12-06-2006, 02:23 AM
I NEED more music that has the same sound/feel as Paper Tiger.


12-06-2006, 03:05 AM
have u tried radiohead or 50 cent

12-06-2006, 03:25 AM
perhaps the Everly Brothers?

12-06-2006, 03:26 AM
teh p0stal s3rvice

12-06-2006, 03:28 AM
The Smiths

12-06-2006, 03:39 AM
the that's so raven soundtrack (from the disney channel)

12-06-2006, 04:36 AM
Record yourself taking a shit, then listen to it at full volume.

lol, jk. I never heard Paper Tiger, but The Postal Service is good.

12-06-2006, 05:38 AM
Well, get more Fifi & the Mach 3, for starters! That is off the album I'm Ramona and it's by far their best one. The others are kinda good, but not very special. I'm Ramona is where it's at.

I mean, are you a Ramones fan? Because basically Fifi & the Mach 3 is a Ramones immitation band, with a little Japanese twist to it. The best place to get more music with that feel would be the first three Ramones albums since that's what it's meant to sound like.

Unfortunately, there are very few bands capable of capturing that sound the way Fifi & the Mach 3 do. Other bands that would be up your alley perhaps: The Riverdales (Storm the Streets is the album most likely to appeal to you), the Banana Erectors (also a girl-fronted Japanese band immitating the Ramones, and possibly even better than Fifi & the Mach 3), and some of the early Huntingtons material. Also really old Apers (Netherlands)... maybe. I'm not sure if you'd dig them 'cause of the vocal style/inane-even-for-three-chord-punk lyrics. The Briefs are somewhat along those lines, though a bit more garagey. Hang on the Box is a girl-punk band from China who does some pretty similar stuff, but also does a lot of goofy crazy songs and apparently has now turned into some kind of techno synth "space age rock" thingie for no apparent reason. And it may be worth your time to look into the Epoxies, who have a similar style, but mix in new-wavey synths. The girl who does their vocals even sounds kinda similar to Fifi. They've got the same pulsating chords/bass thing going on and they write songs with insanely awesome lyrics/subject matter.

Teenage Bottlerocket, Lillingtons, Spazzys (they are from your home continent!), and the Manges (Italy) are bands who are in the same vein but have a much more contemporary style, so I'm not sure how much they would work for you if you want more stuff like Fifi. And if I'm going to get really flexible, if you are not already familiar with Screeching Weasel and the Queers, you may dig them as well, but they are more of a reinterpretation/evolution of that style than strict adherants to it. If you liked them there'd be a million billion other bands who immitated them that I'd recommend.

Do you have Soulseek? If so you can get this stuff from me. My username is TK Sunglasses.

12-06-2006, 06:50 AM
Go to That will show you other bands you might be interested in.

12-07-2006, 10:44 AM
Do you have Soulseek? If so you can get this stuff from me. My username is TK Sunglasses.

I do have soulseek, I got it from you when you got me those Bleach albums.

I will have to find a time you are on.

12-07-2006, 01:43 PM
Ah yes, I remember this now!

I'll try to be on.