so if anything FF always being about a single person is quite the opposite to the truth.

And now... 12. once again, the main guy character looks like a metro sexual and he's not even the main person! (from the looks of the trailer). The girl is! way to break tradition guys...

Oh dear god a metrosexual?! Square-Enix is so not keeping up with modern society! Take a look back at some of yesteryear's heroes; Squall, Tidus, Cecil, not exactly breaking a tradition in that sense.

Terra and Yuna have also been main protagonists of FF games before, so where's the breakthrough in having a female lead?

I am getting sick of people making a bunch of outrageous claims re. the quality of certain FF games and then try to defend their right to have that opinion instead of backing up that opinion with credible evidence.

12-16-2006, 06:53 PM
wow synthia, way to completly misunderstand the point. great going.
and btw, i live in 2006, where it seems few people are willing to stand up and shake off real threats.

hey! guess what, tidus and the new FF12 char look alot like girls, so there already are girls as main characters in the FF series! congradulations on forcing the giant gaping hole between men and women to a tiny crack. even though it's all in your perception...

Twilight: yes, you have a thick skull, i found great humor in your insult toward me. you want a cookie?

Nuke: FF10 = crap. i explained the faults of the sphere grid, and displayed my annoyance about the fruity main char. the reason i dislike him is because i don't like people who are given everything from birth and then take it for granted. X displayed a perfect example of who a brat is able to save the world. i understand its a video game where moogle sand chocobos don't exsist, but it's bull to portray lazy people as great people. And yuna was not the main focus of X either, she was either secondary, or the other 50% of the story. either way, i don't like her because she was crammed with emotion over studpid things.

Lukey: i will get back to your good post in a while. i am anxious to nlow everything you said to peices...

12-16-2006, 06:58 PM
Christwagons, give it a fucking rest and stop being a retard. For fucks sake.

12-16-2006, 07:02 PM
Here comes a huge reply...

Hi, i'm new to here.
I signed up cause I need to see if i'm the last sane person alive, or if i'm simply crazy.You're probably crazy.

I love FF, passionatly. FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game. (second comes Halo)So which one is it?

I loved FF3, 5, 6, and 8 too. 9 was good, not as much as usual, but still pretty good.Good for you.

Then.... 10 came out. I dislike 10. alot. Why? Because the main character is a jock. A normal water polo player who hates daddy... Turned into a hero.You jealous or something? In my opinion, more of a side hero.
Then to top it off you have Yuna, who could be emo, but just sulks and hides it all.And I'm sure you're bursting to let everyone know yours...
And don't get me started on Chalies Angels... er, i mean FF10-2 This was a low point for them... Nobuo Uematsu even signed off. I loved his music.How did the last sentence relate to the topic here? I was shocked, but I found the dressphere system working well.

Oh, but then 11 reared it ugly head. Bandwagon! FF has always been about a single person, not millions. I can't belive they'd do that...I thought you played Final Fantasy 6.

And now... 12. once again, the main guy character looks like a metro sexual and he's not even the main person! (from the looks of the trailer). The girl is! way to break tradition guys...Oh, so you're the general sexist who thinks the guy should always be the hero. Good job at being biased.
And wow, it's doesn't look very souped up graphaclly either... but mybe it's being worked on. Ug... they even pulled all the good names and familar things and twisted them into new, unreal things.Change is good.

the only summon/esper i recognized was Ultima.... and it was even scary! it's a woman holding up her skirt... wow.. i'm terrified by the power here.I'm guessing you played Final Fantasy Tactics to recognize Ultima. Oh, and, you're terrified by skirt-lifting women? Thank god you weren't in the good ol' Middle Ages...

Anyway, Sephiroth is a bad guy, I don't like bad guys. He looked cool and was an excellent badie, but I wouldn't have intercourse with him or a likeness.So you'd have intercourse with other bad guys?

Also, I thought someone would say I was sexist. Ha. You're an idiot. I'm not sexist and shouldn't even have to say that. I love the FF series, and typically the main character is a MALE. I like girls, alot. But, a girl doesn't naturally tote a sword around and slaughter monsters. It's physical chemistry folks. Show me otherwise.Proves you're sexist. While women are physically weaker than men, they can also use rapiers and such. Ever see guys use fans?

jeez, are you all class A retards? by the way, i may be new to this particular forum, but i am in no way new to forums in general.
all you can do is insult and avoid the topic.
show some backbone...This. Is. So. Funny. You remind me of a hodgepodge of people that were hated by everyone at other forums that I go to.

10: blah, they didn't stay true to the FF ways. the whole system was new, and not as well thought out as it could have been. I dislike the sphere grid, a simple style would have made all the difference in liking it. And the story wasn't as well thought out as the other. it was a game that got cranked out too fast.

9: I liked some of 9, i disliked others. the main char was great, the airships and the story was half bad. i just have problems with the last boss and some plot details, which i can go over later. for now i have a resturant to be at.I don't see you saying you hated the method of learning abilities in FF9. I got confused with 10 at first, but, I loved the romance scenes. Yes, I'm a sucker for good romance.

congradulations on forcing the giant gaping hole between men and women to a tiny crack.On which subject? There are many areas on which there are gaps between them.

In the end, I conclude this person as a cross between Jock, Inderpaul, and some sexist-crazed bastard.

I'm going to add more things later.

12-16-2006, 07:09 PM
Hello thar Seiryuu, I'm Twilight, I don't believe we've met, would you like to be friends?


12-16-2006, 07:12 PM
You misunderstand. I don't need to prove anything because I have nothing to prove in the first place. I don't owe you anything of the sort, nor am I inclined to give a hopelessly idiotic fankid any reason to stay and argue when he would be better off beating a hasty retreat to a different site where the average age of the members is at least 5 years lower.
<< If you don't need to prove anything, you don't need to post!
Since you do need to prove something! (Even if you're trying to prove that the topic creator is "dumb" or whatever)....

If you're going to flaunt your opinion around like a jackass, take others into consideration before you make more of an ass out of yourself. Not only do you fail at realizing the sarcasm in the Sephiroth jokes, but you actually keep replying seriously.

I love FF7 a lot, too!
It's one of my favorite games. He's not...trying to flaunt his opinions...--he wasn't exactly trying to insult you guys. He's just saying how he feels.
HE enjoys FF7. That doesn't mean he's saying that you do...>_____>
Though...I don't like the remarks that were kind of sexist that he made....

When it comes to these things, opinions DO matter more than you guys give it credit for.
Opinions are what create statements like, "FF7 is my favorite game of all time." Facts don't create those feelings...opinions do--personal experience...and personal experience isn't universal. The topic creator shows that he knows that. >> So please...! Show that you know that, too.
...or else these statements shouldn't be so...offending to you....><

12-16-2006, 07:24 PM
He's not...trying to flaunt his opinions...--he wasn't exactly trying to insult you guys. He's just saying how he feels.
Wait, you mean the fact that he put stress on my and I with ""s into statements, to suggest he doesn't give a rats ass about anyone elses opinion, isn't flaunting his own?

Opinions don't deserve credit if they show no sign of intelligence and hold no stable ground.

Also, stop trying to understand and figure people out. You fail horribly.

12-16-2006, 07:28 PM
That's why I'm still trying! Because I haven't yet....
>> I wouldn't still be trying if I had figured everything out.

Opinions always have stable ground--or else they wouldn't exist. People always have reasons for their opinions, because they were formed--they are there. Being able to completely communicate those reasons is something else, though....

When he stresses "I" and "my"...
He means NOT to flaunt himself...! I thought he was trying to make it clear that it was only his--not yours....

12-16-2006, 07:39 PM
That's why I'm still trying! Because I haven't yet....
>> I wouldn't still be trying if I had figured everything out.
No, just stop. You suck at it.

Opinions always have stable ground--or else they wouldn't exist. People always have reasons for their opinions, because they were formed--they are there. Being able to completely communicate those reasons is something else, though....
Uh, no. Stable ground as in; reasonable statements that are actually credible and logical. Basically, if someone can argue in favor of FF7 and not look like a flaming faggot, A+ for them. (Proper grammar is a plus)

When he stresses "I" and "my"...
He means NOT to flaunt himself...! I thought he was trying to make it clear that it was only his--not yours....
You just proved my point, you know... where I said he doesn't give a shit about anyone elses and he's obviously spouting his off. Flaunt is a flexible word in these statements, hope you know that.

jewess crabcake
12-16-2006, 07:39 PM
Oh gawd not another Opinion debate.

12-16-2006, 07:45 PM
>> Sorry about that....

No, just stop. You suck at it.
That gives me motivation to continue! So don't say those sort of things if you really want me to stop...<<

You just proved my point, you know... where I said he doesn't give a shit about anyone elses and he's obviously spouting his off. Flaunt is a flexible word in these statements, hope you know that.

What I'm trying to say is that he's not trying to be offensive...! He's actually just trying to say that he's NOT trying to be offensive--he's not saying his opinions are fact--he knows that they're opinions.....><

Uh, no. Stable ground as in; reasonable statements that are actually credible and logical. Basically, if someone can argue in favor of FF7 and not look like a flaming faggot, A+ for them. (Proper grammar is a plus)
When people say things that seem illogical, sometimes it's just that they can't find the right words for what they feel. Some people have a harder time with identifying their own feelings than some of you do....

12-16-2006, 07:47 PM
I never said he was offensive to begin with, just a cunt and a small variety of other insults. So shush....

12-16-2006, 07:53 PM
Oh, I see.
Hm. >> If he wasn't being offensive, I don't see why you need to insult him....

AH! I need to go...
So I'll "shush" for now. >> Just don't be so rude to people who weren't trying to be rude to you in the first place!

12-16-2006, 08:20 PM
It's not like Gina called him a nigger, sheesh. At any rate, why is such a stupid troll getting so much attention?

12-16-2006, 10:15 PM
Nuke: FF10 = crap. i explained the faults of the sphere grid, and displayed my annoyance about the fruity main char. the reason i dislike him is because i don't like people who are given everything from birth and then take it for granted. X displayed a perfect example of who a brat is able to save the world. i understand its a video game where moogle sand chocobos don't exsist, but it's bull to portray lazy people as great people. And yuna was not the main focus of X either, she was either secondary, or the other 50% of the story. either way, i don't like her because she was crammed with emotion over studpid things.

How is a game any worse based on a a characters' upbringing? you would surely have to hate the character? if the character is not fleshed out very well it's the games fault, if they are well designed and grow well during the game then it's just a not very likable character.

I think it's open to debate on the main character in ff10, it seems to me that Yuna and Tidus can equally be considered the main character in the actual story, however in the game tidus is the one you control more, so... well who knows.

12-16-2006, 11:17 PM
It's not like Gina called him a nigger, sheesh.
Yeah, I get reported for calling people niggers, I'm still lollin'.

12-16-2006, 11:19 PM
"wow synthia, way to completly misunderstand the point. great going."

Ok, I don't know why I'm doing this, but I'll seriously respond.

You argue that it's "untraditional" in FF games to have a female as the main character. FF6 arguably has 2 main characters, both of which are female. Celes is a RUNE KNIGHT which means she wields a sword as her main weapon. Terra's main weapon other than magic is also sword.

You should probably keep in mind that it's fantasy. In many fantasy worlds, women are as strong fighters as men. It's silly to say they shouldn't be the main character because they are physically weaker. It's not the real world.

I would also argue that there is no "traditional" with Final Fantasy. Every single game had an entirely different combat and skills system. The stories of each have also differed with each new edition.
In FF4 there's a pretty linear plot where you switch in and out characters based on story events. Cecil's the main character.
In FF6 there are many, many characters, and none of them are hte main hero.
FF7 - 10 have a static group of adventurers you can switch between, and sure in 7-10 a male is arguably the main character (though Garnet and Zidane, as well as Tidus and Yuna could be considered equally important in their respective games).

You have said you hated Tidus because he's a "jock"? Tidus seems like a pretty nice, cheerful kid to me. He's been transported to some unknown weird world and he takes it all in stride, no whining or anything! How refreshing after the Emo crap in 7 and 8... (obviously my opinion, but seriously, I feel like Squall is more "ungrateful" as you put it than Tidus! Everyone loves Squall, they make him their leader, he's got ladies crawling all over him, and he's like "I hate everyone. I'm gonna sulk now. Whatever.")

"congradulations on forcing the giant gaping hole between men and women to a tiny crack. even though it's all in your perception..."

Do you know many girls? I'm starting to think not. Differences between men and women are actually relatively slim. I have a lot more in common my guy friends and husband than I am like a lot of girls out there that are my age. Culture and upbringing have a lot more to do with what you think and how you act than your biological sex (though obviously that is important). I wouldn't call it a "giant gaping hole" that's for sure. 99% of occupations in today's world can be performed as well by either men or women.

If you're talking about physical differences, I don't see what that has to do with being the lead character in a FANTASY game, as I said above.

12-17-2006, 01:28 AM
I gave up reading most of this, but sword toting women who slaughter all in their path as main characters=hawt.

12-17-2006, 02:00 AM
Hello thar Seiryuu, I'm Twilight, I don't believe we've met, would you like to be friends?

^____^Shur. ^_^

12-17-2006, 06:09 PM
Differences between men and women are actually relatively slim. I have a lot more in common my guy friends and husband than I am like a lot of girls out there that are my age. Culture and upbringing have a lot more to do with what you think and how you act than your biological sex (though obviously that is important). I wouldn't call it a "giant gaping hole" that's for sure. 99% of occupations in today's world can be performed as well by either men or women.

I agree! All that's different between men and women is the presence of just a single hormone (Androgen) during fetal have it, and you become male! You don't...and you're female.
But yeah--I have more in common with my guy friends too...I don't usually do that sort of common "girly" stuff (that kind of just doesn't hold my interest)...
The gap between males and females is just an illusion created by society! In truth, there aren't as many things that are different between us as they make it seem to be....
And plus...girly-boy main characters is a fad nowadays in Japan. >> ...XP

Siren's Song
12-17-2006, 06:30 PM
you all (not all of you)

hmmm. Make up your mind, will ya?

Seems like another FFVII fanboy venting. Oh dear.

By the way; what's wrong with having a female main character? Just curious to find out the reason for your uber-sexist comments before I skin you alive.

12-17-2006, 06:38 PM
I don't know why, but...

While I can tolerate tomboys, effeminate males scare me.

12-17-2006, 06:59 PM
Woah, one night and there's a half hour of reading to be done...
anyway, i'm glad to see that not all of the people on this forum post purly to insult. Norse, you're like a hero!

Twilight, and whoever else find me sexist. I will say this once: I am not sexist.
There is a large differentce between men and women. On a chemical level, we are very different. Women have cycles in their bodies which cause alot of hormones which cause emotions. is that a false stament? women are more in tune emotional thought and kindness,
men don't have that, we are less emotional, and so naturally have less of an ability to feel. men are more in tune with cold thought and roughishness
Women cannot do '99%' of the jobs men can do, and more often than not it is the same way with men doing womens jobs.
there are similarities, of course.
And you know, women would not be here without men. and men would not be here without women.

I expected what i put on the first post to be bashed and argumented. and, as this is a "Final Fantasy" forum, i didn't expect to be taken as fact, or as placing my beliefs on you. Norse put it out in a very good way, read that if your confused.

And finally, Tidus was the main character. Yuna was second but almost the other main char. tidus was nice, but he was weird, and not at all much of a fighter. though, since it was fantasy, he could be a fighter. i simply enjoyed it more when a sense of realism was in game. which is odd to say, cause there is very little about FF that is real (magic, summons, ect.) but, it'd be much more fun to see an actual warrior or soldier, or someone who is acctual a fighter be the main focus.
Cloud was cold and harsh and didn't cry out for attention. emo's will cry out in a pathetic way for attention, by dresing weird and looking like they're sick.
But cloud did learn a lesson and fought and loved and lived. (then advent children came back and turned him even farther into a fruity freak, but thats for another disscussion)
Squall was very much a whiner, but he still kicked ass. lone wolf, soldier (SeeD_ and in the end found love and whatnot. his initial 'emo'ness is annoying however. but i still highly enjoyed that game as well.
And, explanation for "ff has always been about the individual and not millions'
i mean that in terms of gameplay. hoped you'd have figured that... and i mean in real life game, as an acctual person holding one controller and playing a big game. FF is not an MMO. it is an RPG and i wish it would stay that way.


12-17-2006, 08:21 PM
Your first post is, what one would say, a terrible start.

Don't act like a cunt, then argue your points in a reasonable manner.

I am not sexist.Nice self-denial here.

I hereby grade you as a Jock, where you scream in delight when people agree with you, and flame everyone else who's actually been quite nice with you.

12-17-2006, 08:29 PM
Yeah, totally not going to read that massive amount of garbage; paragraph structure isn't hard you know.

This is all anyone needs to know, Joby is a fucking retard. kthxbye.

12-17-2006, 09:31 PM
Heyy, you don't need to label people, Seiryuu. >> Even though it's human tendency to do's still kind of mean....
Because it's also natural to hate being labeled, too....

There is a large differentce between men and women. On a chemical level, we are very different. Women have cycles in their bodies which cause alot of hormones which cause emotions. is that a false stament? women are more in tune emotional thought and kindness,
men don't have that, we are less emotional, and so naturally have less of an ability to feel. men are more in tune with cold thought and roughishness
Women cannot do '99%' of the jobs men can do, and more often than not it is the same way with men doing womens jobs.
there are similarities, of course.
And you know, women would not be here without men. and men would not be here without women.

I see what you mean...
There are quite a few differences between males and females....Mm. =]

The only thing is that the Femininity or Masculinity of a video game character shouldn't force you to dislike a game! You can still enjoy it...! As long as the game doesn't flaunt how...transexual the character should be alright....
...'cause like...Cloud actually cross dresses at one point, unlike the other main characters....(XDDD)

12-17-2006, 11:29 PM
Amazing. To sum up your post:

"women have hormones and stuff that makes them all emotional and stuff and since they don't have them guys don't have feelings"

lolololol. So... you don't have feelings eh?

You have done what I would like to call "massive generalization". Perhaps women on average are maybe more emotional than men on average. But there are many men more emotional than many women. Also whether those differences are socialized or hormonals is simply not known.

Also, what is "roughishness" lol?

And, YES, I repeat, IN TODAY'S SOCIETY, 99% of jobs can be performed AS WELL by either sex. That is because in today's society, very few jobs require the extra physical strength given men by testosterone. That's really the only difference that matters when it comes to employment. Nearly all careers are about how much you know about specific subjects. and what kinds of social skills you have.

You need to take a biology course, and a sociology course, and then meet and talk to some actual real life females. They will probably first, punch you, and then when they realize you are just misinformed and not sexist, try to explain some things to you.

12-18-2006, 01:13 AM
I hope this means twilight is going away, that would be nice...

seiryuu: i'm not going to defend myself. because i am a person, if you don't agree with me, thats fine. but if you're going to sit there and call my character a 'cunt' then leave. i came on here to debate a game series, not my way of life. quit insulting me and try to come up with reasons for why i'm wrong about FFX or whatever.

norse: yeah! i remember the part where you had to get a wig and everything, that was funny. however, he dressed up as a disguise, tidus and this new character for ff12 dress similar to girls all the time. having nice hair and nails doesn't make you gay (if your a guy), but it never seems to mean that you're a tough fighter and can kill any monster.
But i like games that use males as males and females as females. the main character of mario was a male, out to save a princess from a dragon. would one say that every movie/story/game ever made that features a man saving a woman from evil to be a sexist story?
i'll mark off examples in my next reply about female and male characters, if wanted

Synthia: look up the word roughishness...
If in todays society 99% of the jobs can be done by either sex, then when was the last time you saw a team of construction workers that was all female? of, even better, with at least one female?
and when was the last time you saw an all male company with male receptionists?
this may fall into the 1% but wetnurses can only be females.
so my point is, even if it is possible, it's not gonna happen. women are better with talking to people, thus they are usually the secretaries and receptionist. men are better with muscles, thus they are the construction workers.

Once more, quit insulting me and try to prove i'm wrong. I know none of you, so i can't say what you are. vice versa.

12-18-2006, 01:40 AM
i came on here to debate a game series, not my way of life. quit insulting me and try to come up with reasons for why i'm wrong about FFX or whatever.
and you can't debate a game series, now gtfo and don't come back. You may not think you're wrong but you most certainly aren't right.

But i like games that use males as males and females as females. the main character of mario was a male, out to save a princess from a dragon. would one say that every movie/story/game ever made that features a man saving a woman from evil to be a sexist story?
No, they're not sexist, they're typical and unoriginal. But when you go spouting off bitching about how girls are main characters, that's sexist.

If in todays society 99% of the jobs can be done by either sex, then when was the last time you saw a team of construction workers that was all female? of, even better, with at least one female?
and when was the last time you saw an all male company with male receptionists?
I wasn't even going to bother with this because of the simple fact I thought it was the most retarded thing I've ever heard but since you're absolutely insisting it's 99%, I want a fucking list. You seriously have to be a fucking moron to say something like that, I hope you realize how many jobs in the world there are and consider how much 99% of them is.

(Still Rofl'ing about how wetnurses are 1% of jobs)

Sorry bud but construction and reception counts for a very slim and minimal part of them. So here's a plan, shut the fuck up, get the fuck out, and go somewhere else. Obviously, Norse or whetever the fuck his name is, is the only one who relatively agrees with you or even yet likes you. Just quit trying, you babbling moron.

12-18-2006, 04:24 AM
Once more, quit insulting me and try to prove i'm wrong. I know none of you, so i can't say what you are. vice versa.

But it's okay for you to tell everybody else they're wrong for not agreeing with views that belong in the Dark Ages? As an aside, I really roffle at how Onion Kids come and think they run the place, trying to boss established members about.

i came on here to debate a game series, not my way of life. quit insulting me and try to come up with reasons for why i'm wrong about FFX or whatever.

I'm not a fan of FFX, either, but your reasoning behind your dislike is quite lame. You don't like the game because Tidus "looks like a girl?" That's about as shallow a reason as you can get--but then again, look at your mini-rant on X-2. If you weren't so busy with your "girls, ZOMG COOTIES!" attitude, you would've noticed that FFX-2 was actually quite good. Squeenix refined the ATB system about as far as it can be refined, and the job system was ace.

12-18-2006, 04:43 AM
I hope this means twilight is going away, that would be nice...

seiryuu: i'm not going to defend myself. because i am a person, if you don't agree with me, thats fine. but if you're going to sit there and call my character a 'cunt' then leave. i came on here to debate a game series, not my way of life. quit insulting me and try to come up with reasons for why i'm wrong about FFX or whatever.Where in any of my previous posts say anything about your "character"?

Please, oh, do tell, which other thread have you made/posted in which didn't have anything to do with problems including sword-wielding women?

But i like games that use males as males and females as females. the main character of mario was a male, out to save a princess from a dragon.So you hate Super Mario RPG?

Synthia: look up the word roughishness...
If in todays society 99% of the jobs can be done by either sex, then when was the last time you saw a team of construction workers that was all female? of, even better, with at least one female?
and when was the last time you saw an all male company with male receptionists?
this may fall into the 1% but wetnurses can only be females.
so my point is, even if it is possible, it's not gonna happen. women are better with talking to people, thus they are usually the secretaries and receptionist. men are better with muscles, thus they are the construction workers. Now add "many" in front of "men" and "women", and your statement will be correct.

Once more, quit insulting me and try to prove i'm wrong. I know none of you, so i can't say what you are. vice versa.What do we have to prove? All we just did was sit there, watch how you babbled your mouth off like some hyperactive monkey who got sad because his home was torched by sword-wielding women.

Heyy, you don't need to label people, Seiryuu. >> Even though it's human tendency to do's still kind of mean....
Because it's also natural to hate being labeled, too....I don't, however, it seems some people have to be labelled to get the point across, and that it goes in one ear and doesn't come out the other. Mean? If you think this is mean, don't play the game called "non-computer life", where it is a cruel and unloving world, full of mean people.

And now I shall commence two stories of why I chose those labels.

Once upon a time, there was a forum, revolving around a MMORPG called MapleStory. It was a peaceful little forum, even though there were a few sparks every now and then, but, it was relatively peaceful.


A dark force, known to abhor an arrow of light, known as Jock, stepped in and used Fira everywhere. Firas (and possibly Firagas) were shot back at him, which revolved in a giant flame war. Only those who agreed with him were spared the incinerating force. Eventually, the concentrated power of the Fire spells pushed him back, disintegrating him into a dark mass, and forced him to fled, never to be seen again.
Once upon a time, in the same forum revolving around same MMORPG, a hideous force known as Inderpaul arose, a being that took pleasure in other people's relish and pain. He too, was hit by Firas (and Firagas) while he shot out measly little Fires. Later, in some incriminating photos, showed that he was a weakling, hiding behind the anonymity of a screen name to flaunt his mouth everywhere, until he was hit by Silence by all who opposed him.

He was never heard of again.

Well, did that give you some reasons why I label him as such?

12-18-2006, 05:19 AM
Rofl about Maplestory. I can totally turn that into a World of Warcraft reference, but I will refrain.

12-18-2006, 05:58 AM
Twilight, i must say... you have nearly reached a point where i can insult you with a fitting term.

Ok, I just won't respond to the parts that some of you put up. cause, instead of denying my claims and saying why, you come up with rather comical reason as to why i should be silent. this is the internet, if you don't like me, then don't post on this thread.

Ok, i will explain further about FFX.
It's been awhile since i last played, i sat through the entire game... it was terrible. not a single airship i could fly! that is one of the main things about an FF game, you always, always, always get the airship, and it's always awesome. But no... you had to run everywhere. or maybe ride a chocobo. And there was no world map either! these things meant something: the over world and airships.
Then, it's just annoying to play blitzball. i hated it... in which FF game did you ever have to play a sport? football? soccer? baseball? none of them, it always revolved around fighting. sports games are a differnt genre. and yes, the card games were acctually fun but at least they weren't incorporated into beating the game.
some of it was on religion too. yuna was a preistess, if i recall correctly. made-up religions are a bad thing to base a game on...
But i'd say the main thing that dragged the game down was tidus's character.

Now, FFX-2. charlies angels meets FF. I played that one all the way through too. It was fun here and there, but the entire premise was horrid... dancing? singing? in battle!? ugg... it seemed like it was a game meant for pervert fanboy's who wanted to see a threesome between those girls.
Yuna... guns? wtf... no.. just... no...
the dressphere system was blah, you barely had to use it anyway. there was little want for a sequel to come out for X. people wanted FF7 or earlier to be continued or something. and they did that and effed it all up too... i've nearly lost all hope for new FF stuff.

Ok, and lastly, Twilight. If you're not going to bother to read what other people write, then don't post. i said that '99%' part from another post. shall i go grab the original post?
Synthia wrote: "I wouldn't call it a "giant gaping hole" that's for sure. 99% of occupations in today's world can be performed as well by either men or women."
I said that jobs weren't preformed by either gender. You'd know this if you turned off the tv and saw the world right in front of you.

12-18-2006, 06:09 AM
this is the internet, if you don't like me, then don't post on this thread.

You fail. Like anyone will listen. :rolleyes:

The Ricky
12-18-2006, 06:26 AM
Nothing says debate like insulting someone.

12-18-2006, 06:29 AM
Twilight, i must say... you have nearly reached a point where i can insult you with a fitting term.
Rofl, go ahead. I want to see something witty....

It's been awhile since i last played, i sat through the entire game... it was terrible. not a single airship i could fly! that is one of the main things about an FF game, you always, always, always get the airship, and it's always awesome. But no... you had to run everywhere. or maybe ride a chocobo. And there was no world map either! these things meant something: the over world and airships.
Well, you obviously didn't beat the game, or possibly get halfway to get on Cid's airship. You probably quit in one of the temples because you got stuck and couldn't figure out the puzzle; then decided the game sucked and pulled bullshit reasons out of your ass.

Then, it's just annoying to play blitzball. i hated it... in which FF game did you ever have to play a sport? football? soccer? baseball? none of them, it always revolved around fighting.
You might as well start bitching about Triple Triad, The Golden Saucer, etc because Blitzball is a side game and you're required to play it once to aknowledge it's existance, you didn't have to do a damn thing with it afterward. You whine about the stupidest garbage, besides, Blitzball has reasoning to actually be in the game, Tidus is a Blitzball star in Zanarkand. Not to mention the exciting opening where Sin attacks during the game and Tidus ends up in Spira.

yuna was a preistess, if i recall correctly. made-up religions are a bad thing to base a game on...
But i'd say the main thing that dragged the game down was tidus's character.

Yuna is considered a Summoner throughout the entire game and that was her primary job no matter what the hell you did. Not like you can go and put the Shiva materia in Auron's ass.

Just because she can heal doesn't make her a Priestess either. You play World of Warcraft, you should know what the fuck a Priest is... they never got summons. Hell, I played one for 60 Levels and never got one. Big difference.

About the religion thing, it actually had a solid base and it made sense. It's not like they pulled some crazy names out of their ass and made it so broken not even Prak can understand it. It's quite simple and it played into the game well.

Ok, and lastly, Twilight. If you're not going to bother to read what other people write, then don't post. i said that '99%' part from another post. shall i go grab the original post?
Ok Mr. "I'm going to boss establish members around" (ChunkyMonkey, ftw) I don't give a fuck what you said originally, the post I replied to is quoted from you and you are wrong. Get over it. Also, good job on the Yuna/guns shit, let me guess, girls aren't supposed to use guns? Give me a fucking break...

Oh, and please, for the love of fucking Sephiroth, get some paragraph structure going, or at least some upgraded grammar skills.

12-18-2006, 06:32 AM
Ok, I just won't respond to the parts that some of you put up. cause, instead of denying my claims and saying why, you come up with rather comical reason as to why i should be silent. this is the internet, if you don't like me, then don't post on this thread.Using that logic, if you don't like us, don't post here on the forums at all.

Ok, i will explain further about FFX.
It's been awhile since i last played, i sat through the entire game... it was terrible. not a single airship i could fly! that is one of the main things about an FF game, you always, always, always get the airship, and it's always awesome. But no... you had to run everywhere. or maybe ride a chocobo. And there was no world map either! these things meant something: the over world and airships.
Then, it's just annoying to play blitzball. i hated it... in which FF game did you ever have to play a sport? football? soccer? baseball? none of them, it always revolved around fighting. sports games are a differnt genre. and yes, the card games were acctually fun but at least they weren't incorporated into beating the game.Just because you're terrible at blitzball doesn't mean we're entitled to follow suit to your opinion.

some of it was on religion too. yuna was a preistess, if i recall correctly. made-up religions are a bad thing to base a game on... Summoner. Last I remember, made-up religions were what kept it from using non-fictional references. I mean, do we really want a game with several multiple actual religions in which there are different results depending on which one you choose? (Sorry, I meant no offense to all religious people). HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED FF4? THERE IS A CHARACTER CALLED RYDIA. PLAY AND TELL US WHAT SHE HAS WHEN SHE IS A CHILD FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL dismal.

But i'd say the main thing that dragged the game down was tidus's character.Which part of his character? His looks, or personality?

Now, FFX-2. charlies angels meets FF. I played that one all the way through too. It was fun here and there, but the entire premise was horrid... dancing? singing? in battle!? ugg... it seemed like it was a game meant for pervert fanboy's who wanted to see a threesome between those girls.
Yuna... guns? wtf... no.. just... no...
the dressphere system was blah, you barely had to use it anyway. there was little want for a sequel to come out for X. people wanted FF7 or earlier to be continued or something. and they did that and effed it all up too... i've nearly lost all hope for new FF stuff.The way I see it, the dressphere system opened up the good ol' traditional FF5 style, where you picked your jobs, except this time, you could change them in battle. o_O You hated dancing? Trust me, don't play the old FF games, cause you got dancers and mog dance.

Ok, and lastly, Twilight. If you're not going to bother to read what other people write, then don't post. i said that '99%' part from another post. shall i go grab the original post?
Synthia wrote: "I wouldn't call it a "giant gaping hole" that's for sure. 99% of occupations in today's world can be performed as well by either men or women."
I said that jobs weren't preformed by either gender. You'd know this if you turned off the tv and saw the world right in front of you.So what you're saying is, there are some jobs where only people that had no gender? Or that a job was not meant for a specific gender?

12-18-2006, 12:29 PM
Joby is a fucking retard.

How the hell can you call someone who you don't even know a retard just for posting their opinion.

I think he is right, they did ruin ff when they made 10.

12-18-2006, 12:33 PM
And another fanfaggot joins the fray, waiting in line for an inevitable bash.

12-18-2006, 12:52 PM
How the hell can you call someone who you don't even know a retard just for posting their opinion.

I think he is right, they did ruin ff when they made 10.

If I see no intelligence, they're retarded, geddit? lololololol

12-18-2006, 02:05 PM

If I see no intelligence, they're retarded, geddit? lololololol

just because you can not see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

12-18-2006, 02:12 PM

If I see no intelligence, they're retarded, geddit? lololololol

just because you can not see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

12-18-2006, 02:18 PM
Posting a duplicate message 7 minutes after your original post was the peak of your retarded activities, n00b.

12-18-2006, 02:34 PM
Posting a duplicate message 7 minutes after your original post was the peak of your retarded activities, n00b.

don't blame me. the college internet is going fucked!!!

12-18-2006, 04:00 PM
How the hell can you call someone who you don't even know a retard just for posting their opinion.You really want to know why? Because he did anal rape the wrong way with his head, and now his head's full of shit, and now it's all spurting back at us.

Shall I go on?

12-18-2006, 04:44 PM
Amazing. I figured this thread would be closed long ago. Someone's slacking!

Not that I care, of course, since it's really funny watching joby and et1990 act like morons.

12-18-2006, 05:24 PM
I don't find it funny. >>
I want them to stop!

It's alright to think that FFX ruined the FF name--since that means you didn't like FFX to an extremely large degree. I also didn't like FFX very much, either, so I can see why you guys say the things you do.
And "retard" is also a medical don't be calling someone a retard without proper diagnosis and paperwork. >____>

Joby, Et1990-- The people here never take people seriously. When they do make serious responses though, I find I can respect them more...but most of the time, they're just sitting around laughing at people....
So don't worry so much about the people here....

I can see why you say that there are differences in Men and Women (by your example with construction workers)...since it IS true that more men go into certain jobs than women do, and more women go into certain jobs than men do. But I think the reason for that isn't really the difference that men and women have's more...what society has taught them.

12-18-2006, 08:47 PM
And "retard" is also a medical don't be calling someone a retard without proper diagnosis and paperwork. >____>
You and I know damn well retard is used as an everday insult, now is not the time to pull that technical garbage out.

12-19-2006, 01:59 AM
Ok, Twilight and Seiryuu. I don't give a rats arse if you're an 'experienced member of this forum' or the ruler of a country. You are in no way superior to me or anyone else on these messege boards. So guess what? talking down on me or anyone really doesn't do much other than keep me around to continue debating you.

Twilight: "Well, you obviously didn't beat the game

Um... you know what... i'm not even gonna respond to you. if you said you're an estabilished member, then maybe you could attempt to read what i write rather than jumping straight into unfounded claims and insults.

Hence: Me: "It's been awhile since i last played, i sat through the entire game... it was terrible.
I said here i beat the game. "

so forget it, you want me to write in pretty paragraphs? then how bout you read a little bit?

Seiryuu: "Just because you're terrible at blitzball doesn't mean we're entitled to follow suit to your opinion."

I didn't say to follow my opinion... you know... you too, i'm only goning to respond to te posted that you acctualy put a little thought into...

Seiryuu: "You hated dancing? Trust me, don't play the old FF games, cause you got dancers and mog dance."

wow... no way? gosh i guess i never frickin said i played those games... hm... if you can't keep up with the conversation, how about sitting down?

Seiryuu: "So what you're saying is, there are some jobs where only people that had no gender? Or that a job was not meant for a specific gender?"

I'm saying there are jobs that are preformed by only one of the two genders.
Who attends the boy scouts? not girls..
who attends the girl scouts? not boys...
I'm saying certain jobs are only preformed by certain genders. get it? Now i have seen women working in construction, and guess how many it was? two. out of hundreds of males, i only ever saw two. and one was an electrician...

Norse, yeah, i can see that there are some people here who think they are above everyone else, probably because they were born into a home that made them believe they are naturally superior to everyone else. but i don't know that for certain, it just matches the description. i hope that i'm wrong though...

Society today seems to be encouraging that the difference between guys and gals is purley psycological. this is not so, i will explain later

12-19-2006, 02:07 AM
This is why i told you to read some topics first.

12-19-2006, 02:32 AM
Ok, Twilight and Seiryuu. I don't give a rats arse if you're an 'experienced member of this forum' or the ruler of a country. You are in no way superior to me or anyone else on these messege boards. So guess what? talking down on me or anyone really doesn't do much other than keep me around to continue debating you.Nope, not experienced. I do, however, know the line between decent debater and "OMG I HATE UZ ALL". You fit the latter.

Seiryuu: "Just because you're terrible at blitzball doesn't mean we're entitled to follow suit to your opinion."

I didn't say to follow my opinion... you know... you too, i'm only goning to respond to te posted that you acctualy put a little thought into...Mind using English? I have no idea what you said in the second part.

Seiryuu: "You hated dancing? Trust me, don't play the old FF games, cause you got dancers and mog dance."

wow... no way? gosh i guess i never frickin said i played those games... hm... if you can't keep up with the conversation, how about sitting down?Congratulations for not learning the difference between past and future tense. Go ask your English teacher the difference between past and future tenses, reread my statement, and you find that I'm telling you not to play them if you abhor dancing, not you shouldn't have.

Seiryuu: "So what you're saying is, there are some jobs where only people that had no gender? Or that a job was not meant for a specific gender?"

I'm saying certain jobs are only preformed by certain genders. get it? Now i have seen women working in construction, and guess how many it was? two. out of hundreds of males, i only ever saw two. and one was an electrician...Preformed? Or performed? You do know there are such things as male nurses, right?

Norse, yeah, i can see that there are some people here who think they are above everyone else, probably because they were born into a home that made them believe they are naturally superior to everyone else. but i don't know that for certain, it just matches the description. i hope that i'm wrong though...I totally agree with you there, Joby, yet I thought with you saying it, it was funny.

Society today seems to be encouraging that the difference between guys and gals is purley psycological. this is not so, i will explain laterToday? Today? Notice that you have to replace "the" with "a" to correctly state this sentence.

Oh, and...

We all know that you're jealous.

12-19-2006, 04:02 AM
Omg! there are male nurses? jee golly wilikers! i need to get out of this bubble i have created to fell like i'm above everyone and that i know everything!
*hint*: that was sarcasm, and it kinda resembles you Seiryuu.

Yes, i must be jealous... i can't stand being a guy. i sure wish i were a woman.... never mind the fact that i absolutly love being a male and don't really want to be a female. and if i were a female, i wouldn't want to be male.

Seiryuu: "You hated dancing? Trust me, don't play the old FF games, cause you got dancers and mog dance."

wow... i did reread it... and you still said that i should not play them... even after i said i have played them. weird that you're the one who is misunderstanding... oh well.

And though i make errors in typing, i'm sure if used that stuffing between your ears, you'll realize the 'te' is supposed to mean 'the'
but, now that i've explained, maybe you get it?

Ok, Seiryuu and Twilight. forget you both, i think it would be smarter to pay my attention to some of the more intelligent posters on this site.
so... if you still want to laugh at me, go ahead, but i can very easily ignore you.
however, i would appreciate very much if you simply staed why i am wrong and then showed reasons for it.

12-19-2006, 04:09 AM
however, i would appreciate very much if you simply staed why i am wrong and then showed reasons for it.

But when somebody does just that (namely, oh, me), you ignore the post completely.

12-19-2006, 04:28 AM
LOL, nigger faggot.

12-19-2006, 04:36 AM
LOL, nigger faggot.

Uh oh. Don't get banned. :rolleyes:

BTW, after Joby read my post, he signed off. Roffle.

12-19-2006, 04:42 AM
I accutally am using firefox and moved away from the page. so.. go ahead and gloat chunky, it's funny that you think you're better. oh well, i'll go find your post... and see if you did more than insult me.

Chunk: "I'm not a fan of FFX, either, but your reasoning behind your dislike is quite lame. You don't like the game because Tidus "looks like a girl?" That's about as shallow a reason as you can get--but then again, look at your mini-rant on X-2. If you weren't so busy with your "girls, ZOMG COOTIES!" attitude, you would've noticed that FFX-2 was actually quite good. Squeenix refined the ATB system about as far as it can be refined, and the job system was ace."

i acctually did respond to that. read about the X-2 thing i posted earlier.
yeah, and "zomg cooties' oh dear me... i must not like women... jee. i swear.. why can't you people even hate on me with some intelligence?

12-19-2006, 05:00 AM
Jesus tap-dancing christ, learn how to fucking quote posts and spell already.


Your idiocy is not appreciated and you're quite annoying. I love how you're telling us we're not intelligent when you really have no fucking clue. Figure out what the fuck you're talking about and then I'll be more than happy to hand your ass to you in an debate about X/X-2.

Uh oh. Don't get banned. :rolleyes:
Pfft, don't make me laugh.

12-19-2006, 05:01 AM
why can't you people even hate on me with some intelligence?

Why you can't post with some intelligence, troll?

i acctually did respond to that. read about the X-2 thing i posted earlier.

ZOMG CHARLIES ANGELS! What a response. I've only heard that from every CloudxSephy fanboy EVAR. Your reasons for disliking FFX-2 are shallow, at best. Stuff like...

dancing? singing? in battle!? ugg... it seemed like it was a game meant for pervert fanboy's who wanted to see a threesome between those girls.

If that isn't superficial nonsense, I'd really like to know what is. You failed completely to mention any actual elements of the game, like its gameplay or even its story. Maybe if you'd do something like that, you'd get responses more to your liking. I'll even do it for you:

FFX-2's gameplay was top-notch. The ATB system was the best yet in an FF (granted, I haven't played the full version of FFXII, just the demo), fixing the biggest flaw in all the other ATB games (namely, the lack of speed), while making it deeper with the ability to change dresspheres mid-battle and the chain/combo mechanic. The Dressphere/Garment Grid system was ace, with lots of job/grid choices, which makes for many viable strategies.

12-19-2006, 05:41 AM
*hint*: that was sarcasm, and it kinda resembles you Seiryuu.It also resembles a lame attempt as well.

Yes, i must be jealous... i can't stand being a guy. i sure wish i were a woman.... never mind the fact that i absolutly love being a male and don't really want to be a female. and if i were a female, i wouldn't want to be male.Yep, having issues with yourself is a big problem.

And though i make errors in typing, i'm sure if used that stuffing between your ears, you'll realize the 'te' is supposed to mean 'the'
but, now that i've explained, maybe you get it?if used? What does that mean? If I use? If you use? "te" does not equal "the"; it can stand for many things, such as incomplete fragments of words, like tempest, temper, and so on.

Ok, Seiryuu and Twilight. forget you both, i think it would be smarter to pay my attention to some of the more intelligent posters on this site.
so... if you still want to laugh at me, go ahead, but i can very easily ignore you.
however, i would appreciate very much if you simply staed why i am wrong and then showed reasons for it.Who's forgetting who? It would wise to listen to some of the more sympathetic posters on this site.

Show reasons? For what? That you need to be pampered and not yelled against?

I accutally am using firefox and moved away from the page. so.. go ahead and gloat chunky, it's funny that you think you're better. oh well, i'll go find your post... and see if you did more than insult me.FireFox is irrelavant.

Chunk: "I'm not a fan of FFX, either, but your reasoning behind your dislike is quite lame. You don't like the game because Tidus "looks like a girl?" That's about as shallow a reason as you can get--but then again, look at your mini-rant on X-2. If you weren't so busy with your "girls, ZOMG COOTIES!" attitude, you would've noticed that FFX-2 was actually quite good. Squeenix refined the ATB system about as far as it can be refined, and the job system was ace."

i acctually did respond to that. read about the X-2 thing i posted earlier.
yeah, and "zomg cooties' oh dear me... i must not like women... jee. i swear.. why can't you people even hate on me with some intelligence?We can't because our intelligence isn't worth flaunting about when we need to have a little discussion with your behavior problem.

12-19-2006, 07:17 AM
I'll say this thread's about the declining of Joby's bullshit about FFs.

12-20-2006, 01:57 AM
Chunk: It was the fast speed that made it unlikable. Some of us would rather choose actions with some methodic thought, rather than smashing on buttons and making possible speed errors. Yes, you can change it to the old way to some degree, but not fully.
The slow pace is key to FF games. and they can work on making a turn based game faster without making it real time.
And if you want to play dress up go play DOA extreme beach vb...
the idea of changing classes in battle is nice, but annoying the way they made it out.
X-2 was yurned for by overzealous fans, and thus it came out crappy. much like the FF movie and FFVII AC.

advent children... i've waited to bring this up. I liked watching all the pretty moves and jumping and sword fights and the awesome ending... but one thing bugged me the whole time....... which was: That was NOT cloud. and, sephiroth is dead... don't bring him back!

Who's forgetting who? It would wise to listen to some of the more sympathetic posters on this site.

Hey, practice what you preach about incomplete words and sentances, will ya?

Pfft, don't make me laugh.

Hahaha! seriously, if there was a good monitor on this site, you'd have been banned a long time ago twilight.

12-20-2006, 02:37 AM
Hey, practice what you preach about incomplete words and sentances, will ya?Hey, practice what you preach about pointless discussion, will ya?

Hahaha! seriously, if there was a good monitor on this site, you'd have been banned a long time ago twilight.Of course, I believe that'd be 5 months after you.

12-20-2006, 02:46 AM
Hahaha! seriously, if there was a good monitor on this site, you'd have been banned a long time ago twilight.
Uh oh, Nubbycakes is critizing the ADMINISTRATION, lmao. I love this, I'd probably be banned for making sense and not babbling like an idiot, right?

FYI, I was banned last week so keep your panties on junior.

12-20-2006, 03:00 AM
Then.... 10 came out. I dislike 10. alot. Why? Because the main character is a jock. A normal water polo player who hates daddy... Turned into a hero. Then to top it off you have Yuna, who could be emo, but just sulks and hides it all.

and then Rikku came and made everything better :)

12-20-2006, 04:06 AM
FFVI to FFX are the best games in my opinion. The games that pre-dates these, were perfect blueprints for FFVI-FFX. I loved these games when I was a bit younger, and I have come to appreciate them for their simplicity. Post FFX games were not as captivating or well crafted if you ask me. I find it hard to hate any of these games (FFX-2 and Crystal Chronicles) but I just don't find them as thrilling as any of the games from the aforementioned period.

12-20-2006, 09:49 AM
Hahaha! seriously, if there was a good monitor on this site, you'd have been banned a long time ago twilight.

Seriously dude, read more material located in the other topics before establishing yourself as moron...wait...too took a pot shot at the forum staff, moron

Oh, and Twilight, being banned is also a way for the forum mods and admins to say that what you're doing is a threat to the integrity of these boards (i.e. what you say is acknowledged), so if Joby wasn't could say that the forum staff see his posts as reading material reserved for shits and giggles

12-20-2006, 10:42 AM
Chunk: It was the fast speed that made it unlikable. Some of us would rather choose actions with some methodic thought, rather than smashing on buttons and making possible speed errors. Yes, you can change it to the old way to some degree, but not fully.

I seriously don't have a problem if you don't like the game, but if you're going to fault the game, at least try to be at least a little bit objective.

The slow pace is key to FF games.

I would really like to know your logic there.

and they can work on making a turn based game faster without making it real time.

Um, that's exactly what Squeenix did with FFX-2.

And if you want to play dress up go play DOA extreme beach vb...

Complete fail. It's stuff like this that nets you all the insults that have been thrown your way.

the idea of changing classes in battle is nice, but annoying the way they made it out.

How so? Again, If you just didn't like the game, that's all well and good, but if you're going to fault it, be objective.

12-20-2006, 03:15 PM
Hey guys, you're basically saying the same things I would (with slightly less panache, but this is good training!) so I'm not going to bother making a serious reply. Just posting to half-heartedly mock Joby since I honestly don't care enough about him to do it properly. So...

Joby more liek dumb cunt lol

Carry on.

12-20-2006, 04:08 PM
Not quite as entertaining as bashing Grim for his "Opinions can never be wrong" theory. He should try publishing it globally if he is dead serious enough.

12-20-2006, 05:36 PM
(with slightly less panache, but this is good training!)

LoL, I had a little Cap'n in me at the time, and I'm the happy type when I drink. Then again, even if I were perfectly sober, I doubt I'd be nearly as entertaining as you.

jewess crabcake
12-20-2006, 06:00 PM
Not quite as entertaining as bashing Grim for his "Opinions can never be wrong" theory. He should try publishing it globally if he is dead serious enough.Opinions can't ever be wrong, it's just they can't be wrong to the person that holds the opinion, to everyone else it's utterance of bias shit.

LoL, I had a little Cap'n in me at the time, and I'm the happy type when I drink. Then again, even if I were perfectly sober, I doubt I'd be nearly as entertaining as you. When I read the first part I just imagined a person having sex with a midget pirate, so Lol.

12-20-2006, 07:22 PM
Twilight: "junior?" wow...
so, i'm curious... you claim to hate noobs so much, yet seiryuu is a noob to. and i don't see you going against him...
ah well, such is the way of a hypocrite.


FFVI to FFX are the best games in my opinion........

I feel almost the same, however I think they started declining at FFIX. IX just didn't have the love they rolled into the previous ones.
Sequels almost always suck, and yet FF completly denied that. They showed us for, in my opinion, 9 games (technically 8, japan's release of the same of 2 and 4 i think?) and i always expected the next game to be better than the last. but my hopes where shaken at IX and then shattered at X.

Seriously dude, read more material located in the other topics before establishing yourself as moron...wait...too took a pot shot at the forum staff, moron

oh great, another one...
ok, i do not dislike the staff here, i only one thing about them. and that is that they created a site with forums to talk about final fantasy. and they allow people from all walks of life and all view points to come together.
i'm just saying you and a few others are only out for attention, your the ones who find you satisfaction by putting down others. possibly from similar life experiences.

I would really like to know your logic there.
ok, how bout when people think of FF they are (were?) reminded of it's style of a turn based system. one side of people are lined up against another side. i'm hoping you know what i'm talking about... you could go out and buy street fighter or zelda or whatever, where you could be a moving character in combat. FF is about turn based attacks. if i wanted to play a game that had real time combat, i'd pick up something like.. oh i don't know, Halo, or HL2, or that really fun new game, Gears of War... that was fun!
anyway, i wish they'd stick the the normal style, rather than turning it into this new age crap with pretty boys and highschool emo's.

oh, squall may have been and emotional down trodden guy, but at least he fought and did what was right, and looked good doing it too.

How so? Again, If you just didn't like the game, that's all well and good, but if you're going to fault it, be objective.

k, the dressphere system sucked. because it was dresses. i don't want to play dress up with barbie dolls, especially in a game name that has to do with slaughtering monsters. once again, the class change might be a good thing for in battle, but i'd rather have it feel better. i'm not comfortable with it.

arg, yuna with guns... honestly... the main weapon was dual pistols! it is always a sword... thats just common. and what the fruit is up with her, she had a staff, and suddenly she can perfectly weild guns...
vincent, irvine, and that other guy... they all made it look cool. not with yuna... not her...

12-20-2006, 07:45 PM
Okay, I just can't sit this out any longer. I'm going to just jump in here and address everything this fuckwit said in that last post. I hope everyone else will forgive me for the intrusion.

Twilight: "junior?" wow...
so, i'm curious... you claim to hate noobs so much, yet seiryuu is a noob to. and i don't see you going against him...
ah well, such is the way of a hypocrite.

You seem to have a very narrow definition of the word "noob." It does not only refer to someone who is new to something. It also refers to someone who acts in a manner that is contrary to the generally accepted manners of the community. In other words, you're not a noob because you're new. You're a noob because you don't know what you're talking about.


I feel almost the same, however I think they started declining at FFIX. IX just didn't have the love they rolled into the previous ones.
Sequels almost always suck, and yet FF completly denied that. They showed us for, in my opinion, 9 games (technically 8, japan's release of the same of 2 and 4 i think?) and i always expected the next game to be better than the last. but my hopes where shaken at IX and then shattered at X.

Wait a moment... you honestly believe FFIX was not at least as good as its two immediate predecessors? Talk about wiping away your credibility like shit off your ass. No love, you say? FFIX was nothing but a love letter to fans of the original games, whereas VII and VIII had the distinct feel of being produced as a mass market product. Please feel free to challenge this. It's always fun to see people take on a fight they can't win.

oh great, another one...
ok, i do not dislike the staff here, i only one thing about them. and that is that they created a site with forums to talk about final fantasy. and they allow people from all walks of life and all view points to come together.
i'm just saying you and a few others are only out for attention, your the ones who find you satisfaction by putting down others. possibly from similar life experiences.

Eh, I'll skip this one since it has no relevance to me.

ok, how bout when people think of FF they are (were?) reminded of it's style of a turn based system. one side of people are lined up against another side. i'm hoping you know what i'm talking about... you could go out and buy street fighter or zelda or whatever, where you could be a moving character in combat. FF is about turn based attacks. if i wanted to play a game that had real time combat, i'd pick up something like.. oh i don't know, Halo, or HL2, or that really fun new game, Gears of War... that was fun!
anyway, i wish they'd stick the the normal style, rather than turning it into this new age crap with pretty boys and highschool emo's.

oh, squall may have been and emotional down trodden guy, but at least he fought and did what was right, and looked good doing it too.

You truly are a fucking moron. The games were turn-based for so long because that was the limitation of technology at the time. Games, just like other media, are constantly evolving. Do you truly think the creators of the series would have stayed with that kind of system for so long if they were able to create better systems? Of course not. It's a shame that there are people like you out there who would prefer that by-the-numbers crap get churned out since most people are smart enough to appreciate innovation, immersion, and attempts to make games more fun.

k, the dressphere system sucked. because it was dresses. i don't want to play dress up with barbie dolls, especially in a game name that has to do with slaughtering monsters. once again, the class change might be a good thing for in battle, but i'd rather have it feel better. i'm not comfortable with it.

The credibility you wiped away and flushed just died in the sewers and was eaten by the rats. You say it sucked just because it wasn't to your personal tastes? Guess what. Your tastes have nothing to do with quality. If your masculinity was threatened by something like that, then perhaps you're trying to compensate for something. Maybe a desire to have a penis in your rectum?

arg, yuna with guns... honestly... the main weapon was dual pistols! it is always a sword... thats just common. and what the fruit is up with her, she had a staff, and suddenly she can perfectly weild guns...
vincent, irvine, and that other guy... they all made it look cool. not with yuna... not her...

You're only required to use her with guns in ONE fight. After that, you never have to use that job again. Make her a fucking warrior if it bugs you so much.

And anyway, who the hell do you think you are to say that things should never change? It's like you just stepped right out of the Dark Ages after making a pit stop in the Inquisition.

12-20-2006, 08:26 PM
Jolly rancher, seriously... you are a real idiot. i don't say that lightly either

Eh, I'll skip this one since it has no relevance to me.
it has exact relevance to you.
i'm not here to insult you, or anyone else. i'm here to understand better why i think the FF series is declining in story and gameplay.
you seem to enjoy insulting others, even when they don't deserve it.

I'll resond to what acctually wasn't an insult, and where you 'attempted' to make sense.

The games were turn-based for so long because that was the limitation of technology at the time. Games

no, if you acctually took time to read what i wrote, rather than jumping into the reply, then you'd see that i said it's the normal way for FF games to be turn based. yes, there was a limitation to games back then, but then there where also limitations to D&D, which is what FF seems to be based off. Was a turn based system in FFVII due to lack of technology? NO. it was on PS! where some of the best action games appeared!
if you want to play a fast paced, real time combat game, go find a differnet game to play. it doesn't belong in the FF series

Wait a moment... you honestly believe FFIX was not at least as good as its two immediate predecessors? Talk about wiping away your credibility like shit off your ass. No love, you say? FFIX was nothing but a love letter to fans of the original games, whereas VII and VIII had the distinct feel of being produced as a mass market product. Please feel free to challenge this. It's always fun to see people take on a fight they can't win.

no, IX was not as good. it was good, but not as good. thus, the first signs of decline.

and how exactly can you say that i can't win this? maybe a better qestion is; how can you tell who wins at all?

12-20-2006, 08:51 PM

I feel almost the same, however I think they started declining at FFIX. IX just didn't have the love they rolled into the previous ones.
Sequels almost always suck, and yet FF completly denied that. They showed us for, in my opinion, 9 games (technically 8, japan's release of the same of 2 and 4 i think?) and i always expected the next game to be better than the last. but my hopes where shaken at IX and then shattered at X.
What? Please do not drag me into this discussion. I know that you got the "Zulu" part when you made the quote, but I'd rather not be associated with this power struggle. -_-;

J. Peterman
12-20-2006, 09:03 PM

12-20-2006, 09:11 PM
Jolly rancher, seriously... you are a real idiot. i don't say that lightly either
I almost pissed my pants from laughing so much.

Maybe a desire to have a penis in your rectum?
&hearts; &hearts; I lolled

12-20-2006, 09:12 PM
Jolly rancher, seriously... you are a real idiot. i don't say that lightly either

it has exact relevance to you.
i'm not here to insult you, or anyone else. i'm here to understand better why i think the FF series is declining in story and gameplay.
you seem to enjoy insulting others, even when they don't deserve it.

This is exactly why you get called a noob. You don't understand what you've jumped into. We're not all nice people who give each other hugs for farting. If you say something dumb, you're getting dragged across the coals. That's the way things work here, and you're a noob for not getting it.

no, if you acctually took time to read what i wrote, rather than jumping into the reply, then you'd see that i said it's the normal way for FF games to be turn based. yes, there was a limitation to games back then, but then there where also limitations to D&D, which is what FF seems to be based off. Was a turn based system in FFVII due to lack of technology? NO. it was on PS! where some of the best action games appeared!
if you want to play a fast paced, real time combat game, go find a differnet game to play. it doesn't belong in the FF series

First of all, I have repeatedly criticized FFVII and later games for retaining the turn-based system when it was no longer necessary. It was an obsolete system and was retained partly because of fancunts like yourself who aren't able to accept and appreciate change purely on the basis of it being different, regardless of quality.

The core mechanics from the original games may have been adapted from D&D, but the introduction of new elements completely invalidates that argument. The system changed. It grew. By the time FFVI rolled around, it was radically different from D&D. Now if it was a licensed Dungeons & Dragons series, that would be a different matter. But it isn't.

Lastly, who the fuck are you to say what belongs in the series or not? I'd say that right belongs to the creators alone. You have no stake in a game until you pay for it, so if you want to protest, don't buy the games. Sure, it may be utterly ineffective, but it's the only reasonable form of protest you have at your disposal.

no, IX was not as good. it was good, but not as good. thus, the first signs of decline.

Okay then. I'll give you a fair chance. Name some significant ways that FFIX was inferior, assuming you're capable of making a cohesive argument based in fact, rather than ignorant opinion.

and how exactly can you say that i can't win this? maybe a better qestion is; how can you tell who wins at all?

The winner is determined by the gallery. I say you can't win because I've seen your kind before, including some far more articulate than yourself, and have never lost to your peers.

12-20-2006, 09:18 PM
I can't even win against Prak ;_;; and I make sense most of the time.

He's a sweet pie though :swoon:

12-20-2006, 10:06 PM
What? Please do not drag me into this discussion....
ok, i won't further, but then. if i may imply... why post in at all if you dont want to be part of the fun?


Lol. it didn't get as good a run as FF did. i dunno why i responded to that seriously, lol...

I almost pissed my pants from laughing so much.

um..... bladder control issues? they have procedures for that.

This is exactly why you get called a noob. You don't understand what you've jumped into. We're not all nice people who give each other hugs for farting. If you say something dumb, you're getting dragged across the coals. That's the way things work here, and you're a noob for not getting it.

so basically you're admitting to being an asshole? i'm just reading what you wrote!

First of all, I have repeatedly criticized FFVII and later games for retaining the turn-based system when it was no longer necessary. It was an obsolete system and was retained partly because of fancunts like yourself who aren't able to accept and appreciate change purely on the basis of it being different, regardless of quality.

i repeat: it is the way FF has been played. it is the way it has always drawn attention. by doing the same thing, in a better way. No need for a 'new' 'better' system. it thrived on those basic principles, and would continue to thrive if they stuck to their guns, rather than changing to slingshots (or maybe words in this day and age...)
If you want a real time game, go play a differnet game. the square doesn't belong with the triangles.

Lastly, who the fuck are you to say what belongs in the series or not?

um... news flash... you, me, and everyone else says. so try to understand that we are the consumers, and they are the suppliers. we say what we want, they don't tell us what we want.

Okay then. I'll give you a fair chance. Name some significant ways that FFIX was inferior, assuming you're capable of making a cohesive argument based in fact, rather than ignorant opinion.

hey... think about this. I gave you opinion... my opinion. as it may not equate to much in your book, it does in mine. i'm giving my OPINION on why i dislike the game. the only facts presented are the actual games themselves.
FACT: Vivi is a black mage
OPINION: The final boss was stupid cause he came out of no where.

see it yet?

The winner is determined by the gallery. I say you can't win because I've seen your kind before, including some far more articulate than yourself, and have never lost to your peers.

no. there is no winner. i won't win, i won't lose, you won't win, you won't lose. twilight won't win, but she might find a way to lose. this isn't a contest.

And D&D is fun because.............?
because it is D&D, normally played on a sheet of paper. thats why some people like it.
think about it...

12-20-2006, 10:18 PM
so basically you're admitting to being an asshole? i'm just reading what you wrote!

I'm a bit too modest to claim that distinction for myself, but I'll happily accept it when given by someone else.

i repeat: it is the way FF has been played. it is the way it has always drawn attention. by doing the same thing, in a better way. No need for a 'new' 'better' system. it thrived on those basic principles, and would continue to thrive if they stuck to their guns, rather than changing to slingshots (or maybe words in this day and age...)

Guess what. It still seems to be thriving. Guess what else. People with your backwards views seem to be a very small minority. Oops, looks like your dead credibility that was eaten by the rat has passed through another digestive tract.

um... news flash... you, me, and everyone else says. so try to understand that we are the consumers, and they are the suppliers. we say what we want, they don't tell us what we want.

Way to not quote the rest of the statement because it addresses that very point. How dim-witted do you think people here are? I'm sure you're not winning points with anyone by insulting their intelligence.

hey... think about this. I gave you opinion... my opinion. as it may not equate to much in your book, it does in mine. i'm giving my OPINION on why i dislike the game. the only facts presented are the actual games themselves.
FACT: Vivi is a black mage
OPINION: The final boss was stupid cause he came out of no where.

see it yet?

I do see. I see that you buy into the bullshit dichotomy of fact and opinion that society forces down everyone's throat in order to negate the idea that anyone is ever truly right and forcibly turn imbeciles like you into the equal of people like me. The truth is that a fact lies behind everything, and opinions are nothing more than distortions or outright denials of those facts.

no. there is no winner. i won't win, i won't lose, you won't win, you won't lose. twilight won't win, but she might find a way to lose. this isn't a contest.

I think the people who more readily understand are probably out doing things more important, like working or going to school, rather than ranting on a forum. so, it's understandable why some of you get what you want, you don't like it when people take things from you.

Mega-fail. I don't think I even need to press this one. I'll just let everyone laugh at it.

And D&D is fun because.............?
because it is D&D, normally played on a sheet of paper. thats why some people like it.
think about it...

Again, you are completely retarded. Your debate skills are laughable in every sense. This makes no point at all, except perhaps in your own twisted psyche. A good rule of thumb for debating is to make sure people know what the fuck you're trying to say.

12-20-2006, 10:18 PM
I think the people who more readily understand are probably out doing things more important, like working or going to school, rather than ranting on a forum. so, it's understandable why some of you get what you want, you don't like it when people take things from you.
LOL, someones in denial that they're on a forum...

no. there is no winner. i won't win, i won't lose, you won't win, you won't lose. twilight won't win, but she might find a way to lose. this isn't a contest.
I told you homeboy you can't touch this
Yeah that's how we're livin' and you know you can't touch this
Look in my eyes man you can't touch this
You know let me bust the funky lyrics you can't touch this

Fresh new kicks and pants
You got it like that now you know you wanna dance
So move out of your seat
And get a fly girl and catch this beat
While it's rollin' hold on pump a little bit
And let me know it's going on like that like that
Cold on a mission so pull on back
Let 'em know that you're too much
And this is a beat uh you can't touch

Yo I told you, you can't touch this
Why you standing there man you can't touch this
Yo sound the bells school is in sucker you can't touch this

Give me a song or rhythm
Making 'em sweat that's what I'm giving 'em
Now they know when you talk about the Hammer
You talk about a show that's hyped and tight
Singers are sweatin' so pass them a mic
Or a tape to learn what it's gonna take
And now he's gonna burn
The charts legit either work hard
Or you might as well quit

That's word because you know
You can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh)
Break it down
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh)
Hammer time


12-20-2006, 10:40 PM
lol twilight. lol.

but no, you don't. if there was a way to win, i'd have achieved it by now.

The truth is that a fact lies behind everything, and opinions are nothing more than distortions or outright denials of those facts.

BUZZ! wrong. you seem to be the one denying facts...

FACT: Vivi is a black mage
OPINION: The final boss was stupid cause he came out of no where.

Vivi is a black mage, right? this one is fact

and the what is the truth about that final boss? if you think there is fact to the situation behind why they would insert a random final boss which had no need to be in the story and seemed to be there just to prolong the ending... then tell me, tell us all, why?
if you cannot, then this one is opinion. and will never be fact.

I am not you're equal. nor am i sure that i am better or worse than you.

12-20-2006, 10:47 PM
First of all, I'm laughing hysterically at your new avatar, which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that you're a worthless generic FFVII fancunt.

Necron's function in the story was to provide an iconic battle to offset the personal nature of the Kuja battle, as well as to provide an outlet for the point that the characters are choosing the hardships of existence over oblivion. That is the fact of the matter. What you think of it is a distortion of that fact by your flawed personal perception.

12-20-2006, 10:49 PM
Oh wow! lookit this, it's the quote underneathe the hyperlink for the FFX forum
"Girlyboys play soccer underwater to Uematsu taking a shot at the whole Rob Zombie thing"

Hey! maybe the admins think tidus is a girly man? maybe he's not much of a guy at all... meaning.... you guys hate the admins?

Oh you, posted already, jolly, how cute. thanks for noticing my avatar. loks kida cool... i like the back shot of hold the sword.
anyway, i don't really need to comment on that, but what the hell? why not! see, maybe i like VII... and maybe the frickin' title of this site is FFSHRINE... this may imply that final fantasy has something to do with the site... and besides, i like cloud, he's cool. i'm not pretending to be him.
if that were the case, then why the heck are you trying to be a bag of jolly ranchers? and why are you claiming to be a robot?
see.... i'm having fun, you're being a twat.

Necron's function in the story was to provide an iconic battle to offset the personal nature of the Kuja battle, as well as to provide an outlet for the point that the characters are choosing the hardships of existence over oblivion. That is the fact of the matter. What you think of it is a distortion of that fact by your flawed personal perception.

heeeey, nice job.
anyway, they already showed the difference between life and death through the fight with Kuja. they didn't hafta throw in the extra random boss. it was only to prolong the last battle because it was kind of short and easy compared to other FF's.

12-20-2006, 10:54 PM
but no, you don't. if there was a way to win, i'd have achieved it by now.
Yeah, you're delusional.

First of all, I'm laughing hysterically at your new avatar, which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that you're a worthless generic FFVII fancunt.

i like cloud, he's cool. i'm not pretending to be him.
if that were the case, then why the heck are you trying to be a bag of jolly ranchers? and why are you claiming to be a robot?
see.... i'm having fun, you're being a twat.
Robot? ROBOT?!?!?!?!?! How dare you....

Rofl @ "i like cloud, he's cool"

Also, you're not having fun, you're attempting to sound intelligent and be a smartass. Fail.

12-20-2006, 10:58 PM
Oh you, posted already, jolly, how cute. thanks for noticing my avatar. loks kida cool... i like the back shot of hold the sword.
anyway, i don't really need to comment on that, but what the hell? why not! see, maybe i like VII... and maybe the frickin' title of this site is FFSHRINE... this may imply that final fantasy has something to do with the site... and besides, i like cloud, he's cool. i'm not pretending to be him.
if that were the case, then why the heck are you trying to be a bag of jolly ranchers? and why are you claiming to be a robot?
see.... i'm having fun, you're being a twat.

The fact that it is FFShrine does not mean that it is obligatory to spooge on the site's namesake at every opportunity, but that is rather beside the point.

My name, avatar, and title are all related to ongoing jokes on the site. You are merely ignorant to the sources. The fact that you would comment on them without understanding them is further reason for you to be labeled a noob.

12-20-2006, 11:02 PM
but no, you don't. if there was a way to win, i'd have achieved it by now.

lollin' at the stupid cunt

In case you didn't know, Jolly Rancher here's a mod fool, and thus has ties to the admins

Hey! maybe the admins think tidus is a girly man? maybe he's not much of a guy at all... meaning.... you guys hate the admins?
and what in shit's name is this supposed to mean?

i'll try to piece this together:
admins think tidus is a girly man + tidus not being much of a guy = us hating admins?
What the fuck are you trying to say?

And going back to one of your earlier posts:

i'm just saying you and a few others are only out for attention, your the ones who find you satisfaction by putting down others. possibly from similar life experiences.

Honestly, who do you think is the attention whore?
People who say, "Look at me!!! I give the forums admins hot butt sex!!!"
Or people who tell the former to shut up and stop being a dumb cunt?

12-20-2006, 11:05 PM
jolly, how bout 'enlightening' me to these jokes?

and Z.z, use your brain.

12-20-2006, 11:07 PM
Name: Lots of people have candy names right now. It's a current joke.

Avatar: The forum went through a Transformers fad a while back. My avatar stuck.

Title: Some dumbass claimed that he was the person pictured in his avatar. That was proved false, so we did that to mock him, and still do it now cause it's funny.

I hope you're happy since that's all the time I have for today. Everyone else, have fun, and sorry for intruding.

12-20-2006, 11:08 PM
I hope you're happy since that's all the time I have for today. Everyone else, have fun, and sorry for intruding.
It was our pleasure.

12-20-2006, 11:08 PM
Joby, I knew from the start you are a fanfaggot. you cannot escape from this fact. Maybe that's why you've been ignoring me lately.

I hope you're happy since that's all the time I have for today. Everyone else, have fun, and sorry for intruding.

No way you're intruding. :)

12-20-2006, 11:38 PM
Jolly Rancher, thanks for explaining, i had figured you were all transformer fans. and half guessed the candy was a fad. but those all do sound quite hilarious.

I'm ignoring you Mr. Hazard? Well, maybe you didn't make any arguements previously for me to respond to. And 'ur a cunt' is not an argument...

However, can you define 'fanfaggot'? and tell me why i am one?

12-20-2006, 11:49 PM
I'm ignoring you Mr. Hazard? Well, maybe you didn't make any arguements previously for me to respond to. And 'ur a cunt' is not an argument...

I do have my own reasons for being a cunt, so I have nothing to argue about that. Thank you again.

However, can you define 'fanfaggot'? and tell me why i am one?

Because of this:

Hi, i'm new to here.
I signed up cause I need to see if i'm the last sane person alive, or if i'm simply crazy.
I love FF, passionatly. FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game. (second comes Halo)

Prosecution rests.

12-20-2006, 11:53 PM

12-20-2006, 11:57 PM
Jolly, you too can also be branded an idiot.
that is all, i don't need to explain my personal life with you.
Make a point about FF and i'll talk to you. We're in an FF forum not a "joby's psyche" forum

Ok, two people now. third times a charm. lets see one more person follow in suit with twi and haz, then i will explain. but again, this is about FF and not my personal tastes.

12-20-2006, 11:58 PM
lol wot ?_?

I think someone doesn't know how to respond to PMs, maybe?

Swedish Fish
12-21-2006, 12:15 AM
that is all, i don't need to explain my personal life with you.

You made the Thread. It's your fault for any trouble you get.

Make a point about FF and i'll talk to you.

VII sucks.

EDIT: I have figured it out. Joby = sain

12-21-2006, 12:19 AM
this is about FF and not my personal tastes.

Assuming we're talking about the 'fanfaggot' remark, that cannot be further from the truth. Anyway, let's go back over this thread:

FF7 is undoubtably my all time favorite game.

does my avatar say anything about cloud being 'omg hawt'?

squall may have been and emotional down trodden guy, but at least he fought and did what was right, and looked good doing it too.

I could find more if you want, but I think I have sufficient material.

12-21-2006, 12:21 AM
Z.z, use your brain.

I do use it...and since you're under the assumption that i don't, why not care to explain?...but you can't can you? Maybe it's just too much for your two brain cells to comprehend, but i'll lay it out for you. Every post that you have made is considered a joke and serves nothing more than entertainment for us higher intellectuals, and your efforts to put yourself above us only serve to prove this point.

I have figured it out. Joby = sain

that would explain alot

12-21-2006, 12:43 AM
and who is sain?

VII sucks.

i disagree. the story is wrapped in mystery and is very compelling. the characters were alot of fun. and the cinematics where great for their time.

Ok, so i said three people and three people did it.
I am not a fanboy, if i were a fan boy i would illogically explain to everyone about how great FFVII was. and i would also salivate at the mere thought of FFVII AC, yet i very much dislike AC.
I do love FFVII, with a passion. I also love my family and my house and my bed, and my car and my job.
does that make me a 'fanfaggot' of my family/house/ect?
So what if i like FFVII, i'm not telling you to go buy it right now am i? i appreciate it's story and gameplay. if you don't, then fine. thats your view.

so. shut your traps about me and try to focus on this thread. if you really want to disscuss me and my personality and whatnot, how bout starting a new thread in the general forums about "Joby's a fanboy and here is why..."

12-21-2006, 01:00 AM
and who is sain?
Don't worry about it, nobody wants your incompetence contaminating the rest of the forums.

i agree. the story is wrapped in plotholes and is very crappy. the characters are flat as boards and stereotypical. and the cinematics were shit regardless of the time period.

12-21-2006, 01:05 AM
ok, so who's sain?

12-21-2006, 01:07 AM
twilight, you really like to bash everyone don't you? does it make you feel good when you can step on other people? is it because you are stepped on all the time and want to get back at the world? or is it because you were given everything since birth and take it for granted?
Yes. Yes. No. No.

Nice edit, btw.

12-21-2006, 01:13 AM
aw, your pretty die hard about refreshing the page. anyway, yeah i thought it was hypocraitical to say it, so i took off.
i guess i'm letting you silly kids get to me. ah well, no longer

12-21-2006, 01:13 AM
and who is sain?
Another member on this forum, who shares both your love of hopelessly trying to go against everyone else here and your bad spelling and grammar.

i disagree. the story is wrapped in mystery and is very compelling. the characters were alot of fun. and the cinematics where great for their time.

Listen. FFVII is far too overrated. It's good, but it's not the masterpiece people seem to think it is. It's certainly far from the best in the series.

I am not a fanboy, if i were a fan boy i would illogically explain to everyone about how great FFVII was. and i would also salivate at the mere thought of FFVII AC, yet i very much dislike AC.

The term we were using is 'fanfaggot', not fanboy. And you are one, for the simple reason that you think FFVII is the best game ever. But the hating of AC in a fanboy is strange. Maybe a new strain of fanboy?

I do love FFVII, with a passion. I also love my family and my house and my bed, and my car and my job.
does that make me a 'fanfaggot' of my family/house/ect?
Yes, but those things are good, and you have a practical reason for loving them that most people would agree with. The same cannot be said for VII.

if you really want to disscuss me and my personality and whatnot, how bout starting a new thread in the general forums about "Joby's a fanboy and here is why..."
But it's far more practical to just use this thread...

12-21-2006, 01:20 AM
aw, your pretty die hard about refreshing the page. anyway, yeah i thought it was hypocraitical to say it, so i took off.
i guess i'm letting you silly kids get to me. ah well, no longer
Yeah, I totally sit here and refresh the page 15 bajillion times despite the fact I have posts elsewhere at the same time.

Also, it's hypocritical* and not hard to sound out junior.

12-21-2006, 01:29 AM
Nuke: Why thank you for taking the time to correct my minor spelling errors. you pay attention to minor, insignifacant details. however, it does show that you really read over my post...

Listen. FFVII is far too overrated. It's good, but it's not the masterpiece people seem to think it is. It's certainly far from the best in the series.
There are alot of people i have encountered over the years who find FFVII to be the best among all the FF's. It was a pretty diverse group too, so if i'm wrong, they must be too.
FFX doesn't have as many secrets, or as awesome a main villain. seriously, a ball of water? compared to a demonic looking man striding through flames?
which is scarier?

The term we were using is 'fanfaggot', not fanboy. And you are one, for the simple reason that you think FFVII is the best game ever. But the hating of AC in a fanboy is strange. Maybe a new strain of fanboy?
well, it's another story, but i don't like it, and i don't like the idea of a remake. i don't like dirge of cerberus either. the people who made all those things are fanboys. if anything, i'd fall into whatever catregory suits people who enjoy originality.
wait.. when did i claim FFVII was the best game ever? i don't know what the best game ever is. and i do not have one single favorite either, sir.

Yes, but those things are good, and you have a practical reason for loving them that most people would agree with. The same cannot be said for VII.
sigh... is there a real practical reason for loving a bed? it provides warmth and comfort at nights.
FFVII provided entertainment and joy. that seems practical to me


i'm older than you are dipwad!

12-21-2006, 01:30 AM
If we bash him too much, he'll multiply into numerous little Jobies and may get messy.

12-21-2006, 01:36 AM
i'm older than you are dipwad!
Pix or it didn't happen.


12-21-2006, 01:38 AM
lol, i believe that would require what we humans call 'sex'
and it will take awhile to pump out more Joby's, but hang tight and you'll see em.

Lol, twilight, i acctually find humor in your insults. they make me laugh cause they are funny to see. not because they are wrong, but because they are funny and big and stuff.
anyway, who the hell was SIN. a giant ball of frickin water!

I am assuming my age is above yours. we'll see....

12-21-2006, 01:48 AM
anyway, who the hell was SIN. a giant ball of frickin water!
Sin is an invincible armor made from pyreflies that Yevon used gravity magic to surround himself with you moron. Not to mention Sin isn't the main villian.

I am assuming my age is above yours. we'll see....
Two posts ago you were claiming you're older than me, now you're merely assuming. Make up your fucking mind and once again, pix or it didn't happen.

Darth Revan
12-21-2006, 02:16 AM

Another Suikoden fan... Heh, the series is good, just a shame that Suikoden III was never released here in Aus.*sigh*

Anyway, back to topic at hand...

I know I've been away from these forums for awhile, but the rate of noobs which join up here, my god, is there a noob convention around or what?

"Final Fantasy Declining"... well, Square DID sack the creator of the FF series, Hironobu Sakaguchi (Whose formed his own company now) and even Nobuo Uematsu is now a freelancer from Square.

With the sequels and prequels stuff, even Sakaguchi never wanted things like that. Each FF game is a complete story in it's own right, and should be left as is.

In regards to remakes... I'm of the If it aint broken, why fix it? school of thinking. True, consoles these days are more powerful and graphically superior than the earlier consoles, but to those who've played the games on those earlier consoles, some may like the new changes, others may not. Besides, with remakes the company is on rather icy ground, to market the remake to not just a new market, but to try and hook those who played them before (personally, I actually prefer the original versions than the remakes, but that's just my opinion).

Final Fantasy VII... a lot of people have claimed that this game was the one which brought the RPG genre out from it's niche market into the mainstream audience. I suppose that's true... from a certain point of view. FFVII is a good game, but after all these prequels and sequels, plus the movie, I admit I've lost a lot of respect for FFVII, because Square is just 'whoring' itself out.

Granted, these companies make games to make money for themselves, but where do you draw the line? When is enough, enough? Let's face it, Square has held the 'crown' of RPG royalty for awhile now, but how long can they still remain 'King of the Hill'?

And as I've said before, Square joining forces with that damn Mickey Mouse organisation... do I hear the bell tolling the end for Square?

12-21-2006, 02:30 AM
Two posts ago you were claiming you're older than me, now you're merely assuming. Make up your fucking mind and once again, pix or it didn't happen.


He's probably not posting a pic of his driver's license since he probably doesn't have one in the first place.

I know I've been away from these forums for awhile, but the rate of noobs which join up here, my god, is there a noob convention around or what?

There really isn't a noob convention going on...more like a few noobs trying to redefine themselves under different screen names.

12-21-2006, 02:32 AM
I'm still laughing.... mostly at the fact that one of Joby's Myspace pictures is a replica of Cloud's Buster Sword with the caption; "This is the sword i truely want! 52'' with a 4'' width. Hell. Yes."

But anyway, this ones pretty good...

12-21-2006, 02:35 AM
Note the tire tracks...someone's gonna do a drive-by shooting to show him that swords are a bit outdated.

12-21-2006, 02:55 AM

I was bored, I had the picture in PSP while I was making Joey's siggy, it was too tempting. But it's LOL.

12-21-2006, 03:25 AM
Twilight: "junior?" wow...
so, i'm curious... you claim to hate noobs so much, yet seiryuu is a noob to. and i don't see you going against him...
ah well, such is the way of a hypocrite.Yes, I am a noob. You rubbed off 1/100th of your noobness on me. Nice going to knowing what a fucking noob is.

oh great, another one...
ok, i do not dislike the staff here, i only one thing about them. and that is that they created a site with forums to talk about final fantasy. and they allow people from all walks of life and all view points to come together.
i'm just saying you and a few others are only out for attention, your the ones who find you satisfaction by putting down others. possibly from similar life experiences.I only one thing?

ok, how bout when people think of FF they are (were?) reminded of it's style of a turn based system. one side of people are lined up against another side. i'm hoping you know what i'm talking about... you could go out and buy street fighter or zelda or whatever, where you could be a moving character in combat. FF is about turn based attacks. if i wanted to play a game that had real time combat, i'd pick up something like.. oh i don't know, Halo, or HL2, or that really fun new game, Gears of War... that was fun!
anyway, i wish they'd stick the the normal style, rather than turning it into this new age crap with pretty boys and highschool emo's.Last time I remembered, they did that in X-2, only 3D.

k, the dressphere system sucked. because it was dresses. i don't want to play dress up with barbie dolls, especially in a game name that has to do with slaughtering monsters. once again, the class change might be a good thing for in battle, but i'd rather have it feel better. i'm not comfortable with it.So then, you'd rather have it be called classpheres?

arg, yuna with guns... honestly... the main weapon was dual pistols! it is always a sword... thats just common. and what the fruit is up with her, she had a staff, and suddenly she can perfectly weild guns...
vincent, irvine, and that other guy... they all made it look cool. not with yuna... not her...Suddenly? You have no idea of the interval between the two games?

so basically you're admitting to being an asshole? i'm just reading what you wrote!So basically you're admitting you're some illiterate noob who can't type or read? I'm just reading all of your context!

Jolly, you too can also be branded an idiot.
that is all, i don't need to explain my personal life with you.
Make a point about FF and i'll talk to you. We're in an FF forum not a "joby's psyche" forum

Ok, two people now. third times a charm. lets see one more person follow in suit with twi and haz, then i will explain. but again, this is about FF and not my personal tastes.can be cancelled by
I like Cloud, he's cool. FF7 was the best game everLast I remember, those were opinions right Joby?

lol, i believe that would require what we humans call 'sex'
and it will take awhile to pump out more Joby's, but hang tight and you'll see em.

Lol, twilight, i acctually find humor in your insults. they make me laugh cause they are funny to see. not because they are wrong, but because they are funny and big and stuff.
anyway, who the hell was SIN. a giant ball of frickin water!

I am assuming my age is above yours. we'll see....You got dropped on the head when you were a baby, didn't you. Actually, that was Spherimorph, except it was a gel-like substance.

Congratulations on lacking knowledge in other Final Fantasies other than VII, fanboy.

Or was it fancunt?

jewess crabcake
12-21-2006, 03:35 AM
My God honestly, does he enjoy this? I thought I got it bad this guy just your run of the mill annoying cunt, sorry to be blunt but you deserve everything you get, what have you contributed to this site besides a one-sided battle and guess what you aren't winning.

12-21-2006, 05:28 AM
Thought you were going to stop posting here? Get your head out of your ass.

12-21-2006, 05:55 AM
My God honestly, does he enjoy this? I thought I got it bad this guy just your run of the mill annoying cunt, sorry to be blunt but you deserve everything you get, what have you contributed to this site besides a one-sided battle and guess what you aren't winning.Lol.

12-21-2006, 05:57 AM
No, he means Joby.

12-21-2006, 09:24 AM
Joby makes me roffle. It's really amusing how he thinks things are the way he says they are because he says they're that way. Even when others contradict him and actually explain themselves intelligently.

12-21-2006, 06:01 PM
Zomg, I missed so much...

Joby makes me roffle. It's really amusing how he thinks things are the way he says they are because he says they're that way. Even when others contradict him and actually explain themselves intelligently.

He is talking about his opinions...and of course his opinions are they way they are because he says they're that way! How else would we know for a fact what his opinions are? (Unless you can read minds or something...>> << >>)

The problem is that you guys are taking his opinions too seriously!! Don't take them as if he's trying to generalize and say a fact...
He isn't...! He's defending himself now because those really ARE his opinions, but you guys might be mistaking that as defending them because he believes they're general facts.
He doesn't believe this applies to everyone...much less does he believe it applies to you. >>

When you start taking someone's opinions as facts, it's misleading...and people start defending their opinions by saying facts that are of a "generalizing" nature (because things like "I personally like this game etc etc" isn't good enough for you guys).
But those sorts of statements aren't really their reasoning in the first place. You guys are trying to ask for things that they can't offer (reasons for "why their dislike or enjoyment of the game can be generalized"...they don't have those, because their personal dislike or enjoyment exists because of personal reasons...), and that's why they start pulling things out of thin air, because of your pressure. laugh at them...for them giving you the things you asked them for....

12-21-2006, 06:46 PM
Twilight, first of all, i saved that cloud pic because it's rather hilarious. you'r not a bad artist with the mouse/touch pad. i got mad first, but het hey, thats acctually pretty funny!
anyway, you're typical. Instead of fighting, you throw insults, there is no boundries to how far you're insults would go. i could give you my credit card info, and you would, just to be funny, max it out.
as funny, and yet harmless, you are, i can't imagine why you'd act so immature. oh well, graztz on the pic, i will post up as i like it!

Very well put, I couldn't say it better myself.
the only thing i could find to disagree with you is that they aren't just out for money. they are also out to give the world a new type of FFVII. one which is a horrid distortion of the original.
Maybe they know this and are cashing in on it, so maybe i have nothing to disagree with you on?

there doesn't apperar to be anything else here to talk back about... seiryuu, i couldn't find any thing relevant in your response.... oh well.

edit: wow norse... wow. that made me think...
alot of you guys are in fact sitting there and telling me i'm wrong. while, your own opinions could be wrong. so who's to say who is right? you think that what you say is right, yet i say what i say is right.

12-21-2006, 07:02 PM
alot of you guys are in fact sitting there and telling me i'm wrong. while, your own opinions could be wrong. so who's to say who is right? you think that what you say is right, yet i say what i say is right.

But you see, "we" actually give a bit of reasoning behind our opinions, whereas you just spam "ZOMG DRESSSPHERE SUX0RZ LOL!1!"

the only thing i could find to disagree with you is that they aren't just out for money.

Except for the minor fact that Squeenix is a business, and the entire point of a business is to make money. The easiest way for Squeenix to make money right now is to cash in on the rampant worship of FFVII with sloppily-made spinoffs and sequels.

12-21-2006, 07:06 PM
Except for the minor fact that Squeenix is a business, and the entire point of a business is to make money. The easiest way for Squeenix to make money right now is to cash in on the rampant worship of FFVII with sloppily-made spinoffs and sequels.

no, this is not entirely true. Why does FFVII AC exsist? because fans wanted it. and either they told the company, or they are the company. and then it got made... in a hell hole, with oozing demons and stinking piles or feces... AC came forth and cried in a horried shrill "loooooove meeee!"

12-21-2006, 07:23 PM
You really don't get it, do you? AC was made because Squeenix knew it would sell. And that is the bottom line in business: what sells. Claiming anything else is disingenious at best, completely idiotic at worst.

12-21-2006, 08:27 PM
edit: wow norse... wow. that made me think...
alot of you guys are in fact sitting there and telling me i'm wrong. while, your own opinions could be wrong. so who's to say who is right? you think that what you say is right, yet i say what i say is right.
Listen fucktard, your opinions are bullshit, they're baseless and retarded. You have given us no facts to backup your opinion or make us consider something otherwise.

We gave you reasoning and intelligence for our opinion, not to mention facts on why you're such a Sephiroth humping fucktard. But now it's just amusing to insult and laugh at you because you're clearly too dense to realize what the fuck you're talking about. You claim to know why they made Advent Children and you think you know what you're talking about when it comes to the gaming industry but you really have no idea.

Keep your opinions to yourself if you can't back them up with something reasonable. We're not demanding you give us paragraphs of epic facts or something mind blowing, just some reasonably understandable. With that said, I highly suggest you find other forums to pester because your credibilty here is lost and you'll most likely get flamed if you post elsewhere.

Also, grammar and spelling skills are not hard to aquire, you usually get them somewhere around 4th grade. I've mentioned this before but you've clearly disregarded it...

12-21-2006, 08:55 PM
Fatal error: cannot find opinion database prefix 'joby_'
Fatal error: cannot back-up opinion database

12-21-2006, 09:04 PM
Lollin &hearts; &hearts;

12-22-2006, 02:04 AM
Actually, I remember him saying him self that our education level must not be higher then a second or fourth grader, when he can't even type a correct sentence.

Pull your head out of that dark cave, called your ass, and stop bullshitting yourself.

12-22-2006, 02:15 AM
I can't believe this guy. I've been away for a while but I had no notion people like this still existed.

First he alienates half the forum by dissing women main characters, then proceeds to bullshit his way through seven pages of complete and utter baby spew. Don't suppose he likes Tomb Raider or Resident Evil movies, does he?

What really amazes me is that he's here at all, what with him saying he doesn't care about the forum much.

You have my full support Twilight, and I salute all of Jolly Rancher's comments too. You've said all I wanted to say.

You know what they say about toddlers behaving badly? Ignore them. I know I will. I refuse to devote my time to more than this one post in this thread. People might get the wrong idea and think it's important.

12-22-2006, 02:39 AM
edit: wow norse... wow. that made me think...
alot of you guys are in fact sitting there and telling me i'm wrong. while, your own opinions could be wrong. so who's to say who is right? you think that what you say is right, yet i say what i say is right.Yes, but see, we don't go around dissing women, and how [said game here] sucks, and so on...

backed up by your giant e-penis.

12-22-2006, 03:11 AM
I'm lovin' how this thread is turning out...yet another waste of space being show his place by multiple intellectuals.

jewess crabcake
12-22-2006, 03:18 AM
Actually intellectuals would know to leave the cunt alone, this is more like 'yet another waste of space being show his place by multiple bullies with high vocabs.' Not an insult so nobody start flailing and bitching, I believe got wht he deserved after the 10th post.

12-22-2006, 07:17 AM
Actually intellectuals would know to leave the cunt alone, this is more like 'yet another waste of space being show his place by multiple bullies with high vocabs.' Not an insult so nobody start flailing and bitching, I believe got wht he deserved after the 10th post.

It's up to the intellectuals to show the cunt his place, who would do so otherwise? Other cunts would be the only other option.

12-22-2006, 10:41 AM
Actually intellectuals would know to leave the cunt alone, this is more like 'yet another waste of space being show his place by multiple bullies with high vocabs.' Not an insult so nobody start flailing and bitching, I believe got wht he deserved after the 10th post.

Three things.

One--Who asked you?

Two--You'd know a lot about being proven an incompetent fool.

And three--What exactly do you know about being "an intellectual?"

12-22-2006, 03:57 PM
Actually intellectuals would know to leave the cunt alone, this is more like 'yet another waste of space being show his place by multiple bullies with high vocabs.' Not an insult so nobody start flailing and bitching, I believe got wht he deserved after the 10th post.yes we r stupid cuz we hav mor fun ;)

Therefore, we aren't intellectuals.

We have fun. And unless he gets on his sorry ass and apologizes, the Fires go on.

jewess crabcake
12-22-2006, 06:11 PM
Lol like attracting moths to a flame. I knew that someone would respond, he outcome is lower than expected though.

12-22-2006, 07:14 PM
You're still an incompetent fool who almost never contributes anything of note to any threads whatsoever. People respond to your crap because, well, it's crap, and you spew it frequently.

jewess crabcake
12-22-2006, 07:24 PM
Whoa this is a turn of events, I didn't think anyone was persistent enough to try to justify being, 'had'. Ok I spew shit and your post is??

12-22-2006, 07:47 PM
Seeing as folks on FFS nearly always respond to crap, one of your posts getting responses shouldn't be a surprise. If you honestly think yourself clever for it, then you're even more ignorant than I thought. Since you're clearly too stupid to get it, the practice of posting crap just to get a response is known as "trolling," and is almost never welcome. Since you're too slow to make the connection, you just proved yourself an asinine stirrer of crap. How's that for being "had?"

jewess crabcake
12-22-2006, 11:18 PM
Whoo! the insults keep on coming, come on Dr.Phil care to analyze some more? You think you can justify your responses? You can't, also insults, are in no way a justifiable point. Trolling don't make me laugh I put my input that's it, I just knew that some playground thugs just wanted to flash around vocab at an attempt at a laugh. It's like going to school with a ridiculous looking shirt, you know some ass is going to come out the woodworks just to comment his blunt, uneccessary, opinion, where I come from we call that a bully prove me wrong. It's just funny to me after 6 months of FFS everybody seems so predictable. I've proven nothing, just that only bullies attack for no reason youre jut a cyber bully. Hows that for being "had"?

12-23-2006, 12:38 AM
Alright, sorry for being away so long, I know I was missed.

Chunk, my hats off to you.

For you complete dumbasses who regaurd yourselves as "intellectuals" give me a break! You're completly the opposite! A wise person wouldn't sit there and show everybody how smart he is by putting everyone down.
You simply enjoy being called great for stepping on other people.

Now, if you really want to continue this idiotic ramble about how 'I is smarter than you is" then start another frickin' thread. This thread is about what the title implies: Final Fantasy Declining
The main villian was a giant ball of water in FFX. and don't tell me it wasn't cause I played the damn game all the way through, and I don't intend to do it again. A ball of damn water is stupid. I don't care what the reasons for it are.
Well... unless like, a ninja was running around it all the time to keep it in one ball, that'd be cool.

12-23-2006, 12:44 AM
The main villian was a giant ball of water in FFX. and don't tell me it wasn't cause I played the damn game all the way through, and I don't intend to do it again. A ball of damn water is stupid. I don't care what the reasons for it are.
Once again, it's not even a "ball of water", you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sin is an invincible armor made from pyreflies that Yevon used gravity magic to surround himself with you moron. Not to mention Sin isn't the main villian.

jewess crabcake
12-23-2006, 01:03 AM
Do you mean Sin, Braskas Final Aeon, Or Yu Yevon, Becaue Yu Yvon is not made of water he's a blue spirit.

12-23-2006, 01:16 AM
Do you mean Sin, Braskas Final Aeon, Or Yu Yevon, Becaue Yu Yvon is not made of water he's a blue spirit.
He means Sin.

anyway, who the hell was SIN. a giant ball of frickin water!

Lil' Sain
12-23-2006, 01:19 AM
wow jolly.. an insult and thats all? no defense?
Let's see less insuting, and more disproving. Otherwise, you're saying I'm right, and you wouldn't want that now would you?

just ignore jolly he's mean to everyone but i agree with u

12-23-2006, 01:23 AM
For you complete dumbasses who regaurd yourselves as "intellectuals" give me a break! You're completly the opposite! A wise person wouldn't sit there and show everybody how smart he is by putting everyone down.

Correct, but so incorrect at the same time. A wise person would only put people down who deserve it, which is exactly what people have been doing here.

The main villian was a giant ball of water in FFX. and don't tell me it wasn't cause I played the damn game all the way through, and I don't intend to do it again. A ball of damn water is stupid. I don't care what the reasons for it are.

Obviously you haven't read this post:

Joby makes me roffle. It's really amusing how he thinks things are the way he says they are because he says they're that way. Even when others contradict him and actually explain themselves intelligently.

For example, I could say; "Elephants are pink and eat pineapples that grow out of their asses, and don't tell me it isn't true," but that doesn't make it true. You are a mindless FFVII fancunt, and that is true since earlier posts have confirmed this. Try listening to Twilight, you may learn something. Sin is NOT a ball of water. This ( is Sin. I'm sorry, but you lose. Discussion over.

12-23-2006, 03:09 AM
For you complete dumbasses who regaurd yourselves as "intellectuals" give me a break! You're completly the opposite! A wise person wouldn't sit there and show everybody how smart he is by putting everyone down.
You simply enjoy being called great for stepping on other people.And... you're wise?
Don't make me laugh; who was the one who thought sword-wielding women should be abolished? Is that the work of an "intellectual" by your standards?

Now, if you really want to continue this idiotic ramble about how 'I is smarter than you is" then start another frickin' thread. This thread is about what the title implies: Final Fantasy Declining
The main villian was a giant ball of water in FFX. and don't tell me it wasn't cause I played the damn game all the way through, and I don't intend to do it again. A ball of damn water is stupid. I don't care what the reasons for it are.
Well... unless like, a ninja was running around it all the time to keep it in one ball, that'd be cool.Kind of funny, since you should change it to some other appropriate title, since you brought this on yourself.
I also discovered that you're senile. Tell me, where was this ball of water found? Play it again.

Or can you?

12-23-2006, 03:46 AM
Alright, I didn't much care for FFX, and my memory of it must be flawed. But i remembered water, and a large ammount of it coming at a small beach village.
So congrats on your first win, Sin was not a giant ball of water. But then why do i remember a giant ball of water flying towards zanarkland?
But he was still a retarded main villian. And, the main villian is the villian you fight for the greater part of a game, I recall fighting Sin the most...
I still think Kefka and Sephiroth are better evil villains for a story. Hm... was Seifer or th Edea the main baddie for IX? meh, even the last guy for FFI was more evil and scary than Sin.

Now then, Sain, i finally get to meet you, and seeing as you didn't insult me first thing, your okay! These other guys are probably just assholes to anyone they can be? that could include the president, or the pope.

Ok, next, Tidus still looks like a girl. and correct me if i'm wrong, but guys look like guys and girls like girls. So why is he so pansy looking?
And i still have a problem with the absence of a drivable airship as well as an overworld.
Hm, Auron was pretty cool...

And for you guys who keep saying you 'won' or that the disscussion is 'over'
you make me laugh, if it were over, then why continue posting?
Also, grammer and correct punctuation have little to do with a debate.
you can understand what i'm saying right? if you didn't then you wouldn't be responding...

Darth Revan
12-23-2006, 03:57 AM
Sorry... but seeing as how FFX has reared it's ugly head... (I'm probably gonna get flamed over a nice furnace for this post... lol) Now the following is all just the opinion of a person going crazy... for no reason whatsoever... lol.

I freely admit not to being a fan of FFX or FFX-2 (for reasons I have made known in numerous threads over the time) and even now still shudder when I look at it.

I mean, the story starts out with Tightass... sorry, I mean Tidus, appearing in another world and tries to figure out what's going on. Half through the game, he's narrating the story, then turns out that he wasn't even real, but a construct of the Fayth.

Then with FFX-2, Yuna running all over Spira, looking for sphere's because she saw an image of a man resembling Tidus in one. The whole dress sphere grid... in theory I suppose it was alright, but IMO I didn't like it.

And no overworld map... *sigh* it was just wrong not to include it.

After playing those two games... my passion for the FF games has dropped quite a bit. I am returning to the series, with FFIV as well as FFXI Online (Thanks to a friend of mine), so a part of me is hoping to see good things come from Square.

However... I don't think I'll ever return to be the 'fanboy' I used to be, as I've grown away from them to a degree.

Just hope Square doesn't stuff up it's legacy by milking the FF franchise to death... but the way they're going now....

12-23-2006, 04:00 AM
Xiahou, you are more cautious than I. But I bet you'll be flamed. If not, then I bet if you had posted that as a new thread, you'd be in a similar situation as my own.

12-23-2006, 04:17 AM
Alright, I didn't much care for FFX, and my memory of it must be flawed. But i remembered water, and a large ammount of it coming at a small beach village.
So congrats on your first win, Sin was not a giant ball of water. But then why do i remember a giant ball of water flying towards zanarkland?
But he was still a retarded main villian. And, the main villian is the villian you fight for the greater part of a game, I recall fighting Sin the most...
I still think Kefka and Sephiroth are better evil villains for a story. Hm... was Seifer or th Edea the main baddie for IX? meh, even the last guy for FFI was more evil and scary than Sin.Try playing the game again and seeing for yourself.

These other guys are probably just assholes to anyone they can be? that could include the president, or the pope.Last I recall, presidents or the pope don't waste time on forums like these (i.e. video game forums).

And for you guys who keep saying you 'won' or that the disscussion is 'over'
you make me laugh, if it were over, then why continue posting?
Also, grammer and correct punctuation have little to do with a debate.
you can understand what i'm saying right? if you didn't then you wouldn't be responding...Grammar and correct punctuation are in fact, quite important, regardless of where you are. Should I also mention the fact that people are becoming illiterate by the day?

Note the difference between "Go, get him doctors!" and "Go get him, doctors!" and tell me you see it.

12-23-2006, 04:22 AM
I don't want to play the game again, if you hadn't noticed that...
also, in regaurds to the rest of you crap:
shut your frickin mouth.

12-23-2006, 04:24 AM
I know you don't want to play.

Can't take the heat?

Shut up and cry me a river.

Should I also mention that acting like a crybaby means you "lost"?

12-23-2006, 04:35 AM
I said I wouldn't post in this thread again, but I can't help myself.

What does all this have to do with the thread title?

The only thing declining around here is Joby, which sounds too much like Moby, and boy do I hate him.

Joby, I've been playing FF for years now, and although I haven't been on this forum long, I think I can safely say that Square has never been stronger. FF isn't going anywhere. Sorry to squash your accuracy.

No, wait. I'm not.

Cheers Warheads, I'm grinning now.

12-23-2006, 04:42 AM
Seir, who's acting like a crybaby? far as i can tell it is you and a few others.
If I were so insignificant to you all, then why is this thread now 8 pages long? why do you keep replying?
I thought i was a bug to you?

Malph, FF is declining in story and gameplay.
Square is obviously not any stronger, if it were then it would still be named Square, and not Squarenix. they are trying to appeal to this foolish new age garbage. They had an excellent run, but the crowd they sold to has grown up, so they had to change to fit you people... the generation who wants everything in shades of gray, rather than purely right and wrong.
This change of hats has dropped their long time popularity to that of a hollywood star. which is to say, people like it one time, then move on to the next. While the early FF's are classics still sought after (GBA's FF I and II)

Darth Revan
12-23-2006, 04:45 AM
Joby, I've been playing FF for years now, and although I haven't been on this forum long, I think I can safely say that Square has never been stronger. FF isn't going anywhere. Sorry to squash your accuracy.

I'm not choosing sides in this 'debate' thing going on, but from this remark about Square 'has never been stronger'...

True, Square is top dog at the moment, but nothing lasts forever. Square lost a lot of revenue with the movie The Spirits Within, and joined forces with Disney and assimilating Enix into themselves to try and recoup those losses. Now it may not be until 6 months from now, or it could be 5 years from now, but eventually FF will fall from grace and be replaced by another title.

12-23-2006, 04:45 AM
But he was still a retarded main villian. And, the main villian is the villian you fight for the greater part of a game, I recall fighting Sin the most...
I still think Kefka and Sephiroth are better evil villains for a story. Hm... was Seifer or th Edea the main baddie for IX? meh, even the last guy for FFI was more evil and scary than Sin.
Jesus fucking christ, get it through your thick skull, Sin isn't the main villian you moron, nor does Sin have a gender. You fight Sin twice throughout the entire game, now if you knew what the fuck you were talking about, it's pretty damn obvious you fight Seymour on multiple occasions (About 4 times in all) and you should be saying he's the main villian if you're following your own standards.

Kefka is admirable, Sephiroth is fucking stupid, and Seifer/Edea aren't even in Final Fantasy 9 let alone the main villians in 8. Get your shit straight you incompetent cum guzzling fucktard.

Also, grammer and correct punctuation have little to do with a debate.
you can understand what i'm saying right? if you didn't then you wouldn't be responding...
Umm, I don't know if you noticed, but you look like a fucking retard when you type like one. Not to mention uneducated. This may be the internet but it does matter is most circumstances, get used to it.

I'm done with this moron. I have better things to do, have fun with him guys.

jewess crabcake
12-23-2006, 05:52 AM
A couple things umm, WTF is Joby talking about his posts have landed in more than a swarm of flies. Your posts seldom link to what you were previously talking about. Have you played FFX? I mean any imbecile can tell you the main Boss was Yu Yevon, The Final Boss in my eyes was BFA, as the fight with Yu Yevon is just to foward the plot.

12-23-2006, 06:27 AM
Seir, who's acting like a crybaby? far as i can tell it is you and a few others.
If I were so insignificant to you all, then why is this thread now 8 pages long? why do you keep replying?
I thought i was a bug to you?You must not be self-aware, seeing as that crybaby and insignificant apply to you. Why I keep replying? It's because you're an annoying dipshit that needs to be taught a lesson on being reasonable.

A couple things umm, WTF is Joby talking about his posts have landed in more than a swarm of flies. Your posts seldom link to what you were previously talking about. Have you played FFX? I mean any imbecile can tell you the main Boss was Yu Yevon, The Final Boss in my eyes was BFA, as the fight with Yu Yevon is just to foward the plot.While it could be BFA, it was so goddamn retarded (i.e. Trio of 9999 at 20,000 HP=Good job, SquareEnix, for making a stupid goddamn easy boss), that they might have had hell Seymour Flux or Yunalesca be the final boss.

12-23-2006, 06:32 AM
Yunalesca was a complicated to fight. But good, interesting battle nonetheless and it triggered a great plot point.

12-23-2006, 06:34 AM
I especially liked the way she dressed.

Just joking. I hated her Mega-Death.

12-23-2006, 10:00 AM
Smarties (the irony of that usernick), it's no longer funny how you just don't get it. Ever. You troll with your usual nonsense in a thread that had enough problems as is, then act as if you've proven something when you were called on your crap. You ought to know by now that you're going to get called on when you spout nonsense on FFS. But since you obviously don't, perhaps you should get a freaking clue as to what you're talking about before you try proving any sort of point.


Chunk, my hats off to you.

:eye: Was that sarcasm?

In an attempt to get back on topic (or at least a step in that direction), I still haven't seen any real proof of your claim. Okay, so you didn't like X or X-2. I didn't like X, either. But all I've seen is "I don't like these games!" And from what I've seen, it isn't a quality of the game(s) question, it's a personal preference question. "ZOMG DRESSPHERES R LAME!1!" doesn't mean a game is bad.

12-23-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm done with this moron. I have better things to do, have fun with him guys.

All talk and no walk. Idiot

Anyway, screw you people, I didn't want to refresh any memory of that crap named FFX... but here I am, reading the plot.
Oh god... stupid Bahamut... was a freakin' little kid! Seriously, this shows absolute weakness, not the strength of one of the strongest monsters/summons of every FF.
I recall all the summons/eons/whatever. I didn't like how they were dressed up so much, like waaaay to many rings and feathers and crap. I thought Bahamut was a dragon? he looked like a pansy with feathers.

K, anyway, turns out I was right on my first assumptions. Tidus is still a girly man, and the plot was that if you had enough 'new age' thought and broke from tradition, you could defeat the great evils!
I hate when they apply political messeges into stories...

Yeah, Tidus didn't even exsist technically... pfft.
I would just rather have a hero who was trained and knew what the heck he was doing. Rather than have some sporty kid who held a sword for the first time when he got it from Auron or something.

You must not be self-aware, seeing as that crybaby and insignificant apply to you. Why I keep replying? It's because you're an annoying dipshit that needs to be taught a lesson on being reasonable.

Bwahahaha! Yeah, I need a lesson. you're acting like a twerp. But, i agree with you mostly about the final boss.

Was that sarcasm?

No, it wasn't. You made a valid point and didn't step on anyone to do it. You're more mature than many of these other guys here.


Couldn't have said it better myself!

Using dresspheres was like playing dress up. I equpied my Yuna Barbie doll with a sword and then guns! Oh and check out that hair style! O my gawd!
Once again, the class change in mid battle is a nice idea, and could be impletmented well, but not with cutesie gals.
FFX-2 was a terrible product that should have stayed in the minds of fanboys. When a company begins to whore itself out, that means they are going under. It is much like a rock star who is burning out turning to drugs to keep himself going.

12-23-2006, 09:16 PM
You know, in Scotland, a joby is actually a slang word for a turd.

12-23-2006, 09:27 PM
Joby, you sound so emotional about your opinions on FFX.

12-23-2006, 10:27 PM
Anyway, screw you people, I didn't want to refresh any memory of that crap named FFX... but here I am, reading the plot.
Oh god... stupid Bahamut... was a freakin' little kid! Seriously, this shows absolute weakness, not the strength of one of the strongest monsters/summons of every FF.
I recall all the summons/eons/whatever. I didn't like how they were dressed up so much, like waaaay to many rings and feathers and crap. I thought Bahamut was a dragon? he looked like a pansy with feathers.WRONG. That was the fayth of Bahamut, not Bahamut himself. Bahamut was "dreamt" up by the fayth.

Yeah, Tidus didn't even exsist technically... pfft.
I would just rather have a hero who was trained and knew what the heck he was doing. Rather than have some sporty kid who held a sword for the first time when he got it from Auron or something.Ah yes, we all know that old cliche. And guess what? It's. Just. So. Unoriginal.

Bwahahaha! Yeah, I need a lesson. you're acting like a twerp. But, i agree with you mostly about the final boss.God, you sound like that obese guy in X-2 with that laugh. -_-
I act like a twerp, but that doesn't mean that I am one. Why do I act like one, you ask? Here's the culprit. (

Using dresspheres was like playing dress up. I equpied my Yuna Barbie doll with a sword and then guns! Oh and check out that hair style! O my gawd!
Once again, the class change in mid battle is a nice idea, and could be impletmented well, but not with cutesie gals.
FFX-2 was a terrible product that should have stayed in the minds of fanboys. When a company begins to whore itself out, that means they are going under. It is much like a rock star who is burning out turning to drugs to keep himself going.zomg the berserkers in FFV wear wolf costumes. OMG DEY R KILARZ!

I don't see you complaining about FFV, now, do I?

Or is it because you get turned on by 3d models and not sprites?

12-23-2006, 10:53 PM
Undoubtably. And it will continue to do such until they put Yoshitaka Amano in charge of character design again. With the exception of IX, I've played every main stream FF game, and I truly enjoyed the first six games. I even fooled my self into enjoying the first disc of VII. However, after playing the second disc, I realized the game wasn't going to get any better, much less to the greatness of previous Final Fantasy games. I played VIII, and it was even worse! It felt more like a soap opera then a game! Then I played X... the battle system was better then VII or VIII, but it was still far too easy compared with easier titles, and the story line was horrible. Then, I played XII, and it was certainly better than the rest of the recent games, but it was still a below average game. Then, I played the remake of FFIII, and was sorely disappointed. They took a great game, and made a complete mockery out of it. Better graphics? Yeah, but the game play suffered a thousand times worse than the graphics flourished.

12-24-2006, 02:12 AM
Couldn't have said it better myself!

I don't appreciate being quoted out of context. Sigh. Anyway, you still haven't shown how the games have truly declined, only that your rigid sensibilities were offended because Squeenix did things differently. You obviously dislike the game(s), and that's perfectly fine. When you spout off that the game was crap because of your offended sensibilities, you haven't a leg to stand on, and like I've said already, you're going to be called on for it on FFS. If you think there was something broken about the gameplay, or a plothole or poorly done element of the story (poorly done does NOT equal "I didn't like..."), then do bring those up. Otherwise, you're just ranting, and you're just asking for abuse and/or flames.

jewess crabcake
12-24-2006, 04:51 AM
Smarties (the irony of that usernick), it's no longer funny how you just don't get it. Ever. You troll with your usual nonsense in a thread that had enough problems as is, then act as if you've proven something when you were called on your crap. You ought to know by now that you're going to get called on when you spout nonsense on FFS. But since you obviously don't, perhaps you should get a freaking clue as to what you're talking about before you try proving any sort of point.


Umm you can try to reword into as many shapes as you'd like but the fact is you're a common bully, actually no you're an eBully. So you think being in a place called FFS entitles you, to a demeanor as a pack of theives. This is just like Lord of the Flies lack of authority has brought out the violent imbecile in you, except because it's FFS you think it's justified and you are relinquished of being a value to society. What good could possibly come of what you are doing, would you like my lunch money as well?

12-24-2006, 05:08 AM
OH NOEZ, I GOT CALLED A BULLY! Since your head is too far up your self-righteous butt to notice, I'm only a jerkoff to folks who deserve it, like you. I'd really like to know what value you think you're serving in your off-topic shenanagans and AtomNarmor-ish rants.

jewess crabcake
12-24-2006, 05:43 AM
OH NOEZ, I GOT CALLED A BULLY! Since your head is too far up your self-righteous butt to notice, I'm only a jerkoff to folks who deserve it, like you. I'd really like to know what value you think you're serving in your off-topic shenanagans and AtomNarmor-ish rants.Way to oxymoron you are a jerk-off to people that deserve it? Being a jerkoff is being a blatant ass and complete disregard of all society. Also notice how I never adressed you but you took it upon yourself to assault me. Also prove to me how insulting someone who doesn't confront you is even justifiable. You are either hot-headed by natureor just ignorant to life when you touch a keyboard.

12-24-2006, 05:59 AM
Way to oxymoron you are a jerk-off to people that deserve it? Being a jerkoff is being a blatant ass and complete disregard of all society.

Correction: a person is not defined by what he does, but by how people percieve it (i.e. Chunky's only a jerk to those who percieve his statements as such)

12-24-2006, 06:01 AM
Being a jerkoff is being a blatant ass and complete disregard of all society.

Graduate high school before lecturing about society kthx.

Also notice how I never adressed you but you took it upon yourself to assault me. Also prove to me how insulting someone who doesn't confront you is even justifiable.

Um, you did address me, Einstein. That's why I came back so bloody hard on you. So I really don't have to prove anything, do I?

You are either hot-headed by natureor just ignorant to life when you touch a keyboard.

You ever hear of getting fed up with somebody's crap? Evidently not. As I've said already, try graduating high school before you start making like your some expert at life.

BTW, great job on ignoring the part of my last post where your value is questioned. Self-righteous jackass much?

jewess crabcake
12-24-2006, 06:10 AM
Actually you initiated this whole thing.

Actually intellectuals would know to leave the cunt alone, this is more like 'yet another waste of space being show his place by multiple bullies with high vocabs.' Not an insult so nobody start flailing and bitching, I believe got wht he deserved after the 10th post.

Three things.

One--Who asked you?

Two--You'd know a lot about being proven an incompetent fool.

And three--What exactly do you know about being "an intellectual?"

Lol like attracting moths to a flame. I knew that someone would respond, the outcome is lower than expected though.

You're still an incompetent fool who almost never contributes anything of note to any threads whatsoever. People respond to your crap because, well, it's crap, and you spew it frequently.

Only an imbecile would consider what I said lecturing, and if you don't know enough about society so much that you think my post is a lecture maybe you'd do well to have a refresher on life.

Well you can continue to get 'fed up' all you want. And stop these shenanigans you aren't fed up you are boed and this is how you get your kicks. You lack abackbone don't try to justify immorality.

Once again you mistake self-righteouness with a sense of morality much?

12-24-2006, 06:30 AM
Actually you initiated this whole thing.

Seeing as I was one of the folks posting in this thread to begin with, yes, you did address me. Even if you didn't specifically use my name. Then when you start your "LOL I KNEW SUM1 WUD REPOND 2 DIS!!" nonsense, the gloves came off.

Well you can continue to get 'fed up' all you want. And stop these shenanigans you aren't fed up you are boed and this is how you get your kicks. You lack abackbone don't try to justify immorality.

Oh wow, you really read me like a book, there. Guess I should just throw up a white flag. Yeah, that was sarcasm. By the way, It's rather humorous how you suddenly start playing this moral highroad card only once AtomNarmor has a flurry of posts.

Once again you mistake self-righteouness with a sense of morality much?

Do everybody (yourself included) a favor and get off your high horse. BTW, since you're a little confused as to what self-righteous actually means...clicky. (

Anyway, since you must have missed it while cruising on your high horse the first two times I brought it up, what value have you brought, exactly, to these forums?

12-24-2006, 06:39 AM
Augh, another ass joins the topic.
Umm you can try to reword into as many shapes as you'd like but the fact is you're a common bully, actually no you're an eBully. So you think being in a place called FFS entitles you, to a demeanor as a pack of theives. This is just like Lord of the Flies lack of authority has brought out the violent imbecile in you, except because it's FFS you think it's justified and you are relinquished of being a value to society. What good could possibly come of what you are doing, would you like my lunch money as well?It seems you can't understand English, so I'll help you out there, to make you look smart, k?

omgz im n ebully cuz i r teh sukz at lief. i r a lord ov da fies parson! wut gud haz chunky gav us? teh demanorsz 2 git ridz of sex-crazed ppl lolz. i dunt want 1 cent nub lolololz.

Way to oxymoron you are a jerk-off to people that deserve it? Being a jerkoff is being a blatant ass and complete disregard of all society. Also notice how I never adressed you but you took it upon yourself to assault me. Also prove to me how insulting someone who doesn't confront you is even justifiable. You are either hot-headed by natureor just ignorant to life when you touch a keyboard.


a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in �cruel kindness� or �to make haste slowly.�so reily wut ur sayingz iz dat ur a blatant ass? nice lol. u r ignorant to real life even wifout tuching a kibard.

Only an imbecile would consider what I said lecturing, and if you don't know enough about society so much that you think my post is a lecture maybe you'd do well to have a refresher on life.

Well you can continue to get 'fed up' all you want. And stop these shenanigans you aren't fed up you are boed and this is how you get your kicks. You lack abackbone don't try to justify immorality.

Once again you mistake self-righteouness with a sense of morality much?aha so urz jobick! u say da same things (of coz wif moa terible grammarz).

K, that's the end of my nub talk to make Smarties look intelligent. If you couldn't understand what I posted, PM or say so in this post!

jewess crabcake
12-24-2006, 06:33 PM
Seeing as I was one of the folks posting in this thread to begin with, yes, you did address me. Even if you didn't specifically use my name. Then when you start your "LOL I KNEW SUM1 WUD REPOND 2 DIS!!" nonsense, the gloves came off. You've condemned yourself here, I never addressed you I made a vague statement, and told nobody to take it personal, but you felt I somehow antagonized your charachter? Either you have a shallow character or you are an eBully, and you do this for fun verbally assaulting someone who does not make contact with you is never justifiable. In life you have the agressors the defenders and the neutrals notice how all the other members didn't take time to respond to this but you took it upon yourself to 'show me how much of an incompetent fool I am'. Notice how you didn't prove me wrong, if you really thought you're intellect more superior you wouldn't even initiate this discussion, or you just like yanking people down below you, your whole sense of accomplishments is built on the backs of those who you think you are putting down. I know what self-righteousness is but you are mistaking self-righteousness for a sense of morality.

Oh wow, you really read me like a book, there. Guess I should just throw up a white flag. Yeah, that was sarcasm. By the way, It's rather humorous how you suddenly start playing this moral highroad card only once AtomNarmor has a flurry of posts.
AtomNamor is a proud member of my ignore list he seldom makes sense, which is why I don't address him taking the moral high-ground. Sound familiar? Plus every joke, or sarcasm in this case, has a bit of truth in it.

Do everybody (yourself included) a favor and get off your high horse. BTW, since you're a little confused as to what self-righteous actually means...clicky.

Anyway, since you must have missed it while cruising on your high horse the first two times I brought it up, what value have you brought, exactly, to these forums? I don't have to bring anything to this Forum just watchful eyes and a message for those who want to listen. You don't establish a primitave nature on a forum site. I don't seek dominance or put myself on as a spectacle for all to enjoy as some boisterous bullies do just for the 'har hars'.

P.S. Lol'ing at Seiryuu pathetic attempt at comedy it'd be funnier if I could understand you. Try retyping that. I would engage in a discussion with you but I fail to see he reason why you're just looking for a laugh and your few seconds of fame, and I'm no longer playig court jester. Need a laugh go look at Dane Cook on YouTube, or Christopher Tidus.

12-24-2006, 06:41 PM
pathetic attempt at comedy it'd be funnier if I could understand you. Try retyping that. I would engage in a discussion with you but I fail to see he reason why you're just looking for a laugh and your few seconds of fame, and I'm no longer playig court jester. Need a laugh go look at Dane Cook on YouTube, or Christopher Tidus.Sorry, that's as dumb as I can get: I can't make it easier for you, Joby.

12-24-2006, 10:39 PM
oh crap, there is alot more stuff to read, i missed this page 9... jeez, guess i'm not so insignificant after all?

WRONG. That was the fayth of Bahamut, not Bahamut himself. Bahamut was "dreamt" up by the fayth.

Of course! Bahamut had NOTHING to do with the little kid! how could I be so blind?
Dipwad... who the hell did the kid relate too? don't answer that, i'll tell you. It was Bahamut, the dragon. the usually powerful summon in an FF game. Something that is powerful should be represented in a powerful way. Power includes being dangerous, so things that would hurt are dangerous. feathers are not dangerous...
And i looked at the summons list for FF12... there was no bahamut. I assume they've completly left the FF story layout and gone for something new and dislikable.

zomg the berserkers in FFV wear wolf costumes. OMG DEY R KILARZ!

I don't see you complaining about FFV, now, do I?

It's cause i never played FFV all the way through. last thing i got to was the ship wreck, and i lost interest. Though i liked the story, i just never came back to it.

Oh Mario, tread carefully, these guys will burn you bad if you don't agree with there flawed beleifs....

I don't appreciate being quoted out of context. Sigh.

i mean only respect for chunk...

Anyway, you still haven't shown how the games have truly declined.

Because Square is whoring itself out to the people who will buy it. They have thrown away tradition and good stories only to make money. If you are going to entertain someone, entertain them, don't sell your name off.

that is why

12-24-2006, 10:44 PM
Of course! Bahamut had NOTHING to do with the little kid! how could I be so blind?
Dipwad... who the hell did the kid relate too? don't answer that, i'll tell you. It was Bahamut, the dragon. the usually powerful summon in an FF game. Something that is powerful should be represented in a powerful way. Power includes being dangerous, so things that would hurt are dangerous. feathers are not dangerous...
And i looked at the summons list for FF12... there was no bahamut. I assume they've completly left the FF story layout and gone for something new and dislikable.Usually? Feathers aren't considered powerful? So then lizards 1 foot big are powerful because they do 2 damage and birds who do 700 damage and cause every single status effect in the book aren't?

12-24-2006, 10:48 PM
what about beaks and claws and size?
Bahamut was very small in FFX, and looked like a kindergraden class vomitted glitter, feathers, and felt all over him

Oh, no one really made any points in the above stuff, just useless squabbling over who is the smartest retard

12-24-2006, 10:52 PM
what about beaks and claws and size?
Bahamut was very small in FFX, and looked like a kindergraden class vomitted glitter, feathers, and felt all over him

Oh, no one really made any points in the above stuff, just useless squabbling over who is the smartest retardWow, we have another person who thinks size=power.

Oh, many people really did made useful points in the above stuff, just that it's too vast and intelligent for you, a jock, brain's to comprehend.

12-24-2006, 11:02 PM
Wow, we have another person who thinks size=power.

Oh, many people really did made any useful points in the above stuff, just that it's too vast and intelligent for you, a jock, brain's to comprehend.

sometimes size equals power, sometimes not.
virus are microscopic, yet difficult to deafeat.
oth: bigger things are more powerful: Dinosaurs, swords, cars, animals.

And no one made any points relevant to the topic at hand in the above.

You call me a jock? hope you have some proof to back that up, cause it makes no sense.

12-24-2006, 11:05 PM
sometimes size equals power, sometimes not.
virus are microscopic, yet difficult to deafeat.
oth: bigger things are more powerful: Dinosaurs, swords, cars, animals.

And no one made any points relevant to the topic at hand in the above.

You call me a jock? hope you have some proof to back that up, cause it makes no sense.Or probably you're just too near-sighted to notice.

Jock? Wanna know the reason? Simple. Go here (, sign up, and search for "Jock" in the search window.

12-25-2006, 02:57 AM
Seiryuu, you are a wizard. Your piss-take on Smarties has left me gasping for air.

But I must agree that this rant has gone on long enough. I'm adding you to my buddy list. Joby, on the other hand, is added to the ignore list. Suddenly the pages are so much shorter and cleaner.

12-25-2006, 02:58 AM
I'm honored.

12-25-2006, 06:26 AM
AtomNamor is a proud member of my ignore list he seldom makes sense, which is why I don't address him taking the moral high-ground. Sound familiar? Plus every joke, or sarcasm in this case, has a bit of truth in it.

That's laughable, as you've been either channeling him or flat out parroting his crap all along this ruin-a-thread joyride. I've seen at least one exact quote from him, and most of everything else could have come directly from him. At any rate, are you any less of an "eBully?" What's the difference between "I'm smarter than thou" and "I'm holier than thou?" You're trying to run me down just to make yourself feel all righteous and high and mighty. Anyway, I'm through with your drivel. I've said my peace, and par for the course for you, you either didn't get it, or you intentionally ignored it.

They have thrown away tradition and good stories only to make money.

Are the stories actually bad or did they just upset your sensibilities? There is a difference, y'know. As for tradition--there were more than enough FF-isms in both FFX and X-2 to hold up "tradition." The fact of the matter is, things change. Technology is evolving, and with it, games are evolving. Sticking fast to "tradition" as you would have it would doom the series, as all but the most hardcore FF fankids would move on to fresher, greener, newer pastures.

12-25-2006, 07:52 PM
Alright, sorry for being away so long, I know I was missed.

Chunk, my hats off to you.

For you complete dumbasses who regaurd yourselves as "intellectuals" give me a break! You're completly the opposite! A wise person wouldn't sit there and show everybody how smart he is by putting everyone down.
You simply enjoy being called great for stepping on other people.

Now, if you really want to continue this idiotic ramble about how 'I is smarter than you is" then start another frickin' thread. This thread is about what the title implies: Final Fantasy Declining
The main villian was a giant ball of water in FFX. and don't tell me it wasn't cause I played the damn game all the way through, and I don't intend to do it again. A ball of damn water is stupid. I don't care what the reasons for it are.
Well... unless like, a ninja was running around it all the time to keep it in one ball, that'd be cool.

You're right, I love stepping on other people and seeing how uptight they get over the internet, and yet how weak you are.

12-26-2006, 08:55 AM
Final Fantasy Declining
More like Final Fantasy Section of the Forums Declining.

12-26-2006, 06:30 PM
More like Final Fantasy Section of the Forums Declining.Nah, it's opening poster's reputation declining.

12-26-2006, 07:40 PM
Nah, it's opening poster's reputation declining.

what reputation?

12-26-2006, 07:41 PM
Of being some beginner at these forums and you know; acting like a total bastard.

12-27-2006, 06:50 PM
Because 82 posts makes you a wizened old Shriner. Riiight.

12-28-2006, 02:37 AM
Yes it does. :P

Let me rephrase it then; the decline of one who thinks he is right.


12-28-2006, 09:22 AM
I joined this forum just so I could post in this thread. I agree with Joby entirely regarding the quality of Final Fantasy games since FF8. FF7 and FF8 FTW. FF9 wasn't so bad, but I haven't been able to play through a FF game since then. What happened Square? what happened...

12-28-2006, 09:32 AM
I'd just like to add that, like Joby, I also dislike Advent Children. I feel that it, like the recent FF games, strays away from the "feel" that the original Final Fantasy 7 had. I guess many of you wouldn't understand what Joby and I mean when we say the "feel" of a Final Fantasy game of old, but to old-school Final Fantasy purists such as myself, the new games just aren't the same as they once were...

12-28-2006, 10:25 AM
if you want the "old-school" something pre-FF7

12-28-2006, 02:40 PM
I'd just like to add that, like Joby, I also dislike Advent Children. I feel that it, like the recent FF games, strays away from the "feel" that the original Final Fantasy 7 had. I guess many of you wouldn't understand what Joby and I mean when we say the "feel" of a Final Fantasy game of old, but to old-school Final Fantasy purists such as myself, the new games just aren't the same as they once were...

Since zetsumei didn't exactly do this one justice, I'll step in to fill the gap.

First of all, the retardedness of this post is hilarious. I can only suppose that this imbecile didn't even play FFI-VI, since FFVII was a tremendous departure from the truly old-school games in the series. It was made to be a shameless mass-market cash cow. Awfully ignorant for a self-proclaimed old-school purist, aren't you?

12-28-2006, 02:56 PM
FFVII was made to be a game to bring in money to Square Enix, like all game companies hope there games will do. Consumers made FFVII a shameless mass market cash cow. I know for one I am.... not guilty. SUCK i downloaded FFVII Advent Children subbed off the net, just like all my anime. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

And Kidicarus, just because FFVIIAC doesn't feel like FFVII to you, doesn't mean it's a bad movie. Think of things such as storyline, script, music, graphics: technical and artistic design and all the shit like that.

12-28-2006, 03:06 PM
And Kidicarus, just because FFVIIAC doesn't feel like FFVII to you, doesn't mean it's a bad movie. Think of things such as storyline, script, music, graphics: technical and artistic design and all the shit like that.

Right, those are the things that truly make it a bad movie.

12-28-2006, 06:35 PM
I'd just like to add that, like Joby, I also dislike Advent Children. I feel that it, like the recent FF games, strays away from the "feel" that the original Final Fantasy 7 had. I guess many of you wouldn't understand what Joby and I mean when we say the "feel" of a Final Fantasy game of old, but to old-school Final Fantasy purists such as myself, the new games just aren't the same as they once were...You're starting to remind me of those old geezers who can't stand them "technology" these days.

12-29-2006, 08:06 PM
Heya folks! How was Christmas for ya? I had an excellent Christmas! Friends, family, and food. All great!
What did you guys get for presents? I got seasons 1-5 of Twenty-Four! Yay!

Ok, hate to make this one post so giant with a ton of quotes, but meh.

Are the stories actually bad or did they just upset your sensibilities? There is a difference, y'know. As for tradition--there were more than enough FF-isms in both FFX and X-2 to hold up "tradition." The fact of the matter is, things change. Technology is evolving, and with it, games are evolving. Sticking fast to "tradition" as you would have it would doom the series, as all but the most hardcore FF fankids would move on to fresher, greener, newer pastures.

I disagree, there were not as many 'FF-sims' in X and beyond to really call it tradition. To many things were changed. They discarded what was good for what is popular. Popular things are not always good..
And if FF stuck to their old ways, they could still profit. To me, a good story is more important than making money. If you want to make money, then work for it. Don't spew out garbage with fancy labels on it.
Maybe the problem is that they've made their money and no longer need to try to make better games. (Many original sotries are great, the sequels to them are almost never as good)

I joined this forum just so I could post in this thread. I agree with Joby entirely regarding the quality of Final Fantasy games since FF8. FF7 and FF8 FTW. FF9 wasn't so bad, but I haven't been able to play through a FF game since then. What happened Square? what happened...

Kidic, i would profess my love to you if Jack Bauer didn't already have my heart.
Anyway, thank you. It is rare to find someone with a true veiw of right and wrong.
It seems that Square has sold out, and is now pasting the label of FFVII onto things to sell them... sigh...
If I may ask, what is it exactly you dislike the the most about FFVIIAC?
I can't stand the 'new' Cloud...

And Kidicarus, just because FFVIIAC doesn't feel like FFVII to you, doesn't mean it's a bad movie. Think of things such as storyline, script, music, graphics: technical and artistic design and all the shit like that.

Well, firstly off, it was a bad movie for bastardizing the FFVII name. That is in fact one of its problems: it didn't feel like FFVII.
Then secondly, yes it was awesome to watch buildings being cut in half, and yes it was awesome to see these amazing fight scenes. But the story still blew chunks. Honestly! Cloud saved the world, and now he's working for a delivery service!? I'm sorry, but a hero doesn't live as a normal nobody. He would have been highly recognized by most everyone. I mean, seriously, he traveled the world and helped push back a ginormus meteor. (Oh and lived through a super nova, lol!)
Things don't connect right in the story of the movie, and even if you had started off from FFVII AC and then told the stroy of FFVII, people wouldn't care. They'd have already moved away from the story because it's one of those toss em and leave em kind of movies.

hey, Kidic, stick around here, people like you are slowly vanishing from this world, settle in and take up arms against these lost people.
One more thing, give my thanks to Twilight for that nice picture she drew, she's a good artist, and a lousy debater.

12-30-2006, 07:46 AM
For some reason I picture you as a Trance Kuja wannabe...
As for the movie, did anyone really expect a great story from that movie? All people wanted was that 1 and a half hours of Final Fantasy FMV quality CG! No one gave a shit about the story. There was remixes of old favourites, our favourite characteres in an all new look and great fight scenes. What more do you want?

12-30-2006, 11:10 AM
And if FF stuck to their old ways, they could still profit.

Okay. I'm sick of this wankery. If you're going to spam your opinions, at least try to back them up. If Squeenix truly "stuck to their old ways" with FF, then we'd still be playing sprite-based, 2d, uber-slow games with little more than shell of a story and characters with names no longer than four letters.

To me, a good story is more important than making money.

Which is exactly why you aren't in the business of making video games. The entire point of a business is to make money, as I've said at least once. If you can't (or won't) see that, then don't bring the subject up.

I disagree, there were not as many 'FF-sims' in X and beyond to really call it tradition. To many things were changed.

Too many things were changed by what standard? Since you want FF to "stick to its old ways" so bloody badly, then I assume you're upset about Bahamut being a summon monster instead of an NPC. Or the fact that the characters actually look like, y'know, people. Or that Lulu (the black mage) isn't wearing a big floppy hat that makes her look like Orko.

JFTR, if you consider FFVII to be "old-school" in any way, shape, or form, then you automatically fail badly and rightly deserve any and all flames you've received and/or will receive.

12-30-2006, 06:37 PM
And if FF stuck to their old ways, they could still profit.How? Did you know some people buy games just for their graphics?

To me, a good story is more important than making money.These two quotes contradict each other!

12-31-2006, 01:53 AM
Whoops... wrong quote. XPPP

Move along. Move along.


12-31-2006, 03:50 AM
JFTR, if you consider FFVII to be "old-school" in any way, shape, or form, then you automatically fail badly and rightly deserve any and all flames you've received and/or will receive.

Wrong-oh cyan!
you're need to realize things aren't always in shades of gray. there is black and white.
I am more than happy that they would go and make the poeple look real. i love the beautiful graphics, the astounding and pretty cinematics, the voices. it all brings a sense of realism to the game. but, there is a point where realism is not suposed to be in game. taking turns in battle for instance.
But what they are doing is selling to people who are not happy unless everything is fast and entertaining.

besides, my main focus is not the mechanics of the game. it is the story line.
so rethink my post in terms of story, and not upgrades to gameplay.

These two quotes contradict each other!

um.... what the hell are you babbling about?
the point was originally to make a good story and present it to the world. what are games for!? entertainment! why would we buy them? because they are entertaining and interesting. if they weren't then why would we buy them?
FFX and beyond is not entertaining, thus, i won't buy em.

If a person writes a stroy, or creates a game, they are thinking about how much people will like it and want to have that story.
the people who write and create for the sole purpose of revenue do not get ahead as much as the ones said above. you are looking for money, not approval.

So, christmas! how was it for you guys? no one has said anything, did you have a bad time?

12-31-2006, 06:33 AM
You know, if you dislike final fantasy so much, why join a final fantasy forum?

Trance Kuja wannabe!

12-31-2006, 06:47 AM
Joby, please don't hurt yourself.

Companies want to make money. And if that means degenerating a storyline into turd, and upgrading graphics, fine by me.

12-31-2006, 07:12 AM
besides, my main focus is not the mechanics of the game. it is the story line.
so rethink my post in terms of story, and not upgrades to gameplay.

If you're really that worried about story, then drop your controller and read a freaking book already. Having a good story is all well and good, but gameplay trumps story every time. Since we're talking about story, though, you've completely failed to tell us why these "newfangled stories" are actually bad. All you've shown us are your violated prejudices.

Wrong-oh cyan!

You're so full of crap that I think my computer is beginning to smell, just from loading your garbage. You've proven that you've no clue whatsoever just what "old-school" is in terms of FF. You've also shown complete ignorance of the gaming industry and brought up irrelevant things you've no way of actually knowing. Next time you wish to make a point, try having a clue as to what you're talking about.

12-31-2006, 10:22 AM
Why does anyone try talking sense into this pleb? It's plain as the keyboard under your fingers that this Joby character has absolutely nothing of any worth to contribute to these esteemed forums. You'd have better luck trying to start a civilised conversation with a wall.

On the whole story thing, (coming from a published author too, btw) let me add my wisdom.

A good story needs characters with wants, needs (not necessarily the same as his/her wants), and a flaw. Characters need to interact, have their own purposes, etc. Ignore the annoying Random Encounters for a moment, and look at the big picture. The later games have better storylines than the originals. My favourite is FFVIII, for my own reasons. I don't wail and curse about how annoying the draw/junction system is; it really isn't that bad anyway (not for true fans). The story, Squall, and Seifer are what fascinate me, and fuel my unending imagination for my own stories. Squall has a want, a need, and a flaw; which is more than I can say for our nameless four in Final Fantasy I.

So Joby. Just what the smeg are you on about?

My point is made. Case closed, I'm moving on.

::walks into distance whistling softly, without looking back::

12-31-2006, 04:56 PM
If you're really that worried about story, then drop your controller and read a freaking book already. Having a good story is all well and good, but gameplay trumps story every time. Since we're talking about story, though, you've completely failed to tell us why these "newfangled stories" are actually bad. All you've shown us are your violated prejudices.

True! And Final Fantasy has great love storys as an added bonus :)

And Malphregor, I know why you like FFVIII!
*Starts singing*

Whenever sang my songs
on this stage, on my own...
Whenever said my words
Wishing they, would be heard~~~

And Joby, stupid Trance Kuja wannabe, what do you mean the storys aren't good. They are fucking brilliant. Lets see you try to create a story with deep characters who all have a mission and interact with each other flawlessly, an involving and exciting storyline and most important a ending that leaves you happy and satisfied.

01-01-2007, 02:57 AM
Companies want to make money. And if that means degenerating a storyline into turd, and upgrading graphics, fine by me.

then you are a lost soul... storyline is key. gameplay is key. you can't drop either of them.

tetris has no storyline, yet it is fun. thats because it was based off game play. FF is based off story, and that is why the FF's have been so great. but it seems they've changed the story (into this new age garbage) and then throw in new mechanics to game play.

On the whole story thing, (coming from a published author too, btw) let me add my wisdom.

::walks into distance whistling softly, without looking back::

so because you're a published author, i should value your opinion? ha!
it's not difficult to publish a book, or to write a story.
what is difficult is to write a story and have people want to have it cause it's good.
little kids show off their little blue first place ribbons, adults show off much grander acomplishments.
so put your ribbon away, unless you can show me that your published story is good enough to be recalled.

also, does this mean that your going away? cause that'd be really nice, a hit and run is cool. it means that you have given up, and are not accepting defeat.
kinda like twilight, uness she's just on vacation.

If you're really that worried about story, then drop your controller and read a freaking book already. Having a good story is all well and good, but gameplay trumps story every time. Since we're talking about story, though, you've completely failed to tell us why these "newfangled stories" are actually bad. All you've shown us are your violated prejudices.

even books can have bad stories and pretty covers...

and i have explained why the new stories are bad. and i don't really feel up to explaining it again, find my posts in the earlier stuff in this thread.

also, no, gameplay doesn't trump story. i explained this in the above stamement.
tetris is only about gameplay
FF is mainly about story.

also, what the heck? Trance Kuja? whats that suposed to mean? Kuja in trance mode... how does this relate to me?

01-01-2007, 03:37 AM
Trance Kuja was a notorious member here for reasons I can't remember. I do not know what happened to him.

And no I do not think the series is declining.

01-01-2007, 07:00 AM
Oh stupid Trance Kuja wannabe a.k.a Joby, I'm a published author, and I'm only 14! So you should VALUE MY OPINION. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH. Serious, I am. Check it out at shared stories 2006, only available in Australia though. FF is not just about story. It's about gameplay, music and graphics too. Why the fuck do you think they spent so much time developing ADB system, why the fuck do you think everyone loves the fmv's, and why the fuck do you think Nobou Uematsu is so damn legendary in the video game music industry? If you solely believe that Final Fantasy is just about story, man open your mind stupid Trance Kuja Wannabe.

Anyway ThroneofOminous, Trance Kuja was an awesome shriner who really stood up for what he believed in (no illegal downloads, support the artists etc.) And I agree, the final fantasy series is not declining. If you count trailers (thinking about the FF13 Versus one), the FF13 is looking up to be one hell of a ride!

01-01-2007, 08:06 AM
then you are a lost soul... storyline is key. gameplay is key. you can't drop either of them.

tetris has no storyline, yet it is fun. thats because it was based off game play. FF is based off story, and that is why the FF's have been so great. but it seems they've changed the story (into this new age garbage) and then throw in new mechanics to game play.You're a lost soul, for not understanding that people don't give a shit about story anymore: it's the graphics.

so because you're a published author, i should value your opinion? ha!
it's not difficult to publish a book, or to write a story.
what is difficult is to write a story and have people want to have it cause it's good.
little kids show off their little blue first place ribbons, adults show off much grander acomplishments.
so put your ribbon away, unless you can show me that your published story is good enough to be recalled.Guess what? I'm an "author" as well. You? An adult? Excuse me while I give off 100 decibels worth of laughter.

also, does this mean that your going away? cause that'd be really nice, a hit and run is cool. it means that you have given up, and are not accepting defeat.
kinda like twilight, uness she's just on vacation.You can give up, but not accept defeat? Please die.

even books can have bad stories and pretty covers...

and i have explained why the new stories are bad. and i don't really feel up to explaining it again, find my posts in the earlier stuff in this thread.Which amounts to nothing: good-little pampered asses like Joby have been dropped on the head when they were born, so...

also, no, gameplay doesn't trump story. i explained this in the above stamement.
tetris is only about gameplay
FF is mainly about story.Story? So then tell me: since "the most important thing is story", why did they need to change it? BECAUSE PEOPLE GOT BORED OF THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

also, what the heck? Trance Kuja? whats that suposed to mean? Kuja in trance mode... how does this relate to me?It means that after you finished wearing a thong, you make it red for an attempt to turn girls on.

01-01-2007, 10:23 AM
Yeah, I said I was done with this thread but I feel the need to step in and set some things straight, or at least attempt to because junior Joby doesn't understand some things or has yet to accept anything.

so because you're a published author, i should value your opinion? ha!
it's not difficult to publish a book, or to write a story.
what is difficult is to write a story and have people want to have it cause it's good.
little kids show off their little blue first place ribbons, adults show off much grander acomplishments.
so put your ribbon away, unless you can show me that your published story is good enough to be recalled.
Stating to be a published author is one thing but to back it up with something very reasonable and intelligent is another. What he's said is entirely true, along the lines of characters, etc.

If it's not difficult to write and publish, let's see you do it, along with proof of those grander accomplishments, considering you're an adult and all. But in any case, just because literature isn't well known or often recalled on doesn't make it any less better. I've read some wonderful under the table literature pieces whether it be a short story or some poetry; theres thousands of books out there that have yet to get the starlight they deserve.

also, does this mean that your going away? cause that'd be really nice, a hit and run is cool. it means that you have given up, and are not accepting defeat.
kinda like twilight, uness she's just on vacation.
I said I was done bothering with you and trying to reason. I held my tongue and haven't bothered for quite the amount of pages. I do, however, read everyones posts and it bothers me that you ignorantly criticize someone as fair as Malphregor, who hasn't insulted you as I have or argued with you as I have.

Not to mention how you have taken jabs at me while I haven't even bothered with you. I don't know what you're trying to prove and I don't really care but just cut it out, you're not getting an farther in your quest to put yourself above my reason. I still don't know why you haven't accepted some major points that have been made, considering you've been arguing with multiple people and they're all against you.

This isn't even about Final Fantasy anymore, it's blatent disrespect.

01-01-2007, 08:13 PM
4Guess what? I'm an "author" as well. You? An adult? Excuse me while I give off 100 decibels worth of laughter.

*hi 5* Us Authors have gotta stick together. It's a tough world.