Van Finel
12-09-2006, 09:18 PM
I'm at the very last part of the game right before u can fight the last boss. All my characters are around level 57. I have 2 Deathbringers and 1 Save the Queen. Does anyone know where I can find some better weapons and armor (pref. 1 or 2 handed swords/ katanas, heavy armor, axe, hammer, or spear).

12-10-2006, 03:13 AM
I am pretty much at the same level and part of the story that you are now. If you are looking for a good katana, you should try the hunt for the "Ancient Man of Mystery". You can steal all of the Genji gear from this fight and you also get the Masamune katana (Attack power 93) for the hunt reward.

Van Finel
12-10-2006, 05:20 AM
thanks, unfortunately for me i never started any of the hunts really because i never had to

12-10-2006, 09:14 AM
you're more than ready for the fight. I easily beat the last boss with weapons and levels almost identical to yours. so if you want to beat the game, you can go for it now.

Van Finel
12-10-2006, 10:35 PM
Yeah, i just found this out yesterday. I decided to go fight the last boss for shits and giggles and i ended up getting to the last boss. It wasn't even remotely hard. The only reason i died was one of the last bosses overdrive attacks which killed me in one hit. pretty gay.

I was starting up the Hunts but i dont know if its worth it

12-10-2006, 11:06 PM
Hunts are very worth it, but most of them are only useful if you do them as soon as they are available. You can get some really good stuff early on like that.

12-11-2006, 06:15 AM
Hunts are very worth it, but most of them are only useful if you do them as soon as they are available. You can get some really good stuff early on like that.

That's a good point. Only now that that I'm at the end of the game do I find myself going through all the hunts. I can see that some of the rewards would have been useful around the time that the hunt was first offered. I do like the Grand Mace that I got for Ashe though...

soul ring
12-13-2006, 12:48 AM
Some of the hunts are so awful! Trying to get to the shadow seer is like stabbing myself in the crotch with scissors. But some of the hunts involve vierra women joining the party for a little while, which is pretty cool.