Black Dragon
03-13-2002, 09:49 AM
I had Monday off so I was siiting on the couch watching Jerry Springer and I started scetching, and came up with this.
I call him a Psyonicist.

WARNING - Contains image that is unsuitable for people incaple of dealing with full frontal naked male artwork

I also drew this guy.....a Chaos Giant.

Hope you like.


03-13-2002, 12:02 PM
dude, you gotta to warn people about that!

full frontal male nudity

03-13-2002, 12:48 PM
man u been watching tv too much dude thats sick

03-14-2002, 12:16 AM
Well you should have warned us about the frank. Dispite that tho the drawings were good. Well done and all.

03-14-2002, 12:28 AM
:eek: *erk* :eye: doooood, that's not cool 0_0

03-14-2002, 01:28 AM
a bit to add. if you're drawing people like that, you should work on how you do the body. The muscles look to be "bracketed" off. Not sure how to say it. doesn't look right, though they are represented.

The second pic. Has that old PC look to it. neat.

Black Dragon
03-14-2002, 03:30 AM

Sorry if I offended you guys!

It is art, though. Not pornography.
It's not as though I've concentrated on the Johnson, guys!
I didn't realise that it would cause this sort of SCANDAL!


Come on... it's hardly offensive, is it?

Oh, and Rezo, the reason I drew the musculature like that was because I was trying to draw in the same style as Michelango.
The way it looks is different than what it looks like on paper, just a bad scan. You know, large and over-muscled bodies with small heads. I was trying to draw the connection between his style and comic super heroes. They really are very similar, it's just that Mike just used to be a better scultor than a painter. I personally think that a lot of Renaisance art is only a few steps away from comic art. I am a big fan of Renaisance art and find Mike is a favourite of mine.

As far as the Chaos Giant is concerned, what do you mean 'old PC look"? I'm not offended, I really don't know what you mean!
I drew it as a concept for a few miniature designs I am working on. I've drawn up rules for them to be used in Warhammer Fantasy. Now I'm working on the pics to go with the rules.
I'll try to post the finished prodict in my Web Page.

Thanx for everyone making me feel like a pervert, though.
Glad to get mature responses to a reasonable question.
I'll make myself clearer next time.


Black Dragon.

Oh, and I've edited in a warning. I should have done that. Sorry.
*runs away like a little girl*

03-14-2002, 05:10 AM
PC. personal computer game look. like say

I've drawn up rules for them to be used in Warhammer Fantasy.


D&D and the like, I wasn't sure what to associate it with.
shade the definitions of the muscles if you want to be like mike.

Glad to get mature responses to a reasonable question.

question? I don't see one anywhere.


Black Dragon
03-14-2002, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by rezo
question? I don't see one anywhere.


You make a good point.
There is quite obviously, no question.
I meant to write one, but didn't for some reason.
It was meant to go something like this...


'What do you guys think?'

I apologise for omitting this. I must have confused the heck outa you guys!

And, yeah.
I wanna be like Mike. The figures he drew always had obvious separation of the muscle structure. They were big slaves, and he could do it easily., whereas I recently killed off my last slave and are having to do my own cooking as a result.

Thanx Rez, anyway.
You rock!


Black Dragon

03-14-2002, 04:26 PM
Well you didn't confuse me, but you probably did to any younger,non artists here. If you were trying to be like Mike then, you did great drawings. I liked them, but they could have surprised some people. You should continue drawing, it looks great.:)

03-15-2002, 07:29 AM
nice..though I read the warning after seeing the pics... :D