11-25-2006, 03:56 PM
Can I defeat Adramelech being level 31-33?‎
I was on my way for the Wyvern mark to the sandsea place, and suddenly I ended with ‎one running character lol all dead.‎

I was also looking for the gilsnapper, where is he exactly?‎

11-25-2006, 07:39 PM
Well, the Gil sapper is in the giza plains during the rains. You have to cut down all of the white trees scattered about to make a bridge to get to the little island hes on.

As for Adrammalech you should be able to beat him at that level. I stumbled upon him at around level 35 and I killed him with an 8 hit mist combo. I was shocked that it was that easy. I had kept hearing about how hard he was, and i don't have the strategy guide, so when i found him i figured i was dead. When he went into his little death animation after the combo i thought he was actually getting ready for a super attack - it was a little disappointing to tell the truth.

11-26-2006, 03:49 AM
what lvl's of attack for your combo? i could never finish him off with a quickening all the way. did you get like nothing but lvl 3's? O_o

11-26-2006, 05:12 AM
ok.. I'm seriously waving the Bull Shit flag at mr. "THE GREAT" I'm lvl 30-31 and pulled off two.... NOT ONE.. . TWO 15 hit chain quicks on this guy and still didn't kill him. One of which ended with Black Hole, the other.. Inferno. Element doesn't matter as there are no elemental properties in concurrences. First one did somewhere around 22000 damage.. the other did absolutely ZERO damage. I've tried THREE times to beat him. This is actually the reason why I haven't played the game in awhile.

11-26-2006, 05:21 AM
I waited till I was level 36-37 and got the 3rd level black magick spells. Blizzaga can take out the pesky zombies, the bubble-belt is a good option, and protect, faith, and bravery can make the fight easier. Most quickenings take out about 20% of his health, so it's not worth losing your MP over. I beat him on the first try, wasn't as hard as all the hype over him was...

oh yeah, and in my opinion, he's actually a pretty bad esper. I know he's one of the first ones, but I was disappointed.

11-26-2006, 05:28 AM
Well I might have to wait until I'm around that level as well... just so I can get my hands on Blizzaga. I wanted that to begin with. Guy is just so damn annoying.

11-26-2006, 05:29 AM
ok.. I'm seriously waving the Bull Shit flag at mr. "THE GREAT" I'm lvl 30-31 and pulled off two.... NOT ONE.. . TWO 15 hit chain quicks on this guy and still didn't kill him. One of which ended with Black Hole, the other.. Inferno. Element doesn't matter as there are no elemental properties in concurrences. First one did somewhere around 22000 damage.. the other did absolutely ZERO damage. I've tried THREE times to beat him. This is actually the reason why I haven't played the game in awhile.

I assure you, im not lying. I have no reason to bullshit online.

What i cant understand is how your second combo did zero damage... I have never ever seen that happen with me. Also if you got a 15 hit combo off how did it do only 22000 damage? Im not entirely certain about how much damage each particular mist does, but i know for a fact that some are more powerful than others, so maybe that is why?

I dont remember exactly what i hit him with, but i do know that out of that 8 or so that i hit him with, 4 of them were level 3's (maelstrom bolts and element of treachery). Im pretty sure it ended with an arc blast. I dont know what exactly goes into the damage of the mist's, have you leveled sufficiently on the license board? I know that every single character has almost the entire board filled up at this point, including all the amgic boosts, etc, if that has anything to do with it.

As i said, i could not believe i had killed him. I seriously thought that he was doing some super attack and had assumed myself to be dead, mostly because of what ive heard from you and some others saying how hard he was, but that was not the case. He didn't even get an attack off ffs. We are talking about the same creature right? Adrammalech, the esper, in the caverns?

Assuming that is the only Adrammalech in the game, I dont know what to tell you, because in no way shape or form should he be giving you THAT much trouble. Also interesting to note that since i dont have the strat guide, i ahd no idea he was even there. I just saw a dragon in my way and when i saw the name i was like "well i might as well try to hurt him"

Btw im not *entirely* sure it was 8 mist's, it may have been 9 or as high as ten but without a doubt no higher. But im pretty sure it was 8.

11-26-2006, 05:35 AM
Yup.. 22000 was the most damage I've done. I even tried to land a dispel on him before doing at him... that didn't work too much better. I have no clue as to why the second quickening didn't work. As far as the different mist knacks damage? Well.. considering I did enough level 3 and 2's to get Black Hole.. I'd say I should have hit him for more damage as well. It was a shock to see that I only did 22000 damage each time I fought him. Iono.. maybe you got lucky. I really don't know. I do know that he busted out his ultimate attack on me.. and basically wiped his butt with my face.

11-26-2006, 05:41 AM
Yup.. 22000 was the most damage I've done. I even tried to land a dispel on him before doing at him... that didn't work too much better. I have no clue as to why the second quickening didn't work. As far as the different mist knacks damage? Well.. considering I did enough level 3 and 2's to get Black Hole.. I'd say I should have hit him for more damage as well. It was a shock to see that I only did 22000 damage each time I fought him. Iono.. maybe you got lucky. I really don't know. I do know that he busted out his ultimate attack on me.. and basically wiped his butt with my face.

What level 3's did you do? I dont know for certain, but from what ive seen, some of them do FAR mre damage than others. For example, i hit the gil snapper with ONE element of treachery, and it did over 5000 damage. I then hit the fucker with TWO of vaan's lvl 3 i forgot its name, where he throws the fireballs Pyroclasm i think, and it did only 500 damage. I've also hit a fire elemental with just one maelstrom bolt, and it did over 8000 dmg, on its OWN. I dont know if certain enemies have natural resistances to certain mists, or if some mist's are stronger than others, or if i had just gotten lucky those times, but i have Ashe and Balthier in my party for every single boss fight just to cast those.

I dont know *at all* if those isolated incidents actually meant anything, but it seems to have worked well.

Btw, i agree with the other poster about hi nt being that good. Ive only used him once so far and he got raped before he could even attack. Of course he was surrounded by tough little bastards (of course i cant rememebr their names right now x_x) but still. In fact, I've found all 3 of the ones i ahve so far almost completely useless.

11-26-2006, 02:12 PM
So far It seems that I have problem with Flying mobs. I dont use any range weapon except on fran using bow and shes not even in my main party. Dont know if this going to be a problem later in the game.

About Quickings, I never past 6 hits!!! how do you do 15 hits combo?!!!
still on level 2 quickings I think I should come back to him when I get all level 3, eh?

11-26-2006, 02:26 PM
Guys... Do you using melee types of weapons when facing enemies that fly??? Do you know that using melee weapons with mist knacks will cause ZERO for flying types of enemies??? I found it when fought a flying wyrm mark. I Killed him at Lv. 36 with Mist Knacks and a Blizzara.

11-26-2006, 03:27 PM
Based on that I think I should set a 2ndary weapon for the party. i.e Balthier using spear as main and I should get him a gun for flying mobs!!

11-26-2006, 04:07 PM
So far It seems that I have problem with Flying mobs. I dont use any range weapon except on fran using bow and shes not even in my main party. Dont know if this going to be a problem later in the game.

About Quickings, I never past 6 hits!!! how do you do 15 hits combo?!!!
still on level 2 quickings I think I should come back to him when I get all level 3, eh?

By level 30 you should have all the mists if you have grinded even a little bit. The hrdest one to get is maelstrom bolt since its behind the expensive genji armor, but still, if you plan on using mist's, you should definetly have them all by now.

As for how to get past 6 hits go check out the thread entitled Mist Charge. It's all about luck.

11-27-2006, 12:47 AM
Guys... Do you using melee types of weapons when facing enemies that fly??? Do you know that using melee weapons with mist knacks will cause ZERO for flying types of enemies??? I found it when fought a flying wyrm mark. I Killed him at Lv. 36 with Mist Knacks and a Blizzara.

you gotta be kidding me? it's like that guy in mt. bur-omisace that says that certain techniques depend on your equip. like for example. 1000 needles. if you have a sword, and use 1000 needles on a flying type, it won't work. while if you equip a bow and use 1000 needles on a flying type, it will. O_o

at least that's what i imagine by that advice. i can't fucking believe your saying it also applies to quickenings? no fucking wonder. >.< (but i think it could also do with elemental weakness/strenghts like the other guy mentioned)

man. that's just annoying. lol and andramalech is a flyer too. >.<

11-27-2006, 01:00 AM
hmmm... well shit.. that might make some sense as to why.. because i only have one person that does damage to flyers as well. That would also explain why one entire party does no damage at all to the beasty. HMMM!!!! Time to get busy on some liscenses. Seriously.. that makes alot of sense. I just never thought of it that way because of how it looks.. looks like it's all ranged and magical in nature.

HEY!! Speaking of damage to flyers. Telekinesis. Most of my melee characters have unlocked this, yet I can't find the technik anywhere, and I can't use it. Is it automatic.. or.. what's the deal with this. When can I get the technik.

11-27-2006, 02:26 AM
you gotta be kidding me? it's like that guy in mt. bur-omisace that says that certain techniques depend on your equip. like for example. 1000 needles. if you have a sword, and use 1000 needles on a flying type, it won't work. while if you equip a bow and use 1000 needles on a flying type, it will. O_o

Actually, thats not true. 1000 needles works perfectly fine on melee characters. I have it on every single one of my melee characters and although it can sometimes miss, it does work most of the time. Its the only way you can effectively kill flyers if u have a mostly melee party until you get telekenesis which, btw, i have no idea where to find lol. It's definitely not automatic, i assume ill find the teknik shop that sells it a little farther down the line.

Im not entirely sure about that whole "mists cant hit flying monsters if ur melee" thing either. I'lll try it out and post later.

11-27-2006, 02:29 AM
yes please do. Because that would seriously answer the question as to why my second quick didn't work on adremmelch.

11-27-2006, 02:38 AM
I just checked it out: Mighty_aeons is talking out of his ass.

I jsut killed two flying enemies with mists (one maelstrom blot, one flame purge) Both of them hit and instantly killed the flyers. This was with an entirely melee team too (ashe with sword, basche with hammer, penelo with rod).

Some of the posters on these boards need to stop posting bullshit without checking it first, because they are going to confuse everyone else. From now on im not believe a damn thing anyone with less than 100 posts types on these boards lol.

And YES, they were actual flying enemies, i tried to attack with my melee weapons just to make sure and missed everytime.

11-27-2006, 02:54 AM
.................................................. ......................

11-27-2006, 03:36 AM
thanks for double checking, great. things like that are very well appreciated by the likes of me who likes to test things out but is mostly always too lazy. :p

when i get the chance though, i will do some tests as well just to see what on earth that guy at mt. bur-omisace was talking about. did you guys remember hearing the same thing from him too? i talk to everyone when i go around and he mentioned that. that's why it was interesting to me.

11-27-2006, 04:02 AM
I didn't hear anything like that at the mountain, but I'm not the kind of person to sit and talk to everyone I run into.

11-27-2006, 04:24 AM
thanks for double checking, great. things like that are very well appreciated by the likes of me who likes to test things out but is mostly always too lazy. :p

when i get the chance though, i will do some tests as well just to see what on earth that guy at mt. bur-omisace was talking about. did you guys remember hearing the same thing from him too? i talk to everyone when i go around and he mentioned that. that's why it was interesting to me.

No problem.

Anyway, yes one of the guys at mt bur-omisace said that, but i think he may have been talking about certain techniks like poach or things like that. I know for a fact that you can steal from flyers, 1000 needle flyers, and now i know we can mist flyers, all with melee weapons, so its probably only a few of the lesser used techniks. I barely use them though so i couldnt tell you for sure.

J. Peterman
11-27-2006, 08:01 AM
man i owned that esper like he was wine on kool-aid

11-28-2006, 12:47 PM
how do you unlock Telekinesis?

07-15-2009, 07:29 AM
yes yes I'm a newb to this site. but ive been playing final fantasy games for a loong time. Regardless, it is sold my a merchant in Necrohol of Nabudis, it's in the most northern part of Hall of Effulgent Light (the first area). there's a little square area there, go further in and you'll get to a place that's not on the map, examine when you see the '!' above you and a merchant will appear. He sells other things besides Telekinesis. :) Happy to help!! And just out of curiosity, when you were hitting with the first strand of 15 quickenings, did those party members have all of the magik potency augments? the second strand... damn idk why it hit for 0...

07-15-2009, 07:31 AM
This is a three year old thread. Please take a look at the dates of threads that you reply to. A good rule of thumb is to just reply to threads on the first page of a given forum.

Welcome to Shrine, though! :D