03-12-2002, 04:16 AM
What do you think about Square ending it's short movie career?
(Square was planning on mking many movies, but with the poor money made from THe Spirits within, they decided to end it short.)

03-13-2002, 08:45 AM
Sucks. Spirits within was good, it just wasn't really Final Fantasy. What I mean is, it was a great fantasy-movie, but it didn't have the classic elements that make FF FF.

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03-17-2002, 09:01 PM
They still are in debt , they still gottta pay up mad cash for the production of spirtis within

03-17-2002, 11:20 PM
Personally, when I first heard of the FF movie, I was really excited. I thought, "Joy! A real FF movie! Something I had been hoping for since FF6!" When I heard it wasn't gonna have any of the FF atributes, inlcuding characters and other such things, I was dissapointed. When I saw the movie, I was even more dissapointed. It had nice graphix, and the characters were pretty cool, but the story itself just sucked. If they were gonna continue to make movies like that, I'm glad they're stopping. They definitley need to stick with the games, because the games are MUCH better.

03-19-2002, 05:31 AM
The spirits within was a good movie and i was really excited about it when i heard it was comin out
i think square should continue its movie career however
they need to put in the use of magic though
movies are too short to develop the characters
im thinkin a series like lord of the rings
grafix were awesome
story was better than i expected since movies are so short

03-23-2002, 09:44 PM
No offense to Square or any of you but the spirits within really did suck.I think Square should stick to what it does best: Video games

03-23-2002, 10:23 PM
They should quit. Spirits within wasn't really a good movie, and made very poor profit, so basically they lost tons of money and need to drop out if my memory serves correctally. They just need to stick to the games.