11-23-2006, 11:33 AM
What are the main uses of Gambits? For me, I use for example...‎

..‎(Foe is 100%) (Steal)‎
..‎(Ally < 70%) (Cura)‎
‎..(Leader Target) (Attack)
‎..(Nearest Enemy) (Attack)
‎..(Ally <30%) (First Aid)

What gambits you use? Give examples plz.‎

11-23-2006, 08:28 PM
I'm pretty far, and I've unlocked all the gambit slots, so here's what I've got...

Ally: HP<30%, Curaja
Self: HP<50%, Curaga
Ally: Status=KO, Arise
Ally: Any, Esuna
Ally: Status=Stop, Chronos Tear
Ally: Status=Disease, Cleanse
Ally: Status=Slow, Haste
Ally: Status=Oil, Handkerchief
Foe: Status=HP Crit, Poach (only turned on when trying to get gil)
Foe: Flying, 1000 Needles
Foe: Nearest, Attack
Self: MP<10%, Charge

11-23-2006, 09:54 PM
I'm not that far in the game yet, so I don't have a lot of great Gambits yet. I'm slowly learning to make better use of them though.

11-23-2006, 11:11 PM
Olde, try:
Foe: Flying -> telekinesis.

11-24-2006, 04:00 AM
Olde, try:
Foe: Flying -> telekinesis.

Don't have it yet, but I'll enable that when I do.

11-24-2006, 05:07 AM
I noticed that Vossler has Telekinesis within his ability-set. He always seemed to use it when on low HP.

11-26-2006, 03:46 AM
i compact most status ailment's to the very simple

Ally:any - Remedy

then i just make the chrono's tear and some other one that remedy can't deal with. (assuming you have all the remedy upgrades in the board)

11-27-2006, 03:35 PM
my gambits are....
(self: ) (hastega)
(ally hp<30%) (curaja)
(self: ) (faith)
(ally any: ) (bubble)
(self: ) (protectga)
(foe weak: lightning) (thundaga)
(foe weak: fire) (firaga)
(foe weak: ice) (blizzaga)
(foe weak: water) (watera)
(for: undead) (curaja) <----cause they always come in hoardes

One Who Suffers
11-29-2006, 01:17 AM
Are there some creatures that are booth weak to and absorb an element. Because that would be some major healing on the enemy if your gambits are set up like that.

11-29-2006, 02:17 AM
I beat the game with the most basic gambits:

Party Leader's Target -----Attack
Nearest Enemy-----Attack
Ally HP < 70% ----- Cura
Ally HP <30%------- Curaja

Everything else I did manually.

J. Peterman
11-29-2006, 02:24 AM
Ally: Any - Attack

soul ring
11-30-2006, 01:43 PM
Foe: undead - curaga
Foe: status oil - firaga
Foe: reverse
Ally: any - reflect
Ally: any - curaga

-- something is wrong with my gambits -- >.>

11-30-2006, 04:14 PM
since you are casting reflect it is making sure that before you cast curaga that your party has reflect so the spell never hits bounes off and hits the enemy...then you are using any on curaga so that means when one person loses even one hp you are casting it

Captain Pirate
12-01-2006, 11:40 AM
I beat the game with the most basic gambits:

Everything else I did manually.

Yeah I go back and forth between using a lot of gambits to switching to the bare essentials. I like to be in control of every move

01-28-2007, 07:26 AM
Hi, I'm new, my favorite gambit:

1- Ally hp<70% curaga
2- self - faith
3- foe nearest visible - Death
4- ally bubble
5- ally haste
6- foe syphon
7- self libra

using magic equipment and the embroidered tippet and only 1 character it's really fun.
the first time I use it was Ashe and I call it Ashe, The Reaper
the main objective was raise my lowest characters level fast and did it...

01-28-2007, 08:33 AM
Why would you use Ally Gambits with one character?

01-28-2007, 07:13 PM
I guess it doesn't really matter. Ally for lack of being bothered to switch it to Self.

01-30-2007, 02:41 AM
because I didn't had the self gambits and if I use more characters I dont have to chenge them

I also make a money making gambit using poach and steal is better than chain because you dont have to search the prey, always recive loot and items and if equip that accesory of the bandit always get lots of gil...