12-11-2006, 09:57 PM
I need to find the magic powder so that i can release the blacksmiths brother and i need help finding the 4th maiden...any help would be greatly appreciated

p.s. i cannot go to video game sites cause i am behind a firewall so any help in the form of a reply to this would be great

12-11-2006, 10:25 PM
Im sorry, this discussion is not generalized enough.

12-11-2006, 10:42 PM
You don't use the magic powder to free the blacksmith's brother. Nintendo planted the secret inside the actual game cartridge, so all you do is break it open with a hammer, and then a piece of paper will come out and tell you what to do. It's a secret to everybody.

Memento Mori
12-11-2006, 10:44 PM
Has anyone else found it funny that someone came to FFShrine for Zelda advice? I was just curious...

12-11-2006, 10:45 PM
wow!!! you were it really people i need this help...i want to beat every zelda before i play the new one on christmas

12-11-2006, 10:50 PM
Did you check the castle? it's past the giant spiked-shell turtle and ax. You're going to talk to a talking mushroom, he'll tell you were to go.

12-11-2006, 11:15 PM
I suggest you try unplugging the nunchuck, then plugging it back in again.


12-14-2006, 03:23 AM
i forget where you get the magic, but its real early in the game. as for the 4th madian. look at the map.

12-14-2006, 05:00 AM
You have to play Saria's Song in front on Darunia.

Mario Kinnikuman
12-14-2006, 07:22 AM
GameFAQs FTW! (

12-14-2006, 10:15 AM
no no you gotta let the chandalier fall ON you there's a hole in it

Sri Krishna
12-28-2006, 02:59 PM
In the lost woods there's a mushroom. You take the mushroom to the witches hut and you get the powder in return.