Sephiroth Incarnate
11-27-2006, 03:57 AM
You can talk about what you personally think is the best song created for the FF series.......or.....who you think is better as a composer Hitoshi or teh Masterful Nobuo.

When it comes to best song.....I have to say....... it has to be the One-Winged Angels......... The first one was masterful...but it had the whole poor pronounced lyrics........ The New one- A:OWA- is also freaking amazing.... the perfect blend between orchestra and rock rules....

I like Nobuo...he has done the series proud......he has never lett us down when it comes to the music wee have all come to know, love, and respect.....
Hitoshi is good in his own way.....but you can't help but wonder if FFXII would have been even better had Nobuo composed the scores for quote I believe either PSM or Game Informer magazine...."FFXII has a highly forgettable soundtrack"

Valerie Valens
11-27-2006, 03:01 PM
Nobuo is a talentless hack after his works on FF6, then he did decently on FF9...followed by more suckage. I don't know about Hitoshi, but he's not Yoko Shimomura so I don't give a damn.

11-27-2006, 03:13 PM
I like Nobuo Uematsu. I don't believe he's a talentless hack ;_;; but I also don't think he's amazing. I enjoy his work for what it is. No overall complaints here, except that I think One Winged Angel is garbage. I also speculate that FF7 fanboys concieve children to this song and then name them Cloud, Aeris, and Sephiroth.

IMO, Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi did a great job on X-2.

11-27-2006, 03:19 PM
The best song for a Final Fantasy game is "Interrupted by Fireworks" and "Search for the Princess" from FFIX. The Prologue is another classic theme.

11-27-2006, 04:15 PM
I'd have to say the FF6 has his best works written all over it... I especially like the overworld music... classic. Actually it was Terra's theme... I have an orchestraed version of it, and it kicks ass! Seriously... most music I have from him are either from 6 or 7, and yes, I don't like One Winged Angel either. I like the other song that are in there like the overworld music, which is Cloud's theme as well I think... but yeah, the best is Terra's theme for me. Also I never get tired of listening to the Prelude...

11-27-2006, 04:21 PM
For your info, i am in 10th grade......And I know more about Final Fantasy than any douche on this site............ I live, eat, sleep, and breathe Final Fantasy.......My mom and dad sponsor a FF club at my highschool, which I preside, when you decide not to be a little prick....I might consider you worthy.....

Still rofflin'.

11-28-2006, 12:28 PM

Nobuo has pleased me with pretty much all the FF's. I've only completed FF7 through X-2, and I pretty much love all the soundtracks.

Wouldn't know about the latter, since we don't have Final Fantasy 12 yet.

Also lollin Prak.

Memento Mori
11-28-2006, 05:01 PM
What does your illustrious FF club think, Incarnate? You bunch of frisky 10th graders! ROFFLE.

11-28-2006, 06:19 PM
What does your illustrious FF club think, Incarnate? You bunch of frisky 10th graders! ROFFLE.

Seriously, don't you have uber-important FF-club business to attend to? Like planning your next cosplay? How do you determine who gets to be Cloud? Wow, it must be stressful, being fifteen. However did we adults make it?

12-01-2006, 10:06 AM
best song ever is Toki No Hourousha from Pray. hell if I know who did the arrangement.

Cool man
12-01-2006, 03:27 PM
best song ever is Toki No Hourousha from Pray. hell if I know who did the arrangement.

Masatsugu Shinozaki did the arrangement and Ririko Yamabuki did the lyrics.

12-01-2006, 06:41 PM
Wanderer of Time (FFVI Terra's theme) from FFPray - Uematsu Nobuo

12-08-2006, 10:50 AM
Please do not take offense at what I am about to say in my post. I am sure your a nice person, but there are just some statements that made me disagree with your reply.

When it comes to best song.....I have to say....... it has to be the One-Winged Angels.........

I am sorry to say, but I think that your statement about One Winged Angel being the best song, is biased. Why? Well for one, you favor Sephiroth. Two, because you seem to go by who is more popular. Just because something is well known, doesn't mean its always the best. Yes, Nobou Uematsu has wonderful composing skills. But comparing him to those lesser known on the FF music staff, is like people comparing Mozart to Danny Elfman. ( Really bad analogy, but at least it gets my point across.) It just doesn't work, due to the fact that one is more popular then the other: and they both have different merits because of their styles.

to quote I believe either PSM or Game Informer magazine...."FFXII has a highly forgettable soundtrack"

PLEASE NOTE: Game magazines are geared towards what's popular. ITS WHAT THEY ARE PAID TO DO.

And, if anything, FFXII's music is one of the most memorable because it is much different then what majority of FF fans are used to. The melodies he creates for FXII are far more inspiring and are actually in tune with the games story/characters. And in my own opinion, Hitoshi has a certain flare to his arrangements that make his music more light hearted and uplifting, then that of Nobous works. I guess it all comes down to what your music tastes are.

As for who my favorite composer is: I truly have none. I love all of the music Square Enix creates. But, I'll admit my most frequent selection is that of Uematsu, Shimomura, and Sakimoto. I'd make a list of tracks I enjoy, but it would take a milenia to finish. But, will say this: I just can't stop listening to FF Tactics music. It never gets tiring.

Mr. Smith
12-09-2006, 06:32 PM
There's a sort of String quartet to FFXII's music, there's not enough eccentric keyboarding. The orchestrating is rather unremarkable.

12-14-2006, 09:22 AM
Nobou has produced a few masterpieces, and that's all that people remember and think about when they brag about how good Nobou is. Like who the hells fames Nobou for the music that plays when your inside Balamb Garden in FFVIII. No one!

Hitoshi, overall has produced what video game music was suppose to be like. Another element that makes you ever more sucked into the gaming experience, not a stand alone cd release song like Nobou does his styles.

Though you can't really complain about Nobou, he was the one who inspired the Final Fantasy Piano Collections - Some of the best pieces on the piano ever. And who the hell didn't cry when Aeris' Theme came on as you see Aeris Die in FFVII? Well me for a start, but I do know somepeople who did cry!

12-16-2006, 05:25 PM
Id go with Eyes On Me from FF8. I always get a tear in my eye from this...

Mr. Smith
12-17-2006, 07:25 PM
Suteki Da Ne is beautiful as well.

12-17-2006, 09:23 PM
There is no best song, but I work with ambiance of the music in where the location is and how the music affects it.

VI is the best in this case because if go into a cave and play Phantom Forest, or a factory/packing plant and use Devil's Lab, you never miss a beat.

I don't have a personal favorite song, but Saying something like One-Winged Angel is the best is biased, because those people just masterbate to Sephiroth or do something equally dubious for their favor of the song. It's okay, but FAR from the best.

12-18-2006, 02:29 AM
I hate Final Fantasy as well as most of the annoying musical tracks of the game. There are a few that are okay, though.... My fav being the one from the first place in the 7th game....I have no idea what that song is called though. I also like Zorn and Thorns theme (as they are the only characters I grew to love in playing any of that horrid series).....I especially like Zorn-ie.

12-18-2006, 02:34 AM
I hate Final Fantasy as well as most of the annoying musical tracks of the game.
I kinda just laughed and thought to myself... "Annoying, riiiiiiiight."

12-18-2006, 02:37 AM
Do you know what the first level track from FF7 is called. And yes, annoying is right ^^

12-18-2006, 02:44 AM
LOL, there's a first level in FF7? Level 1 maybe....

Also, more like, annoying is wrong. Oooooh, zing!

12-18-2006, 02:57 AM
No, annoying is definately right. And I mean the first place you actually play as a character in...It's been awhile since I played the game... It's the dark plant place you destroy at the first of the game or something... I dunno, it's been too long.... But that music was always my fav out of any FF tune....

12-18-2006, 03:03 AM
No, annoying is definately right.
Explain plz, or is it because you like creepy stuff?

12-18-2006, 03:06 AM
No, the tunes to that game just hurt my ears is all. They all sound exactly alike in some ways, and are really REALLY VERY repetitive....It's okay to be good repetitive, but when the tune is just a simple, unattractive tune and it repeats itself over again, it's like fingernails against a chalboard in my head. As I've said before, some of the songs are okay, but most are the same random junk over and over again, the tune from FF7 level 1 not one of them. And I still wish I knew the name of that there a FF7 soundtrack up on the DL page right now? I want to find that song.

12-19-2006, 04:35 AM
In other words, FF just isn't gothy enough for her.

12-19-2006, 05:26 AM
The music in Final Fantasy only gets repetitive if your playing the game, get lost and walk in circles in the same place for hours upon hours, OR, yes there's an or, OR if you can play the music on the piano.

12-20-2006, 09:18 AM
In other words, FF just isn't awesome enough for her.

Yep, 'bout sums it up. I'm still searching for the name of that one track, though....-_-

Duke Fleed
12-20-2006, 05:19 PM
Do you know what the first level track from FF7 is called. And yes, annoying is right ^^

You're referring to "the bombing mission." I don't like people comparing Uematsu to Shimomura. That girl's a tone deaf hack to Uematsu. Her work is just quickly compiled theme music. Uematsu is known for his battle music that is meant to choreograph the real pain and difficulty of the battles. Take "the battle with the 4 fiends from ff4, or Hunter's chance from ff9. The best Yoko Shimomura battle theme I've heard is the hard rock battle theme from Legend of mana. It's Led Zeppelin vs. Treble Charger. The true legend will stand the test of time. I will only ever remember Shimomura for

1) Contributing a miniscule amount of work to the first front mission
2) A couple songs in Legend of Mana.

I've attached the legend of mana boss theme (remix) I was referring to because I don't know the name of the song. Hopefully this clears things up.

12-20-2006, 06:55 PM
You're referring to "the bombing mission."

Actually I found it, and it wasn't called that....O.o It was called Mako Reactor ( Probably the only FF song I really genuinely love. It's soothing and quite pretty. I'm listening to it right now XP

12-20-2006, 08:31 PM
Yep, 'bout sums it up. I'm still searching for the name of that one track, though....-_-

Oh noes, I got the big misquote. :rolleyes: Anyway, now that I'm listening to "Mako Reactor," I'm pretty sure that you don't have a clue on earth as to just what you're talking about. As much as I bash on FFVIII, its music is way better than FFVII's, especially a lackluster tune like "Mako Reactor." Funny how you gripe about repetition in FF music, when you brag on one of the most repetitive songs in FFVII, which doesn't even boast a great soundtrack.

12-20-2006, 09:58 PM
Really, I never liked much of any of the other tracks...but I'm really into ambience, and this song has it going on ^^. I really don't care for VIII or IX the most cause they're....flat...except I dig Zorn and Thorn's theme, mostly because I luv those guys. It's okay is its repetitive as long as it's unique and different, which is what Mako Reactor is definately...alot of the other songs on FF sound the same...<.<' but this one just sticks out. It's probably the only memorable song from FF I can think of because it's so different sounding that the others.

12-20-2006, 10:06 PM
Repetition is the act of duplication, and duplication is far from unique and different.

12-21-2006, 12:50 AM
Repetition is the act of duplication, and duplication is far from unique and different.

Repitition from one song to the next is horrible, but within the same piece can bring forth a sense of togetherness. It's why songs have choruses, the same tune and really bring it together. So repitition is a great thing if used wisely, as it is here. However, repeating things from one whole song to the next is a complete waste and very unoriginal.

12-21-2006, 01:15 AM
Repitition from one song to the next is horrible, but within the same piece can bring forth a sense of togetherness. It's why songs have choruses, the same tune and really bring it together. So repitition is a great thing if used wisely, as it is here. However, repeating things from one whole song to the next is a complete waste and very unoriginal.
Yeah, because all Final Fantasy music is repetition from one song to the next, except Mako Reactor because it's totally exempt and it's repetition is unique and different!

Righto, el capitano.

12-21-2006, 01:26 AM
Exactly ^^

12-21-2006, 01:32 AM
Pretty stupid fucking concept if you ask me, but I should tooottallly listen to the chick who most likely has no idea what the piss she's talking about.

12-21-2006, 01:51 AM
Riiiiiight. I'm just a successful local musician with no idea of what music is all about.....Keep thinking that ^^

12-21-2006, 02:02 AM
I'm loving the fact that because you're a musician you must know everything everything about Final Fantasy, it's composers, it's repetition (except for 1 song) and setup.... despite the fact you hate the games and the music. That is why you have no idea what the piss you're talking about.

We're on a Final Fantasy forum and you're in a FF thread, get used to the topic.

12-21-2006, 03:27 AM
Despite my loathing of Final Fantasy, I have played through the games, listened to the music and yeah...I know quite a bit. I know enough about it to thoroughly hate it LOL I've played all of the games as well... I'mnot one of those losers who make claims without trying things out first.

12-21-2006, 03:42 AM
You're saying "trying" but if you backspace a bit you get that you've "played through", theres a big difference between the two. Make up your mind...

Also, what would you consider "all" of them exactly, because I'm not buying it. Not to mention the fact that anyone with half a brain wouldn't play an entire game series if they didn't like it, let alone the music.

12-21-2006, 09:43 AM
Riiiiiight. I'm just a successful local musician with no idea of what music is all about.....Keep thinking that ^^

Roffle. Is this where "Pix or it didn't happen" applies?

I really don't care for VIII or IX the most cause they're....flat...except I dig Zorn and Thorn's theme, mostly because I luv those guys.

I haven't played XII yet, but VIII and IX boast two of the better soundtracks in the series; VIII's tunes are quite moody, and IX has several classics. You fault tracks like Vamo' alla Flamenco without a real reason and put a dud like Mako Reactor up on a pedestal for "ambience"--that sort of thing sure makes it seem like you really haven't a bloody clue what you're talking about--"successful local musician" or not.

12-21-2006, 12:56 PM
I haven't played XII yet, but VIII and IX boast two of the better soundtracks in the series; VIII's tunes are quite moody, and IX has several classics. You fault tracks like Vamo' alla Flamenco without a real reason and put a dud like Mako Reactor up on a pedestal for "ambience"--that sort of thing sure makes it seem like you really haven't a bloody clue what you're talking about--"successful local musician" or not.

There are many songs that are far more memorable and take a step off the typical soundtrack. Some other good ones are; Waltz For The Moon, To Zanarkand, Yuna's Ballad, and not to mention the songs with lyrics that are all too easy to remember and appreciate; Eyes on Me, 1000 Words, Kiss Me Goodbye, etc.

Samonosuke strife
12-30-2006, 08:43 AM
Nubuo Uematsu

12-30-2006, 09:08 AM
Piano Collections arrangements > original songs.

Duke Fleed
12-30-2006, 10:21 PM
Actually I found it, and it wasn't called that....O.o It was called Mako Reactor ( Probably the only FF song I really genuinely love. It's soothing and quite pretty. I'm listening to it right now XP

I see. I thought you were referring to the theme that plays as soon as cloud departs the train at the beginning of the game. You think this is pretty? This is a profound example of how music can really set the scene. It feels so lifeless and desolate.

01-07-2007, 01:49 AM
I kinda just laughed and thought to myself... "Annoying, riiiiiiiight."

In reference to what you were laughing at Twilight;

Why are people who just want to rag on FF even here? It's predominantly a Final Fantasy fan site. That's like me hating Indian people, moving to India and then calling them down for it. There's this huge, easily identified line between having an opinion, and being a fucking moron. For the love of god, do these people actually functional organs?

02-28-2007, 11:18 PM
My number one song have to be Terras (Tinas) theme in FFVI... Just awesome!
Though One Winged Angel is competing for the title!

Gosh! There are sooo many grate songs in the Final Fantasy games that it makes my head spin!
But I must admit Noubo Uematsu have slid dowhill after FFVII... :/

02-28-2007, 11:31 PM
Finally, someone who loves Terra's theme as much as I! Hahaha, that's a wonderful tune.

02-28-2007, 11:34 PM
It's called bombing mission i think.

I prefer the music from Final fantasy adventure,

i can't say which is the best music because i can't get into details about the technical side of the music, but my favourites are loads of odd songs from most of the games.

I disliked most of ff8's music (although the dollet mission is awesome imo)

I really liked ff6's music, there aren't any tracks that i didn't like.

02-28-2007, 11:36 PM
Please do not take offense at what I am about to say in my post. I am sure your a nice person, but there are just some statements that made me disagree with your reply.

When it comes to best song.....I have to say....... it has to be the One-Winged Angels.........

I am sorry to say, but I think that your statement about One Winged Angel being the best song, is biased. Why? Well for one, you favor Sephiroth.

Hehe... It�s quite weird to say that you favor Sephiroth because you like One Winged Angel... Fist of all it�s a rotten agument! :P
Then if you read the lyrics you�ll see that the song is scorn. It points out Sephiroth�s fears and weaknes.

Estuans interius
Ira vehementi

Burning inside
With violent anger

Sors - immanis
Et inanis

Fate - monsterous
And empty

Well you can read it all here:

Peace out!

03-01-2007, 12:56 AM
Still rofflin'.

damn i wish my parents like Final Fantasy. No one understands me and my love for RPGs

03-01-2007, 01:00 AM
Personally, I believe that if songs loop over and over again for an extended period of time, such as title themes and world map themes, they begin to become memorable to our hearts.

Certain examples, in my mind, are Terra's Theme, from Final Fantasy III/VI and Crossing Those Hills, from Final Fantasy IX.

03-05-2007, 11:50 PM
i come to find that they are both good in one way or another as well as they sound the same (theme wise in some ways) but all in all, what would happen if those two major composers introduced a doom feeling to the ff games,or what if they both composed a piece together, that should shake things up a little. wouldn't it?

Lord Brimstone
03-07-2007, 11:57 PM
Hmm. It seems that no one has mentioned any of Hitoshi Sakamoto's works yet. Since this is a debate about which composer has the better songs, I will list some of my favorite Hitoshi Sakamoto song to serve in Hitoshi's defence.
Main opening and Revolt from Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen
Enemy attack, a Chapel, and Backfire from Final Fantasy Tactics
There are a few others but I don't recall the names of those songs so I will have to listen to my song libary again.
I'll be honest though, I like both Hitoshi's and Nobuo's work as composers. I have no one favorite song or composer though I have many that I enjoy listening to more than others. What matters is that the music complements the game and help sets the mood so you get drawn into the story, and both composers have done that for me so far. So, I have no complaints.
Note: Though Hitoshi did compose the music to FFXII, I thought that Nobuo did contribute somewhat to the FFXII soundtrack since he was originally supposed to be the composer. Am I wrong?

03-09-2007, 04:41 AM
His "contribution" is reflected in the opening arrangement. Which was quite disappointing; I've no gripe against Sakimoto, but honestly, when I hear the Prelude and the Prologue, I want more Uematsu in my game, not someone else entirely to come in.

'Course, this is probably gonna be the case. Nobuo himself said he doesn't care much for SE and its lack of Dreams nowadays.

Sakimoto is pretty good. I'll of course always like Uematsu better, but. Really, the only reason FFXII's soundtrack was blasphemously horrendous is that it was rendered in the same generation as Vagrant Story's which, while it was good for its time, is technology that was more than half a decade old by the release of FFXII.

03-12-2007, 05:19 AM
I think the best Final Fantasy track ever is, surprisingly, "Paine's Theme" from Final Fantasy X-2. It's just so upbeat, and something that you wouldn't expect from a mysterious person like Paine...I dunno, I just really loved it when I first heard it...

03-12-2007, 05:41 AM
I'm uncertain. Insofar as Uematsu, I'm fond of Dancing Mad(Final Fantasy VI) and Liberi Fatali(VIII), although most of his work is rather solid. Piano themes are lovely, but not entirely memorable or particularly daring, and he seems to struggle with combat music. In fact, played back to back, the battle themes from the first nine installments almost blend together in my head.

Final Fantasy X's was different, but I didn't enjoy it. Blue Dragon's feels like an expansion on the frenzied synth overlay present in Force Your Way, the boss theme of Final Fantasy VIII; I was less than impressed.

Sakimoto's worst work was, in my opinion, probably Final Fantasy XII -- and it's funny, because I like Hitoshi Sakimoto and I like the kind of music it is, but it compositionally lacks the flair to triumph over its equally unimpressive synth-orchestra fascade. It's a buffet in one flavor, and the food itself is no good.

On the other hand, he's done well with Dragon Quarter, Stella Deus and Final Fantasy Tactics, all of which meet greater success within his own style. They're appropriate in the context of their own games without becoming atmospheric fodder, and that's something to be proud of.

Duke Fleed
03-12-2007, 03:58 PM
I think the best Final Fantasy track ever is, surprisingly, "Paine's Theme" from Final Fantasy X-2. It's just so upbeat, and something that you wouldn't expect from a mysterious person like Paine...I dunno, I just really loved it when I first heard it...

FFX-2!?! You think the best is in FFX-2!?

Do yourself a favour and play Every Final Fantasy game because that game is vulcan horrible in every way.

The problem with categorizing the best song is that Uematsu probes so many different musical genres during the expansive FF series.

Take for instance man with the machine gun from FF8, clearly designed to be a trance track but with a more orchestral feeling.

Final Fantasy 4 had an incredible soundtrack. The battle with the 4 elemental bosses was awesome. It captured the horror of the battle as well as the ups and downs of it.

I think those are my favourite, but there's so many others.

There was a track called Reunion from was played during this one part in the final cave. It was a depressing reflection song, but it was amazing.

03-12-2007, 07:27 PM
I HAVE played EVERY FF game there is to play, and every other track just seems to be a bit "Aeris's Theme" and "One-Winged Angel"...they just keep redoing them...They won't do "Paine's Theme" over again...maybe with the exception of the piano version of it, but yeah...most tracks are overrated...Mainly "Aeris's Theme," "One-Winged Angel," "Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV," and "Terra's Theme." They may be classics, but nowadays, I get a kick from listening to "Paine's Theme" and "Esper" from Final Fantasy XII.

03-12-2007, 10:16 PM
They won't do "Paine's Theme" over again...maybe with the exception of the piano version of it, but yeah.
LIES ( "Sleeping Thoughts" is Paine's Theme with more real synthesis and a vocal.

Those songs you mentioned are signature themes, that's why, and yes, it's because everyone knows them. When you think "Final Fantasy music"--be honest, now--do you sooner think "Aeris' Theme" or "Zidane's Theme," the latter of which, no matter how much I love it, really only plays once in the entire game?

Phil S
03-13-2007, 12:46 AM
I like Nobuo Uematsu. I don't believe he's a talentless hack ;_;; but I also don't think he's amazing. I enjoy his work for what it is. No overall complaints here, except that I think One Winged Angel is garbage. I also speculate that FF7 fanboys concieve children to this song and then name them Cloud, Aeris, and Sephiroth.

IMO, Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi did a great job on X-2.


03-13-2007, 11:57 PM
Liberi Fatali from Final Fantasy VIII

03-19-2007, 10:10 PM
To Nobuo's defense...

It's pretty hard to stay inspired when you have to write so many songs for a single game. (He did that for the first few Fantasy games, if I remember correctly.) You have to be extremely creative to do that.

Anyway... My favorite songs from him come from a whole slew of games.
Matoya's Cave (Final Fantasy I)
The Dreadful Fight/Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy IV)
The Final Battle/Zeromus (Final Fantasy IV)
Battle with Gilgamesh/Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)
The Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy VI)
Vamo' Alla Flamenco (Final Fantasy IX)
To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X)
Winning the Rainbow (=P) (Black Mages II - The Skies Above)

Yeah, those are probably some of Nobuo's better songs (If I dare say that...). Not all of his songs are great, but he has written so many amazing songs that you shouldn't put him down just because he isn't perfect. I like that he changes the style of his songs. Within my small (considering how many songs he has written) selection of favorite songs from him, the music genre still skips around.

Duke Fleed
03-19-2007, 11:56 PM
A lot of those were remixed by TBM, but I find it interesting. If you ask someone what game they like more: FF4 (the one with Cecil) or FF6 (the one with Terra/Tina), they always choose ff6. Does FF6 have a superior soundtrack? I like to think that they both have spectacular sound tracks.

FF4 was the birth of Final Fantasy's main theme which was played during the final battle when Golbez finally accepts Cecil as his brother and entrusts him with the crystal. The FF4 Final battle was so much more decisive and memorable than the FF6 one. Granted, dancing mad is one of the greatest songs hits so hard and fits that cross dresser perfectly.

04-16-2007, 03:17 PM
Wow, Nobuo is awesome, but i love Hitoshi aswell. FFXII would not be as good if Nobuo did the music, even though the music is forgettable it fits perfectly. And i remember almost every track. That�s just my oppinion, FF7 fanboys is gonna hate me for this.

Tyr0n3 8iggum5
04-20-2007, 05:08 PM
first I thought, NO ONE can compose better music for FF than Nobuo.
just think of the OST of FFX-2!!! if I listen to the theme of Luca from FFX
and then to the same of FFX-2....aaaargh!
BUT then I heard the soundtrack of FFXII....hilarious! at least most of the tracks
are more than good. my favorite song from Hitoshi Sakimoto is definetely
the "Ending Movie"-music. I also like "The Royal City of Rabanastre" and
"Dalmasca Estersands" very much.
"Balamb Garden" and "Fisherman's Horizon" are great works of Nobuo.
I can't say whom of them is better, but I think Nobuo couldn't have done
it better.
just one more thing:
when I heard the Barheim Passage music (or at least I think it was Barheim, but it was definetely
a dungeon) I thought, `hmm, where do I know this music from`, the songs from Sakimoto for dungeons
are very similiar. just think of the music in Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter! that's Sakimotos style!
well, that's all I can say. both are great in their own way.
and people who say, FF-music is annoying or stuff like that, they just don't know what good music is!

04-20-2007, 05:18 PM
You truly are a moron.

Duke Fleed
04-20-2007, 06:13 PM
FF XII has a lacklustre soundtrack, I think. I really didn't like that game.

The most memorable one will always be FF4. And not the gameboy advance version. That version took out a lot of important deaths.

Ah the wrath of tellah's staff. I always wish he would have killed Edward in this scene...

The US version was called FF II.

First RPG I ever beat. Good times.

05-05-2007, 02:29 PM
I like Eyes on Me and Liberi Fatali (Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec) from FF8; Roses of May, Sleepless City Treno and Vamo alla Flamenco from FF9.

05-06-2007, 07:27 PM
Id Say Dancing Mad is one of the best battle themes for any rpg ever.

11-07-2008, 02:12 AM
All artists have their good and bad stuff, as is with nobuo. For me, hearing the cry of the planet and one winged angel are excellent!

11-26-2008, 10:42 AM
Uematsu wipes the floor with most other Japamnese composers.

With exceptions like Joe Hisaishi.

11-28-2008, 03:15 PM
Trying to decide my favorite piece of music between all 12 of the numbered Final Fantasies so far is a little too much for me. That's a LOT to choose from. One that pops into my mind at the moment is The Man With the Machine Gun, Laguna's battle theme from FF8. But, like I said, it's impossible for me to decide. On Uematsu's soundtracks there is such a large variety of different styles that are represented. Even just listening to the battle themes throughout the series, most of them are vastly different. I find it a little bit difficult to compare things that are so dissimilar to one another, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, that brings me into my point in Sakimoto vs. Uematsu. I believe that Uematsu is much better, and not because he is more popular. I enjoyed Sakimoto's work in Final Fantasy Tactics, but Final Fantasy 12's was largely forgettable to me.

Reason #1: Every song throughout the game had the same feel to it. Same instrumentation, same style, same everything basically. I suppose the game being set in a medieval setting like that makes it fitting, but it all runs together after awhile. I've made it to the Stilshrine of Miriam so far and I can only remember three of the tracks: Rabanastre, Rabanastre Lowtown, and the boss battle theme. In a typical RPG soundtrack, I would definitely remember a hell of a lot more than three. That's not even to say those are the only ones I liked, those are just the only ones so far that have really stood out for me.

Reason #2: There doesn't seem to be a central recurring melody, a "Main Theme" that is present in several places throughout the soundtrack. I feel that this is necessary to make the soundtrack feel like one work as opposed to just a bunch of random songs.

FF6 had the melody from Terra's Theme (Also in "Awakening" and "Metamorphosis").

FF7 had the main theme on the overworld (Also in "Holding My Thoughts in My Head", "Who Am I", "Highwind Takes to the Skies", etc.), Sephiroth's Theme (also in "Birth of a God" and "One-Winged Angel")

FF8 had Balamb Garden (Also in "Ami" and "Where I Belong"), Eyes On Me (Also in "Julia") and A Sacrifice (Also in "Succession of Witches" and "The Successor")

Same thing in 9 and 10, but I'm sure you get the picture. If there was a central theme throughout FF12, it must not be very memorable because I sure haven't noticed it.

That said, I am not denying Sakimoto's talents as a composer. FF12's soundtrack is just far from his best work IMO. His work in Tactics is great.

Anyway, guess I'll mention some favorites now that I've ranted on and on forever.

FF1: "Matoya's Cavern"
FF4: "Battle 2", "Theme of Love"
FF5: "Musica Machina", "Reina's Theme"
FF6: "Awakening", "Terra", "Gau" <<Funny how such a goofy character had a theme song like this
FF7: "Jenova", "Highwind Takes to the Skies", "Hurry!!"
FF8: "Man With the Machine Gun", "Never Look Back", "Only a Plank Between One and Perdition"
FF9: "Immoral Melody", "Vivi's Theme"
FF10: "Run!!", "Yuna's Theme", "Challenge"
FF12: "Rabanastre Lowtown"
FF Tactics: "Holy Angelica's Theme Deluxe", "Ovelia's Worries"