03-12-2002, 01:52 AM

My pencil style doesn't seem to be made for scanners... ah well. Ink can be done really fast it seems. Both images were cropped, but I tried to fit in as much as I could.

03-12-2002, 02:19 AM
ooooooooooooooooooooh! cool style, very lainish...if you know what I mean.

I like the second one best because of the veiw...damn its so well balanced...I think the only thing it could use is color...wich is obvious...unless you dont want it to and.. wel... My head hurts.

03-12-2002, 04:17 AM
I like the background in the second picture. The people in your pictures are okay... don't like the style of the people too much but I'll say that I like the background.

03-12-2002, 07:54 AM
I wouldn't be surprised. reminds me of what my friend always tell me. "thats nice, but I don't like the way the characters look." But I can't worry about personal tastes can I? Considering I'm the only Bebop Highschool/Rokudenashi BLUES yanki loving fellow I know, I figure there ought to be some seperation in tastes. I can't stand mangas that have that sharp edged anime look to them for instance. "anime is simplified for animation!" I always say, but thats the way things are.

I'm not pretending I draw near the level of Rokudenashi BLUES by the way. But Morita-san was 29 when he started. I'll have no problem catching him.

03-12-2002, 02:50 PM
I really really like the first one =D I personally suck at drawing with ink, so all the more respect for people who can :D

I love how you did the shades and lightning.. And I don't see anything wrong with the people, you're just using your own style :)

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-12-2002, 09:57 PM
Good luck catching one of your idols there rezo. I'm just 16, you think I could catch you? Lol. Ah well, the background work is great, I'm certain I could do great backgrounds as well but I just don't have the time, I have the young hot shot artist attitude, I'd rather do a lot of cool action shots than spend a month working on one.

I for one like your characters, it's a very interesting look. They don't overall match the realism of your backgrounds, but you know if you try to do that, the detail of the background wouldn't even be so impressive anymore. The two would cancel each other out...

I see our tree conversation come to light here, you obviously spent time with the trees there, and I hope sometime soon to take the time to actually practice producing such background work, I do a little more than a lot of 16 year olds I'm sure but it's not enough.

Yet again you help to inspire me rezo, these are absolutely great to me, I have nothing bad to say of them.

The new pose and position of the girl in the first picture is a VAST improvement from the first version, isn't it great when you struggle and struggle with composition and finally all it once it just falls in place?

03-13-2002, 02:14 AM
Congrats on the 2 really cool drawings. Very nice... err how old are you, anyway ? I'm trying to catch on you. XD

03-13-2002, 10:25 AM
Ktulu, I can tell you a short story then. When I was in high school, I'd look at all of my quick drawings and say "this isn't all I can do is it?" And I would have serious doubts, but, these drawings weren't much more than sketches. The only difference between them and sketches was that I put them on white paper and didn't draw them in my notebook. Every once in a while, I would get an idea, and I would spend an ungodly amount of time creating it(as I do with just about all of my drawings now) and I would compare them to my other drawings, and I could see. . . "this is how I draw". And the like. I think you need to do this just to see what you are capable of. If you don't have the time for it, just let it sit and work on it when you can. the ink drawing in this topic was started last summer. I did the basics and didn't have the time for it, and only pulled it out recently and finished. Eventually you'll have the time to get it done. I used to do all of my drawing between 1 and 4 AM(until last week, when I spontaneously decided to reshift my schedule while talking to Serienne, what with the staying up until 4AM and all) . . .now I draw from 11-1 AM. put it up, and get back at it the next day. I have some drawings from when I was 17(the oldest/best ones I could find), I'll try and post them before spring break. They were leagues ahead of my standard 17 year old drawings, and the only proof to myself that I could get something good done. I remember seeing one of your drawings from when you first started posting them, which looked very impressive(it was a standard comic girl. . .reminded me of the 70s pencil style, but I can't remember much more as it was so long ago). It should follow that after a year and a half, you should be able to do much better. Even if you can't see it in your drawings that you're making now. The skill level has gone up. If you were to stop drawing now, and resume 6 months from now, you would find that you had gained ability simply from what you realized during your break.

Its like when you draw from a photo. The shadows and proportions WILL be better than what you usually produce. You understand this, because you aren't responsible for creating them anymore, its just your ability to produce. Now, drawing from a photo proves you have the ability to create shadows and proportions and perspective at the level of the reproduction. Its just about applying that higher level of ability to your own drawings.

I have the same "hot-shot" mentality as you do. Unfortunately,
Whenever I do a lot of quick drawings(only for comics) I can't stand the quality and angrily throw them away. not angrily. but, you know.
I'll stop here.