03-12-2002, 08:49 AM
has anyone heard if FFXI will be on XBOX. I have a pc and would use that if i have to, since i dont have a ps2, but i would rather use my XBOX. I hope im not the only FF fan out here with an XBOX.

03-12-2002, 10:34 AM
FFXI will be Pc and Playstation 2 only.

03-23-2002, 07:13 PM
I was wondering, if FFXI going to be only for PC or will it be for playstation2 also. And I wonder, will FFXI have summoners like Yuna in FFX??

03-24-2002, 01:55 AM
hey croporkie, that post made me punch 4 holes in my wall. that has got to be that dumbest question to ask on this board. i can't begin to tell ya. sorry darkangel but its not for xbox, put we can still play together on your pc. speaking of which what is gonna be our guild name?


03-24-2002, 07:27 PM
it will also most likely be on the gamecube. i dought ffxi being on the xbox, atleats no for awhile. if you are a final fantasy fan, why did you get an xbox:notgood:

03-24-2002, 08:03 PM
EEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR YOU HAVE TO PLAY 11 ONLINE B*TCH gamecube doesnt go online f*ckh**d omg i punched my d*mn comp screen when i read that!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-24-2002, 10:24 PM
this is the same person as Red_XIII#3. then why the hell is phantasy star ONfreakin'LINE going on the flamecube. why would they make a next gen. system w/out online capabilites. oh, and by the way, I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL ME NAMES, OR INSULT ME,....f***er:mad:

04-02-2002, 08:56 AM
Outlaw, you are a narrow minded di*k. Gamecube IS going online, Phantasy star online and PD Zero are just a couple of games and alsom nintendo has said they will probably do a PSO/Modem/Keyboard bundle. There are even pictures of the modem. So actually get the facts you stupid f**k before you make an ass of yourself and hurt your hand by punching the screen :notgood:

04-02-2002, 09:33 PM
atleast one person backed me up. thanks:D

04-02-2002, 10:12 PM
YO! RED i got your back! finally i found some people that agree the gamecube has online potenial! Hmm....i wonder if the gamecube will be online ready by the time FF11 is released?

04-02-2002, 10:20 PM
it might be, but i am not sure. but it is like 6 hole months from now until it is released, so it should be. but the only downside is since the gamecube doesn't have the same polygonal count as the ps2, the graphics will be a little choppier. but since i will have both systems by then anyway, i will still get it for my ps2:D
this is kind of off topic, but, did enix switch to psx with square, cause the dragon warrior games went from snes to the psx, like square. just curious.

04-02-2002, 11:50 PM
I really didnt want to get in this but...

1. I had already started a "will FF11 be on xbox thread" I just cant find it right now

2. Square has announced that it will be on PS2 and PC only (its possible that in a few YEARS it MIGHT be on another system).

3. Nintendo has not even announced a modem yet, why fight about it?

4. RED_XIII#3- grammer and spelling make posts a lot easier to understand. ;)

04-03-2002, 01:45 AM
thank u kuja!!! we always on the same side huh? yea kuja is right. even on the 4th one. spelling and grammer does count. look FFXI will not be out 6 months from now. i don't kno where u got that from. look mmorpg's do not take long to come out in both territories. all u gotta change is a few dialouge and thats it. we probably will get it in the U.S. in September. the ps2 modem comes out on August 19 for us. FFXI probably won't come out long after that.heck the game comes out in a month and change in Japan.

04-03-2002, 05:40 AM
Yup, exactly right, we should expect FFXI by the end of the year (on PC and PS2.)

*Also, Its kinda cool that after a name change you still knew it was me. :p I guess its the avatar.

04-03-2002, 10:24 PM
Sorry about the grammer, I will try and fix that up, sorry. And I forgot Square announced it for the ps2 and pc only, so you guys are right. It won't be on any other system, atleast not for a long time. The only thing you can say to this thread is NO. Atleast I don't think so

04-04-2002, 01:00 AM
actually it was ur kuja symbol that got me. that and that list that goes up, the avatar. that's how i knew it was u trance. yea man xbox is ok but the ps2 is better. probably the best feature is that the ps2 is built so that all its current components inside can get an upgrade. so i think the ps3 could be a download that u pay for and download on ur hard drive or u buy it ina store and u install on the hard drive and u get new specs. or improved specs. on the ps2.

Death Knight
05-02-2002, 03:18 AM
Uh.....its confirmed its coming to GC and It will be coming to X-Box is everything goes good. But If it doesnt go good its not till fall of 2003 anyway so by then i'll have my own PS2.

Grey Eclipse
05-02-2002, 06:02 PM
Too much misinformation, where are you getting all of this from?
Anyway, while PS2 is arguably the best console right now, GameCube would definetly be my 2nd choice(sorry xbox fans, but when the processing chips started melting, It kinda made me wary of spending so much cash on a cool light show with sparks and smoke flying out from it)(although a lot of good game concepts did come into light on the xbox, probably from the pc game designers trying there hand at console...).
However, I had seriously hoped that pc's wouldn't be allowed on FF11.
Lets face it, hackers are smart mofo's and they WILL hack a game as popular as FF11 will be. So I can only hope and pray that they find a way to remove or exclude cheaters from the server. Oh and one more thing...


05-03-2002, 01:04 AM
idk where u got the info on it comin to gamecube or xbox, but it isn't. they are all rumors and have no backbone to them. they are currently announced only for ps2 and pc. square has said no plans with microsoft are being made. i wouldn't expect them either. MICROSOFT OWNS WINDOWS, FFXI WILL BE ON WINDOWS. so in a way they are making a ffxi for microsoft.:alien:

the thing about mmorpg's is they are almost impossible to hack. very difficult. especially because unlike pso where the char is saved on your memory card, instead they are server saved. every time u click on the server u play on a list of characters u have will pop up like in DAoC or ultima online. so it would be impossible to hack your character because they constantly watch their data banks to not only protect our character but preserve the games from hacking. they only give this sort of treatment for when you pay a fee to play the game. so all of you who are complaining on the monthly fee shouldn't because they are doing us who can offerd it a favor. and i kno that everyone here can offord it.

05-06-2002, 01:26 AM
XBox fans when are you going to get it. Microsoft is not getting Square. :D

Death Knight
05-07-2002, 04:59 AM
It IS coming to Gamecube and it probably will come to X-Box. You see, Square needs good online promises. GC has no idea what the hell their doin, PS2 is on its way but not here yet. And well, X-Box has a hell of a lot to offer when it comes to online stuff. Which is why they are being considered by Square. Heed my words.

05-07-2002, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by Death Knight
It IS coming to Gamecube and it probably will come to X-Box. You see, Square needs good online promises. GC has no idea what the hell their doin, PS2 is on its way but not here yet. And well, X-Box has a hell of a lot to offer when it comes to online stuff. Which is why they are being considered by Square. Heed my words.

Mind telling me where you got your information? Because from every magazine I have read, and every site I have been to, including square official web site, it has nothing about FFXI coming to Xbox or Gamecube. Also, if I'm not mistaken, GC doesn't even have a modem (I would think that would limit the ammout of online games it would have ;) ). Actually, you cant compare Xbox and PS2's online gaming until the PS2's modem comes out. So please, enlighten me on...

Death Knight
05-08-2002, 04:19 AM
sure, i dont want to start a war here. :) Gamepro is like my king of magazines with some enlightening interviews now and then. Also, since Sony bought a large portion of Square...of course they get it.........30% chance coming to X-Box but like i said about online promises. Gamecube i know gets it through numerous sites I've been to and Gamepro. Now maybe they'll change their minds and i'm not saying ur wrong and i'm right but thats what i know. Hope it helped.

05-08-2002, 04:54 AM
No war, just debate ;) ...

I am a subscriber to GameImformar magazine, and PSM magazine. I also visit a myriad of web pages (rpgamer, ffonline, allrpg , etc.) and I have yet to heard anything more than "rumors are" or "people say," that is not confirmed evidence I'm sorry to say, if that's what you heard. Actually, I haven't even heard a rumor about Microsoft and Square discussing rights to any games. As far as Nintendo goes, well, most of us know about the Nintendo situation, they say SOME of the previous FF might come to Nintendo, but they have yet to give word about the recent titles, or the online titles.

05-08-2002, 02:21 PM
Square might go to Microsoft. But they workin on a deal so just not yet...
Square has not decided to put ff11 on GC...yet...

05-08-2002, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by cloudago
Square might go to Microsoft. But they workin on a deal so just not yet...
Square has not decided to put ff11 on GC...yet...

You psychic or something?

Death Knight
05-09-2002, 12:48 AM
So basically I can get Gamepro for false advertising on FF11 to GC?


05-09-2002, 01:19 AM
I can't remember where I heard this but I heard FFXI and FFXII would be PS2 and PC only. I think I saw it in a magazine or something but it said Sony madea deal w/ Sqauare to have these two exclusives but I'm not sure if its true since i haven't heard about it anywhere else.

Death Knight
05-09-2002, 06:41 PM
You all realize all the extra possible cash if they go multi-platform right? It makes sense.

05-10-2002, 02:34 AM
...Duh! But do you realise that sony owns a 25% share in square, wich is enough to sign exclusive rights to a game.

Death Knight
05-10-2002, 05:02 AM
Is that all? You must own a PS2, because you greatly despise FF11 coming to anything but that or PC don't you?

05-10-2002, 06:23 AM
Did I ever say that? You just assumed that. Yes, I do own a PS2 but why would I care about it coming to xbox, that would just mean more players for FFXI which is what I, and most people, would like. I am just giving the facts man, the companies have made statement after statement but some people still don't get it. Ignorance isn't bliss....

05-10-2002, 01:45 PM
I HATE rumours.

FACT: Final Fantasy XI is coming out on PS2.

FACT: Final Fantasy XI is coming out on PC.

...anything else has no evidence whatsoever. QED.

05-10-2002, 09:32 PM
Thank you ExS.

05-11-2002, 03:14 AM
Well, you know it is a pretty retarted move to keep it only on the PS2 and the PC cause after The Spirits within they lost a crapload of money and had to sell out 1/4 of Squaresoft to Sony. To make up for it and buy it back it would be a frik'n good idea to make it multi-platform.


Nanaki XIII
05-11-2002, 03:22 AM
They may not have a choice. It really depends on when Nintendo decides to go online because I havent heard of an online service for the Gamecube yet. Or even if Square wants Nintendo to have it. They would probably give it to the X-Box before the GC. But hey I dont have the information to everything like Death Knight. I am just assuming.

05-11-2002, 03:18 PM
XBox fan don't get to happy because I do a lot of research on Final Fantasy and stuff and they never said anything about Square going to XBox. So stop the crap because this is not true.

Click Here

Now find me the article on Square going to XBox. later


05-11-2002, 05:46 PM
If you read carefully then you should realise he never actually said Square was going to XBox. He said it should be on all the systems. And for the GCN, I know they havn't got any info out yet about their online systems but I own one and the bottom has 2 serial ports and a high speed port. So they are capable now but just need to release how it works.
