03-12-2002, 05:04 AM
-For my girl Sherlock.

I love you when you're high,
The way you swear the colors change,
The way you see shapes rearrange,
When you say you shatter in the sky.

I love you when you're high,
When you dance in silver fire,
And I could join you on the pyre
When I take the step and partly die.

I love you when you're high,
Threading the entire spectrum
Through your nimble prism
Weaving hope back into life.

I love you when you're high,
Plotting our sudden revolution
Writing a brand new Constitution,
We'll change the world tomorrow night.

I love you when you're high,
Playing metaphysical games
And blindman's bluff on a cliff of names,
Amidst the wonders of the night.

You're a wonder when you're high.
When you're not, you're still a deity,
You still hold the world for me,
And I hold you higher than my life.

Think what you want about this poem It's still true.

zidane tribal
03-14-2002, 06:13 PM
hey man, that was an awesome poem....... first welcome to the site, and great work!!!! keep adding more man....later....

03-14-2002, 07:51 PM
Thats pretty cool. Well writen and nice to read. You should keep them up! I'd like to see more.:)