jewess crabcake
12-05-2006, 04:47 AM
Dear SONY,

Your PSP is crap, well not really, but you've made it crap. Your PSP is wasted potential, it has potenential to be the most dominating handheld system yet you fuck around and make shitty spin-offs. Believe it or not your "loyal" customers don't just eat what you shit in their mouths. How about some fresh titles, where are those original masterpieces, contrary to regurgitated crap. If you wanted to sell throw-up you should have named it the handheld PS2 thrown-up with useful/(less) add-ons. To end my rant on the "Handheld PS2 thrown-up with useful/(less) add-ons" step your handheld gaming system skills up.

Oh yeah you've been pushing your luck for a long time Sony this PS3 of yours will finally flip this turtle upside down to die of shell rot. Honestly why so much crap? All these functions aren't neccessary, why didn't you just build a super-processer that seems to be what you were aiming for you built a computer and put a PS logo on it, congradulations, Xbox,which is made by Microsoft, didn't even do that. Anyhow Nintendo sends you it's regaurds You most likely just put the Wii on top it's been a while since nitendo been the best console. And in reguard to your price *hawk-spits*F U!!


Swedish Fish
12-05-2006, 04:53 AM
Too busy shaking my head in agreement.

12-05-2006, 05:13 AM
I love how people talk about all the PSP remakes and yet talk about all the "original" games on DS such as remakes of Super Mario, Spin-offs of Super Mario, Poke-e-mon, Star Fox, Donky Kong, Metroid, Zelda, Pacman, Rayman, etc... All games we've all been playing for at least the last 15 years. And 13 Disney games such as Lizzie McGuire and Kim Possible? WTF? I swear you Nintendo fan boys are such hypocrites

J. Peterman
12-05-2006, 05:25 AM
Sony doesnt care about you guys.

Really, they don't.

12-05-2006, 05:55 AM
Nor does Nintendo. That's why they actualy make a profit on there system and can milk the fan boys with the same mascot games for the last 20 years.

12-05-2006, 06:00 AM
Oh yeah you've been pushing your luck for a long time Sony this PS3 of yours will finally flip this turtle upside down to die of shell rot.

don't you mean "flip giant enemy crabs"?

12-05-2006, 06:06 AM
Nor does Nintendo. That's why they actualy make a profit on there system and can milk the fan boys with the same mascot games for the last 20 years.
I agree. That's why I lost interest in Nintendo because I feel like I'm playing the same thing over and over; except it just looks prettier.

Valerie Valens
12-05-2006, 07:02 AM
don't you mean "flip giant enemy crabs"?

Naka wins the thread.

Yeah LR, it's not like Nintendo isn't guilty of selling rehashes and spinoff titles in
their handheld consoles. Tales of the World : Radiant Mythology is gonna be the trump card for Japanese PSP gamers. :D

12-05-2006, 07:10 AM
Believe it or not your "loyal" customers don't just eat what you shit in their mouths.

PlayStation 3 sold out on launch.

Which is exactly why, no matter how many valid points there are against Sony (and you didn't really cover any of them in this rant), they won't give a crap and wont' change, because the customers do eat their shit, over and over and over again.

I love how people talk about all the PSP remakes and yet talk about all the "original" games on DS such as remakes of Super Mario, Spin-offs of Super Mario, Poke-e-mon, Star Fox, Donky Kong, Metroid, Zelda, Pacman, Rayman, etc... All games we've all been playing for at least the last 15 years. And 13 Disney games such as Lizzie McGuire and Kim Possible? WTF? I swear you Nintendo fan boys are such hypocrites

I think he was actually referring to ports, rather than remakes. There have been a lot of PSP titles that are just watered-down PS2 games, that weren't good to begin with. Even if the titles you mentioned above aren't your cup of tea, they are well established franchises; and for every Mario on the DS, there is a Phoenix Wright, for every Metroid, a Trauma Center. Even the ports on the DS have been excellent quality, as opposed to watered-down money-makers; Super Mario 64 DS added 30 new stars, and three new playable characters, not to mention a tonne of awesome mini-games.

Also: Pacman and Rayman aren't Nintendo franchises, and both are available on Sony and Microsoft consoles. And every game in the franchises you mentioned (apart from Star Fox, unfortunately) has been new, and added something new that fans of the franchise, and people attracted to that style of game, enjoy.

12-05-2006, 07:13 AM
I agree. That's why I lost interest in Nintendo because I feel like I'm playing the same thing over and over; except it just looks prettier.

Seeing as that's exactly what Sony and M$ are doing with the ps3 and 360, you fail, considering that Ninty is at least trying to do things differently.

Nor does Nintendo. That's why they actualy make a profit on there system and can milk the fan boys with the same mascot games for the last 20 years.

When Ninty has two console launches in a row with serious problems, the way Sony has with both ps2 and ps3, you might be able to say that with a little bit of credibility. There's little wonder why Ninty continues to make money on their "mascot" games, when many of them are considered some of the best games on their respective systems, if not ever. Then again, I doubt you'd see that, considering that you're accusing Ninty of cashing in on their fankids, when Sony's quite obvious in their attempted cash-in.

hb smokey
12-05-2006, 10:24 AM
I love how people talk about all the PSP remakes and yet talk about all the "original" games on DS such as remakes of Super Mario, Spin-offs of Super Mario, Poke-e-mon, Star Fox, Donky Kong, Metroid, Zelda, Pacman, Rayman, etc... All games we've all been playing for at least the last 15 years. And 13 Disney games such as Lizzie McGuire and Kim Possible? WTF? I swear you Nintendo fan boys are such hypocrites
Uh, I've never heard of people saying Super Mario 64 DS is an original game. If you are going to say that Star Fox: Assult is a spin-off of Star Fox 64, then I'll say God of War 2 is a spin-off to God of War. And people have been playing the same Sony games for almost 10 years now, Microsoft with almost 7. There are far more original titles on the DS than the PSP. Most of the PSP titles are <B>direct</B> ports from the ps2. And before you even bring it up, no Mario Kart DS isn't a port. Castlevania: DS and PoR aren't ports of any Castlevania games. Metroid Prime: Hunters isn't a port of any Metroid game. They are brand new, fresh experiences.

12-05-2006, 12:20 PM
Which is exactly why, no matter how many valid points there are against Sony (and you didn't really cover any of them in this rant), they won't give a crap and wont' change, because the customers do eat their shit, over and over and over again.

Just the ones who pay over retail on ebay.

Most of the PSP titles are <B>direct</B> ports from the ps2.

And so are a lot of games for DS, especialy the sport games. And the sport games are on all the consols and hand helds and have been for years so I think we should leave those out. But I'm proud to say "Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses" appears to be a DS exclusive. Awesome!

hb smokey
12-05-2006, 12:26 PM
And so are a lot of games for DS, especialy the sport games. And the sport games are on all the consols and hand helds. But I'm proud to say "Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses" appears to be a DS exclusive. Awesome!
Ok, are you seriously that deprived of gaming knowledge? Or do you just sit at home all day and tell yourself this stuff all the time in the hope that it may be true?

I don't know how many sports games/which ones are on the DS, but I would be willing to admit there are less on the DS than the PSP. So let's throw sports games out of the mix, as it might be a stalemate for the two handhelds.

Now, don't make me throw together a list of DS games and PSP games, and show you the % of each games that are ports from its' console brethren.

12-05-2006, 12:30 PM
Not to mention that unlike the PSP version of games, most DS 'ports' are completely designed from the ground up to use the touch screen in some way. They are nearly almost always done by a different team. For example, the PSP is getting a port of the PS2 version of Tony Hawk's Project 8, which was a pretty horrible game compared to the X360 and PS3 versions. The DS is getting a game called Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, which is exclusively designed for the DS (and ported to the Wii) and is generally considered pretty neat.

12-05-2006, 12:31 PM
You don't have to provide a list. I can go to and look at the list there just as I have with the list of DS games on About the only thing DS has going for it is Brain Age.

hb smokey
12-05-2006, 12:33 PM
You don't have to provide a list. I can go to and look at the list there just as I have with the list of DS games on About the only thing DS has going for it is Brain Age.
Fortunately, that DS game has more brains than you do. And common sense to boot.

12-05-2006, 12:59 PM
Sony and I went out clubbin' last night, then went back to my place. iykwim

12-05-2006, 04:34 PM
Ixnine, you're being pretty dumb. I'm not making any particular point; just saying that you're looking like an idiot by sticking so vehemently to a position that's been thoroughly disproved.

12-05-2006, 05:19 PM
Sony doesnt care about you guys.

Really, they don't.

This is the first time i see a post of yours on topic! (and i agree btw)

12-05-2006, 07:09 PM
I love my PSP

Thank god it`s being fucked over by hackers~

Valerie Valens
12-05-2006, 08:54 PM
You don't have to provide a list. I can go to and look at the list there just as I have with the list of DS games on About the only thing DS has going for it is Brain Age.

I don't have to provide my reasons. you can go to google and look at the my reasons there just as I have with your arguments. About the only thing your reasons has going for it is wasting my time.

I seem to be sensing a striking resemblance. :o

12-05-2006, 09:34 PM
that's what i was afriad of when i decided to get my little bro a psp for christmas. my main worry...can he still play emu games on the new versions since i'm gonna buy one new, and even if i did get a used one it would most likely not have the coveted 1.5 everyone rants about.

but when i was looking over the games for sale at ebgames trying to decide whether i should get him this or not, i did notice a few interesting games. my bro is 12 so i gotta put myself in his shoes. he's got little gaming experience, little patience, and he hates reading (scratch off rpgs) and hates missions based games. (scratch off everything else) O_o

so yah. what does that leave? who the fuck knows. shmups/fighters/puzzles/action and who knows what else. do they even have that? i hope they do. i had to use "mp3 player" and "movie player" as the final justifications for the purchase. -_- its like the only thing its really got going for it when you think about it. that's not a lot.

luckily though i think i saw a google video (which was posted here right?) with someone playing KI with the latest 2.8 upgrade? that just made my day and could make me get one for myself too. lol. (maybe).

either way. my sisters are getting a ds and i'm hoping to get a ds lite for myself. (i want a regular ds for my sisters cause i think that one plays the gba games and that would be better for them. bigger library)

those are just my thoughts on both handhelds imo. xmas shopping for others pushed my bias aside and now i have to think about it logically in order to justify the massive ammounts of money i'm putting down. and from my point of view, psp requires too much knowledge to really fully enjoy while the ds is a pick up and play type of thing. and that's the only real diffrence i see between them now.

methinks i'd have to do most of the "hacking" for my bro since he's almost clueless about that type of stuff. even i fear tinkering with it. why do i have to work to take advantage and enjoy a psp? and why does the stupid website only list "new/latest/coming soon" games and not FULL LIBRARY LIST so i can see whats really available. and i'm sure there's more than what that stupid site and every other site lists. in my mind, all i keep saying to myself is "well he always wanted an mp3 player so at least the psp can do that..." O_o

12-05-2006, 09:37 PM
(i want a regular ds for my sisters cause i think that one plays the gba games and that would be better for them. bigger library)

The DS Lite plays GBA games also.

12-05-2006, 10:10 PM
oh i dind't know that. for some reason i thought they did to the ds lite like they did to the pstwo. make its slimer and more awesome but take away the hdd and who knows what else.

thanks for the clarification. i'll definately get them a lite then. it's just so much nice and i think its the only one that comes in pink. (i'll prolly be wrong about that too and they made the old ds pink as well..but no matter. a lite it is)

12-05-2006, 10:31 PM
I love how people talk about all the PSP remakes and yet talk about all the "original" games on DS such as remakes of Super Mario, Spin-offs of Super Mario, Poke-e-mon, Star Fox, Donky Kong, Metroid, Zelda, Pacman, Rayman, etc... All games we've all been playing for at least the last 15 years. And 13 Disney games such as Lizzie McGuire and Kim Possible? WTF? I swear you Nintendo fan boys are such hypocrites
DS has you play the 1 game that was remade differently.

FYI: Pokemon, Star Fox, Metroid, Zelda, those aren't remakes. Donkey Kong, Pacman, and Rayman haven't even appeared on the DS. Get your facts straight.

I agree completely with the thread starter.

The Joker
12-05-2006, 11:09 PM
Don't everyone jump on the anti-sony bandwagon at once! In all seriousness, how many threads we are going to make where the the underlining idea is to just trash a console. I remember the same thing when XBOX came out.

12-06-2006, 02:11 AM
Seeing as that's exactly what Sony and M$ are doing with the ps3 and 360, you fail, considering that Ninty is at least trying to do things differently.
Okay then, let me rephrase what I meant: the things that they're trying to do with the older games to make them new again doesn't catch my eye and I find it a waste of my time and money.

12-06-2006, 02:18 AM
I can't wait for my Pink DS Lite for Christmas and I'm naming it Kusanagi, Sugarpuff, or Bizznazz. Besides, pictochat is the best thing since DDR. ^____^ and coz pink....

I do actually like Sony alot though... ;_;;

12-06-2006, 02:30 AM
I like the PS2 and alot of games for it. I have only one game (an import racing game) for the PSP (if the new Silent Hill for it is good, then I'll have 2). Can't really say if I like the PS3 or not because I don't have one. The only thing that I don't like about it is that it costs alot. Other than that, I'm fine with Sony.

12-06-2006, 02:54 AM
but when i was looking over the games for sale at ebgames trying to decide whether i should get him this or not, i did notice a few interesting games. my bro is 12 so i gotta put myself in his shoes. he's got little gaming experience, little patience, and he hates reading (scratch off rpgs) and hates missions based games. (scratch off everything else) O_o

so yah. what does that leave? who the fuck knows. shmups/fighters/puzzles/action and who knows what else. do they even have that? i hope they do. i had to use "mp3 player" and "movie player" as the final justifications for the purchase. -_- its like the only thing its really got going for it when you think about it. that's not a lot.

The PSP Hackers are pretty intelligent guys, and every firmware generally gets cracked eventually. I've got a 2.8 PSP and i'm running homebrew on it; however, there are a couple of things to consider.

1) Homebrew is dangerous. If you install the wrong one, and it was shoddily coded, it can 'brick' your PSP; and Sony won't repair it under warranty, because you were using 'unauthorized software'.

2) Homebrew on 2+ is different from Homebrew on 1.5; it's a little safer, because it doesn't have access to the central processing kernel, but it's also a lot slower. From my experience, the SNES and MegaDrive emulators are pretty much unplayable; the only decent emulator I have is gpSP, a GBA emulator. Which sucks compared to playing GBA games on my GBmicro/DSlite anyway.

The best question to ask is what is his favourite game? Quick and dirty answer; if he likes platformers, get him a DS (Super Mario 64 DS, lots of GBA 2D platformers), if he likes games like Grand Theft Auto, get him a PSP. For, well, Grand Theft Auto.

J. Peterman
12-06-2006, 06:57 AM


12-06-2006, 05:40 PM
The PSP Hackers are pretty intelligent guys, and every firmware generally gets cracked eventually. I've got a 2.8 PSP and i'm running homebrew on it; however, there are a couple of things to consider.

1) Homebrew is dangerous. If you install the wrong one, and it was shoddily coded, it can 'brick' your PSP; and Sony won't repair it under warranty, because you were using 'unauthorized software'.

2) Homebrew on 2+ is different from Homebrew on 1.5; it's a little safer, because it doesn't have access to the central processing kernel, but it's also a lot slower. From my experience, the SNES and MegaDrive emulators are pretty much unplayable; the only decent emulator I have is gpSP, a GBA emulator. Which sucks compared to playing GBA games on my GBmicro/DSlite anyway.

The best question to ask is what is his favourite game? Quick and dirty answer; if he likes platformers, get him a DS (Super Mario 64 DS, lots of GBA 2D platformers), if he likes games like Grand Theft Auto, get him a PSP. For, well, Grand Theft Auto.

for some reason. my bro just loves gta. i think its prolly mostly cause all the kids at school talk about it. who knows. i finally caved in a few months ago and baught him san andreas. O_o i dind't want to. it even turned out to be the one with the hot coffee mod in it and stuff. lol. (i knew he'd never be able to actually use/activate the mod so i was like whatever). he mostly just likes to drive around and do whatever. he almost never really completes any missions or tries to. but i personally don't want to encourage him to keep liking that crap game. i'd rather get him bully or destroy all humans if he likes the sandbox type games.

whats funny is now they released/going to release like the trilogy. gta 3, vice, and andreas in one pack nice new and crisp for a nice low price. -_- thanks a lot! i'm gonna try trading in the old used ones i baught for him and use the credit for the nice new one.

its a good thing he likes racing games too. like burnout. it'll make things easier.

thanks for the tips though. :)

06-16-2007, 03:15 AM
The PSP Hackers are pretty intelligent guys, and every firmware generally gets cracked eventually. I've got a 2.8 PSP and i'm running homebrew on it; however, there are a couple of things to consider.

1) Homebrew is dangerous. If you install the wrong one, and it was shoddily coded, it can 'brick' your PSP; and Sony won't repair it under warranty, because you were using 'unauthorized software'.

2) Homebrew on 2+ is different from Homebrew on 1.5; it's a little safer, because it doesn't have access to the central processing kernel, but it's also a lot slower. From my experience, the SNES and MegaDrive emulators are pretty much unplayable; the only decent emulator I have is gpSP, a GBA emulator. Which sucks compared to playing GBA games on my GBmicro/DSlite anyway.

The best question to ask is what is his favourite game? Quick and dirty answer; if he likes platformers, get him a DS (Super Mario 64 DS, lots of GBA 2D platformers), if he likes games like Grand Theft Auto, get him a PSP. For, well, Grand Theft Auto.

Another reason to get PSP would be for Burnout Legends and Dominator (I have Legends DS and I can say right now that it's absolutely inferior to the PSP version).

The PSP is much better at handling graphics than DS, and has a bigger screen. It also has GTA and Burnout. The DS has two screens, stereo (eo!) and has plenty of great titles like Sonic Rush and Mech Assault: Phantom War, the former of which I regard as one of the absolute best titles on the system.

So the question, really, is which game library is better and more to one's liking?

Or the other question, when is Microsoft gonna try to break into the handheld industry? If they made an X-Plank gaming system.... Hah, X-plank. Real inviting. Hopefully they can get a better name. Then again, I remember hearing a rumor about Sega releasing a handheld this year but I doubt it because they have been out of the console business for years (no matter how much I don't want to believe it :()

06-16-2007, 03:24 AM
i used to like sony. not as much anymore. they'ed be better if they made more orignal titles and didn't sign over there best stuff to everyone else. so yea. pretty much what you guys have said. imo the only thing the Ps3 has got going at this point is Metal Gear. Assumming it isnt dual platformed like RE was. coures, i also agree with Gandalf a bit. it may jsut be a slump.

06-16-2007, 05:31 PM
Ah a good old "Trash Sony" topic, ofcourse the sole reason these topics exist anywhere is because nobody likes a winner, unless its them self...

06-16-2007, 05:42 PM

06-17-2007, 10:42 AM
I WOULD be inclined to agree that Sony is crap only because of the SEoA, BUT since the PS3 is out, they couldn't care less for the ps2.

My point? Well, with their focus being on the ps3, they don't care about 2d games making it state side anymore. Because of this, I am going to be able to get KoF XI AND NGBC. I have no reason to be angry at Sony anymore now that I will be able to have the two titles I have been looking forward to owning ever since they got released.

06-17-2007, 11:41 AM
I am going to buy a PS3 because I already own a 360 and have experienced a good time too much.

06-18-2007, 08:26 PM
Of course you forget that another handheld has never survived long enough to compete with Nintendo's gameboy, and yet there's Sony surviving.

As for games, I'll just quote my post from another forum. Slightly different subject but it should work.

As far as the system, I would say the PSP is way better than the DS. DS 3D graphics suck compared to the PSP. Compare Crisis Core and Dissidia Final Fantasy to Final Fantasy III and IV on the DS. Big difference.

Of course Nintendo has a huge amount of experience with handhelds. So some of the small things like the screen and such are better.(The screen doesn't reflect light as much as the PSP) They also have a big selection of games to choose from. The PSP on the other hand, is Sony's first handheld. Sony wanted to take on the iPOD, the Gameboy, and the like head on. And I would have to say they did a decent job. The PSP may live through this unlike several other handhelds. And it's only getting better. More (and better)games are coming out, the Playstation emulator is ready, and not to mention the price is dropping.

As for the games... I think the PSP and DS games are kind of divided. For example, if you want to play something like sports games(ex Madden), 3D Racing(Gran Turismo), FPS/TPS (Don't know any good ones but the DS couldn't take on shooters very well, i know that for sure), and 3D action(MGS, GTA SWB) you probably would want to get a PSP. Now if you're into Nintendo games like Mario, Kirby, Metroid, Pokemon, the DS is probably more for you. They have some pretty nifty brain games too.

And the rest like puzzle, roleplaying, stratagy, and fighting are more based on opinion. Both have a decent amount puzzle games. You might like Lumines or Puzzle Fighter... or you might like Meteos. Roleplaying... This one is pretty much siding with the DS in my opinion right now(Because of FFIII and Pokemon), which sucks, but when FFI, Crisis Core, and ToD2(OMG can't wait for this) come out I'll probably chance my mind. And stratagy... Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Advance wars, tae your pick. And fighting... I'll just give this one to the DS because of JUSS.

As for battery life, you can easily buy a battery that lasts longer. Or even buy multiple batteries. You just pop off the back of the PSP and replace it. There's even an add on that simulates a PS2 controller for the PSP that gives axtra battery life. Ah and a small bit of info; if you do put in a bigger battery an option for an extra bright screen becomes available for your PSP. So it'll have 4(?) different brightness settings after that.

06-18-2007, 08:52 PM
That was an entirely idiotic post. You are talking out your ass without having any real knowledge of the subject at hand. Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS? It handles them perfectly well, even if it can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP. It simply requires a different approach to rendering 3D graphics. Look at the work Vicarious Visions has done to see proof of it.

You also have apparently not ever tried Metroid Prime: Hunters, which proves conclusively that the DS can run shooters extremely competently. Super Mario 64 DS shows that it can handle 3D action games and platformers, and that was a launch game.

Counting add-ons as a plus in the PSP's corner is pretty dumb since most of the same stuff is available for the DS. And why the hell would you make a point of the PSP having different brightness settings after changing the battery when the DS Lite has that feature straight out of the box?

If you like the PSP, then that's all well and good, but at least try to know what the hell you're talking about when you compare the two instead of spewing Sony fanboy bullshit.

06-18-2007, 09:07 PM
i used to like sony. not as much anymore. they'ed be better if they made more original titles

Pretty much what I've been thinking about them lately as well.

06-18-2007, 10:14 PM
Modern gaming sucks in general.

Retro ftw.

06-19-2007, 09:22 AM
That was an entirely idiotic post. You are talking out your ass without having any real knowledge of the subject at hand. Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS? It handles them perfectly well, even if it can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP. It simply requires a different approach to rendering 3D graphics. Look at the work Vicarious Visions has done to see proof of it.

You also have apparently not ever tried Metroid Prime: Hunters, which proves conclusively that the DS can run shooters extremely competently. Super Mario 64 DS shows that it can handle 3D action games and platformers, and that was a launch game.

Counting add-ons as a plus in the PSP's corner is pretty dumb since most of the same stuff is available for the DS. And why the hell would you make a point of the PSP having different brightness settings after changing the battery when the DS Lite has that feature straight out of the box?

If you like the PSP, then that's all well and good, but at least try to know what the hell you're talking about when you compare the two instead of spewing Sony fanboy bullshit.

Actually I happen to OWN a DS lite... And yes, the 3D graphics SUCK compared to the PSP! It's polygon output as you stated IS THE THING THAT MAKES IT SUCK "COMPARED TO THE PSP". Compare the Gamecube version of Resident Evil with something like the PSone/Saturn/DS... Yes the PSone/Saturn/DS can HANDLE the graphics fine, but the GC's graphics PWN the rest. Why? The uhh.... Polygon Output idiot. Compare any multiplatform game thats both on the DS and PSP and tell me which has better graphics. Exactly.

I've played MPH and own Super Mario 64 on the DS. And guess what? Yeah, it looked exactly like the 64. But you know what? The PSP graphics looks like a cross between a PSone and PS2. PWNed in the graphics area. What were you trying to prove? Comparing the potential in terms of graphics with the PSP and DS is like comparing Chocolate and Sh*t. Yeah, you heard me. Don't let the inner Nintendo fanboy let loose now. =P

And really now. Your ignorance truly shows right here. A DS can do what a PSP can do huh? I want to see a DS' CPU run at 333Mhz. That alone takes away an abundance of what the PSP could do and the DS can't. As for things like emulation and such, the DS can't handle the type of games that can be played on a PSP. Say for example a PSone emulator. And the few things that a DS CAN DO... they're GIMPED! MP3's... the PSP's audio just from the speakers alone is better than the DS, but then you have to remember that the PSP has two difference types of audio. What you hear through headphones is a different, more detailed audio. Movies. Aside from a bigger, wider screen... is has more colors... the DS has 260,000 MAX colors whereas the PSP has a HiRes Mini LCD that has over 16million colors. Video. PWNed.

I know my facts. I stated them. As for you, you come off as the type that just likes to argue and pick a fight with whomever you choose. Calling someone a "fanboy" for stating facts makes your opinion above seem like "an entirely idiotic post. You are talking out your ass without having any real knowledge of the subject at hand. Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS?"... compared to the PSP? " can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP." ...idiot.

06-19-2007, 01:25 PM
Yeah... and at the end of the day, the DS end up having something the PSP doesn't.

Games that are actually orginal and fun.

06-19-2007, 02:28 PM
Actually I happen to OWN a DS lite... And yes, the 3D graphics SUCK compared to the PSP! It's polygon output as you stated IS THE THING THAT MAKES IT SUCK "COMPARED TO THE PSP". Compare the Gamecube version of Resident Evil with something like the PSone/Saturn/DS... Yes the PSone/Saturn/DS can HANDLE the graphics fine, but the GC's graphics PWN the rest. Why? The uhh.... Polygon Output idiot. Compare any multiplatform game thats both on the DS and PSP and tell me which has better graphics. Exactly.

Oh look. You've called me an idiot. I've said you made an idiotic post and accused you of talking out your ass, but those weren't direct personal attacks. Now I am justified in cutting loose. Thanks.

Way to not address my initial point, fucktard. If you had actually been bothered with reading anything I had to say, you might have noticed that I never said the DS had equal or superior 3D graphics capabilities compared to the PSP. I said it could handle it competently. You also completely ignored the fact that I cited an example of the 3D modeling work on the DS being done by very competent developers.

I've played MPH and own Super Mario 64 on the DS. And guess what? Yeah, it looked exactly like the 64. But you know what? The PSP graphics looks like a cross between a PSone and PS2. PWNed in the graphics area. What were you trying to prove? Comparing the potential in terms of graphics with the PSP and DS is like comparing Chocolate and Sh*t. Yeah, you heard me. Don't let the inner Nintendo fanboy let loose now. =P

What the fuck is this bullshit? You're responding to a point I made that had abolsutely NOTHING TO DO WITH GRAPHICS by ragging on the graphics in those games? You're an utter fool and don't even deserve my attention, much less my scorn, but I'll be nice and grace you with it a little longer nonetheless.

And really now. Your ignorance truly shows right here. A DS can do what a PSP can do huh? I want to see a DS' CPU run at 333Mhz. That alone takes away an abundance of what the PSP could do and the DS can't. As for things like emulation and such, the DS can't handle the type of games that can be played on a PSP. Say for example a PSone emulator. And the few things that a DS CAN DO... they're GIMPED! MP3's... the PSP's audio just from the speakers alone is better than the DS, but then you have to remember that the PSP has two difference types of audio. What you hear through headphones is a different, more detailed audio. Movies. Aside from a bigger, wider screen... is has more colors... the DS has 260,000 MAX colors whereas the PSP has a HiRes Mini LCD that has over 16million colors. Video. PWNed.

Do you even understand the concept of context or do you just rant about anything that crosses your mind at the moment, regardless of what you're supposed to be responding to? It's like you just skimmed my post for certain words and pasted from a generic Sony fanboy script. The point you're supposed to be responding to is the one about the DS having most of the same add-ons available for it, which you make absolutely no mention of here. Way to make yourself look like a moron and disgrace all the other Sony fans out there at the same time.

As for what you actually said here, my only answer to most of it is who gives a shit? Everyone knows the DS has lesser graphical capabilities. It's a well-accepted fact. That doesn't make it an inferior platform. If you want to claim that it does, I expect you also acknowledge that the PlayStation and PS2 were inferior in their respective generations.

I know my facts. I stated them. As for you, you come off as the type that just likes to argue and pick a fight with whomever you choose. Calling someone a "fanboy" for stating facts makes your opinion above seem like "an entirely idiotic post. You are talking out your ass without having any real knowledge of the subject at hand. Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS?"... compared to the PSP? " can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP." ...idiot.

Oh look. The Sony fanboy thinks he's clever for quoting me, yet fails to realize that all it means is he's unable to match my wit and can only attempt to compensate by trying to use my own words against me. Pitiful.

You know your facts, do you? If you paid money for those facts, you got ripped off. If you invented them, you're a poor bullshit artist. If you adopted them from other Sony fanboys without doing proper research for yourself (most likely) you're just humorously pathetic.

06-19-2007, 03:04 PM
I agree with the argument that Nintendo is basically the original episodic content maker, milking every one of their characters. Yes Sony does the same thing too. It's called 'making money 101'. Case an point, Halo. Halo 1-3, the RTS thing, episodic content supervised by Peter Jackson? C'mon. Every system has "sold out" to the media. (Nintendo: Super Mario and Zelda cartoons back in the day plus all the mario merch, Sony: Remember the Crash Bandicoot Japanese dance video thing? Microsoft: Just look at it.)

It's probably a safe bet to say over half the people arguing the PS3 is horrid are those who think it's a pretty, overly-priced version of the PS2 where in fact the system is probably closer to a computer than my actual desktop computer.

Personally, I think Nintendo's only looking at the 'here and now'. They've got a console that has graphics that are last generation and the only thing selling the console is the controller? I can guarantee you people are going to drop the Wii when they realize, 'Yeah the controller is fun but all I can do is swing a bat with an egg-headed version of something that slightly resembles me'. PS3 is expensive because it's a console built to run games made in 5 years. Market demand currently is jack when it comes to 5 years later (look at the reception of the DS and it's eventual sales domination with the handheld market) I own a DS and believe me, to us non-Nintendo fanboys the 'fun' of a gimmick (like the touch screen/ Wii controller) wears out. I probably haven't used it for anything other than an alarm clock since the week after Mario Kart was released (or should I basically say RE-released).

06-19-2007, 03:14 PM
And what qualifications do you possess to justify these guarantees about the future of the market, pray tell?

06-19-2007, 03:44 PM
What makes me laugh is when people refer to the Wiimote as a gimmick but do not mention the PS3's Six Axis motion sensor.

I own a DS and believe me, to us non-Nintendo fanboys the 'fun' of a gimmick (like the touch screen/ Wii controller) wears out.

The sales say otherwise. The DS is outselling the PSP by a noticeable margin.

06-19-2007, 03:53 PM
Indeed. The fact that DS sales have continued unabated for nearly 3 years says a lot.

06-19-2007, 05:19 PM
Being released earlier did help DS though, I have played it, it's awesome, so is PSP.

06-19-2007, 06:12 PM
What we see now is the rise of a new kind of gamers. A kind that has been growing in Japan for years now and are now appearing in occident. People who actually work, have a social life, and SOME spare time to play games. These kind of people most of the time do NOT care about all the technicalities of a game system. All they want is have fun. And to them, sub-par graphics are the least of their concern as long as they have fun when they want to.

What is happening with the Wii and the DS is that they are accessible to everyone, even to players who do not invest 10 hours a day on their games. That's the complete opposite we see on the other 2 major system manufacturers. The 2 others are focusing on competitive gameplay, and in most case, online. These kind of games often require the player to use a lot of his time to grow more and more experience to stay competitive with the other players and to keep on having fun in the process (it's hardly fun to be beaten all the time because you're not good enough).

Things are different with the Wii and the DS where the focus of the games is almost always "pick-up and play". So if the player only have 20 minutes to play before he go to work, or an appointment or whatever, he know he'll have enough time to with a system like the Wii or the DS (there are still games for old school gamers, so the systems are not only for casual gamers).

Some games on the PSP have the same kind of approach to gaming, but most of them are the same kind of games you'll find on the PS2. Games that require you to watch hours of cut-scenes and dialogs between each 10 minutes of play time.

At the end of the day, I don't think any of the systems are weaker or stronger than the others. They are all offering interesting things.

Personally, I think that Sony and Microsoft are trying too hard to make their systems do everything possible electronically, and to some extent, they are losing focus on what should be the prime goal of a gaming system. Delivering fun and entertaining games. When they'll stop doing all the same things over and over again with only better graphics, then maybe I'll jump in their wagon. But right now, only the Wii and the DS have been delivering something fresh for me. The other systems might have 2-3 games each that might interest me some time in the future (maybe 2008 if I'm lucky), but right now, they are not offering anything interesting for me. Nothing that I haven't already seen countless times before.

jewess crabcake
06-19-2007, 06:19 PM
Yeah... and at the end of the day, the DS end up having something the PSP doesn't.

Games that are actually orginal and fun.

Wait hasn't Nintendo been usin the same chars. for years? I mean aside from nintendogs/cats and elite beat agent what was really original?

06-19-2007, 06:22 PM
Characters alone don't define a game's originality.

06-19-2007, 06:24 PM
For some reason, I knew someone would say something like that and wouldn't try to see further than his nose or have the intelligence to realize that although it is the NINTENDO DS, not only Nintendo produces games for it.

Characters alone don't define a game's originality.

That's an other good point.

jewess crabcake
06-19-2007, 06:34 PM
Characters alone don't define a game's originality.
But the PSP is doing the same thing, They aren't porting over the PS2 game stories, they are just puting the same characters in new settings. I mean, what's really original, the stories, are usually the same, Peach was kidnapped again or Diddy kong needs to save Donkey kong or vice versa. They do throw in the occasional new abilities but that's it new abilities, and new environments. After that I don't see a difference.

For some reason, I knew someone would say something like that and wouldn't try to see further than his nose or have the intelligence to realize that although it is the NINTENDO DS, not only Nintendo produces games for it.

That's an other good point.

I know it's not only Nintendo produces games for the DS I was just commenting on how the games that have been done incessively, outweigh games that are fresh.

06-19-2007, 06:42 PM
I never mentioned anything about the ratio of old school games vs original innovative games.

All I said was that the Wii and the DS, at this point, offer much more in terms of freshness than the other systems.

jewess crabcake
06-19-2007, 06:52 PM
Hmm that is true in terms of gaming, Nintendo is pretty much in it's own league. Xbox keep producing shooters like there is no tomorrow, and PS3 has barely gotten on the ball yet, I do plan on playing Time Crisis 4 though, so hopefully SONY will try to pull it's head out of it's ass, and make some worthwhile games.

06-20-2007, 01:01 AM
Oh look. You've called me an idiot. I've said you made an idiotic post and accused you of talking out your ass, but those weren't direct personal attacks. Now I am justified in cutting loose. Thanks.

You're welcome. =)

Way to not address my initial point, fucktard. If you had actually been bothered with reading anything I had to say, you might have noticed that I never said the DS had equal or superior 3D graphics capabilities compared to the PSP. I said it could handle it competently. You also completely ignored the fact that I cited an example of the 3D modeling work on the DS being done by very competent developers.
Actually, your point was branched from MINE... idiot.

Me: DS 3D graphics suck compared to the PSP.

You: Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS? It handles them perfectly well, even if it can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP.

So actually YOU weren't paying attention to my post, because I never stated that the DS COULDN'T handle 3D graphics competently... I stated that they SUCK compared to the PSP, which is completely true.(When comparing two multitplatform games that are on both systems at least)

And about your example of modeling work. Believe me I've seen 3D modeling work for the DS. No matter how great the developers are, if they were to work with the PSP, the outcome will always be better. Which was MY MAIN POINT that you construed into some sort of Frankenstein post about the DS not being able to handle 3D graphics well enough. So again, my point was to say that the PSP is better in the graphics department. Read back. I never said that it wasn't good enough.

What the fuck is this bullshit? You're responding to a point I made that had abolsutely NOTHING TO DO WITH GRAPHICS by ragging on the graphics in those games? You're an utter fool and don't even deserve my attention, much less my scorn, but I'll be nice and grace you with it a little longer nonetheless.

Do you even understand the concept of context or do you just rant about anything that crosses your mind at the moment, regardless of what you're supposed to be responding to? It's like you just skimmed my post for certain words and pasted from a generic Sony fanboy script. The point you're supposed to be responding to is the one about the DS having most of the same add-ons available for it, which you make absolutely no mention of here. Way to make yourself look like a moron and disgrace all the other Sony fans out there at the same time.

Oh god damn... That's what you were talking about huh? As I said before that quote... "As for games, I'll just quote my post from another forum. Slightly different subject but it should work."

As you can see here... the main point of my quote was the GAMES. You took the last part about addons when that wasn't even the subject at hand... "Slightly different subject"... as in the other forum i got this from was taking about the battery life for the PSP... idiot.

And just to make another quick point... I want to see the DS with a camera and GPS add-on.

As for what you actually said here, my only answer to most of it is who gives a shit? Everyone knows the DS has lesser graphical capabilities. It's a well-accepted fact. That doesn't make it an inferior platform. If you want to claim that it does, I expect you also acknowledge that the PlayStation and PS2 were inferior in their respective generations.

Did I ever say it was an inferior platform? Yeah actually I did... here was my post...

"I would say the PSP is way better than the DS."

Oh but heyyy... that was an opinion.
And really... I always thought the Gamecube and Xbox were better in graphics compared to the PS2. Had an hdtv for a while, I can tell.

Oh look. The Sony fanboy thinks he's clever for quoting me, yet fails to realize that all it means is he's unable to match my wit and can only attempt to compensate by trying to use my own words against me. Pitiful.

And here's the closet Nintendo fanboy getting agitated when someone more skilled in debating comes into his domain. Inferiority complex much?

You know your facts, do you? If you paid money for those facts, you got ripped off. If you invented them, you're a poor bullshit artist. If you adopted them from other Sony fanboys without doing proper research for yourself (most likely) you're just humorously pathetic.

And of course you need to read less between the lines and read the lines for WHAT THEY ARE. Did I say the DS couldn't handle 3D graphics fine? No. I said they sucked compared to the PSP. Exactly.

06-20-2007, 01:49 AM
Egg > 28

Price-wise, the PSP is mostly on par with the DS now in terms of price over here, although you need to shell out more for your own memory card. However, modded or preflashed PSPs costs exorbitantly more - up to US$80 more in some cases.

I might get one once some good game for the PSP catches my eye. And I get some money. I still have a bunch of games I want to get for my DS, and nothing for the PSP (with the possible exception of Lumines) interests me at the moment.

Only other reason for me to own a PSP would be to play PSOne games on-the-go (well, at least I can make some progress in FFVIII during lunchtime at work).

Valerie Valens
06-20-2007, 11:27 AM
Actually I happen to OWN a DS lite... And yes, the 3D graphics SUCK compared to the PSP! It's polygon output as you stated IS THE THING THAT MAKES IT SUCK "COMPARED TO THE PSP". Compare the Gamecube version of Resident Evil with something like the PSone/Saturn/DS... Yes the PSone/Saturn/DS can HANDLE the graphics fine, but the GC's graphics PWN the rest. Why? The uhh.... Polygon Output idiot. Compare any multiplatform game thats both on the DS and PSP and tell me which has better graphics. Exactly.

I've played MPH and own Super Mario 64 on the DS. And guess what? Yeah, it looked exactly like the 64. But you know what? The PSP graphics looks like a cross between a PSone and PS2. PWNed in the graphics area. What were you trying to prove? Comparing the potential in terms of graphics with the PSP and DS is like comparing Chocolate and Sh*t. Yeah, you heard me. Don't let the inner Nintendo fanboy let loose now. =P

Uhh, the polygon output isn't the only aspect of 3-D graphics, there's texture shading, anti-aliasing, cel-shading and other fun stuff the 3-D capabilities of today's hardware can provide. But you see, there are other aspects of 3-D, the developer's side, that ultimately determines the final outcome of the quality of the graphics. That is the area where the developers for Sony are comparatively falling short of. Granted that the PSP has graphical capabilities that far exceeds that of the DS, all that extra is ultimately useless. While developers for Sony struggle to stuff as many polygons as possible into a small screen and ultimately making it look like shit, the developers for Nintendo in general know and recognized the limited capability of graphical communication in a handheld and thus makes the graphics simpler and overall, much more aesthetically pleasing.

And really now. Your ignorance truly shows right here. A DS can do what a PSP can do huh? I want to see a DS' CPU run at 333Mhz. That alone takes away an abundance of what the PSP could do and the DS can't. As for things like emulation and such, the DS can't handle the type of games that can be played on a PSP. Say for example a PSone emulator. And the few things that a DS CAN DO... they're GIMPED! MP3's... the PSP's audio just from the speakers alone is better than the DS, but then you have to remember that the PSP has two difference types of audio. What you hear through headphones is a different, more detailed audio. Movies. Aside from a bigger, wider screen... is has more colors... the DS has 260,000 MAX colors whereas the PSP has a HiRes Mini LCD that has over 16million colors. Video. PWNed.

What you seem to like harping on is the potential capability of a machine, which is pointless. The specs of a machine is meaningless, what does matter is the potentially pertinent features of the machine and the features offered on games. The PSP has a lot of features, granted, but most people would only ever use half its features so you pay for everything, even though there are stuff that you might not need or want. While the DS has add-ons that can easily give the features that the PSP has, so you get what you pay for, and then some. I should also point out that the newer PSP firmware had crippled the performance of emulation of certain consoles.

I know my facts. I stated them. As for you, you come off as the type that just likes to argue and pick a fight with whomever you choose. Calling someone a "fanboy" for stating facts makes your opinion above seem like "an entirely idiotic post. You are talking out your ass without having any real knowledge of the subject at hand. Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS?"... compared to the PSP? " can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP." ...idiot.

Those aren't facts, they are your personal conclusions derived from incomplete knowledge of the nature of gaming machines and software. I wouldn't be so quick to point the finger of condescension, because at your position, you are saying this last tidbit with a VERY heavy lead cape.

06-20-2007, 01:21 PM
Uhh, the polygon output isn't the only aspect of 3-D graphics, there's texture shading, anti-aliasing,



Mmm... Nice anti aliasing on the blood for resident evil don'tcha think? Oh and these are just random screens... if you'd like to find one that would rival the Gekido screenshot, please do so.



And find a good cellshaded game as well if you want.

and other fun stuff the 3-D capabilities of today's hardware can provide. But you see, there are other aspects of 3-D, the developer's side, that ultimately determines the final outcome of the quality of the graphics. That is the area where the developers for Sony are comparatively falling short of.Granted that the PSP has graphical capabilities that far exceeds that of the DS, all that extra is ultimately useless. While developers for Sony struggle to stuff as many polygons as possible into a small screen and ultimately making it look like shit, the developers for Nintendo in general know and recognized the limited capability of graphical communication in a handheld and thus makes the graphics simpler and overall, much more aesthetically pleasing.

Did you not play any decent games on the PSP to know how the graphics actually look compared to the DS? Yes it's true that the look and how the game plays all depend on the developers, but because a majority of the developers do fail in using the PSP's full potential doesn't mean you can group all of the developers into the "developers for Sony are comparatively falling short" label.

What you seem to like harping on is the potential capability of a machine, which is pointless. The specs of a machine is meaningless, what does matter is the potentially pertinent features of the machine and the features offered on games. The PSP has a lot of features, granted, but most people would only ever use half its features so you pay for everything, even though there are stuff that you might not need or want. While the DS has add-ons that can easily give the features that the PSP has, so you get what you pay for, and then some. I should also point out that the newer PSP firmware had crippled the performance of emulation of certain consoles.

The thing is... alot of these features can also be intertwined with the gaming. Some homebrew has already incorporated most of this. And a few games have as well. Such as playing your mp3s in a game. Or using pictures to customize something in game.(I'm thinking car decals right now) And things such as wifi already have an obvious link with playing games.

Those aren't facts, they are your personal conclusions derived from incomplete knowledge of the nature of gaming machines and software. I wouldn't be so quick to point the finger of condescension, because at your position, you are saying this last tidbit with a VERY heavy lead cape.

PSP is better graphic wise than the DS. True. Fact.

jewess crabcake
06-20-2007, 01:50 PM
See now this is the FFS I know and love, jftr welcome back Joan, also not touching this debate, I'm clueless about handhelds.

Valerie Valens
06-20-2007, 02:00 PM
Did you not play any decent games on the PSP to know how the graphics actually look compared to the DS? Yes it's true that the look and how the game plays all depend on the developers, but because a majority of the developers do fail in using the PSP's full potential doesn't mean you can group all of the developers into the "developers for Sony are comparatively falling short" label.

That is why I used the keyword of generally, I may have missed the insertion of it somewhere but that's what I meant, a generalization. Moreover, you really do need to find a better PSP screenshot to make your point. That one you showed has pretty flakily done sprites with white edges with the background suffering from the broken landscape perspective error. The characters are also pretty indistinguishable. Sure it "looks" better but looks can be deceiving.

The thing is... alot of these features can also be intertwined with the gaming. Some homebrew has already incorporated most of this. And a few games have as well. Such as playing your mp3s in a game. Or using pictures to customize something in game.(I'm thinking car decals right now) And things such as wifi already have an obvious link with playing games.

Sure but how practical is it? Listening to your personalized playlist while thumbing through a poignant scene does tend to decrease the impact of the gaming experience.

PSP is better graphic wise than the DS. True. Fact.

Wrong, it has better graphics potential than the DS. Potential here being the key word.

PS : Tales of Phantasia FVE, Tales of Eternia, Valkyrie Profile and Tales of Destiny 2

06-20-2007, 02:20 PM
Actually, your point was branched from MINE... idiot.

Me: DS 3D graphics suck compared to the PSP.

You: Have you ever even looked at the 3D games on the DS? It handles them perfectly well, even if it can't output the same number of polygons as the PSP.

So actually YOU weren't paying attention to my post, because I never stated that the DS COULDN'T handle 3D graphics competently... I stated that they SUCK compared to the PSP, which is completely true.(When comparing two multitplatform games that are on both systems at least)

And about your example of modeling work. Believe me I've seen 3D modeling work for the DS. No matter how great the developers are, if they were to work with the PSP, the outcome will always be better. Which was MY MAIN POINT that you construed into some sort of Frankenstein post about the DS not being able to handle 3D graphics well enough. So again, my point was to say that the PSP is better in the graphics department. Read back. I never said that it wasn't good enough.

You used the DS's inferior 3D capabilities to unequivocably state that the PSP was better. Despite whatever twisted justification you may try to throw out next, that directly implies that the DS's capabilities are not good enough.

Also, no multi-platform games for PSP and DS are developed the same way. They usually wind up utilizing entirely different gameplay models, so your point about comparisons between them is entirely moot.

Oh god damn... That's what you were talking about huh? As I said before that quote... "As for games, I'll just quote my post from another forum. Slightly different subject but it should work."

As you can see here... the main point of my quote was the GAMES. You took the last part about addons when that wasn't even the subject at hand... "Slightly different subject"... as in the other forum i got this from was taking about the battery life for the PSP... idiot.

Why the fuck would you lump those two paragraphs together and reply to them as it if they were talking about the same thing? Again, you have no sense of context.

Also, if you don't mention what the "slightly different subject" is, you have absolutely no right to complain when people misinterpret you. It is your failing and no one else's.

And just to make another quick point... I want to see the DS with a camera and GPS add-on.

And I never want to see gimmicky shit like that for the DS. Funny how people always complain about Nintendo's products having gimmicks, yet don't seem to mind Sony putting out tons of gimmicky expansions for their products. It's made even worse by the fact that almost nothing uses the Sony gimmicks, but use of Nintendo's so-called gimmicks is practically mandatory.

Did I ever say it was an inferior platform? Yeah actually I did... here was my post...

"I would say the PSP is way better than the DS."

Oh but heyyy... that was an opinion.
And really... I always thought the Gamecube and Xbox were better in graphics compared to the PS2. Had an hdtv for a while, I can tell.

Opinions are bullshit (in whole or in part) by their very nature. I do not deal in them.

And here's the closet Nintendo fanboy getting agitated when someone more skilled in debating comes into his domain. Inferiority complex much?

Excuse me? Are you saying that you, Mister-Can't-Get-A-Point-Across-Effectively-Or-Put-Things-In-Proper-Context, are a skilled debater? Pardon me while I laugh hysterically.

And of course you need to read less between the lines and read the lines for WHAT THEY ARE. Did I say the DS couldn't handle 3D graphics fine? No. I said they sucked compared to the PSP. Exactly.

Incorrect. Look here:

As far as the system, I would say the PSP is way better than the DS. DS 3D graphics suck compared to the PSP.

You said that the PSP is better and that the DS's graphics suck. You made no mention of them being competent on their own, so that was an absolute attack, not an objective comparison.

Perhaps if you'd focus a little less on trying to demean your opponents and focus a bit more on making a coherent point, you'd stop looking like a fool. As it is, you're impossible to take seriously.

06-20-2007, 02:44 PM
Oh geez... You're no fun. =P At least flamebait a little. =)

That is why I used the keyword of generally, I may have missed the insertion of it somewhere but that's what I meant, a generalization. Moreover, you really do need to find a better PSP screenshot to make your point. That one you showed has pretty flakily done sprites with white edges with the background suffering from the broken landscape perspective error. The characters are also pretty indistinguishable. Sure it "looks" better but looks can be deceiving.
I just searched for whatever. Those screens can suffice.

Sure but how practical is it? Listening to your personalized playlist while thumbing through a poignant scene does tend to decrease the impact of the gaming experience.
I was thinking more along the lines of car racing or maybe fighting games. >_>

Wrong, it has better graphics potential than the DS. Potential here being the key word.

PS : Tales of Phantasia FVE, Tales of Eternia, Valkyrie Profile and Tales of Destiny 2
And what exactly did you think I meant? And why are you listing PSX ports? o.o

Hey Prak... I would just like to say thank you... No reason. Just thank you. =)

You used the DS's inferior 3D capabilities to unequivocably state that the PSP was better. Despite whatever twisted justification you may try to throw out next, that directly implies that the DS's capabilities are not good enough.

Also, no multi-platform games for PSP and DS are developed the same way. They usually wind up utilizing entirely different gameplay models, so your point about comparisons between them is entirely moot.

Skip and read on...

Why the fuck would you lump those two paragraphs together and reply to them as it if they were talking about the same thing? Again, you have no sense of context.

Also, if you don't mention what the "slightly different subject" is, you have absolutely no right to complain when people misinterpret you. It is your failing and no one else's.

Mhmm... Yeah sure.

And I never want to see gimmicky shit like that for the DS. Funny how people always complain about Nintendo's products having gimmicks, yet don't seem to mind Sony putting out tons of gimmicky expansions for their products. It's made even worse by the fact that almost nothing uses the Sony gimmicks, but use of Nintendo's so-called gimmicks is practically mandatory.

Mmm... All I see is opinions so far. Mostly opinions about me hm?

Opinions are bullshit (in whole or in part) by their very nature. I do not deal in them.

Another opinion. And it's about hating opinions. Wow.

Excuse me? Are you saying that you, Mister-Can't-Get-A-Point-Across-Effectively-Or-Put-Things-In-Proper-Context, are a skilled debater? Pardon me while I laugh hysterically.

-Laughs with Prak-

Incorrect. Look here:

*my quote*

You said that the PSP is better and that the DS's graphics suck. You made no mention of them being competent on their own, so that was an absolute attack, not an objective comparison.

Perhaps if you'd focus a little less on trying to demean your opponents and focus a bit more on making a coherent point, you'd stop looking like a fool. As it is, you're impossible to take seriously.

Alright... this is all I have to say. Read again Mr.Prak.

"As far as the system, I would say the PSP is way better than the DS. DS 3D graphics suck compared to the PSP."

An opinion! zOMG! And I thought you don't "deal in them." Can't blame me for misinterpreting that now. It was pretty clear.

"I" suggests me... What I would say. Not anyone else. Me. Not the world. Me. Not you. Me. My opinion. Got it? ^_~ Good. ~_^

06-20-2007, 02:47 PM

06-20-2007, 03:57 PM
What makes me laugh is when people refer to the Wiimote as a gimmick but do not mention the PS3's Six Axis motion sensor.

The sales say otherwise. The DS is outselling the PSP by a noticeable margin.

I agree 100% that the DS is outselling the PSP and I noted it above. I didn't mention, however, that SixAxis is a gimmick and for a good reason, because it isn't the best technology the system has, nor is it driving the system.

Graphics are probably what drives the PS3 (other than the fact it allows other OS types and such making it quite like a small computer). So you say, "Big deal? Graphics? I've seen it before." And it's true, we have.

BUT, if you look at past consoles (PS2 and previous, think way back to Nintendo vs. Super Nintendo vs. Genesis) a console is defined usually by it's graphical achievements over it's previous iterations. (NES->SNES->N64->GC) For almost 20 years (until now), gameplay has been in the hands of the software and graphics in the hands of hardware. It's only recently consoles have been utilizing different controllers to power their systems (of course the only notable consoles with this feature are Wii and DS).

Considering PS3 isn't powered by SixAxis, (or it isn't the primary draw of the system) I didn't mention it as a gimmick.

06-20-2007, 04:03 PM
Mista, is your cuntish stupidity coming naturally?

06-20-2007, 04:05 PM
Considering PS3 isn't powered by SixAxis, (or it isn't the primary draw of the system) I didn't mention it as a gimmick.

So what you are saying is that the PS3's graphic capabilities are in fact a gimmick? Because you do know that it the primary draw of the system...

06-20-2007, 04:09 PM
I agree 100% that the DS is outselling the PSP and I noted it above. I didn't mention, however, that SixAxis is a gimmick and for a good reason, because it isn't the best technology the system has, nor is it driving the system.

Graphics are probably what drives the PS3 (other than the fact it allows other OS types and such making it quite like a small computer). So you say, "Big deal? Graphics? I've seen it before." And it's true, we have.

BUT, if you look at past consoles (PS2 and previous, think way back to Nintendo vs. Super Nintendo vs. Genesis) a console is defined usually by it's graphical achievements over it's previous iterations. (NES->SNES->N64->GC) For almost 20 years (until now), gameplay has been in the hands of the software and graphics in the hands of hardware. It's only recently consoles have been utilizing different controllers to power their systems (of course the only notable consoles with this feature are Wii and DS).

Considering PS3 isn't powered by SixAxis, (or it isn't the primary draw of the system) I didn't mention it as a gimmick.

But by those standards, if you consider the control methods on the new Nintendo systems to be gimmicks, then you should also consider such things as the PS3's Blu-Ray drive and Xbox Live to be gimmicks as well since they are integral components that serve to differentiate the consoles.

06-20-2007, 04:18 PM
Am I supposed to come to the conclusion that the whole existence is a Gimmick?

Seriously, this word "gimmick" is such an easy way to call off something and it has so little meaning that using it in an argument actually makes the one debating look like he doesn't know any better.


06-20-2007, 04:41 PM
Why do people beleive that graphics are the most important aspect of any game?

06-20-2007, 04:48 PM
Yeah, remember the days of the NES and SNES? These were good times. And we didn't have all those flashy graphics yet enjoyed the games probably even more then we do with today's games.

Look at the Wii's Virtual Console sales. It is clear that graphics aren't that important in the minds of many gamers.

jewess crabcake
06-20-2007, 04:49 PM
Wait the PS3 allows OS, hmm I wonder how well a PC game could get ported over.

06-20-2007, 04:55 PM
Yeah, remember the days of the NES and SNES? These were good times. And we didn't have all those flashy graphics yet enjoyed the games probably even more then we do with today's games.

Look at the Wii's Virtual Console sales. It is clear that graphics aren't that important in the minds of many gamers.

Yep, I would prefer awesome gameplay and shit graphics, to shit gameplay and awesome graphics.

06-20-2007, 10:32 PM
Mista, is your cuntish stupidity coming naturally?

Ah, that happens when I'm irritated. In this case, someone called me a fanboy and insulted my intelligence. Combined with lack of sleep(6:4Xam, from playing too much Granado Espada.) these types of posts appear more often. Oh and that would be "does your cuntish..." Kthnxbye =)

06-20-2007, 10:53 PM
Definately naturally.

J. Peterman
06-20-2007, 11:51 PM



06-21-2007, 12:39 AM
Oh and that would be "does your cuntish..." Kthnxbye =)

Obviously, you didn't go to school for long. IS IT possible that you lack some grammar knowledge?

06-21-2007, 03:51 AM
Wait the PS3 allows OS, hmm I wonder how well a PC game could get ported over.
Well, if the game can be ported to a Macintosh (the older G5/G4 systems, not the newer Intel ones) running Linux, then it shouldn't be too hard.

PS3 CPU => Cell => PowerPC => (old) Macintosh
Linux <-- OS name says it all...

Btw, anyone knows if those "unoffical" firmwares allow people to bypass the regioning on movie UMDs and region-locked games like Battlezone?

jewess crabcake
06-21-2007, 04:16 PM
THe PS3 has like 7 proccessors how is it equivalent to an old mac? Also, Where's the RAM, how's the OS running without some RAM?

06-22-2007, 12:07 AM
Correction: The PS3 has ONE processor called Cell, Which is composed of one main processor called the PPE (Power Processing Element) and 7 SPEs (Synergistic Processing Elements).

06-22-2007, 06:47 AM
Well, I read somewhere that the Cell CPU is PowerPC based, which means it should accept common PowerPC instructions.

Come to think of it, The Wii and XBox360 are also PowerPC based...

jewess crabcake
06-22-2007, 07:26 PM
Correction: The PS3 has ONE processor called Cell, Which is composed of one main processor called the PPE (Power Processing Element) and 7 SPEs (Synergistic Processing Elements).
ahh thanks for clearing that up.

Well, I read somewhere that the Cell CPU is PowerPC based, which means it should accept common PowerPC instructions.

Come to think of it, The Wii and XBox360 are also PowerPC based...
Yeah I've heard of people putting Linux on their 360s.

09-25-2008, 09:13 PM
MORE SYSTEM WARS!!!! dosnt this get old after a while complaining about what system has these specs and can be hacked and what games it has? Or ... which is better? Just buy it and if you dont like it..... sell it and get the one you do like its simple as that.

09-25-2008, 09:14 PM
ahh thanks for clearing that up.

Yeah I've heard of people putting Linux on their 360s.

I have linux on my DS..... and they are working on PSP linux.

jewess crabcake
09-25-2008, 09:16 PM
Yes it does get old... 1 year old. I mean look at the dates near the posts, this thread hasn't been touched since 07.

09-25-2008, 10:46 PM
w3rd, Jeff.
