hb smokey
12-13-2006, 11:21 AM
I was having this discussion, albeit shortly, with Raidenex a little while ago. He seems to believe it's a direct sequel to OoT, but all I'll admit is that TP has A LOT in common with Ocarina. For people who have played/finished the game, give your thoughts and try not to reveal spoilers if you can.

12-13-2006, 12:17 PM
I'm only about halfway through the game, but the main points I believe it takes place in the same 'world' as Ocarina of Time (albeit hundreds of years later) are listed here:

Spoilers ahead for anyone who isn't up to the 5th Dungeon.

1. Ganondorf has the power of the 'chosen one of the Goddesses', with the Tri-Force symbol on his hand; if you remember, Ganondorf gained this power in Ocarina of Time when Ocarina-Link (or, the Link of Time, which would be a really awesome way to refer to him) accidentally gave Ganon access to the Sacred Realm. When Ganondorf was banished at the end of Ocarina, it's my guess that he was sent to this place with the Twilight Mirror by the Sages, where the scene we see in the Gerudo Prison in Twilight Princess takes place.

2. When TP-Link (or Link of Twilight) is given the Hero's Costume, he is told that an 'ancient hero who saved the world' (or something to that effect wore the costume. Given that I believe the Ganondorf in this game is the Ganondorf from Ocarina, the 'ancient hero' would be the Link of Time.

3. At the fishing lake in the Upper Zora River, Hena has a picture in her hut of 'a famous Hyrule fisherman with the Hylian Loach; he may be my ancestor!'. This is a picture of the fisherman from Ocarina holding the Hylian Loach from Ocarina; chunky polygons and all.

If that is true, the fact that all the places have the same name might be more than a coincidence; this could, in fact, be the Hyrule of Ocarina seen many years later.

12-13-2006, 01:02 PM

Twilit Gohma!

Which you know, kinda of links TP to OoT, sort of.

Not really, but I thought that was kind of neat.

(Gohma is the boss in the Deku Tree in OoT if you didn't know)

:The spoilers end here jftr:

:so does the post:

12-13-2006, 02:52 PM

I've just rather blindly assumed from all the similarities that they are directly related, though I don't really know if that works out. One thing that has me a bit confused is the location of the Temple of Time. Assuming there is a relation, it being out in the woods must mean that Castle Town has been completely relocated. Of course, there's no indication that there was such a town near the temple. And then that creates certain geographical inconsistencies. I guess I simply have to write it off as being a sequel in spirit only.

12-13-2006, 05:35 PM
WHEW! thanks for the spoiler warnings peeps. i totally skipped this whole thread. lol :D

why am i replying then? no fucking clue. except i wish that idiot who spoiled ff12 for me dies and rots in hell. -_-

it was some stupid rant about why the cool chars get whatever and crap. fuck you bitch!

carry on. :D

12-14-2006, 12:12 AM
Yeah, please resist the urge to post unless you have something meaningful to contribute.

J. Peterman
12-14-2006, 02:38 AM
Sorry for this Raidenex. Won't happen again.

12-14-2006, 08:06 AM
:Spoilers maybe, I guess?:

Who is the sword technique trainer guy you meet throughout the game? I don't remember if he mentioned anything about who he was in the game (I'm thinking he did :X). Anyway, my point is he said something about him being a hero (I read it over a couple times, but I still may have read it wrong) when you learn the last technique. Is he Link or have I missed a major part of the story or what =/.

Doubtin' him on being Link though because somebody probably would've mentioned that by now~

12-14-2006, 09:51 AM
It could possibly be a sequel, in the loosest sense of the word.

I'll put a *spoiler* warning here.

Like previously mentioned, Ganondorf is an underlying part of the storyline, and the events in Ocarina of Time are alluded to as ancient history. The world, however, is far different from the more simple model of Hyrule we saw in OoT. The sages too, are not unique figures we saw in OoT. Was anyone else waiting to see if Saria&Co would make an appearance as sages after seeing the temple medallions?

Storywise, it felt like a sequel. But owing to how diverse and unique zelda games have been since OoT came out, it's getting more difficult to coin a true sequel.

An extraordinary game, nonetheless.

12-14-2006, 10:05 AM
~Definitley Spoilers for my whole post~

First of all Chewey, there is a lot of speculation going around about the stalfos being Link, pointing to the "my child" line among other things. I can't say I agree with that. I think he was just some other hero. Hyrule has had multiple heroes in its time besides Link (most notably Gustaf, mentioned in The Minish Cap's backstory), so that works.


When it comes to being a "sequel" or not I don't like that terminology. The only Zelda games that are sequels are: Zelda 2 (from LoZ), MM (from OoT), and the upcoming PH (from WW), and kinda the oracle games. Otherwise, they're all just part of one big timeline.

If you would rather not believe they are all in one timeline except for the sequels being their own timelines, that's fine. Don't bother reading the rest of my post.

I like to try to figure out how the games fit in a way that makes sense, and as someone who has beaten every Zelda game (except for WW, which I'm working on, and FS/FSA which I have no interest in but know the basic storyline), I think I'm pretty qualified. Anyways, the common thought these days is of the split timeline theory - for those who don't know, that's the belief that when Zelda sent Link back in time in OoT, it created two seperate Hyrules - one with Link as a kid (Hyrule A), and one without Link (Hyrule B).

Now, given that, without going into too much detail now (I will if you guys want me to), the timeline seems to go Minish Cap -> Ocarina (SPLIT)
Hyrule B: Wind Waker -> Phantom Hourglass -> Zelda -> Zelda II -> Oracle of something
Hyrule A: Majora's Mask -> Link's Awakening -> Twilight Princess -> A Link to the Past -> The other Oracle game

There's some sketchy things with this timeline, like all timelines have, but this one makes the most sense to me.

Anyways, we can count MM and LA as a side story, and some amount of years passed between OoT and TP. There's much evidence to support the fact that OoT and TP are directly connected in the timeline. First of all, either Aonuma or Miyamoto said they are, so that's a good sign. Then, there's the positioning of the Master Sword in the ruins of the Temple of Time in TP, where it was last left in the actual ToT in OoT. If you take into account the fact that everything was flipped to make Link right handed in the Wii version of TP, you'll see that the geography almost corresponds exactly with OoT's geography.


It is not inconcievable to think that when Link is brought back in time at the end of OoT, he warns the king about what Ganon will do, and what Ganon had done to the Deku Tree, the Gorons, and Jabu-Jabu. Thus, Ganon gets locked up in the place for the worst of criminals, the Arbiter's Grounds. When the sages realize that he somehow has the Triforce of Power, they think "os hit" and he tries to escape but is sent to the Twilight Realm via the Twilight Mirror. There he meets Zant and yadda-yadda-yadda, Twilight Princess happens.


So how did Gannondorf have the Triforce of Power? This is the haziest part of my belief, but it's reasonable to me. Obviously, in Hyrule A, Ganon never entered the sacred realm to split the triforce and get his piece. In Hyrule B, however, that event HAD happened. Link, before being sent back in time, was in posession of the Triforce of Courage. He gets sent back in time. In Hyrule B, this causes there to be no more ToC, but because there has to be three, a new one appears... but because there is no suitable host for it (and the other two had a host - Ganon in the sacred realm and Zelda), it shatters and that sets up more of Wind Waker. In Hyrule A, however, this new ToC comes in, so that causes the existing Triforce to be invalid. It splits to correct for this, making the old ToC dissapear, and sending the ToP to Ganon and the ToW to Zelda. Again, it's almost all inferred, but hey, it's time travel. :/

There's even further evidence for it fitting in there in the timeline as opposed to anywhere else, but most of those arguments are as a counter to those who claim TP falls in Hyrule B.

EDIT: Invisible Carrot posted while I was typing this.

The sages too, are not unique figures we saw in OoT. Was anyone else waiting to see if Saria&Co would make an appearance as sages after seeing the temple medallions?

There's a simple explanation for this if you're buying into the split timeline theory. In Hyrule B, Link had awakened Saria&Co, which is why way down the timeline I placed Zelda II, where the towns are named after the OoT sages. In Hyrule A, however, Link never did that. Thus, whatever sages there used to be, the ancient mysterious ones from TP, continued to be the Sages.

hb smokey
12-14-2006, 10:41 AM
Haha, all of that is so confusing and hard to grasp at points that I may not even care if Twilight Princess is a sequel to Ocarina of Time anymore.

EDIT: I just remembered this talking with Chewey.

Apparently the statues that you have to move later in the game resemble owls, and there was an owl in Ocarina of Time that made lots of appearances. Also, Malon and Talon lived on a ranch, but so do Malo and Talo basically. Coincidence with the names?


Ralias spends the last bit of the game at his father's graveyard. His father is apparently King Zora, because his mother said something like her husband 'made tunics for a hero of legends long ago'. And I believe his mother was dead in Twilight Princess, but Chewey claims Zant killed her. I totally don't remember that, but if anyone would clarify, I would appreciate it. If this is true, it means that Princess Ruto (OoT), and Ralias (TP) are brother and sister, just very far difference in age.


There are originally 6 sages that sealed Ganondorf away in the Twilight World, but he killed one of them before he was cast away. There are also the same number of sages in Ocarina of Time.


Impaz, the old woman in the Hidden Village, is almost certainly the granddaughter of Impa. She said that the Hidden Village was founded by her grandmother, and the people back then used to serve/protect the Royal Family. And, in Ocarina of Time, Impa is borned and raised in Kakariko village. But, during the 7 years that Link was asleep in the Temple of Time, Impa and Zelda hid. Perhaps Impa founded the Hidden Village in that time?


The Skull Kid plays Saria's Song when you get close enough to him. Remember there is also a Skull Kid in Ocarina of Time, and its logical to say that they are the same Skull Kid. He's been there so long, he knows the song by heart and plays it in Twilight Princess.

12-26-2006, 12:03 PM
reply to 3 musketeer.

what i don't get is that you placed in hyrule B windwaker first.
if i could remember in windwaker (played it 2 years back or so) there was a temple when you see a statue of the hero of time.
how could there be a statue of a link in hyrule B if there never was a hero in that hyrule?
i haven't played PH yet but you were stil busy with WW and i think yur past this already.
when i was playing TP i stood on the bridge of Lake Hylia and from the outside it look allot like when yur on the bridge of WW. couldn't it be that the events in TP are before WW? what then makes me confused about hyrule B and A
and if there would be a hyrule without a link wouldn't ganondorf yust rule over Hyrule?

also something that bothered me was that in Oot it was said that ''every 100 years a male ganon would be born''
shouldn't then be another ganondorf wandering around? cause it's going about the same ganondorf in every zelda he came in right?

yust some things that bothered me
hope you could have some answers to my confused mind^^''

12-26-2006, 07:14 PM
what i don't get is that you placed in hyrule B windwaker first.
if i could remember in windwaker (played it 2 years back or so) there was a temple when you see a statue of the hero of time.
how could there be a statue of a link in hyrule B if there never was a hero in that hyrule?

Link existed in that Hyrule. He saved the day in OoT - then Zelda sent him back in time.

and if there would be a hyrule without a link wouldn't ganondorf yust rule over Hyrule?

Nope, the beginning of WW makes it pretty clear that Link saved Hyrule, then Gannon came back, and instead of a Link popping up to save the day again, the people had to pray to the goddesses and that's how the flood happened

also something that bothered me was that in Oot it was said that ''every 100 years a male ganon would be born''
shouldn't then be another ganondorf wandering around? cause it's going about the same ganondorf in every zelda he came in right?

I have no good answer to this except that it's every 100 years a male gerudo would be born, so perhaps they're just insignificant compared to Gannondorf. Also, by the time TP and WW come around (on each side of the timeline), the Gerudo seem to be gone.

12-27-2006, 01:23 AM
it takes place in the time period between majoras mask an the wind waker.

12-27-2006, 01:24 AM
i think

12-27-2006, 01:28 AM

12-27-2006, 03:54 AM
Don't triple post. Use the edit button.

12-27-2006, 04:30 PM

01-26-2007, 06:32 PM

No, Twilight Princess is not part of the OOT storyline. At the very end, Ganondorf dies (doesn't make much sense why, he can't die with the Triforce). Therefore, there wouldn't be ganondorf for Windwaker, which is part of OOT. At the end of WW, he truly does die because he gave up the Triforce.

02-06-2007, 01:12 PM
By the way, what happened to the Kokiri tribe in Timeline A? In timeline B in WW you meet a sage called Fado that teaches you the Wind God's Aria, who defenantly is a kokiri, you can see it by his clothes and I think that he also tells you that. So in both time lines they just became extinct?

02-06-2007, 07:36 PM
I've come to the conclusion that Zelda is like FF. Each Link and each Zelda and Each Ganon and each Hyrule are all different from the last one. There may be something tying two or more together, but it's never enough to call one a sequel of the other.

02-06-2007, 08:22 PM
There is no direct relationship between any of the Zelda games beyond the Sequals like ZeldaII and MM.

The shade is a past Hero of hyrule but not Link he is too big for Link rememeber while Link might change a little here or there for the most part he stays the same. The triforce pieces were scattered by the Gods of light to protect it after they bansihed the Twili its not stated but its the only none sequal option to explain it. As for why Ganon Died in Tp he never healed from the sword wound he recived by the Sages its the Shining light you see on his chest so when Link defeats him it was too much for even the Triforce of Power to keep him alive.

Also in WW the reason the Triforce of courage splits was because the Hero Link who it hints heavily was OoT link left Hyrule and the Triforce didn't want that so it left him. That is stated in Game somewhere I think at the begining of the triforce hunt I am not too sure.

02-07-2007, 12:45 AM
I think it is meant to be... not a sequel, but more of a continuation if that makes sense. Because there's no characters from the original except Ganon (and possibly Zelda, but i highly doubt that every generation is called Zelda and looks exactly the same with exactly the same clothes). It wouldn't call it a sequel really, but it is very much related to OOT. Of course it does take place after OOT in the same land (although it's changed completely lol), so i guess you could call it a sequel.