12-01-2006, 08:48 PM
omg i made a thread! (last time i made one was prolly 5 years ago lol)

anyway. I'm curious. I was looking over my sweet collection of games again for some reason, and I was reminded how I have so many which I have either never played or have started playing but never finished. Kinda makes me think i'm wierd or something. Why buy games when I don't even play em? O_o I can come up with reasons but that's no the point.

I'd like to see if other people kinda do the same thing i do. I'll give little explenations to help jog your memories maybe. So basically,

which games did you start playing long ago, then stopped all of a sudden, and realized "damn... i gotta finish that game already".


which games did you buy long ago, yet haven't even played it, much less opened it since you baught it? O_o


please explain why on the most important ones to you. i'd love to hear yous guys reasons. :p
here are mine.


feel free to list maybe 1 or few "currently playing" if they are in your mental "must complete this in my lifetime" list that we all keep in our heads. :p

Donkey Kong 64
omg. this is a big one. see. long long ago when this game actually came out. i had a few reasons to buy it. mostly 2 i think. 1. it was a dk game from rare that was 3d and awesome. and b. it came with that expansion pack which is supposed to make everything better. (wtf knows what now i don't remember..anyway) i started playing this. and i was totally set on a perfect game. i even borrowed a strat guide from a friend.

but...there was a problem. for some reason, there was ONE golden banana (the big ones) i coudln't get. no matter what i did. it was for the big fat kong. i forgot the name. (i forget everything really). supopsedly there are like 5 to grap for each char within each map. 5 chars, that's like...25 per map? something like that. anyway, i could never get the 5th one for this guy. i checked EVERYTHING!! i backtracked, repeated actions, went up and down and everywhere, and NOTHING!! i thought maybe it was a fucking glitch or something and it just pissed the fuck out of me. i just quit. if i can't have my perfect game, i dun wanna play. and i've never felt the need to go back ever again. :( sad story aint it? i still think there was some fucking glitch or something. i even thought about starting a new game to see if maybe the next time around it woudln't happen. but i quickly got bored and never got as far as i did the first time. add to this accidental erasure due to siblings. and i just don't fucking care anymore. :-/

perhaps sometime in the future.

not as big a story as dk64 for this one. in reality, i just play this on and off sometimes with like 6 month or yearly gaps in between. O_o i'm still on the first disk for fucks sake. lol. not really intrested in a perfect game for this one if there is such an option. (i'm not familiar with any sidequests that i know of or anything...so i say fuck it. i'm just going with the main storyline). i don't know. i can't explain it. but after a while i think i just get bored or something else comes up that forces me to put this on hold and i don't come back to it often. i think its been like 4 years now. thinking about going back again some time soon. either when i beat ff12 (which i'm not stoping for no matter what) or maybe much later than that.

welp. i guess those are the two main games that i started and wish i could finish. these bug me the most.

now...unto my big list of games i havent even started on or somewhat started just to see how it is but never played again but wanna play and pass in my lifetime for sure. :p

Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
FF Origins
FF Anthology
FF Chronicles (i did pass ct though on my emu so no real hurry for that game)
CronoCross (omg i had this for like 6 years haven't even started it O_o)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chocobo's Dungeon (maybe not so much since its just a spinoff dungeon hack)
Magna Carta Tears of Blood
Dragon Quest VIII
Super Mario Sunshine
Paper Mario the thousand year door (i started but then stopped...)
Metroid Prime
Legend of Zelda the windwaker
Resident Evil 4
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Dirge of Cerberus FF7
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3 (i don't own 2 yet)
Prince of Persia sands of time
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy III
Dunggeon Siege (maybe i wanna play it...not sure)
Age of Mythology
Battle Realms (this one i overhyped all by myself. its a funny story. i happend upon it online i think. no one else knew about it or could tell me if it was good or not. I just read some reviews and saw a preview on G4 or something. i was hyped all by myself. but when i finally got it. it was like....lame. >.< lol i think its cause i expect everything to mimic aoeII cause i love that game so much lol
Suikoden II (these two only for the sake that everyone thinks of these as gods gift to the rpg world or some shit. pfft. i'm pretty sure the hype is gonna kill it)
Brave Fencer Musashi
Vagrant Story

and....... that's all i can think of for now. i skipped games with no real story like mario kart or super smash brothers or fatal fury 2k6 and stuff. they don't bother me if i don't play those through all the way.

so...yah. am i crazy or wut? i'll tell you this much, ONE of the reasons for this exaggerated lapse could be school (when i was going to it) work (when i was working) but most likely prolly mmorpg's cause i was addicted to them like crazy at one point. and who knows what else. i'm still trying to figure it out. oh yah and that i didn't buy a ps2 until like 2004 or so. very late. :p but the fact of the matter is.... i have no idea how the fuck i'm ever going to catch up when i take into consideration the fact that there are many more games i think are worth buying and the new games that keep coming out. its not even funny. >.<

welp. i hope you guys have some to share as well. i'm dying to know. :)
le sigh

J. Peterman
12-01-2006, 11:46 PM

12-02-2006, 01:38 AM
suikoden 2 is sex.

J. Peterman
12-02-2006, 01:40 AM
suikoden 2 is the greatest thing alive

12-02-2006, 03:23 AM
Tomb Raider 1...it&#180;s sad but true!

12-02-2006, 05:04 AM
Ive not finished more of my games than i have finished.

The most recent is are
Resident evil 4. Ive enjoyed almost all of my playtime on this game yet i just stopped one day and didn't get into it again yet.

Halflife 2 episode 1
Dunno, just stopped after teaking my new graphics card for a few days to get it to stop glitching then never played it much anymore.

I played it once and realised i don't really want to waste my time with a fake dog.

Metal gear solid (GC) i just can't be arsed to beat the hind.

Black and white 2 (kept making my pc crash,)


All Zelda games i own (Link's awakening, Minish cap, Windwaker, Ocarina of time)
I find the dungeons a little boring, although the only one i would ever actually beat is Link's awakening.

Soul calibur 2 and Jak 2 (both games i got and played about twice, like 3 years ago...

ffx-2, I started it and kind of felt i had had enough final fantasy already, so i stopped, and ive just never picked it up again.

Spyro the dragon 3 psone, i bloody love this game. However there is far more to do than holds my interest. I beat the last boss though...

GTA Vice city (again too much to keep my interest)

Rayman (cos it's too hard lol)

Gta 2 and 3 (i got 2 to go with my psone lcd screen but got 3 too and never played 3 much, but the races get far too long winded later on.)

Recent ebay buys

Perfect dark, it's no fun if there in only one person,lol.

Sonic 1 (master system 2) can't beat the last boss...

Alex kidd in miracle world (i die before getting the end...)

Lemmings (Amstrad cpc cassette) Wont load lol.

Crystal kingdom dizzy (Amstrad cpc) i only really got it to complete my collection.

12-02-2006, 10:37 PM
I'm also working on FFXII. I shall beat it soon.

12-02-2006, 10:47 PM
I got the special "Zelda" collection when I bought my Gamecube, but I have yet to complete any of the Zelda titles.

12-03-2006, 03:49 AM
Heres my list:

Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy Tactics gba and ps1
Vagrant story
Final Fantasy X2, and X
Mario and Luigi 2
Castlevania DoS

Theres more but this is all I can think of at the moment lol.

12-03-2006, 08:42 PM
awesome. there are others like me. lol. thanks for the replies everyone. now i know i'm not alone. lets form a support group! lol

AGA - Abandoned games Anonymous! lol

we'll meet every week and share are stories of survival! ;_; lol

ps. thanks for reminding me of metal gear solid. i baught a used copy earlier this year just so i can see what the hype is about, but i have yet to even pop the sucker in. lol

i'm surprised i actually beat god of war though. this too was on my list of games i never played. but one day my uncle came to me for help. (he had the game too and was stuck) i was surprised i was like "oh your playing this?" so i just helped him out on the part he was stuck, which got me REALLY interested on it (i dind't know it was that awesome) so then i started my own game, and beat it completely on hard and even beat the challenge of the gods so i can unlock everything else. it was very fun, and i was about to begin another game in god mode (hardest difficulty of all) so i can unlock the last secret in all the game (the only secret i have left) but i got bored real fast and the monsters are fucking impossible anyway so i said "whatever"

but i'm ok with that cause i at least beat it all in hard mode. so i'm happy.

that's one game down. and a multiple dozens more to go. lets take this one at a time peeps! lol

12-03-2006, 09:50 PM
I never finished FFX-2. *cough*dissapointment*cough*

I came close to beating Dark Cloud 2, but I never trained up Max, so I kept getting my ass kicked. Still haven't beaten Tales of Phantasia or FFV, but now that the psp 2.8 eloader is out, I'm diving back in.

Heh, I've never finished Animal Crossing.

Vaddoo 1
12-05-2006, 03:22 AM
The only games I haven't been able to beat are

Xenosaga Episode 1 eventhough I have beaten the other 2
Pikmin- that game just sucks
Valkarie Profile 2- I don't know what happened here
Trauma Center Under the Knife- Damn you Savato
Trauma Center Second Opinion- Damn you again Savato
Astonisha Story- No comment
Yoshi's story- it is a great game but.......
And Final Fantasy XI

Duke Fleed
12-05-2006, 04:29 AM
The only games I haven't been able to beat are

Xenosaga Episode 1 eventhough I have beaten the other 2
Pikmin- that game just sucks
Valkarie Profile 2- I don't know what happened here
Trauma Center Under the Knife- Damn you Savato
Trauma Center Second Opinion- Damn you again Savato
Astonisha Story- No comment
Yoshi's story- it is a great game but.......
And Final Fantasy XI

Astonisia story isn't very good. Valkyrie profile 2 is one of the best rpgs for ps2.

I stopped playing advance wars 2 because on one level where you have to use only aircraft to destroy this 'cannon base,' I kept being raped while using Eagle and became too intimidated to ever try again. I can only win using Grit.

Vaddoo 1
12-05-2006, 04:36 AM
Astonisia story isn't very good. Valkyrie profile 2 is one of the best rpgs for ps2.

I stopped playing advance wars 2 because on one level where you have to use only aircraft to destroy this 'cannon base,' I kept being raped while using Eagle and became too intimidated to ever try again. I can only win using Grit.

I was ashamed that Astonisia story wasn't good. That is the reason i don't play it anymore. As for Valkyrie Profile 2, I am going to start playing it as soon as i am done with my psychology project.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-13-2006, 09:32 PM
I have a ton I haven't even started, but anyway, I got to the end boss of Devil May Cry but never bothered beating it, never bothered going after the Final Fantasy 9 boss, I never beat Chrono Trigger because my cat pissed on the SNES when I was playing it thereby ruining my chance, I was too annoyed by it to finish Super Mario Sunshine, and I'm in the middle of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. I think that's it in terms of what I started but didn't finish. There were a ton when I was a kid, but I don't count those as I was too dumb to beat games then anyway.

12-13-2006, 10:13 PM
I haven't beaten FFXII. I think that's the only one I haven't beaten yet; unless you consider not getting the 100% ending on FFX-2 as being "unfinished".

Darth Revan
12-14-2006, 12:36 PM
Damn... this thread has actually made me look at my games collection... and cringe in fear lol.

On Xbox -
Shenmue II
Jade Empire

On Dreamcast -
Sword of the Beserk : Gut's Rage
Record of Lodoss War
Shenmue II

On Playstation 2 -
Scarface The World is Yours
Justice League Heroes
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Suikoden V
American Chopper
Escape from Monkey Island
Shadow Hearts Covenant
X-Men II : The Rise of Apocalypse
Wild Arms 3

Neo Xzhan
12-15-2006, 02:11 PM
Games I own and haven't finished:

Age of Wonders 1+2, I always make a start, come a long way and just stop playing the game. Which is sad, because they are great games.

Severence: Blade of Darkness: Anyone remember this gory game? It's awesome but I just can get frustrated with the controls+difficulty of the game and then just stop playing. That may be just me though.

Oni: I've had this game so long and I've never really finished the game, it's sad.

Summoner 1: I had the game, but I couldn't pick it up for some reason, then I started it (and really enjoyed it!) but then I found Summoner 2 in the stores, and abandoned this game.

Summoner 2: Had this game for 3 years I think. I've played the game numerous times, but I always got stuck on the part where you had to fight Azaraman (Taugris fights ALONE in this battle and I always always lost this battle till I had some luck and figured out a few things to do). Now last week, after 3 years of trying I FUCKING WON! So now I'm working hard to complete the game and doing every possible side quest there is.

Dark Chronicle (Dark Cloud 2 in US): Love this game. I got quite far in the game but then I suddenly abandoned the game.

Grandia 2: Started this game, got a little ahead in the game. Then I suddenly stopped playing, picked it up again, got really far and stopped again.

Wild Arms 3: Played this game a long time, and suddenly stopped playing again! I wanted to pick up where I left off but I had no clue as what the hell I was doing and was suposed to do again. Then I started over again.

The Wind Waker: All I have to do now is go for the final fight with Gamon (or so I thought his name was) This was 2-3 YEARS AGO. I don't know why..

Skies of Arcadia Legends: I got stuck on one part in this game, then I started over again about a year later. I got past that part and did alot of stuff. Then I got stuck again and stopped playing. (This seems to be a reocurring problem for me).

Lost Kingdoms 2: I never got stuck in this game or anything but I haven't touched it in over a year or 2. I tried playing it again recently and continue from a save game. But it's better I just start over again, I can't figure out my deck.

Gauntlet Dark Legacy: The only reason I never "finished" this game is: I'm trying too hard leveling up all the different characters just to see what I like better and just in case..