03-12-2002, 02:12 AM
Hey everyone, i have a question for FFXI. How many of you are going to get the Playstation 2 version, when the PC version will cost A LOT less? I'm a FF fan, but buying the PS2 version is almost to hard to justify. Any thoughts?:uh?:

03-12-2002, 09:32 PM
How do you know that the PC version will cost so much less?

Anyway, for the people who have very old computers, or slow computers, or computer illiterate, the PS2 would just be easier.

03-12-2002, 11:55 PM
I agree, there are plenty of people who dont have good computers. There is always something wrong when I try to play a game on my computer. But about the PS2, I don't know much about the modem or whatever they're going to use. Can somebody fill me in on it? And how much will it cost to play, if anybody knows?

03-13-2002, 12:03 AM
well the hard drive could cost anywhere from 20- 60$ depending on which one u get. each one holds the same amount of memory (40 gigs) but one goes inside the ps2 while the other goes out. obviously the one that goes inside is cheaper. the modem is being released in japan on may 16 along with ff11. Sony has announced the North American online details along with the hard drive details. the modem has been given a release date of august 16 or 19 (forgot) for the states. details on the hard drive haven't been big cause not many games need it but sony said when a really big game that needs it (i.e. ff11) they would release it some time shortly before the release of the game. as for ff11's release date in the states it could be sometime from fall 2002 to early 2003. hope i cleared up any questions:cool: