03-12-2002, 08:35 PM
here's some doodles I did in Biology today.. I didn't feel like doing my Biology *blush* oh well, it happens

and another from biology

and this is just another doodle

and a last one that I'm just gonna upload from my comp... I LOVE This pic... sadly the scanner didn't pick up half of the scales that I labored a long long time to put nicely on this little dragon *sigh* oh well

03-12-2002, 11:10 PM
They're lovely Tessa... the dragon and pegasus are gorgeous...

I'm always doodling in Biology, I can't wait to drop it, 'tisn't exactly interesting... :D

03-13-2002, 04:32 PM
Wow, the dragon is beautiful, but unfortunately i couldn't access the doodles.
From the dragon pic though, i can tell that you are a talented artist!

03-14-2002, 12:13 AM
Hey those are great for doodles. Well done , I like the shading and it looks really good. You should keep it up.:)