12-03-2006, 09:02 AM
Just 1 of the 2 games I knew I had to get for PSP.
The multiplayer from what I know is going to be totally awesome, and the MGS series has never failed me at storyline.

Who else is getting it on December 19th?

If you have no idea what this game is, then I am doing you a huge favor.

Watch it.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Trailer (

12-04-2006, 04:28 PM
I preordered it, so it ships to me tommorrow XD

Seriousness, I've been waiting for this game for months. It looks incredible and if I didnt already have a PSP, I'd certainly grab one for this game alone. There's been some ambiguity towards the gameplay though, which leaves some factors yet to be seen. Reviewage the hour it arrives at my door =)

Vaddoo 1
12-05-2006, 04:23 AM
I cant wait to get MGS-PO. I originally only bought the Psp for Valkarie Profile and Crisis Core, but now I have a huge collection of psp games and anime movies.

12-05-2006, 11:58 PM
My only concern is in fact, the controls.

12-12-2006, 08:13 AM
Looks awesome.
Do you control th other people on your team, or do they just help you?
Snake not being alone doesnt sound good to me.

12-12-2006, 08:21 AM
I'm on it. I might have to wait a few weeks, but I can't wait.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-12-2006, 09:46 PM

12-12-2006, 09:54 PM
The game is already available at my Blockbuster store. I almost rented it before I realized I have 2 games that I still need to beat anyways.

12-13-2006, 03:49 AM
I decided that waiting for gamestop to ship my preorder was dumb, so I went to my local EB and got them to hook me up.

I'd say, for me my biggest concern beforehand were the controls, but everything was integrated pretty well, and for those that've played Snake Eater, everything was more or less very similar. CQC is still actively used (although, a little watered down - no more throat slitting, and it seems troops have learned to block from the front) Aiming in first person was still very possible, and it now allows you to move all four directions while aiming in first person. The worst adaption on the controls, I've found, was having to use the nub on the psp. It gets very difficult to make small movements, fine aim, and if you're starting to feel sweaty good luck getting your fingers to stick.

Gameplay was impressive, for the psp. Granted, the psp is nowhere as near as powerful as the ps2, and the difference in controls from the dualshock is bound to make things a little more difficult/simple, but it works quite well. The world is not fluid and connective as it was in the previous MGS games for playstation, but split up into missions with briefings in between a little more similar to the style in Metal Gear Ac!d, allowing you to change your team and setup in between missions, and revisit old areas in order to procure more allies/supplies.

Perhaps the biggest cons of this game is recruiting allies in game. It gets VERY tedious dragging troops from all over the area to imprison them and later recruit them, and it gets VERY annoying to have to keep repeating this when your new recruits arent very useful.

The online mode is great, although it does get painful to start having to say goodbye to your troops when you raise the white flag, or see them gunned down. The community isnt very large yet, but I expect a change around xmas.

The story follows the MGS canon storyline, and although it does seem brief for an MGS game, it's brought out quite well and the graphic novel style is a welcome change of pace (for me, anyways). There were some little things in the story that were a tad concerning, and at least one character that seems to have risen from the game (that I'm not going to spoil) but otherwise it's pretty solid, and it does attempt to bridge the gap between snake eater and mg1.

I'm not going to go into full detail, the article odin posted is much better than anything I could write, but this really is a gem for the psp, a system which really does need more winners like this if it wants to stay successful.

12-13-2006, 03:54 AM
I can't wait to play it, have to wait til christmas though :(

12-13-2006, 05:43 AM
Same here.

I am looking forward to it.

12-17-2006, 10:45 AM
I just started playing it and my only problem so far is the directional and camera - not being able to do both at the same time. But so far the game and story is solid. i'll say more once I'm more into it.

12-17-2006, 11:14 AM
the psp is nowhere as near as powerful as the ps2


The PSP has a 333 MHz processor, 32 MB of RAM and a 166 GHz GPU with 2 MB of dedicated RAM.

The PS2 has a 297 MHz processor, 32 MB of RAM, a 147 GHz GPU with 4 MB of dedicated RAM.

The reason that the PSP has worse graphics overall so far, is because Sony has decided to cap commercial games at 222 MHz; when using homebrew, the difference between 222 MHz and 333 MHz is significant. The reason is most likely battery life and potential heat issues with the battery; I would imagine that Sony is developing a new battery system that will allow the PSP to take full advantage of its power.

...that said, i'll be getting MPO as soon as it actually arrives in my import game store. Which could be any time between now and next year :(

12-18-2006, 12:25 AM
Haha, I know for sure that after next week I will be playing this game online all day. I am excited to take full advantage of my winte break.

Also, that is interesting information Raidenex I didn't know that.

12-18-2006, 02:10 AM

The PSP has a 333 MHz processor, 32 MB of RAM and a 166 GHz GPU with 2 MB of dedicated RAM.

The PS2 has a 297 MHz processor, 32 MB of RAM, a 147 GHz GPU with 4 MB of dedicated RAM.

Both systems are more complicated than that simple summary. However i have no reason to believe you're wrong, but you might be.

12-18-2006, 07:39 AM
Both systems are more complicated than that simple summary. However i have no reason to believe you're wrong, but you might be.

That information comes from Sony's official technical specifications. Also, no matter how 'complicated' a system is, you usually judge speed and performance on the CPU, GPU and RAM. I decided not to list the entire specification because the numbers are that similar as you go on.

12-22-2006, 08:57 AM
I still have to finish gtavcs, before getting this game.