12-05-2006, 04:51 AM
Well... maybe. This has totally saved my ass a couple of times, but if the enemy is just way too powerful, then it may not be enough. Still, this is definitely a helpful new feature of the game and has prevented a couple of Game Overs for me.

soul ring
12-05-2006, 12:15 PM
I would definately have completely gameover'd several times if not for that feature. For some reason i keep picking fights with the entites / elementals / whatever, thinking "Ok bitches, THIS time I'm gonna getcha!" - then proceed to get spanked.

12-05-2006, 04:15 PM
Yeah, I totally love this feature. I also love the fact that you can revive KO'd characters in reserve. That's REALLY sweet. Cause when the second wind dies, you got a third wind in the wings! WOO HOO!

12-05-2006, 10:13 PM
what? for some reason. i have absolutely no idea what you guys are talking about. ;_;

also i have no idea how to revive chars in reserve...

are we playing the same game? O_o

12-05-2006, 10:17 PM
Just like every other FF, one of my favorite things is going in to a boss, getting my ass handed to me, then going away and leveling up 10 times or so then coming back and absolutely destroying the boss that had defeated me. But yes, the reform function in XII is awesome for those situations so you don't lose a few hours of work. I will say that it's made me a little over confident - I'll head in to a boss that I'm underprepared for and that I'm not familiar with much more often now because I know if I get schooled I can just reform and high-tail it out of there.

12-05-2006, 10:43 PM
ok yah. i'm totally lost now. my strat guide doens't mention this (as far as i've READ...) and i don't ever remember seeing that "option" in any menu. wtf? O_o

lol. i'm so noob right now.

12-05-2006, 10:46 PM
ok yah. i'm totally lost now. my strat guide doens't mention this (as far as i've READ...) and i don't ever remember seeing that "option" in any menu. wtf? O_o

lol. i'm so noob right now.

it's not a menu option - we're talking about when you go in to an area and the three people in your active party get annihilated, the game asks you to reform your party with reserve players. You bring in the three reserve characters and flee to a save crystal.

12-05-2006, 10:51 PM
also i have no idea how to revive chars in reserve...

Ah, this one took me a while to figure out. Whenever you hit the X button to perform a command, there's a small, mostly grayed-out menu below commands. If you hit R1 or L1 you can move the target of your command.

So if one of your characters dies and you quickly replace that party member, hit X, then choose to use a phoenix down, hit R1 and you should now be on the choice RESERVE in the grayed-out menu. Then it'll bring up the list of characters not active on the screen. Pretty nifty feature once you realize it's there.

12-06-2006, 12:05 AM
Now that I did not know. Now that I'm aware of that, I'm probably going to be using that like crazy. That just upped the usefulness of this feature out the wazoo.

12-06-2006, 02:52 PM
Now that I did not know. Now that I'm aware of that, I'm probably going to be using that like crazy. That just upped the usefulness of this feature out the wazoo.

I did not know about that either. That's one thing I love about this game - even after ~65 hours of play, I'm still learning new stuff about it

12-06-2006, 04:55 PM
riff;705499']I did not know about that either. That's one thing I love about this game - even after ~65 hours of play, I'm still learning new stuff about it

Yeah, that feature comes in handy a lot. It totally saved my ass cause I went to fight the Elite Mark: White Chocobo (or whatever it's called) a little too early, and that was the fight where I discovered this feature. I must've reformed my party and revived reserved characters nearly 10 times, haha.

soul ring
12-06-2006, 06:32 PM
Wow thanks Alexandria12, if i knew that i might have survived the Pharos Subterra (i have no idea why i went down there, was curious i guess)

In other news, just in case anyone was ever curious - chains stop at 999 for some reason. Nothing special happens.

12-06-2006, 06:56 PM
Wow thanks Alexandria12, if i knew that i might have survived the Pharos Subterra (i have no idea why i went down there, was curious i guess)

In other news, just in case anyone was ever curious - chains stop at 999 for some reason. Nothing special happens.

Yeah, that menu helps out with a lot of things. Ever wonder why you could not attack an undead foe with curaga unless you set up a specific gambit for that? That pissed me off so much until I noticed that little menu. It allows you to perform actions on anything. Like smack your own ally to get the confuse status off him/her if for some reason you can't do it any other way, lol.

12-06-2006, 07:58 PM
Yeah --- I'm kinda familiar with that menu. I mean, I knew that you could use it to attack allies or target an enemy with a curative item or spell. I just didn't make the connection that it could be used for characters in reserve as well.