03-12-2002, 05:06 AM
What would happen

....Dachande,Tinchada,nappa and brolie crash on Gaia about 5 kilckes away from alexandria and the new queen you all know who she is notices this and sends an expedition to the crash site

When the expedition team finaly makes their way there they find 4 huge smoking crators and in each one is a pod like unidentified object
I'll leave the rest up to you guyz come up with the rest of the story but by the end try to have some of the sayins side on the gaian side

03-12-2002, 05:39 AM
Alexandrian soldier 1of10:Report
Alexandrian soldier 2: I don't know what to make of it ma,am
Alexandrian soldier 10:Somethings happening (Shaking)
Alexandrian Soldier 1: check it out whatever it is it isn't from around here
Dachande: (Crawls out of pod) Tianchada, Nappa, Brolie!!!!!
Tianchada: Aye sir scouters check pod systems damaged in the landing
Dachande: enough we won't need them this planet will make a nice home I might even leave some of the natives alone on this planet HUH up there look humans:mad:
Brolie: I'll take care of them
Nappa: no you don't it's my turn to frag a couple human scumbags
Dachande: enough I will take care of them myself Tianchada check the scouters to see if there are any strong life forms on this planet.
Tianchada: aye sir
Alexandrian Soldier 1: you there you are under arrest come along quietly and you will not be harmed
Dachande: heheheh you don't get it do you (Lightening quike dachande lunges at the Alexandrian officer sending her flying into a mountian)
Dachande: hmph that was no fun I guess I'll just have to entertain myself by killing the rest of you
Alexandrian Soldier 2:Retreat we must tell the queen
Dachande:(a golden aura appers around Dachande) now I will kill you and the rest of your pathetic race
a huge mushroom cloud can be seen by Queen garnet from the castles belcony
Garnet: thats around where those other explosions were
Beatrix:Shall I send out more troops ma,am
Garnet: no I don't want to risk the lives of more people no doubt the soldiers sent earlier are dead.
to be continued

03-12-2002, 06:14 AM
A DBZ meets FFIX fanfic thingy x_X

...This forum isn't the place for it though. Head to the Fiction and Poetry (http://forums.ffshrine.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=10) forum and post it there.

Better yet, I'll move it there myself.

And please don't double post (post right after yourself) like that o_O Man am I tired.

03-12-2002, 03:48 PM
Dachande: hmph what weaklings I myself am a legendary supersayin and my power level exeeds 5 million
Nappa: *cough* cough* Dachande I thought you said no big fire works until we start bashing these humans up
Dachande: I did say no big fireworks I didn't make a big firework show so stop complaining
Tianchada: there are 4 major regions Lindblum,Alexandria,Brumecia and treno
Dachande: Lindblum sounds like a good start after we will head straight for brumecia then we will go for Treno and then Alexandria
Tianchada:But sir Alexandria is the closest
Dachande:Check your scouter there are 4 huge power levels there it's not that I'm afriad but I want to save the best for last heheheh
Nappa:I want to go see this alexandria place on another human planet called earth which is very technologicly advanced compaired to this planet but no one comes close to use with technology but any ways they had a spacestation called Alexandria
Dachande: do as you wish but if you get in trouble call us on the scouter and report any good pickings for the final battle
Nappa:aye sir
Zidane: What was that big Explosion
Stiener: Don't know we must reconnoiter at once
Zidane: Hold it rusty whatever it is just leave it alone it could be something very bad remember Necron....O thats right you gave your power up to help me so you wouldn't remember
Eiko:I wanna go see we can take care of anything that tries to hurt us.
Garnet on the belcony
Garnet: What is that thing moving towards the city it looks like a person
Nappa: on final approch towards alexandria
Dachande: you fool use the cloaking device I don't want the natives to know we are here yet
Nappa:too late theres a girl on the belcony of a big castle starring at me
Dachande: WHAT!?!?!?!?!? TAKE HER OUT NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!


03-12-2002, 10:14 PM
.........................& they live happily ever after!!(I had to do this, just to anoy you guys!:D :D )

03-12-2002, 11:55 PM
Nappa: I.....I can't
Dachande: What do you mean you can't
Nappa: I just can't hurt someone as cute as her
Dachande: now you listen to me I will come there my self and kill all the cute girls if you don't carry out your orders
Brolie: sir more soldiers approching looks like they are men this time
Tianchada: I'll take care of them
Dachande: Good I guess I have to go babysit Nappa
Brolie: huh?
Dachande: o ya he's falling for someone and that is not I repeat not why we are here.
Tianchada: o she he's slackin
Dachande: something like that
Garnet: Stiener get the pluto knights to fire the cannons at that creature
Stiener: yes Ma'am
Cannons turn on Nappa and fire
big explosions,a big cloud of smoke, a shadowy figure
Nappa: (flys down to castle as Zidane comes up and Nappa lands really pissed off
Nappa: you little rats I will crush you in to little pieces
Zidane: who are you
Nappa: me who am I ahahahahaha you think I'm going to tell you that we are sayins come to take over the planet and kill anyone who gets in our way?
Nappa: {...damnit shouldn't of said that...um}
Nappa: you there blondy you trator
Zidane: me trator?
Nappa: yes you Dachande will have your head for a trophy
Zidane: you got the wrong guy
Nappa: how could you disgrace the sayin race by joining these humans
Zidane: sayins?
Nappa: don't tell me you don't know what a sayin is you are a sayin
Zidane: I'm not a sayin and I don't like to kill and take over people
Nappa:yes your a sayin you have a tail
Zidane: huh?
Nappa: o well if I kill you before Dachande gets here maby I'll get promoted to Colonal
Stiener: Who's this Dachande your talking about?
Nappa: o so you want to know whats going on here huh?
Nappa: Dachande is the strongest warrior in the universe a super sayin he can destroy entire worlds with his fingertips
Eiko: why should we believe you
Nappa: (yells into his scouter)Dachande I've run into problems
Zidane: we will take you out right now your going down
Nappa: heheheh am I gonna enjoy this
Fight scene Zidane begins getting hammered but enters trance
Nappa: what is that I'v never seen anything like that heheh it doesn't matter though your still going to die
Zidane uses Grand lethal on Nappa
Nappa: ugh you fight well but not enough
Garnet summons Bahamut
Bahamut uses MAGA FLARE
Zidane: what is that
on the city limits at about the same altitude is another figure with a tail just like zidane only he has black hair

Dachande stretches his hand out towards Bahamut again a golden aura appers around Dachande then Dachande charges up and fires a blast at Bahamut
Bahamut is vaporized
Dachande looks down at Garnet, Zidane, and Stiener with an evil grin

To be continued

By the way I made up Dachande I took trunks japaneese name scarmbled it up mixed the letters up added some took some away and I got Dachande which is a predators name but I said to hell with it I'll use this name he looks like a black haired version of zidane but when he turns into a super sayin he looks like young trunks ei. my avatar

03-13-2002, 02:04 AM
Dachande: (yells) So your the ones who killed my Major and you must be the one that stopped Nappa from attacking(points towards garnet) well little girl that charm won't work on me
Garnet: me?
Dachande flys down to the belcony]
Dachande: huh? you (points at Zidane) why arn't you in uniform
Zidane: huh?
Dachande: don't HUH me
Stiener: stay back
Stiener: Zidane who is this guy he looks a lot like you
Zidane: I'v never seen him in my life
Dachande: shutup all of you I should kill you for killing Nappa
Zidane: So your the one that guy was talking about earlier
Dachande: so Nappa leaked information to you well that doesn't matter your all gonna die sooner or later
Eiko: your just a bully leave us alone
Zidane: shes right leave
Dachande: you must either be really brave or really stupid to say that to me
Zidane Rushes towards Dachande
Dachande rases his hand and a gust of wind is fired at Zidane
Zidane flys backwards right into Garnet
Dachande: hmph you arn't even worth my time
Zidane and garnet get up
Garnet: Whatever it is you want take it and leave
Dachande: heh do you want to know what I want
Dachande: for starters I want this planet
Dachande: I also want to have a human massacure
Garnet: Eiko it's that light again
Eiko: it must be Alexander
Dachande: alex who
huge wings apper right behind the castle
Dachande takes off into the air
Alexander Fires his holy judgement bolts at Dachande
Dachande stretches his arms out and deflects all the blue rays of energy
Dachande: is that all you got
Dachande Upgrades to SSJ1
Zidane: is that trance
Dachande: heh fool now I'll show you some of my real power
A high gale of wind all over the place mountains shatter in the background
Dachande is glowing a crimson gold
Dachande fires a bright blast of energy towards alexander
A big explosion not big enough to kill anyone else just highly consentrated Alexander is vaporized just like Bahamut
Dachande downgrades to regular sayin
Dachande: heheheheheheh sure hope thats not all you've got little girl
Garnet: why are you doing this
Dachande: I already told you I am Apocolypse
Dachande: you humans are so pathetic I will let you live for now but you cannot escape your ultamate fate


03-13-2002, 03:46 AM
Garnet: You say your name is Dachande
Dachande: you ask a lot of questions too many questions for your own good
Dachande: Da-shun-day
Dachande: hopfully by the time I return you will be strong enough for a fight
Dachande: (yells into scouter)Brolie you take Lindblum)
Tianchada you take brumecia and Treno I'll search the other continants for life
Zidane: you can't win because were a team
Dachande: your laughable
Dachande takes off and flys towards the horizon yelling behind him PREPAR YOUR SELVES
Garnet: Dachande Dachande hmmm thats a weird name maby we should ask Doctor Tot if he knows anything about the sayins or what that name means
Stiener: we should make haste he said something about taking treno and that is where Doctor Tot lives
Zidane: I'll ask the Tantalus boys to help
Garnet: I'll ask uncle cid for help
Eiko: maby Madeen can beat him
Stiener: I don't understand hwo he looks like you Zidane are you sure he's not related to you
Zidane: he said he was a say-in right?
Stiener: yes he did
Zidane: I'm not a sayin but both of them thought I was
Zidane: only the first one called Dachande a super-sayin
Eiko: that doesn't sound good
Garnet: I have a better idea lets send for Doctor Tot to come here with the gargant
Garnet: maby those sayins won't find them
Zidane: what about that big snake monster what if another one shows up and Doctor Tot gets into trouble
Amarant: I'll go get him
Amarant: no one in treno will mess with me
Zidane: where have you been
Amarant: I was down in the town square but when I saw all the explosions I came here and then I saw that guy fly away I thought he was you Zidane
Zidane: I'v never seen him before or the bald one
Night passed
Doctor Tot and Zidane and Garnet talking about sayins
Doctor Tot: the only thing about sayins that I know of is that they thrive on violence and war
Garnet: is that all you know about them
Doctor Tot: not entirly these super-sayins as you called them they are super strong sayins legendary
Stiener: I know we can beat him
Zidane: maby we can beat him at his own game
Doctor Tot: not a chance Dachande sounds like a name given to an expert fighter
Eiko: he has friends maby we can capture one and threaten to do something bad and get him to leave and never come back
Zidane: that could work but he looks like he can accept any sacrifice
Doors open
Lindblum soldier: you must come to Lindblum quick we are being attacked by one very strong enemy
Zidane: the sayins
Garnet: we have to help them
Garnet,Zidane,Stiener,Amarant, Eiko, and the Lindblum soldier travel with the invincable to Lindblum
Brolie: heh is that all you got little human
Lindblum soldier: we will fight to the last
Brolie: heh you better fight to the last thats why I'm here
Brolie fires a Energy blast at lindblum grand castle
the top half almost caves in
Garnet, and Zidane look in horror to find that Regent Cid might be dead
Garnet: o no were too late
Stiener: were almost there
Brolie: whats that blue aircraft
Brolie fires an energy blast at it and it's deflected
Brolie: unbelievable it survived my attack too bad theres no full moon out right now because boy would there be a real party

3 nights away from this years full moon

Zidane: were here lets go show this guy what were made of
Brolie: so your the ones that killed Nappa I'm suprised Dachande let you live
Brolie: o I see he let you live because of you right(points towards garnet)
Garnet: huh
Brolie: ok maby not well if you think of getting in my way I'll take you out right here right now
Zidane: your going down

To Be Continued

03-13-2002, 04:10 AM
Nothing but dialogue?

I read the whole thing because the crossover was just plain too weird. It's surely got DBZ's all talk style to it. lol.

03-13-2002, 04:15 AM
hey this is my first story after all

03-13-2002, 08:51 AM
ummm... i think this is mroe of a story than a interactive fan fic thing... i'm gonna close this, if you want, you can get all this text and put it into one big post and start a new thread.