12-06-2006, 06:54 PM
I am having trouble defeating mark number 32 Pylraster (Who's the Strongest!?). When he gets half way through his health, he doubles his level and starts attacking really quickly, even with slow cast on him. My characters are level 53-54, I was using bubble on my frontline so I have about 7500 hit points there. When I get him low on health, he just destroys me before I can heal up, anyone have good tips for this fight?

12-07-2006, 06:55 PM
my best tip: level! I had alot of trouble with this one. The first time I tried thi hunt I was aboutthe same level, and got schooled, I tried again a little later on, and it was much easier. Bubble def becomes a can't live without later in the game, Bravery is a big one too, and maybe faith on your healer/black mage

12-07-2006, 09:33 PM
I was able to take him down last night without leveling up. Here is the strategy I used:

Vaan: Equipped with bubble belt to have about 7500 HP, demon shield for decent evasion and Euclid's Sextant (yes, I equipped a measure for this fight) to bring his Evade rating to 65. This worked well to block/parry a fair amount of Pylraster's attacks.
Gambit summary:
- Decoy, always have lure active on him so the 2 support characters don't get hit
- Ardor, Pylraster is weak to fire, so this attack does 9999.

Ashe: Equipped with bubble belt to have about 7000 HP, all mystic armor to have high magic power.
Gambit summary:
- Ally:HP < 70%, Curaja.
- Ally: Status KO, Pheonix down
- Foe: Any, Ardor. 9999 damage on each attack.

Penelo: Equipped with Herme's sandals to have constant haste on. All mystic armor to have high magic power.
- Ally: Status KO, Pheonix down
- Ally:HP < 70%, Curaja.
- Foe: Any, Ardor. 9999 damage on each attack.

It wasn't that complicated of a battle strategy, the real keys are getting Pylraster to focus on Vaan who had a really good evasion rate and high HP from the bubble belt, having two support characters to bring back to life and heal like crazy (Curaja). Letting the two support characters fall back to Ardor when everyone is healthy leads to mutiple 9999 attacks per round. Make sure you dispel his buffs and cast slow on him also.

The final thing i did was unleash a 12 hit quickening chain for 45000 damage when he was less than 10% health left. Took him right down for the win!