Valerie Valens
11-26-2006, 07:21 PM

- 2100 AD - A unification treaty was signed between all 1st world nations, agreeing to avoid war at all costs and to only use the millitary as a defensive measure, they also agreed to pool their resources together, work together as a team. This propelled national growth to astronomical proportions, enticing more nations to sign into the treaty. Scientific advances are greatly accelerated in all fields and economic growth of 3rd world countries included in the treaty increased exponentially. All nuclear arms are donated to NEAR, a scientific organization dedicated to eliminating global threats from near-earth celestial bodies.
- 2134 AD - Scientists have finally cracked the secrets of the genome, marks humankind's ultimate victory over genetic-related diseases. incidents of fatal viral infections drasically drops as gene-splicing technology grows in complexity, flexibility and popularity. in the same year, people opposed to the gene-splicing movement forms a "naturalist coalition" to fight against the trend, accusing it of playing God. Their population dwindled quickly as they fell to the diseases.
- 2147 AD - Gene-splicing technology eventually leads to the rise of a trend called genetic engineering as the ability to create strange and outlandish species is turned into a hobby. After several incidents of people killed by their own creation, laws were quickly passed to restrict the use of certain strands of DNA to authorised personnel only. Over time, more and more humans take on the advanced evolutionary traits of various animals. For aesthetic reasons, mammals seem to be the most popular choice to splice people with.
- 2153 - 2164 AD - Scientists at a private research institute in New York broke DNA restriction laws, confident in their ability to be discreet and created a huge manticore, resembling a dragonfly, with strange properties not yet known to science. They conducted their studies in secret, taking care not to allow any information to leak out of the institute. The results of the discovery were no less than fantastic. The scientists pressed on their studies, despite a couple of incidents that nearly resulted in being outted.
- 2164 AD - Disaster struck when the creature moulted for the first time, resulting in the ability to paralyse and drain the life force of every living thing it touches with its appendages. The scientists were all killed shortly after the event. The creature soon broke free from the lab's security, terrorizing the surrounding area. The USA was called to arms and special forces were brought in to quarantine the area and hunt down the creature, but to no avail. New York was quickly turned to a desolate ruin as every living thing in the area were assasinated by the creature one by one. The city was soon evacuated and giant dome made of reinforced Adamantine alloy was constructed over the city in hopes of containing the monstrocity, but not before the government seized everything that was in the lab. The death penalty is now extended to those who breached the DNA restriction laws. Things seem to settle down soon after.
- 2179 AD - A hole was discovered on the side of the constructed dome. This, coupled with fresh news of horrific homicidal incidents means that a state emergency was declared which soon extended to a national emergency as the incidents increased in frequency and spread out of New York. USA's entire army was mobilized for a search and destroy mission, and politicians are put on the spotlight as they tried to calm the nerves of the citizens, who, in a state of panic, begun to flee the nation and to Canada, Cuba and Nicaragua. While most of the citizens managed to escape the disaster area which is quickly spreading across the nation. The army and most of the nation's political cabinet fell at the hands of the horrific manticore. In the course of a few months, America was reduced to a desolate wasteland with nothing in it alive. Then, as quickly as the incidents escalated, it stopped mysteriously.
- 2180 AD - While the cataclysmic events at the US has stopped altogether with no new incidents reported for over a year, cracks start to form in the unification treaty as nations begin to divide themselves into two factions. One side supported the notion that the benefits brought on by genetic engineering are impossible to throw away and that restrictions should be more sufficiently reinforced. The other side, however, decided that the risk of repeating the incident in America is too great to continue research.
- 2182 AD - The world is officially divided into 2 factions as both sides ceased all contact with each other. The pro-gen side carrying on their research and carrying on exploring the genetic and medical field with little incident, using their new technologies to improve quality of life. The anti-gen side, choosing to develop their medical technology the more old-fashioned method, imposing very strict and cruel punishment on anyone caught doing genetics research, they also started developing devastating weapons in case a repeat of the USA incident ever arises again. While the animal-spliced humans, hereby dubbed "anthros", are welcomed into societies in the pro-gen nations with open arms (...and quite flies), they are moderately shunned in the anti-gen nations. They often find themselves deported to pro-gen nations, wanting to disassociate themselves from the legacy of genetic engineering.
- 2190 AD - Conflict shows it's ugly head once again when an anthro was found to be murdered quite brutally in an anti-gen country India. This was met with vehement indignation from the pro-gen side as 12 "pure" humans are found dead the very next day. The anti-gen coalition ended up being just as riled up, the accusation of the pro-gen being savages without a sense of proper justice on every anti-gen supporters' mouth. Sensing imminent violence as the fringe nations of both sides started to call their citizens to arms, both sides arranged a conference for the first time in nearly a decade. In the conference, while quite eventful with the representatives getting into a big brawl, is largely sucessful. The anti-gen nations' laws were brought into question and were forced to sign a treaty giving the anthros the same basic rights and priviledges the humans on the anti-gen side enjoyed. Those responsible for the murders were caught and incarcerated for life and those nations who have already taken to exchanging deadly projectiles were excommunicated from the factions. While it may seem like all is well and will stay that way for a while, it's just a short moment of peace before the true destructive nature of the conflict is shown.
- 2200 - 2215 AD - Growing uneasy of the "overly generous" trust the pro-gen side had placed on the anti-gen's fidelity to the signed treaty, they began to send envoys and inspectors to the anti-gen nations to check and make sure that the anthros are treated well enough. At first the anti-gen nations are welcoming to the inspections, seeing as they pride themselves in keeping their word. However, some anthros just won't learn to let go of the tragedy or are just plain opportunists, and thus resort to schlock complaints when interviewed by the envoys, accusing humans of racism at every turn and riling the "pure" humans up with racism of their own. This had 3 effects : Firstly, the pro-gen side began to look at the anti-gen people with darkened eyes. Secondly, the representatives of the anti-gen nations began to grow uneasy of the whole deal, changing the tune from "Go ahead! Check us up!" to "It's none of your business how we treat the people who choose to live in our countries!", adding to the first effect. Finally, a group/movement was formed in protest of the priviledges the anthros in the anti-gen side are suddenly getting, that group is called "the Purists" and they hate anyone who isn't purely human, the exploits they have to their name further compounded the problems described in the first 2 effects.
- 2215 AD - The anti-gen side, having been sick of the envoys putting nothing but ill-meaning words to report to the pro-gen side, began to break the treaty by detaining and arresting the envoys. When called to question, the anti-gen representative simply responded by running the treaty through a paper shredder, making a statement that the anti-gen nations will no longer be oppressed by the treaty. The Purists celebrate by forcefully dragging all the anthros out of their homes and shooting them dead, setting them on fire or marooning them miles out into the seas or in the middle of deserts.
- 2216 AD - Apparently blinded with rage, several countries from the pro-gen side declared war on "Puritanism" and any nations where the Purists are most abundant. The pro-gen coalition did little to halt the development of the conflict, even when the anti-Gen side apologized on the behalf of the purists and incarcerated the Purists responsible. They only made a facetous statement that war is bad. The pro-gen coalition began sending troops to the anti-gen nations and ransacked them for any Purists. The anti-gen side responded by sending secret agents to bomb an important building on the pro-gen side. More nations declare war on each other. Ironically, the nations who have been excommunicated for opening fire 26 years ago were the ones advocating for peace at this time.
- 2218 - 2230 AD - World War IV broke out with both sides pulling all the punches. The pro-gen side had their army of genetically-enhanced soldiers fighting with superior aptitude but with inferior weapons, the anti-gen side had scores of soldiers injected with adrenaline, rushing in with demonic persistence and superior weaponry. Both sides are evenly matched, and they did a good job of depleting each other's numbers. Civillians are bombarded with bomb drops, collateral damage and war propaganda. Eventually, as the war draws out, more options are exhausted and they decided to push the "last resort" button, determined not to lose.
- 2230 - 2232 AD - The war comes to an arbruptly sobering close when half of russia is suddenly tossed into space by a verneshot triggered by a well-placed WMD, turning the entire area into a hellish lake of magma, releasing trapped pockets of methane and boiling gargantuan amounts of water into steam. The only saving grace is that the chunk that was blown off did not fall back to Earth, instead, by a stroke of luck, the angle and velocity of the verneshot allowed the debris to settle at Lagrangian points L4 and L5 of the Earth-Moon orbit. Earth suffered a period of acute global warming before the clouds of ash and dust formed by the verneshot blocked out enough sunlight to push Earth back into a nuclear winter scenario. Civillization doesn't stand a chance against the triple whammy and thus crumbles quickly back into the stone age.
- 2236 AD - Civillization and humanity as they used to know it only a few years ago have all but died out, 40% of all species on Earth are gone too. The disaster has left only a few survivors, those who used to enjoy the benefits of civillization, clinging desperately onto life. All of the "pure" humans are gone for good as well, leaving only a handful of anthros and humans imbued with anti-aging genes (IOW, technically immortal humans) to fend for themselves, and the "immortal" humans are rendered unable to reproduce thanks to the very genes that made them "immortal".
- 2566 - 3501 AD - Just as all hope for survival is lost, mysterious wells of energy are discovered. Their locations are marked with life-forms, the type of which seems to depended on the well's colours, regrowing around the area. All those those who bathed in the energy are imbued with the ability to control the very forces of nature that gave rise to the rebirth of life forms. With those abilities, they reshaped the world in their image, creating a paradise. This went on for centuries, with the horrific memories of the war centuries ago a distant memory. Unfortunately, those who have forgotten about the past are doomed to commit the same mistakes, and with this power to reshape the world with the forces of nature, comes greed, arrogance and convoitise. As the generations pass, people grew more and more power hungry, desiring more of the power and never being satisfied. Firstly, hedgemony is incurred by acquiring control and regulation over who gets to attain this power and how much of it is imbued, this effectively creates different tribes serving different leaders who controlled an energy well of a certain type. This worked for a while, but then tribes started to fight with one another for control of each others' energy wells, resulting tribes and land being annexed by other conquering tribes, leaving scarred strips of land as a testament of the destructive force of the weapons used in the fights. Eventually, it boiled down to two opposite groups of tribes pounding on each other with weapons which have evolved in destructive power over the time of the wars. The land was ravaged, the vision of utopia scarred and mangled as the forces of nature tears it apart back and forth. It seems that history is repeating a second time...
- 3160 AD - Tribes were established.
- 3224 AD - Tribes began to fight amongst themselves.
- 3280 AD - The skirmishes evolved into a full scale wars.
- 3360 AD - Two large factions of tribes appeared, turning the small wars into a large global-scale war.
- 3502 - 3510 AD - A mysterious woman appeared in the scene of the war as she is found to posess the mysterious power to control space and time, she grew up in a small community who happens to be neutral in the war. Many attempts have been made to force her to co-operate with or either side, but, having suffered heavy losses early in her life at the hands of both warring factions, she is sick of the people killing their own kind in the name of greed and thus had plans of her own. She gathered a ragtag team of her most trusted friends and one by one, infiltrated the warring tribes' camps and carved the wells out of the earth and sent them floating in the sky where it would remain untouched by the war. This is not without risk and, as it also had the side effect of both factions drawing a target on her group, her party suffered heavy losses undertaking this mission. Fortunately, this also weakened the millitary power of the warring tribes and gained the support of a few deserters from either side who are fed up with the long and tired war. Although many attempts have been made to reason with the warring factions to disarm and clean up the mess they have made, none of them are as sucessful as desired. Eventually, she moved on to carve strips of land from the earth untouched by the war and build a sky city where she and her party would seek sanctuary from the war-crazed world below.
- 3511 AD - The war finally came to a grinding halt as resources run out, leaving the warring factions to pick up the pieces. Those left on earth are forced to forage for resources to survive while those who escaped to the sky enjoyed a life of luxury. Considering the way the war turned out, those who escaped to the sky are too bitter over the war to want to extend their hand and help the earth people rebuild.
- 3511 - 4250 AD - As the time passes, stories of the war are passed down from generations to generations. Those who escaped to the sky are eventually labelled as "Ciellians" and those left behind are labelled as "Terrans". While the Terrans humbly moved on, made a modest living and cleaned up their mess. The Ciellians prospered much the same way as the Terrans did before the war, eventually forming a kingdom in the sky. However, the story of the war as passed down from generation, has made each generation of Ciellians progressively more arrogant, contemptous and unforgiving towards the Terrans. To fit the ever-expanding population of Ciellians, fertile lands began to be carved from the earth with an ever increasing frequency. Ciellian islands are created, and airships are created for the purpose of crossing between them and the extra resources needed to make those happen are shamelessly stolen from Terrans, and any terran who is trapped in the land being carved out are brutally killed and then dropped from the sky. The Terrans live in fear of the Ciellians for a long time, taking whatever cruel treatment dealt to them by the Ciellians without any resistance. Envoys are sent with strips of land to try to get them to reason with them, but they all ended up being murdered in cold blood. Eventually the sky became mostly covered with Ciellian islands and continents, leaving the Terrans without sunlight for most of their days.
- 4250 AD - Some brazen Terran kid and his band of frends injects a little trouble amongst the Ciellians. After a brief showdown with the Ciellian monarch, the entire Ciellian kingdom comes crashing into the ground, wiping out most of the Ciellian population. The Terrans, despite their suffering inflicted upon by the Ciellians, decided to take the ex-Ciellians and helped to give all the deceased a proper burial. However, there are a handful of Ciellians who are unaccounted for.
- 4251 - 10252 AD - Life carries on and the population slowly recovers from the incident, eventually reaching into the farthest corners of the earth. As time passes, the story is passed on and strangely, the legend of the energy wells are soon forgotten. The people carried on living their modest lives, not daring to dream, not daring to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors for fear of repeating history.
- 10252 - 10280 AD - A few figures appear out of nowhere, claiming to be Ciellians and to reclaim the Ciellian empire, which they believe is rightfully theirs. They built a citadel and terrorized the population with the band of followers they managed to turn to their cause. The rest of the Terran population eventually mobillizes an army to fight back against the new threat, the war was long and drawn out with at least two generations of the population being raised to fight. The Terrans eventually won and a benevolent monarchy was established to help lead the Terrans, solve problems and muster up a force of brave warriors should the need ever arise.
- 0 Nouvel-�ge(N�.) - 3999 N�. (10280 - 14279 AD) - The culture of general populace had evolved into two distinctive sets, one choosing to follow the monarchy and the other choosing to lead their own life in independence. This is due to a geographical situation where the two groups of continents are each separated by a great body of ocean. So, while the residents of the eastern group of continents are subjects to the lineage of monarchs, the population residing in the western group of continents find it more easier to follow their own way. The Western-dwellers eventually came to be called the 'Elangians due to the melting-pot nature of their culture. Both sides lived peacefully with one another, eventually flourishing and prospering. Trade routes and land-bridges were set up between them to boost the economy of both sides. Of course, nothing is perfect, and the problem of pirates eventually showed it's opportunistic face as soon as both sides started trading. Also, they may come from folk who are disgruntled with the Kingdom and opportunistic lazybones from 'Elangia, pirates of both origins are at a neverending war with each other. While the former group have no problems in taking in prisoners and hurting their targets, the latter are strictly against inflicting physical harm, making sure their targets know that they only want the goods. The latter group of pirates also have a track record of interfereing and foiling the raids of the other groups of pirates and vice versa.
- 4000 N� - Princess and next in line to the throne Jessica Carmillia abdicates and leaves the throne to her several-minutes younger twin sister and runs off for the sake of adventure, stumbles into several groups ransom-hungry bandits and pirates and manages to escape from all encounters. She crosses the sea to 'Elangia where she has a better chance of going incognito and meets up eventually with scientific understudy Solomon Chavez. It had come to pass that ancient relics of technology from humans are a thing of interest and their current project is to build a time machine. It's not known whether they suceeded or not, but it is reported that the young adventurer had been spotted all over the globe with a group of people.
- 4001 - 4080 N� - Solomon Chavez went on to continue in his work, making great discoveries, inventing useful contraptions and reinventing old technology. However, for some reason, he's kept the result of his time travel research a secret he only ever talks about to Jessica, and it's a secret he and Jessica would take to their graves.
- 4080 - 8000 N� - The legacy of Solomon Chavez' scientific exploits was heard all over the world, sparking an era of technological developments with electronics being the strongest aspect. Soon, not only is the idea of a self-learning AI plausible, the idea of artificial sentinence was also made plausible and a reality. Eventually, the population is filled with Terrans with cyberonic implants replacing lost/defective body parts and sentinent androids and gynoids made to look like Terrans, some even able to live as Terrans and imitate every single aspect of Terran lifestyles.
- 8000 N� - A gargantuan insect-like creature was spotted emerging from a long-considered dead part of the 'Elangian continent. The creature broke through the crust, turning the region into a lava pool and raining molten magma, ash and sulphuric acid rain for dozens of miles around. Then, it took off straight into space, never to be seen again. This event is marked with a trend of extinction of plant species as foliage seemed to die out for seemingly no reason at all. The most strange part is the pattern of which plants start to die out, it seemed to radiate from the area the monster emerged from and spread outwards.
- 8000 - 8512 N� - Over the course of the years, plants died out in a pattern of a circle growing from the emergence point of the beast. All efforts to identify and stop the cause are complete failures. Eventually, civillization crumbled and societies collapse. Terran populations dwindle, leaving them in the minority with Terran andr/gynoids as a majority. To add insult to the injury, the Terran 'bots decided that since the perpetuation and maintenance of their kind requires electricity and power sources, vital to the livelyhood of the remaining Terrans, the Terran 'bots see the Terrans as a competition for resources and thus guards their power sources and seize power plants aggressively. The Terrans eventually find themselves clinging to any energy sources they can find more and more desperately, forming a resistance group to fight against their own renegade creations and reclaiming enough power to sustain a small and persistent tightly-knit colony of Terrans. However, it seemed that all they manage to do is delay the inevitable extinction of their race.
- 8528 N� - The resistance group's success was greatly increased when combat tactician Skye Valken and software specialist/tactical op Ail�s M. Esperan�a entered the group. Their immense aptitude in planning fights and missions effectively had helped the resistance regain a lot of resources they had lost to the 'bots. To add to the development, a breakthrough was made in the research department of the resistance ; They've managed to grow a plant when nothing was able to grow in the earth for the last dozen years. So there may be hope after all...

Hex Omega
11-26-2006, 07:31 PM
pretty good, post more as you go along. would like to see how it develops~

Valerie Valens
11-26-2006, 09:09 PM
Haha, allright. I'll edit the first post as I work more on it, so watch the OP space, ladies. ;)

Speaking of which...updated. ;)

Valerie Valens
12-01-2006, 06:28 PM
Added more shit...

12-05-2006, 11:29 PM
holy shite thats goodness!
Too much brainwork for me, but I get part of it.

Hex Omega
12-13-2006, 11:03 AM
good stuff Joan, nice and dark lol. probably true though, the next major conflict will probably wipe us all out D:

Valerie Valens
12-22-2006, 08:44 PM
Added more stuff, it's more or less complete. :D

12-23-2006, 09:22 AM
Quick question: How did this unification treaty (circa 2100) come about? It's not entirely believeable that nations would just say, "hey, wouldn't be a neat idea to to get rid of our nukes and work together?" One assumes that there was some sort of global threat that more or less forced everybody to do that, like the Bugger invasion of Ender's Game.

Valerie Valens
12-23-2006, 07:09 PM
WWIII, 1st world nations were hit hard and 3rd world nations were hit harder. :P

12-24-2006, 01:53 AM
NATO and the UN were formed after WWII.

Valerie Valens
12-24-2006, 03:31 PM
Yeah but they are doing a piss poor job in keeping the peace between nations, aren't they?

12-24-2006, 06:10 PM
My point exactly.

Valerie Valens
12-24-2006, 06:49 PM
Note that the unifcation treaty eventually breaks down too. :P

12-25-2006, 06:28 AM
Fair enough--I'm just thinking the events leading to the unification treaty should be fleshed out a bit. :D

Valerie Valens
12-26-2006, 05:16 AM
Duly noted. ;D

Atom Narmor
05-26-2008, 09:32 AM


J. Peterman
05-26-2008, 06:47 PM
Namor, you are the best!!!

05-26-2008, 07:58 PM


I'm going to tell your parents!

J. Peterman
05-29-2008, 02:53 AM

05-31-2008, 03:10 AM

J. Peterman
05-31-2008, 03:21 AM
Man, I think he is awesomer!

Valerie Valens
06-29-2008, 02:03 PM
Funny you should do that Atom. I have recently been working on a design doc for its gameplay and should get to revising the timeline here in time.