12-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Since some other people were talking about it, and I didn't want to clutter up the thread with off-topic discussion anymore, I thought I'd start a guide for this Mark, now that I've taken it down.

<font color="red">Details</font>

18 - Paramina Run
Found in: Paramina Rift / Frozen Brook
Petitioner: Gurdy in the Sand-Strewn Pass of Mt. Bur-Omisace
Elite Mark - Rank V
Classification: ???

"Legendary chocobo of the purest of white Plumage. Though typically hunting in solitude in mountainous regions, it is ever a member of the Flock, coming to the aid of its kin when danger threatens. A chocobo wrangler who was the Victim of a band of Mountain Bandits and was saved by the Trickster could not resist petitioning a hunt for this rarest of Marks to wild enthusiasm from Clan Hunters across Ivalice."

Finding the Trickster: Once you reach Paramina Rift / Frozen Brook, Monid will show up and join, saying that he'll put up with just about anything to take down this Mark. At this point, you can start hunting for the Trickster. Note that there is a Save Crystal nearby on the path that leads to the Stilshrine of Miriam, so if you need, you might to want stop by there. If you leave and reenter, Monid may say that there's still no sign of it, or he may say that it's out. Either way, keep going around the area (maybe taking down some enemies while you're at it, particularly the Ice Elemental that gets in the way) and eventually Trickster will come out to play.

Tips: There are a lot of traps in this area. You may want to trigger some just to get them out of the way before fighting the Trickster. I like to cast Haste and Regen on my characters. You might also try Protect. BTW, if you hit the R1 button, you can cast spells on Monid as well.

Now, here are some things to know about Trickster. It starts out mainly with strong physical attacks, such as Wild Charge. Don't discount these --- heal a character with Curaga or whatever else you have right away if the character gets hit. And obviously, if anyone is KOed, revive them. Note that Trickster absorbs a lot of elements. If your characters are using weapons with an added elemental attack, switch weapons pronto. I mainly set my Gambits to Attack. At times, Trickster will shift his elemental weakness. As long as you're not using magicks, it's nothing to be concerned about. Trickster can run very fast and will also sort of disappear at times. Keep an eye on the mini-map and stay fast.

At around half HP, Trickster will use White Wind, rendering him impervious to all elemental attacks. A bit later on, he may start using Choco-Comet. At this point, it's time to start unleashing your Quickenings. I hope you have most, if not all of them learned. Select any one characters' Level 3 (or best available Quickening) and have away. I recommend The_Great's tips in the Mist Charges thread for useful advice on how to work Quickenings.

Okay, now once your Quickening chain is finished, the Trickster may still not be down. If he's not, then there's no time to tarry. As soon as possible, immediately switch out at least one, preferably two party members with ones in reserve. Assuming you haven't been using those reserve characters, they should have full MP. Immediately hit one of their best Quickenings and initiate a new chain. As long as Trickster didn't have time to put up Paling before you did this, this time Trickster should most likely go down.

If that didn't work, then your options are low. Trickster will put a Paling, which renders him invincible to all physical attacks. If you have any non-elemental magicks or technicks available, you might try those. However, be aware that Trickster attacks like crazy at this point with both physical attacks and Choco-Comet. You'll need to use Phoenix Down on both active and reserve characters like crazy to have any chance of staying in the fight. If you have a chance, toss ethers to any character quickly to regain the opportunity to use Quickenings. Then, if it says that the Paling has fallen, start up with the Quickenings again.

Good luck defeating Trickster!

Upon defeating the Trickster, you receive the following in the Sky Pirate's Den section of the menu:

Trickster - Award for defeating the <font color="yellow">Trickster</font>, earning you the title of <font color="cyan">Sharpshooter</font>.

I won't say here what the reward is or what Gurdy says when you talk to him after defeating Trickster. That can remain a surprise.

Disclaimer: These are only my tips for defeating the Trickster. You're perfectly welcome to use a strategy of your own devising or simply overpower it with over-leveled characters.

12-11-2006, 01:58 AM
Thanks for the little plug there agent.

Id just like to put a little more emphasis on killing that damned ice elemental before you fight the trickster. If one of them spawns in the area, do yourself a huge favor and kill it immediately, or leave and come back and hope it goes away. The first time i went to kill trickster i saw the elemntal and ignored it for a bit. Then, when trickster didnt come out, I went in and attacked the elemental. Trickster promptly jumped me as soon as I drew in the elemental and i got pwnd. The major problem is that the elemental will continually target your entire party, preventing you from switching members out, which is a big problem.

Btw, if you dont get him before he puts up his last paling, a great spell to use is Drain. If your characters have good magic power you should easily be able to drain around 2k per cast which will kill him and help keep yourself alive.

12-11-2006, 02:04 AM
Thanks, The_Great. Those are good tips, and I strongly agree --- definitely nuke that Elemental first (it's weak against lightning) before going after Trickster.

Oh --- and never thought of Drain. That sounds like it would be very useful. Maybe something to keep in mind for the next playthrough.