03-11-2002, 07:43 PM
Square and Nintendo reach an agreement that will bring Final Fantasy back to Nintendo's platforms after a five-year absence.

According to the Saturday edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Square and Nintendo have reached an agreement that will bring Final Fantasy games to the GameCube and Game Boy Advance platforms. Under the agreement, Nintendo has confirmed that president Hiroshi Yamauchi will allocate money from Fund Q--a fund Yamauchi set up in January to help encourage software development--to a new Square-affiliated development house. In return, Square will establish the new development house with help from Akitoshi Kawazu, a director from the Final Fantasy development team, by the end of this month.
The Square affiliate is expected to release games for both the GameCube and Game Boy Advance before the end of the year. Square properties other than Final Fantasy were not mentioned in the report.

Crazy huh? Those of you who got your GameCube's should certainly be happy about this. And if they release FF4/6 or CT on GBA, that'll finally be more then enough motivation for me to get one. And I bet that could sell alot of other people on it too. Cuz GBA really doesnt have that 'killer app' so to speak other then the Mario games and Golden Sun. And maybe Mario Kart.

03-11-2002, 08:02 PM
i heard this myself a few days ago. Now I might actually be worth owning a gameCube!

03-11-2002, 08:15 PM

Anyway, if square do bring ff 1 - 6 to gamecude they will be nothing special, because sony own parts of square so if square do some special stuff with Nintendo then square will have alot to answer for, plus the gamecube does'nt have internet access so FF XI AND XII will be no good. So it should last long enough for people too buy the Gamecube just to play the final fantasy games.

Rabid Monkey
03-11-2002, 10:21 PM
All I have to say is thank God... Once the FF series went to the Playstation Nintendo slowly started to go down hill. With any luck this will help pull them out of the hole they are in. I hate to see any video game company start to go on a downward direction, especially one that did so much for video games as Nintendo. Something tells me we are going to see a split in the FF's... Some online, other's console. What does this mean? Many headaches for gamers and parents alike because of the amount of money that may end up having to be invested to keep up with the series...

03-12-2002, 04:36 AM
why would they put FF1-6 on GameCube? i could see em going to the GBA (well 4-6 anyway. 1-3 are already on WonderSwan). plus FF12 = offline.

03-12-2002, 08:28 AM
im confused??? are they only makeing up to 6 for gamecube?:confused:

03-12-2002, 05:40 PM
From what I understand, they won't be releasing 1-6 on game cube because... just look at the graphics! It's not gamecube material. Most likely FF4-6 will be released on gameboy advanced, and gamecube is for future FF's. Is this right?

Thanks for the info, Atom.

03-13-2002, 02:15 PM
It doesn't make much of a difference to me, since at some point I'll own all the Next-Gen consoles (*ignores the mobs of disgruntled Nintendo fans screaming "sell-out! sell-out!").

I'm just interested in seeing if there's going to be a different feel to future prominent FF titles now that they're no longer 'exclusive' to Sony.

And to answer my own question, probably not, but it'll feel different dusting off the old GC rather than a PS to have a little tick at FFXII.

03-13-2002, 04:04 PM
yeah megalo youre right. i never said anything about 1-6 going to GC. i dunno why anyone thougt that. pretty rediculous. unless like all 6 games were put on 1 disc. that'd be something. but quite doubtful.

BTW, (i didnt post this but someone else might've elsewhere), they DID say that Final Fantasy Tactics would most likely be the first game to be given the GBA treatment :D Ohhhh joy :)

03-13-2002, 04:32 PM
I think that they should release 1-6 on the playstation one because that console just rules

03-13-2002, 04:55 PM
Um.. exactly the same thing got posted in Gen Gaming earlier.. So, I'm going to close this one. No need for two thread about the same thing, ne?