12-08-2006, 10:33 PM
Holy crap he is hard to encounter. I am running around on the beach in Hasberry plains outside of Dollet (like everything says do) and all I have encountered ever is Fastilicons. Is there a better place, or something I can do to better my chances of success, I need some Adamantine.

12-08-2006, 10:37 PM
Refine Vit Ups by buying Vit-J Scrolls and using Eden's GFAbl Med-RF to Refine 10 into 1 Orihalcan, then Refine 10 of those into 1 Adamantine. Assuming you are that far in the game? Alternatively... Adamantine can be stolen from BGH251F2 in FH.

Btw, Google is your friend.

Swedish Fish
12-08-2006, 10:39 PM
Try Long Horn Island.

12-09-2006, 01:40 AM
You can also occasionally find this monster on some of the beaches near the Timber area. This is a little known secret that can be helpful on earlier discs when you don't have access to Long Horn Island. BTW --- Long Horn Island is an island shaped kind of like, well, a horn just above the Galbadia continent, the one that Timber and Dollet are also on. When you land on it, your location indicator in the menu should read "Dollet - Long Horn Island."

12-09-2006, 08:40 PM
lol yea I have finally been encountering him, thanks for the tip, only they are hard as hell to kill. I encounter 2 at a time, steal my stuff but then I usually have no choice but to run.

12-09-2006, 09:20 PM
Try using Quistis's Blue Magic Degenerator or Missiles, protective magics on your characters, or anything else to turn the tide. Alternatively --- what you're doing is probably fine as long as you can get what you need from stealing.

Shadow mage
12-12-2006, 06:56 AM
You can find them in two places

1. on the very tip of long horn island

2. ultemeicias castle mwa haha