11-26-2006, 09:29 AM
So, hopefully I'm not breaking any rules...

I just finished beating Tales of the Abyss (I picked this up the same day I got FFXII, but since I really enjoy Tales games more, and the art style, I ended up playing it first) Now I'm VERY tempted to play through it again (all almost 100 hours of it) because from within 15 min the game grabbed me, the characters are all very memorable, the story was pretty good (I thought) and it was just very fun, I kept playing because I wanted to know more about the characters. That and additional things open up during the 2nd game play...but 100 hours could be used better (like homework...and studying for finals...)

Now my fav FF games are 6, 10, 9 and 8. I've played every other FF to date. (cept for XI and XII) I really liked them because not only was the story pretty good (although some were kinda predictable) but what made me go on and keep playing was I wanted to find out more about the characters (all the characters are memorable) and more about what will happen on with the story.

But I've been reading alot of reviews...saying there is almost no character development, and the story is just straight foward, and often times you don't even know the exact cause of the character's motivation, basically you just end up not caring about the characters.

So I'm just wondering if I'd enjoy playing FFXII, which I'll probally play after Zelda: TP on the wii, but I'd rather not play it (for now) and play something else if the characters are really that bad.

As you can tell I really like things that are gripping, I don't really like playing games just to play I guess, I need to be involved, cept for FPS or side scrollers those are just for mindless fun which I can put down at anytime. But my expectations out of an RPG should have a good gripping story and a strong cast of characters. A strong cast of chracters meaning they are memorable, and you know you want to get to know them. I mean in FFX I was sad at the ending, and the only reason I played FFX-2 (although everythign else was HORRIBLE about the game) was because I wanted to see if there really WOULD be a happy ending (ie characters gripping me enough to get me through crappy game play)

I'm already 100% sure I'll love the battle system, as it seems very similar to the Tales series battle system (ie real time fighting) and that is always ftw :)

It's the story and character development I'm worried about.

Does FFXII have this problem or not? I'm trying to get a wider range of opinons than just nits and picks of reviews I read off the internet.

11-26-2006, 10:22 AM
Well, the thing about that game is, quite frankly, it's not about person A or person B, it's about the whole group. Vaan is NOT the protagonist of the story as most people think he is. You just use him in towns, and if you want, in fights. The characters get developed as a whole, with Ashe taking a bit of a lead and being the most well developed character of the bunch. I personally loved it, some hate it. I'll admit though, that both Vaan and Panelo could've been a lot more then what they were. They kinda just stand there are the comic relief of the game, with no real input or purpose. You can probably take them out of the game and the main plot would probably unfold probably the same way.

11-27-2006, 02:24 PM
Daemos, the things you're saying are a bit extreme, but mostly accurate despite the exaggeration.

FFXII made one huge mistake. The creators eschewed traditional Japanese storytelling methods in favor of a plot more reminiscent of western role-playing games. Of course, since FFXII is not truly an RPG and doesn't resemble a western project in any other way, that doesn't work particularly well.

11-27-2006, 02:44 PM
I mean in FFX I was sad at the ending, and the only reason I played FFX-2 (although everythign else was HORRIBLE about the game) was because I wanted to see if there really WOULD be a happy ending (ie characters gripping me enough to get me through crappy game play)
This made me sad inside, be nice to FFX-2.

But anyway, as far as I'm concerned, FF12 just hasn't pulled me in. I find myself leaving it sit for days at a time and not even being bothered. I somewhat regret taking my money off of my WoW expansion and buying FF12. It's not absolutely horrible, but it's not spectacular and marvelous.

J. Peterman
11-27-2006, 11:30 PM

11-29-2006, 12:32 AM
Well, the thing about that game is, quite frankly, it's not about person A or person B, it's about the whole group. Vaan is NOT the protagonist of the story as most people think he is. You just use him in towns, and if you want, in fights. The characters get developed as a whole, with Ashe taking a bit of a lead and being the most well developed character of the bunch. I personally loved it, some hate it. I'll admit though, that both Vaan and Panelo could've been a lot more then what they were. They kinda just stand there are the comic relief of the game, with no real input or purpose. You can probably take them out of the game and the main plot would probably unfold probably the same way.

Your probably right. I to love the way the game and story develops around the group and not person A or B, i dont think the story's all that bad i like it.

If you can play through FFx-2 just for the story im sure you can make it through XII, just play it.

FFX-2 is about as good as ET on the 2600, and thats being generous.

11-29-2006, 10:47 AM
i don't find any lack

11-29-2006, 02:21 PM
That's because you want to be oblivious to it. Look objectively and the game's flaws are pretty glaring.

12-01-2006, 07:59 AM
I think the over-all character development is good. However it does lack in plot twists unlike Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy VI. I don't feel like getting into detail, that's just my thought.

12-03-2006, 03:59 AM
Really not sure what the reviewers are talking about... and also, no character development/plot is boring... compared to what? It's always a matter of opinion.

For example, I think the characters and plot in FF8 were completely worthless and undeveloped and crappy. But I hate that game. Something about it didn't click with me. I didn't like anyone in it and therefore I didnt' care about the plot. I could sort of imagine someone thinking the same way about FF12 even though I do not.

For me, I connected with the characters in this game more than any final fantasy game probably ever. Which is crazy to say because I have been a huge FF fan (other than 8 heh) since SNES days and I worship FF4 and 6. I don't want to give away spoilers about plot or character, but I would say that it's sort of fair to call the plot kind of linear. I mean there aren't tons of completely off the wall "twists" that you don't see coming, mostly because it's a bit more realistic in theme. You are trying to stop a war, that's the plot. That' a pretty important plot, even if it doesn't involve a bunch of random "turn arounds" like your main character turning out to be... like... a dream of an ancient ruined city or whatever Tidus was supposed to be (?!?!).

I loved how the characters interacted with one another. Relationships develop (though there's no "main romance" persay) and change throughout the game. Attitudes change. In fact actual development in terms of how your characters think and act are far beyond other FF games in my opinion.