03-13-2002, 12:15 AM
hey i'm posting this thread to look for some definite ff11 players that i can count on to play with when the game comes out. i know i'm getting to ahead of myself but i got some big plans.:alien:

03-13-2002, 02:54 AM
I for one am getting the game. I want to make probably a Hume, Samurai....Ninja?

03-13-2002, 03:17 AM
and yet another random comment form roric...


I'm with ya Shensolidus... i guess

03-13-2002, 03:40 AM
thanks trancekuja and roric. speaking of which what are u gonna be trancekuja? i'm thinking a knight with white mage, or fighter and red mage. roric i think that uo could have been better. trancekuja, is ff11 gonna be your first real mmorpg, cause i wouldn't count PSO.

03-13-2002, 03:56 AM

(Since you wanted to know what i was gonna be)

I guess it my first mmorpg, but really if you read up, its gonna be diffrent from all the rest, so will be everybodys first.

03-13-2002, 04:30 AM
i will be playing. not sure on class yet, maybe red mage.
just so you all know i have played EQ and DAoC.

03-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Hey Trance, Im flattered that I have people watching my every post. Its really touching. And if you havent played any REAL Online Rpgs, then you dont know what to expect. PSO And Diablo dont count at all. Interacting with more then 8 players is what its all about. But really Im flattered that someone would go out of their way to pay attention to me.

03-13-2002, 10:31 PM
People watching every post? Dude, its a forum, people post, you read those post, and people naturally remember when someone consistently posts off topic.

The original question was not "who is getting the game and what will you be." If that was the case, your post would have been correct.

Nice argument, however....:rolleyes:

03-14-2002, 01:02 AM
Then again I was implying that I most likely will play with him. Who knows what will happen. But if I do play with him, it would be nice to know what type of party would be forming...
Please pm me with my irrelevent posts please. As Im sure your the type of person who documents this type of thing. And if you do find these posts off topic, its most likely because Im replying to other people.

03-14-2002, 01:35 AM
so dark angel you gonna join us? yea red mage sounds good. yo roric how long did you play daoc. and trancekuja your right cause this is gonna be diff. from any other mmorpg.:cool:

03-14-2002, 03:20 AM
I like Star Wars

Did ya guys see the trailer on TV! oh my god every hair on my body was standing up!

Oh I just wanted to post off subject too ^-^

And I'm Definetly playing Final Fantasy XI, They better have internet conections in UNLV college dorms or I'm gonna die

I'm gonna be a Warrior/Thief (and if you can have one more job)/White mage

03-14-2002, 04:25 AM
<------my name im going to be a human red mage and i have my own clan starting but its a secret i didnt tell anyone about it ok lol just j/k

03-14-2002, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by Roric
Then again I was implying that I most likely will play with him. Who knows what will happen. But if I do play with him, it would be nice to know what type of party would be forming...
Please pm me with my irrelevent posts please. As Im sure your the type of person who documents this type of thing. And if you do find these posts off topic, its most likely because Im replying to other people.

How was your post implying anything? Your post clearly said "I for one am getting the game" how is that implying anything about joining his party? also, as far as I have seen, there is no Samurai or ninja class.

Document it? There is no need, when someone does it so just kinda remember it. There is no need to keep this going, I was simply pointing out that your post was off topic and you came back with a flame, which personally, I saw no point in.

Also, you spelled irrelevant wrong.

03-14-2002, 06:05 PM
alright so let me count this, so far we have in our group darkangel,trancekuja,roric,sephiroth,anakin, and me?

if you aren't counting yourself in our group just say so. i'm also having second toughts on my character choice. i was thinking to have a fighter/white mage(paladin) but then i remembered saban from ff6 and how much ass he kicked so i'm monk and white mage cause nothing beats the blitz in ff6

03-15-2002, 12:15 AM
Gee, its apparent that you havent checked any news sites in the past month or two as a complete job list has been posted at Maybe your to busy trying to piss off forum people. Oh BTW!!! I better get my spellcheck out, because Im only human, you must be superhuman huh?

Edit: Don't advertise again.

03-15-2002, 02:33 AM
Okay this is getting seriously out of hand, I made a simple comment about your post and this has evolved into a new thread entirely.

And just to clear something up, who have I pissed off besides you? Hell, I didn't even mean to piss you off, you just take things way to seriously. and maybe I made a mistake with the jobs, I guess we will have to wait and see.

(BTW, the only reason i pointed out your spelling error is because you can spell irrelevant just by sounding it out)

Remember kids spelling and grammer are your friends!

03-15-2002, 04:33 AM
MAYBE you shouldn't make stupid comments about someone who you dont know. I could just as easily put in my quote, "TranceKuja is a homo. I have no real evidence to back this up but, my gut feeling says he's a homo." Gee I hope that wouldnt offend you, seeing as you think making little snide remarks isnt such a big deal. The fact that I spelled irrelevant wrong... big deal. You were just nitpicking for an argument. Maybe I spelled it wrong, however, because talking with people like you lowers my IQ level.

03-15-2002, 04:50 AM
first off you two children need to stop fighting, as you are taking a post that some of us are interested in and ruining it. if you want to fight please just start a new post. maybe title it "lets pick on each other"

ok now that that is off my chest... i will definately be playing and your group sounds as good as any. my question is where is everone located IRL, because time zones may cause a problem. i am in Portland, Or, USA. i want to group but only with people that will be on at simultaneously(spelling is wrong).

03-15-2002, 05:37 AM
I couldn't agree more dark angel, I have been trying to end this.


First, I didn't just say that to start a fight, I have read numerous post of yours that were off topic. So just don't go there.

However, the fact that I wasn't overly happy with you at the time of my post could have influenced me with pointing out your spelling error.

If I have failed to clear anything up, I would be happy to continue this through PM instead of Spamming the forum.

03-15-2002, 06:19 AM
I'll be there as well. I can't wait for this one! :D

03-15-2002, 09:31 AM
I'm gonna close this threas because it's too full of spam and it is blatantly off topic now thanks to a good men.
Shen, you can start another thread up if you want, with the title 'who gets this game for sure or such' Don't try to form a clan/team however since there's already a thread about it.