12-11-2006, 04:30 PM
I downloaded some tracks from an official psp site somewhere. Though they only had about 8 of them.
So is anyone willing to rip the rest?

12-12-2006, 04:12 AM
I downloaded some tracks from an official psp site somewhere. Though they only had about 8 of them.
So is anyone willing to rip the rest?

All I have is the following:

Singularity final fight theme
Touchstone fight theme
Dark Mirror Action
Refinery Action.

Do you need any of those or did the site have them? If you need them, I can post a link for you.

12-12-2006, 12:16 PM
This site http://www.us.playstation.com/psp/downloads/ContentPack had those ones in the March content pack but it had more if you downloaded the April content pack. However they've removed it.
But seeing as I need to finish uploading GTA3 I'll upload the Dark Mirror tracks too.

12-12-2006, 11:57 PM
I see, well, I did attempt to rip the soundtrack when I saw the request, and figured they couldn't do it when I requested it, but Sound Studio has far too much static in the background, if I can eliminate that, then I'd be able to upload Dark Mirror's OST. Any suggestions?

12-13-2006, 03:40 PM
I was thinking of directly recording from the sound test of the locked files option of the game.
However there is a problem with this as it doesn't include all the music.
The ones I've noticed missing (which are my favourites) are: Touchstone's Theme (Remix), Iquitos action (alternate remix), San'a (both suspense and action remixes).
We do not need to worry about Touchstone's theme as it was availible in the download pack however the other three may have to be ripped while playing the level with sound effects off.

12-14-2006, 08:42 AM
I was thinking of directly recording from the sound test of the locked files option of the game.
However there is a problem with this as it doesn't include all the music.
The ones I've noticed missing (which are my favourites) are: Touchstone's Theme (Remix), Iquitos action (alternate remix), San'a (both suspense and action remixes).
We do not need to worry about Touchstone's theme as it was availible in the download pack however the other three may have to be ripped while playing the level with sound effects off.

Yeah, I saw some tracks missing as well. Another was the Kenmynth action theme before Red Jack, EM Commander's boss battle theme, *It's sort of a techno-ish remix to Boss Theme. Aside from that, the ones you mentioned plus Zygssthpart suspense *Touchstone's level,* and the suspense in AIT computer room and AIT computer room action, but hell, they came close, right? Guess they could only put 6 tracks per audio track file. They couldn't fill everything, probably because of all the alternate tracks that weren't in the game that they filled in. They were good and all, but I wouldn't have replaced them with the originals like they did, know what I mean?

12-14-2006, 09:41 AM
Actually i preferred the remixes as it harks back to the techno themes of SF 1-3. Plus they fit well in the game.
I'd rather have a firefight in Iquitos with the remix than the orchestrated version.
Though I did like the music of SF Omega Strain especially in San'a. The suspense music in that level really did make you keep you on your toes but also gave the feel of being in the middle of a desert at the same time.

12-14-2006, 11:04 PM
I requested this like a week ago... and no response... I am currently downloading the torrent... and if I can single out the audio files... I'm sure to let you guys know.

I also have the tracks from the website... but they weren't the ones I'm looking for. Didn't they know Zugspitze 3's action and suspense themes are the best? Apparently not.

Anyways... this thing won't be done downloading until the end of the century... I hope you guys can wait.

12-15-2006, 01:44 PM
I requested this like a week ago... and no response... I am currently downloading the torrent... and if I can single out the audio files... I'm sure to let you guys know.

I also have the tracks from the website... but they weren't the ones I'm looking for. Didn't they know Zugspitze 3's action and suspense themes are the best? Apparently not.

Anyways... this thing won't be done downloading until the end of the century... I hope you guys can wait.
I downloaded a torrent of the game before, but it was a CSO so I couldn't extract from it. I thought it was an ISO which I can extract from (which is how I ripped GTA LCS/VCS).
Plus after a quick search I couldn't find any CSO extractors.

12-15-2006, 06:31 PM
The one I'm downloading is zipped in a RAR folder... Is that a good sign?

12-15-2006, 06:37 PM
Well the one I downloaded was a RAR file, that when extracted from gave a CSO file. So it may be the same case for you.
But maybe yours contains an ISO instead.
Btw I was downloading the European Version.

12-15-2006, 06:42 PM
Effin' double post...

12-15-2006, 06:42 PM
I'm downloading the European version... more seeders.

But I found an ISO compressor/decompressor...
the people on the forum said it can decompress a CSO into an ISO... if you still have the game in your computer... there is still hope... if not... once I have it, I might need help extracting the audio files.


12-15-2006, 06:49 PM
I'm downloading the European version... more seeders.

But I found an ISO compressor/decompressor...
the people on the forum said it can decompress a CSO into an ISO... if you still have the game in your computer... there is still hope... if not... once I have it, I might need help extracting the audio files.

Soz I deleted it because I downloaded it at uni.
The audio files should be easy to find once the CSO has all the folders extracted from it. It's the conversion of the audio files to mp3 which will be a concern due to what format they are stored as.

12-15-2006, 06:51 PM
No problem... I need experience with this, anyways. :-P What format should I be expecting? .OGG or something?

12-17-2006, 08:57 AM
It finally finished downloading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it was a .cso

I'm going to have to decompress it...

So... sit tight, boys... syphon filter: dark mirror rip is coming up!

I hope...

12-17-2006, 09:49 AM
It's decompressed... but I can't understand anything.

I got like a bazillion different formats here...


I've got music files (confirmed, because they're in a folder called music) in a format with the file extension '.at3'

I NEED help if somebody wants these files (I do, for one.)

So... please help!


12-17-2006, 10:39 AM
Have you tried changing the . part of the file to m4a, or mp3?

Because if these are all the songs from dark mirror, you will be a f**king God to us. :P

12-17-2006, 08:28 PM
Changing the file extension is no good.... but was worth a try... but afters HOURS (unfortunately, I am not exaggerating) of searching I found something that will convert .at3 to .wav... and I already have a program that will convert these to .mp3
I'm guessing the soundtrack will be up by tonight. =)

12-17-2006, 10:54 PM
MP3's are done... but it appears that they are only the audio tracks you can see in the locked files.

KemSynth action theme before Red Jack is nowhere to be found!!!!

What are .skx files?


12-17-2006, 11:05 PM
Well, those files are perfect anyway, right? Btw, what file did you use to convert those tracks? If you want, I could try and rip the files that were missing, which, from the locked files, were only a few that I can list:

Refinery action/Before Red Jack.
Mara Aramov boss fight, *the one on the lock sounds like a different version.*
AIT computer room suspense and action.
EM Commander boss fight.
Touchstone's zone suspense.

But since those were the only ones missing, I think they'll be set, know what I mean?

12-17-2006, 11:12 PM
Yes, I do. We can always rely on someone to record those through the PSP's headphone jack. I can't because I don't have the proper equipment to do so.

Curious thing I found in the music folder... I found 8 tracks listed as "episode"
Once I heard them they sounded like a few pieces of The Omega Strain's soundtrack.

Anyways... I used Hi-MD Renderer after I installed SonicStage. This converts the .at3 files to .wav. Then I used dBPoweramp to convert them to .mp3.

I'm currently uploading all the tracks on Megaupload... it'll be done in an hour or so.

12-17-2006, 11:22 PM
Yes, I do. We can always rely on someone to record those through the PSP's headphone jack. I can't because I don't have the proper equipment to do so.

Curious thing I found in the music folder... I found 8 tracks listed as "episode"
Once I heard them they sounded like a few pieces of The Omega Train's soundtrack.

Anyways... I used Hi-MD Renderer after I installed SonicStage. This converts the .at3 files to .wav. Then I used dBPoweramp to convert them to .mp3.

I'm currently uploading all the tracks on Megaupload... it'll be done in an hour or so.

I never heard any tracks like that before. Hmm...did it say which episodes they were from? Or was it just listed as episode?

EDIT: Oh, and the damnest thing just happened. I had just recorded Mara Aramov's boss theme, and when I tried converting it from an aif file to an aac file, it didn't work anymore. Aif files worked like a charm, but were ridiculously large. What should I do?

12-17-2006, 11:26 PM
They were labeled one through 8... the same number of episodes (including the bonus levels) in the game. But the tracks are definitely from the Omega Strain.

12-17-2006, 11:30 PM
They were labeled one through 8... the same number of episodes (including the bonus levels) in the game. But the tracks are definitely from the Omega Strain.

Oh...I think I know what it means, because there were a few songs from Omega Strain put into Dark Mirror, like Mara's theme at the beginning of "Goodnight Sweetheart." Was that song one of them?

12-18-2006, 01:35 AM
Dark Mirror rip is now available at megaupload... check the links page.

12-18-2006, 01:43 AM
God bless you!!!!

Dude, you are a damn G.O.D.!!!!!!

Thank you sooooo much!!

And I'll try and get those last files for you whenever I can. Thank you so so so much!

12-18-2006, 01:12 PM
Well, those files are perfect anyway, right? Btw, what file did you use to convert those tracks? If you want, I could try and rip the files that were missing, which, from the locked files, were only a few that I can list:

Refinery action/Before Red Jack.
Mara Aramov boss fight, *the one on the lock sounds like a different version.*
AIT computer room suspense and action.
EM Commander boss fight.
Touchstone's zone suspense.

But since those were the only ones missing, I think they'll be set, know what I mean?
You missed off the Iquitos alternate action remix and San'a suspense and action remixes.
Plus those "episode" tracks are the 4 boss themes from SF Omega Strain.

Cheers for the link Escaler.

10-21-2008, 04:35 AM
This is a long dead thread, but I need to ask something. Escaler, the .skx files are audio files I think, and I cant open them. Do you know how? Thx.

10-21-2008, 05:10 AM
Kataah has made a complete rip with over 8 hours of music, will add it to next update.