The Anti-Existence
11-23-2006, 10:50 AM
Jim Ross: Hello everyone. Once again this is Good ol’ J.R. coming to you with Jerry The King Lawler and King, we’re about to see one of the biggest slobberknockers in the history of slobberknockers.

King: You got that right, J.R.. That old has-been Hulk Hogan has challenged the famed antagonist Sephiroth to an all-or-nothing bout here tonight!

Jim Ross: Dunno if I’d call Hulk a “has-been” King but he may have bitten off more than he can chew here tonight. But perhaps the Immortal One can pull off a win and secure that Sephiroth stays dead in future games.

King: Not a chance, J.R.. We’re definitely gonna see the end of Hulkamania here tonight.

*Sephiroth stands at the ready, hair and black trenchcoat still in the arena atmosphere. The crowd is as silent as the grave too. The tension and suspense of the bout to come thickening the air. Hogan looks over, dressed in the red and yellow trunks and bandanna, his eyes calmly surveying the opponent he must defeat*

Jim Ross: And there’s the bell! Oh and I can’t even bare to think what will happen in this one!

*Sephiroth is a blur of motion as in no time he’s punched Hulk straight to the face. Hogan groans and stumbles back. Sephiroth, merciless, delivers a low blow to Hulk who crumples as the crowd boos loudly*

King: I love it! Hulkamania beaten in two moves!

*Sephiroth looks down at the old oddly-hairstyled figure now laying flat on the mat. He sneers. He figured he could “pin” him by impaling him on the Massamune. Out of nowhere, the sword materializes in his grip*

Jim Ross: Wait a damn minute! That’s illegal! Someone stop this!
King: Nuh-uh! This is what he’s had coming to him for years!

*Sephirtoh smirks down at Hulk, strutting over to place either leg on either side of the still form of Hulk Hogan. Then, a sound is heard. It starts low and rumbling like distant thunder but grows till its like being in the very middle of the worst storm of all time*

“Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Hogan!”

*Sephiroth frowns in annoyance and pays it no mind. Raising the sword, he aims the tip of the lengthy katana down and prepares to drive it through the heart of Hulk Hogan. The crowd’s chant reaches an all-time high as it descends rapidly towards Hulk’s body. But then, out of nowhere, a hand snaps up and seizes it. Sephirtoh blinks and applies more force but Hogan’s grip holds the blade firm and ineed he starts to push it AWAY from himself*

King: Impossible! More pressure, Sephiroth!
Jim Ross: No pressure or force in the world can stop him now, King! It’s HULKAMANIA!!!”

*Hogan looks up straight into Sephiroth’s strained features as he tries with all his might to force the blade into Hogan. Hogan, with seemingly no effort, snapped the tip right off the Massamune. The crowd gasped and Sephiroth stumbled back. Looking at Hulk in bewildered rage, Hulk merely got to his knees and shook his head, holding his face aloft to the ceiling while his wide eyes stared intently at Sephiroth. Sephiroth threw away the sword and landed a crushing blow straight to Hulk’s chest but Hulk shook his head one last time, blond hair waving as he did so and got to his feet*

JiM Ross: Oh yes! This is the power of Hulkamania!!!
King: Hit him again, Sephiroth! Powerbomb! Heartless Angel!! Something!

*Hogan marches around the ring, the fan’s roars now reaching a pitch that threatened to take the roof off the arena as Hulk shook his massive arms and HULKED up. Sephiroth, snarling, walked towards Hulk and landed a Demi3 right on him. Hulk, turned to look at Sephiroth and the spell did absolutely nothing. Hulk pointed a finger at Sephiroth and then shook it. Sephiroth went for another spell but was seized by Hulk who threw him into the ropes. Bouncing off them, his green eyes saw the heel of a yellow boot as it hit his face solidly*

Jim Ross: And the fans know what’s coming next! It’s time to wrap this up!
King: Get up! Move out of the way! Use the Lifestream!!

*Sephiroth lay immobile, incapable of moving as Hogan signaled to the crowd. The crowd screamed its approval and as Hogan gave one last sign and whipped off the ropes, the voices of Hulkamaniacs everywhere sounded out. His body lifted into the air above Sephiroth, hangtime and elevation surpassing anything that had ever been seen before, and brought down the infamous, unparalleled might of the Leg of Hogan/the Atomic Leg Drop right across Sephiroth’s head.

Rolling over, he crawled across him and hooked his leg*


*Hogan stood up as the crowd went absolutely insane. The Hogan chant was ear-splitting not only with the noise of it but the sheer intensity. Hogan gestured for a mic. He bent over and looked at the unmoving form of Sephiroth*

Hogan: Ya see, brother, me and all these billions of Hulkamaniacs don’t want you to come back. Your evil will never win against the power of Hulkamania. Now. *standing straight up, he looked around at the crowd* I know all those other FF villains are in the back watching this match. Yeah, you Sin. You Kefka. And I know exactly what you’re thinking!


11-23-2006, 11:20 AM
ROFL! I'm not sure whether you're drunk or incredibly bored, but that was bloody brilliant! :D

Hex Omega
11-23-2006, 03:27 PM
Indeed. Excellent. I lol'ed a lot.

11-23-2006, 04:22 PM
F'ing brilliant. I wanna see what happens with Kefka next!

11-23-2006, 04:26 PM
F'ing brilliant. I wanna see what happens with Kefka next!


Mario Kinnikuman
11-23-2006, 05:47 PM

The Anti-Existence
11-23-2006, 08:33 PM
F'ing brilliant. I wanna see what happens with Kefka next!

I'll get right on it. But it's Thanksgiving here so I won't be able to really work on it for sometime. But there will definitely be Hogan/Kefka.

11-23-2006, 08:38 PM
I think it's safe to say we're all really looking forward to it.

11-23-2006, 10:28 PM
When I was a kid and watched wrestling with my grandpa, the hulks costume made me think of ketchup and mustard, and then ultimately hot-dogs, and it made me hungry.